Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), July 31, 1957, p. 10

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fwr thi oiorobtowrn herald sja f uuuuorand mimcmi ernies radio mmstn 7srot jbk i flowers for every occasion dealest work speelartyl flowers by wire anywhere in the world norton floral pamftniws agrep whitelock reports on soit crop tour to bc this teal brick product is more impervious to ike ele- meats youll be aur- priatd too at the low cost ad lb speed of application k yoor present dwelling collctt qoikbrik aid quikstone 70 edward street g tr 71511 billgarbutt xi w the third annual tour sponsored ty the ontario soil and crop- im provement associatoln brought to gether 105 folk from all sections 61 ontario for the trip to british col umbia for your ac rep it was his first trip vest of sault ste marie andconsequently tt was an amaalng revelation despite what one learned in school or by read ing one has to travel across can ada to appreciate canadas tremen dous resources as one travelled by cfert across- northern ontario one sees a wilderness of trees dot ted with lakes and here and there sparse settlement theh on across the prairies t kamfoops where our programme really commenced two days were spent in the okanagan famous or its spates and other small fruits here our conception of the okan agan was rudely shattered prim arily this is an arid area which re ceives only some 1 or 14 inches of moisture per year instead of a rush vaueyfwe found a beautiful lake some 68 miles long and on the steep benches or shelves which rise steeply ir om uie snoreitsev arc the orchards or ranches irrigation is a must in the orchards and also for any cereal or hay crops the ranch land to ontario eyes is a barren hill or mountainside never theless they report that 29 to 40 acres will carry one cattle beast the water for irrigation purposes in the main is piped down from lakes up in the hills and as we recall the cost of irrigation per acre runs around 15 per acre per year exclusive of the necessary pipes required on the operators farm outstanding marketing facilities in the okanagan are three main towns or cities namely vernon kelowm and penticton each of which have a population of appro ximately 10000 all three are beautiful spots with community centres the equal of which we do not recall ever having seen in an ontario community of equal size it was our privilege to go through the kelowna growers ex change this is a cooperative fruit and vegetable packing and ship ping organization owned and dir ected by its grower members this growers exchange was founded in 1905 and is now the largest apple packing organization in the british empire and they own and operate the worlds largest apple cold stor age during our visit they were grad ing and packaging luscious sweet cherries many of which would find their way to markets in the prairie provinces as one visited thisplant one realized as never be fore why it is that the bc grow er is able to put such an attractive is able to put such an attractive pack on the ontario market inci dentally 15 to 22 per cent of the agricultural wealth of the province is produced in the okanagan scenery superb as one traverses this alpine province one finds oneself at a loss for words to convey the awe inspiring grandeur of it all snow capped mountains covered with trees up to the snow line swift running streams and beautiful lak es nestle in the valleys man can not help but feel small and humble in the presence of such grandeur we have all seen coloured films and slides depicting some of the highlights nevertheless one has to see with his or her own eyes to gain an appreciation of ljswnagnif- rcence parma in fra valley from chilliwack buses transpor ted the party through the fraser vedey which contains some 230 to 3w0q0 acres and represents ap- proximately 80 per cent of the ag ricultural wealth of bc ere the rainfallres we recall ranges from 00 to so inches coupled with that they have a fertile soil and the crops are little less than terrific xlelds of iso bus of oats to the acre are common in the main it is it valley of 40 to 60 acre farms with dairy cattle producing 08 to 70 per cent of its agricultural wealth in addition one sees orch ards of filberts fields of hops raspberries and strawberries twelve cuttings per year at springbank we were privir- eged to see something of one of the most modern dehydration plants in north america this plant has 800 acres most of which is orchard grass and ladino clover when we were there on july 12th they were taking off their fifth cutting and expected to get ano ther five or six cuttings at least which would give them approxim ately six manufactured tons of grass per acre per season not withstanding the heavy rainfall they also irrigate and commercial fertilizer is applied at around 13o0 lbs per acre so head of cattle at george dekonings 60 acre farm in the fraser valley wc found him carrying 50 head of cat tle 581 is the producer price for fluid milk testing 4 per cent 350 is the price for class 2 milk and 330 for class 3 milk on a 4 per cent bf basis in bc they have a seven cent differential for each point above or below 4 per cent on the farm in question the op erator has constructed a horizontal or trench silo this silo has a ca pacity of approximately 400 tons and is built of reinforced concrete with a roof over it incidentally the roof is in two sections and can be raised or lowered through the use of balanced weights ifgion by law clark once again death has taken member from ota branch this in the person of fred gilmer ied was one of the best liked men in pur branch and had been a mem ber since its earb days our sin cere sympathy to ids family and friends personalty we lost some one we considered a good friend and one who in nil the years we had known him we had never heard him speak of anyone in a de precating way fie had been a con stant member and will be missed by everyone we couldnt help but be impressed at the funeral service wednesday ty the high regard which those who worked for him and with him- mast have had a real indication of this was in the numbers they bunted out to his funeral particularly during a dif ficult time when his- firm was on vacation and so many were away he shall grow not old as we that are left grow old age shall not weary him nor the yean condemn at the going down of the sun and in the morning we will remember him i i well its happened the long expected deal has taken place and branch 120 the canadian leg ion has purchased the adjoining two properties that of the garage housing hewson motors and the liquor store and apartment over head this will give the branch ample room to expand their quar ters as well as giving them ample room for any proposed extension or growing membership with over four hundred members and the numbersteadily increasing it is j only a matter of time until some thing would have to be done so this should be by all means the best long term arrangement that could be made while the purchase has been ne gotiated actual transfer of the property will not be for a few weeks we dont mind admitting that we had hoped for over five years to see the branch eventually come to looking ahead for the day when we have five or six or even seven hundred and it will happen if the interest shown continues w have only contempt for the mem ber who says that we have reached our peak and will now decline to tun as it is needed wed like to congratulate utehranch on being so far sighted in procuring this property v true its a bag under taking but usually the person or group with big ideas is invari ably the one that succeeds while the other type who sits and shosits it cant be done or thats not the way we used to do itl is the party thats out of step with every one tl a number of our local branch members will be attending the twentieth biennial provincial con vention of the ontario comihasidl of the canadian legion in st ca tharines from august 4th to aug ust 8th they will join moretbran 4000 other delegates froth 500 branches representing nearly sev enty thousand ontario legion naires sunday august 4th will see the pajpade off nearly 2000 legionnair- res five bands and a massed color party which will end in morrteoel- 16 park famous br its rose gar den where a drumhead service win be held at 430 pjn the offi cial opening of the convention will tike place the same evening with the service of remembrance and brig milton gregg vcmc will officiate the business sessions of the con vention wiltbe held in the st ca tharines collegiate and vocational institute highlights of the con vention will include the presenta tion of the cnib eye bank the olympic training- program the university scholarships the public speaking contest for school chil dren and other community proj ects foremost in the business session will be reports and some 100 resolutions on veterans legis lation and other subjects which will be for the welfare of canad ian veterans to indicate the scope of legion activities in the prov ince during the last two years del egates will hear the reports from officers along with standing and special committees such as pro vincial president henry harvey of ottawa provincial secretary pat rick biggs honorary treasurer e k bunton ways and means con stitution and laws poppy public relations housing special pen sions organization and develop ment service bureau membership tvs citizenship scholarship special llb honors and awards and others the convention plans includo the inyontuaarfaroirvtf tochvth p s co f tte veteran picture around george- j d lhe chairmanship of hon vi town we might point out that less iwolht mtt travel notes thanksgiving holiday new york city specfaj tralst ressfwad ngta iweaasjwr swan ran free imasfcjmt fiefcef wvwsjalne 3850 w theatre tloyeja ivvi 1v iqvoiwo w paftl fati ocf 11 rt toremo ira t oct- is full parhajfvrsrat john it berber xhilfiilgitty- jmj ev 9wisiir strong on cooperatoin at mission city is located the delair plant of the fraser valley milk producers association this organization whose investment is five and onehalf million dollars had a gross turnover of 234 mil lion dollars in 1956 from 1017 to the end of 1955 this cooperative dairy organization provided to the members of the fraser valley milk producers association a total of 261319180 it was interesting to learn that 1124 per cent was paid as salaries and wage to ihe employees of the association 316 per cent for the hauling of milk in from the farms 1050 per cent for cans containers and other sup plies 1043 per cent for other ex pense incurred and finally 6366 per cent was paid to the shipper members it was also interesting to learn that the capital of the association has always been provided by the members themselves and so we might go on telling you more of this great province on the pacific perhaps next wetek we may get the opportunity to tell you of other highlights seen in vancouver victoria and last but not least kitimat- appoint fiewman for school safety patrols ll col wbg reynolds gen- erahmanager ontario saftey lea gue toronto announces the ap pointment of mr carl e laybourn as field representative to concen trate on the promotion of school safety patrols throughout the pro vince of ontario the appointment confirms the growing importance attached to the formation of school safety pa trols by the ontario safety lea gue a view shared by the depart ment of highways and the attorn eygenerals department carl laybourn has recently arr ived from england where he employed as divisional accident prevention organiser by the royal society for the prevention of acet- dents he was responsible for the road saftey campaign throughout northeast england and his work included the formation of accident prevention councils in each town and city on ieawiiqrthe royal society to come to canada there were nearly 200 accident preven tion councils carrying out a tinuous educational campaign la the are under hja control during the war he was in the royal air force for six years for two yean of which he was an ln srtructor at the eailpthent train ing school he wis also in cana da for nearly two years under use arlretraiiring schatxfe than 30 per cent of the veterans of this district are members of the legion and many many of them are only waiting to be approached by a member aaawaatown around our hall and quarters in general we might point out however this will not be carried out by the type of character who only comes around the place when he has a gripe or gets the idea that things are not being run to suit him that also fits the type who has the op portunity of attending meetini but does not do so and then hi the sheer gall and effrontery to question the decisions made by that said general meeting usual ly by questioning the intelligence of those who voted for the motion that he is not in favour of how often weve hearo that expression oh a person can swing anything if he moves it therell always be enough j k ses to vote for it we think this u just about the stupidest statement we have heard for while on small things where little is involved most peo ple go along possibly the crowdl does follow the leader but we have yet to sec any major issue in legion business that wasnt thor oughly discussed and argued over and where everyone had a good chance to speak their mind to our way pf thinking a man who devel ops that type of attitude is only fooling himself and showing very little respect towards his organisa tion or the rest of his comrades to get back to the building it gives the branch approximately another 5 to 6 thousand square feet of floor space compared to slight ly over 3000 we have now but of course we have two floors in our present building while there is only an apartment over the li quor store we believe that for the present nothing will be done about any ex pansion into the garage and it will be rented until such time in the fia- canadians last year ate 32js02- 000 gallons of ice cream or two gallons for every and child for the ontario safety league h will assist in the development off community safety councils and the fostering of driver education in the secondary schools -r- monuments daelgna ft ce4ery ettvinsveersbetmaed washoes a good display in stock wiacalxan 68 queen st wast brampton shop pasmsw res cat mm4s7 hl hs ken tom titcdl ha5oall ssssawassst j dunlop minister of education on monday evening entertainment for members anh the convention banquet will be held in the st catharines armouries which will include honour presentations to branch winners for 1956 branch of the year and monthly bulletins which will be followed by the con- party at the- legion auditorium other speakers at the convention program are the dominion presi dent dave burgess obe mc of ottawa the provincial president of the ladies auxiliary mrs liar garet richardson of toronto the hon charles daley minister of labour for ontario well try nd give you a full report on the legion convention in next weeks column i i i we were most surprised to find out how large these pleasure ships travelling to bennu- da really are some time ago john fat pants patterson told us be was going there by boat and natural ly we snorted cwe being chub and the boys that boats had not yet been built to carry a cargo like that we admit we were wrong enroute we still think they must have knocked down a wall into an adjoining cabin to get him all in though too bad that youre away last week and this scotty we wanted to have you write this col umn instead of writing it ahead of time as this is being done we are all sure your columns would have been highly interesting see the ecoomical mm st snidebaker hawk at hicken 4 oaprlam corner maple ave and tthurae tttanflle 73952 insurance travel real estate walter t evans co triansle 72512 mill street serving your community for oven 30 hes plumbing ken new bthmoms installed or remodelled charlie nash mcdowell water svstems s kino street east regraofniggtl trsaaatjie 7swtt we service the vlsiofl all makes radios record players cat radios afmjances usttit ernies radio 24 years serviang trtilagls 7r70i pr0du ts ltd readymix concrete large stock of plywoods masonry cement plaster insulation rock lathe nails sewr pip sheathing papers and irtsul board opetl monday tuesday wednesday trrtsday mmmy ooajavtospja tr- 72519 arrastromg ave saturday m am to mj w v j

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