Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), September 18, 1957, p. 6

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the ceoroktown herald wednesday eve sept 18th 1987 page the georgetown herald aerviua iho communities of georgetown otenwuuams norval umehouse hornby stewarttown ba1umafad i ashgrove terra cott a waiter c biehn subscription rate 300 a year single copies 8c each advertising rates quoted on application the herald is printed each wednesday in the office at 22 main st georgetown publisher a nd editor staff garfield l mtagilvray bob baskertille leslie m clark dve hasting corey herringtan jr ken coweh mrs aileen bradley terry barley authorised as second class mail post office depl ottawa member of the canadian weekly newspaper association arid the ontario division of the cw4na tina georgetown is a sad town today- tre bf aaain street as the four corners that they tina licatfl could count berifiends in the did not have the same opportunity as ower geor- hundredh and seldom has there been such a gejowriers to know a woman whose personality widespread expression ofgrief as news of her could best be described by the oftmisosed word sudden death spread chrarm newer residents might know tina only as a a lady of simple tastes and a big heart- a name as the wife of a man whose public ser- eulogy would be thejast thing tina would ex- vice has earned him the title of mr georgetown pect or want the above is not so intended it it is their misfortune that they did not live here is just to let her know that we and countless when licatas fruit market was as much the cen- others will miss her a 64 dollar question on saturday members of the town council will spend the afternoon hours visiting the water works building disposal plant and other civic- saved the work under way at the european organization for nuclear research cern located in geneva is the last step in a continuing process of jure research stretching over many years directed neither to the explo sive or commercial uses of nuclear power this work if succssful will result in a greater understanding of the basic facts of the universe the organization set up tinder the sponsorship of unesco is the first european institution for collaboration in this field its staff mainly scientists and technicians have been recruited from the twelve member states the cern program is concentrated on two machines which will provide europe with unhjue facilities for the study of an ajntost entire ly new branch of nuclear research hornby at the 800 fee for councillors removes 64 from the public treasury which could well be owned properties the trip will be a valuable one for if is not always that a councillor gets around to such a tour on his own and it helps him in a difficult job if he is well acquainted with behind-the- scenes activities of all municipal services one could be mildly critical however of designating the tour as a council meeting which while no dollar value can be placed on pub lic service we think that payment for the weekly 1 monday meetings and the occasional midweek meeting sufficient recompense lor any out-of- pocket expense which might befall a councillor in his public duties saturdays tour might better have been considered as a committee meeting in our opinion with no cost to the public purse a booster for georgetown a fine tribute was paid to edward wodson in an editorial in saturdays toronto telegram where for many years he served as music critic it is only proper that the herald should join in this tribute for mr wodson was a sterling booster of georgetowns musical talent during his many years as a summer resident here he had devoted several of his columns in the city paper to various aspects of life in as he termed it arcadee and he had particularly complimented both the lome scots band and the girls pipe band on many occasions- in its tribute the telegram has this to say for a quarter of a century and more until his retirement in 1953 edward wodson was known to the readers of the telegram under the pen name of yenmita they knew him as a mus ic critic with a loving passion for music and who wrote of it like a poet he used words as a vir tuoso uses an instrument with artistry and e o- tion mr wodsons reviews were more than ordi nary criticisms they were interpretations in which he drew meanings out of the music he heard meanings founded on a profound know ledge of music and on a philosophy of life that pursued perfection because he was a philoso pher he knew that perfection was unattainable and recognizing this limitation he was a kindly critic though his standards were high he never demolished a performer who fell short of them he appreciated what the performer was trying to opress and iri his constructive way his criti cisms sought to give encouragement always knew when a superb performance had case dealer sponsors implement showing a caseorama demonstration by j i case co assisted by mr al sitnpson their hornby- district salesman proved to be quite a the maiibig assistance at fire js appreciated by firemen dear sir on monday september 2nd la bour day it was the duty of the members of georgetown fire de partment to answer calls to the success on monday evenng sept q james mccaruiy j t0 9th they provided thcr own ligh- 1 the farm of gordon kwl both ting and i loud speaker system nd minutes of each otner first we the members of the music could be heard all around while the crowd was gathering af- dcpartment do appreciate the re- ter the implements were demon- c the rcsidenu did to stratcd everyone had lunch at the truck on its orange halt lucky draws were l fircman has a d ty to won by brock howard mrs patter- j and assistant by kee- son mrs mccrcady and harold i rqad f clear of lawrence i and trucks is very essential birthday grcetngs to lorne ella d h apartment who will celebrate his birthday on perform the duties they have obli jged themselves to do september 21st congratulations to mr and mrs sccond thc mcmbers ge- oage laursen kathleen saunders i mcmbcrs of acton depart- on thc birth of their son on sepi who a lhfse toirtbcr 14th j fires to those who carried water peggv iec had the measles last week and susan firexton has been ill and home from school for a way our thanks to milton department who under mutual aid association of halton county stool by at our fire hall week ivnne and wavnc ellis are stay ins with mr and mrs il saun ders for a wek while their par- j i exits take a motor trip thc september meeting of the hornby women institute wai held at thc hmc of mrs l sampson on wedncday evnin the jlth inst there was a kixxi attencianci and readers several visitors were welcomed in eluding a former jnemlrtr mrs s been given for then mr wodson was lyrical in th mrs kiim11 kini his praise was in charge and opened tin- he was a kind and charming man with an w f institute ode and iir x mirv stewart collect mrs f oldworld grace and a classical facility for con i i r 3 hrain secretary read ine minutes versation his death at 82 following a streetcar am correspihihcnrc accident will be deeply regretted by music lov- 1 mrs ionltin itohinsim as chos en as the dclrgatc to th- confer thirdly to those who offered and kave firemen sandwiches cookies and coffee many thanks thc iced tea which goes o well at a hot fire was of the- best so much so that the demand was greater than the supply your continuation of cooperation anil respect such as m witnessed un monday september 2ml i i1 uiteil anl should result in our fire lusso liciny held to a minim um thunkinr jou leoryetown kie ivpartment clarence spence secretary iqolf atosmawa while the rerahw ladiea daw was rained oat at north batten coif dob last tuesday six of the members travelled to casharwa to take part in a tnwr imi nt mrs john beu had low net on the 2nd flight and mrs stewart young low net on the 5th flight eleanor salter mrs norman urchmentt mrs iijpmrt ward and marjpjfy mailmi tembera of tneoahawa on ftidary mrs beb and mn ward were ansucceaafut in bring ing prhtes name from an ontario tournament at york mills known as the better ball tball stroke competition- directory lx dental surgeon t xbat mill street tjl 74871 r komr pbactice or dernstry xray triaiigle3641 main street georcetown nr gxcu njl oif cluivfmacjac anwai natwwnhi 43rd year of practice 35 jua closed ihnarsdaja laanr afltonoant 164 guefanhi st- georgetown trungle 7812 s m fauhisk ro optometrist mcnamaia jewhijrs gfmkrfcaiowb w7 h moos and raiph daves accredited plc accoaatantx 65 main st n georcetown ssl 733s1 office hours 9 ajn to 5 pjn mondays to fridayi w hcarr georgetnwa ontario beau 81 prince charles dr oftice goelph st telephone tr 7ssoo for expert eye caie consult a t walker s main sl north brampton over abella drag store gl 1m74 res gl 16243 hours 8 ajn to 6 pan daily evenuuss by appointment georgetown c w say dvjm 106 gnelnh street opposite armstrongs garage tr 7z741 fnnk petdi ucensed auctioneer prompt service po box 413 tr 72864 georgetown foolish to protest i no one likes staggered school sours any less than parents who have been through fhem and we can sympathize with those who are alarmed that georgetown will once more have to resort to them for a time however there are some things which must be left to a higher authority to decide and one must assume that the public school board will examine every avenue of approach when schools become overcrowded and choose the course which the board considers wisest from a combin ed educational and economic angle a lengthy protest to council by a resident last week about the possibility of staggered clas ses could have no effect other than to point out the temporary difficulties which a growing town ers by artists by a wide circle of friends faces even should the provincial education de partment allow school building in excess of the immediate student requirements which it does not a school board would be- in equal hot water if it constructed schools and engaged teachers in excess of current requirements we can be thankful that in georgetown we have a progressive group of men elected to look after school affairs who will do everything in their power to do the best job with what they have to work with as new houses are built and new citizens arrive they will be making their best effort to cope with growth and educational facilities will not suffer for any protracted period we are sure l better meats hove taken over the former cleave meat market on main street grand opening thursday september 26th and not as formerly advertised due to the fact we are iixifufig our alterations mare extensive than previously your comfortable shopping convenience ence bein held at the oac in canine movie stars juiiph seplemher 24 and 25 ar owned by acton mam ranticments were made for the acton has reached fame in the play at milton air movie field with the representation mrs king introduced miss joan f shepherd dogs own wngglesworth who took the ladies ed and trailed by fred pfeifle of on a picture toy of her trip to the acton british isles she first told how ivince and nireer as the dogs she was chosen to represent ilalton named are playing in a regal junior farmers on thc exchange j film production a boy and his visit and then showed pictures she dog starring lryearold anthony- had taken in scotland england and b brown of willowdale ireland some o thc places shown also on location with mr pfeifle were easily recognized by two ofj a dog named frigga which was the ladies present mrs brain than- purchased from mrs f mccart- keri joan and the meeting closed np of r r 4 milton with the queen a pleasant social time was spent over a cup of tea served by mrs s may mrs king and mrs sampson members of tile barbq commit tees met at thc orange mall on for the past two weeks prince has been performing in front f the cameras in the role of a canine jicro while nigger plays the part of the canine villain both dogs have received many a life without love saturday evening september 14th awards and trophies for their per- mr alfred bngclcn was in charge formances at dog shows and this of thc meeting thc assistant new venture is an added feature treasurer mrs kdward robertson to their achievements was called to make a financial re- port which was very surprising and pleasing to all a motion by mr fred near see- a life without love is like ashes bnded by mr cliff wrigglcsworth heaped on a deserted hearth that the park board wishes to ex- theyre grey and barren and use- press their thanks to all organiza- less i tion members of thc scotch block wit hout fire nor beauty nor wi ashgrove wi ashgrove warmth young peoples norval junior a from farmers hornby s stepheaa wa u winpr ornby united church w a ami ornby wi st stephens guud hornby orange idgc hornby ro yal black preceptor 895 hornby ball clubs thc trafalgar police boys band the program entertain ers mr mcduffeo for his pa system mr butts florists and ev eryone who helped and gave their support birthday grottlngtlo donny les lie who will be four years old on september 20th mr and mrs f a anderson spent the weekend with mr and mrs jack coekshutt at honey har bour david aselton was knocked from his dicycle on monday at the horn by corner on bin way home from school by a car and luckily wraa not injured new life is waiting there a life that is radiant with sunshine warm with thc beauty of love nourished by service to mankind is faithful to god above but a heart that is torn with pas sion tormented by burning desire should remember that shimmering sunshine flics far from its orbit of fire gloria g browne the hornby dfenior boys hall team playing in the semifinals with fcnwick lost the game there on thursday night 103 bat won the second game43 onsaratrday afternoon at hornby they play at fcnwick on thursday night monuments pollock ox campbell designs on request inspect our work in greenwood cemetery diove 2046 62 water street north g a l t rwfat r hamilton ke optometrist office bonus 10 ajn 6 pjn daily evngs by appt phone tr 73971 north side of highway no 7 east of dominion seed house tom van sickler ba barrister solicitor a notary 19 main st s tr 74531 former hydro bldg i prevent chimney fires us fir chief chemical chimney cleaners to eliminate soot and scale from your stoves and pipes the smaller the flame the more soot and carbon for use in oil coal and wood fired units for sale at halton coop supplies lviaunce m w t ba barrister solicitor and notary public tr 73464 office mill sl georgetown walter h pope cpa ac3s certified public accountant licensed municipal auditor 39 main st south tr 74821 after hours tr 74979 lever hoslcin ch acco si main n brampton glendale 14824 victoria st toronto phone e3i 49131 dale bennett barristers and solicitors leroy dale qc 19u19s8 sybil bennett qc 193019s6 douglas v latiaaer ba tfiiangle 73381 mill st georgetown hewsonord helson solicitors 39 main st south beside knox church 120 goelph st hunter bids no 7 hwy george c hewson john d ord frederick a helson tr 72246 tr 79781 earl g black b comm ria ca chartered accountant 182 main st- milton ont triangres5562 tf robert w fletcher bailiff prompt reports vailey 72314 r- r 1 bronte jk vdlxj2 stoijjer as co 2ublir arratnadands anitttors asn uontptuni ecreiarirn trustees in bankruptcy commissioners for oaths tunnli breaaswen q undssr rnnslon fella cl 14485 tr 74711 fa 43404 georcetown office 21 main st lk 2568b 111 s chiropractic cuinic tuesday ia bum i aajthisdaytlx nuav satokdavx m uaftw um wgjaasanaijmam wnsrxzri jr r ivmwpwbiw stz jsa23sq3taraaccihi yomriyjtt

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