Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 13, 1957, p. 1

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j w sixteen pages georgetown qmtajuo wednesday iaw 1s7 what council mo tt encage engineering firm to seek more town water international water supply ltd was engaged by the town ik council at its monday meeting to find additional supplies of waiter for future industrial and residential needs with cr garfield mcgilvray the only member favouring retaining the services of dominion drilling which engineered the two previ ous wells the vote for the onew firm was unanimbus cr mcgilvray said he would no oppose hiring the luteiuattowf al firm because a new water source is urgent but thai he thinks money could be saved by retaining a firm which already knows the terrain reeve stan allen boosted engag ing international detailing a visit to brampton last week to see work being done there town engineer form new mns odb at st johns ufa social and personal miss carol francis was among the guests at the huron college ball university of western on tario london on friday evening miss marilyn bell of sarnia spent the weekend with her parents mr and mrs john bell 79 main st s st johns united chases mr and mrs j p kirkwood 4 club got away to a goad pauline st have av their guests then- first dinner meeting this week their daughterinlaw st johns memorial halt mrs james kirkwood of marsdea i a evening novemb huh lie saskatchewan and her mother w of caur mrs j n woods of london j mel delicious turkey an m miss gail mcgilvray had as her h ff guest for the week end miss vi- the s- vien laurin of lachute quebec v sccjion wm carr said the arm itjequipaient job is substantial saving to despite the hehef that town gallons of water daily lion and reeve allen said there water shortage last at onetune an at sslvercreek another well b to sumption expected and at town is to expect large water supply ed he said water explorations via cast an to 1m100 according to the con tract signed with the bran a mo tion to have ontario provement corporation hade de bentures to be issued by cr ern hyde who said the water department saaum poor costs out of revenue but was sanv ported by other mes to georgetown as council approves the bylaw constable tom dube and his bride- lofs thompson rtwrried last month in holy rosary rectory aaiton the groom ramae stat with the opp in town is the son ofaar and aars earl dutfbe arrwierstburg mrs dube is the daughter of mr and mrs ross thompson 11 durham st georgetown da holborn milton muse xm for church oat heating system a wery successful community sale was wm on saturday afternoon at f gan mcfarlane to say grace alter nfc charca the weather was not a fellow student at alma college i pp men in st thomas en route home from a bermuda honeymoon mr and mrs j langton adams of vancouver bc spent last week visiting with his mother mrs muriel adams and sister mrs betty jamieson 82 guelph st they spent one day in ajax where they visited mrs jamiesons daughter mrs gene leonard and her new baby dau ghter trevor lloyd edward st who spent a few days at home after completing a job in edmonton for the wells organization left yester day by plane for cows head newfoundland he will conduct a financial campaign there for an anglican parish which has 11 mis sions in the vicinity mrs alfred collins cuelph st and mr and mrs gordon hilts glen williams spent sunday in kitchener with mr and mrs george biyth and family while there they attended the confirm ation services in the church of the holy saviour whn karen biyth mrs collins granddaughter and mrs hilts goddaughter was con firmed as a member of the angli can church there were forty- nine members in the confirmation class margaret thompson daughter of mr and mrs ray thompson king street entertained at a birthday party her ninth at the home of her parents on saturday novem ber 9th her guests were judy calder diane foster heather bar ber lois willems peggy tylor mary mcnamara widge jane mcfarlane lloyd reid glen rae david farneu donald ellison and bobby gra- am jim armstrong bead tae s gaed hot the sum of 200 was a good sing bcfaoad mlhiaed and the committee would shrubsole was the able 11 iimwumi- date 1 express their thanks to all ist at the piano tdbase who so generously donated in jack van winssen actios aaar way towards this project and behalf of the group tkanaed taea very special thank you to frank ladies for the delightful saaaer j fwsda the auctoineer who kindly the guest speaker for out even- 1 wasaoed his services the entire pawnees is to go towards the in- crf a new oil heating sys- sn die church a meeting was a monday night to consider headers and to hear reports from tttae caaisssers mr muckarts ten der was accepted taw croup of hunters from the omnanosity which included j w sbwfw sam snow vic swindle- fcttcra rav swindlehurst reg fyvmrh dick shortill jr angus foreign cwrespoadrall anv- mceacbero and art saunders re ing opened an office m hone kara mnndca cm the weekend and report he explained the cost of awvk fairlv good luck coverage the difficultie oet aaune- osbgratolittions to mr and mrs diate news coverage and the pi pami wilson on the birth of their ing ability to have more and marc mm ryan arthur at the guelph hos- immediate news coverage o aefte- aritah vision as well as radux mrs j nt black and billy and he also told of the nwinhafc mil bwhy spent the week end in for that sometimes are encoombered in snts the carrying through of tine task avanembranfe day was observed his illustrations were ry inter- thj morn service at ballina esting and very 1 iiljmlat iiaagi cfcat the hymns and the mr gunning stressed that aim werp keep8 with the is not entertainment eat the ai- the choir sang god of ing of honest p information he stressed freedom of the great fr ing introduced by was mr charles news staff of the cbc nator of news car the television broadcasts mr gunning tom of the gsmh expanded news service af the cbc on both radio and tetemsoan aam having foreign correspondent in important centres of the wwrul william stevenson is the tomks recent the weather mr editor yes that white stuff was snow the first to stay this season ern batkin date max m n snow and rain moo nov 4 45 39 206 tues nov s 45 36 wed nov 6 51 28 thurs nov 7 54 2 r33 tri nov 8 55 37 r46 sat nov 0 38 28 s 1 sun nov 10 33 18 r average 4s 31 r85 si i what council dl engagements mr and mrs john graham of acton wish to announce the en gagement of their daughter carol to john edward hulme son of mr and mrs sid hulme of georgetown the marriage to take place in st josephs catholic church arton on saturday november 30th at 10 oclock am dear fred ross thanked the for his very bob hamilton ing for of the dub tee bob hamilton darlene lb dick h winssen stewart pearce porter were asked fee plans for the d to bring in a slate wf recommend club considering the pialnpaoll united churchmens chth terests of local after rev w c closed the meeting with an enjoyable time was aetal in aa informal way many af the- aaea got around the piano and hod aj good sing coffee tknr fathers two minutes silence and arrayer were followed by the f the national anthem dwdcan gibson had the misfor- come in contact with a las new car on sunday n the 9th line consider- was done to the front and radiator kabbaafad young peoples union ashgrove and george at the church sunday evening mire alan neelon was chairnan and charge of a singsong marj- larrae gibson was in charge of the mwsjmp service a film the faith l a gay was shown and a dis- nassiaa followed georgetown pre- semflwd a musical number and gam- es untd lunch losed a pleasant ev- v 6row as rmi fmtik formed builders meetins is shelved till auditor gives his opinion on again off again seems to be the story of a proposed meeting between council and north halton builders association to discuss a proposition by the association to for a stock company to spur build ing activities in town a week ago monday after a dis cussion with harold bairstow sec retary of the association council intimated that a joint meeting of the two groups would be arranged this past monday the matter was shelved for the time being un til an opinion on the builders plan asked from town auditor h a le ver is received another submission to council which has met with little success is a request for voting by wards which is beinfi promoted by eajt georgetown ratepayers associa tion on monday bernard cassell said he would like to see cr harry hale prepare another motion and put it to a vote two weeks ago cr hale found no seconder for the proposal- and the matter was shelved no action was taken monday af ter the request last week there was some dis cussion on rheckine of parking me ters when cr mcgilvray reported a citizen had tola him he checked one day and found a violations am ong 14 cars parked in a block stewartdixon wedding fakes place at perth donna ceche dixon daughter of mr and mrs cecil dixon 97 moun- tainyiew road became the bride of wilbur graham stewart son of mr and mrs herbert stewart of dufferin street perth on satur day november 2 in the salvation army citadel perth the citadel was decorated with yellow mums and blue cornflowers major williahi ross assisted by mr f s obrien officiated at the ceremony which took place at two thirty oclock mrs f s obrien played the organ and captain trus- sell was the soloist she sang the lord is my shepherd prior to the service and consecration during th signing of the register the bride given in marriage by her fathre chose a floor length gown of lace fashioned with a drop ped waistline trimmed at the back with a large satin bow the gown was topped with a matching lace bolero jacket her illusionveil fell from a headdress of mother of pearl andyshe wore a string of pearhv mer flowers were red and white ruses gail dixon was her sisters at tendant in a blue bouffant nylon gown her flowers were yellow mums and blue cornflowers harry stewart brother of the groom was groomsman and bob dixon the brides brother was an usher as was bob scott the wedding reception was held in the citadel the brides mother receiving for her in a navy suit with navy accessories with a white orchid corsage she was assisted by the grooms mother who was- gowned in black and white with a white orchid corsage for travelling the bride chose a suit of brown with light flecks brown accessories and a corsage of bronxc mums they motored thru the states mr and mrs stewart will live in perth where he is em ployed with the municipality mrs stewart was an employee of flex- onics of brampton mrs william hill john st en tertained for the bride prior to her marriage with a miscellaneous shower at her home mr stewarts bowling club in perth also honour ed them with a shower a year and a halfs work by georgetown planning board cul minated in passing of a town min ing bylaw on monday by coundl the bylaw 1 published in its entirety in theq herald a year ago has been under discussion by both planning board and council since that time several changes have been made in the original draft though none of a major nature jt was a historymaking night as for- tfie first time a planned sys tem of zoningbecame law nnf- iforth there will be restrictions on where stores and factories can be located as well as definite regu lations concerning house building in various areas which range from rl the top bracket for houses to r4 where less land area and multiple dwellings are allowed the bylaw passed monday is subject to- final approval by the ontario municipal board before it becomes effective this bylaw is not the endall by any means said mayor ann- strong as he commented briefly at the meeting in etobicoke he said there have been 114 amend ments to the original zoning by law and georgetown can expect to make changes in future the planning board led by chairman ed wilson were all present at the meeting and re ceived commendation for their work from council although he voted for the by law cr ern hyde expressed dis appointment that georgetown is making the sainechistakes as th- ronto did in allowing houses to be erected on too small lots if cost of land is shooting up housing costs then there is some thing wrong with our economy he said i dont agree with crowding people into small areas it is wrong for this town and for this country and i hope we will be able to do somejhkig about it in future mayor armstrong said th he agreed with cr hyde in theory but that the national economy is complex and no matter how much one might want certain things it is not always possible to have them asked by bernard cassell rep resenting east georgetown rate payers about stop signs for the rex wayprince charles corner council saidrthat a study is being made of the area and action will be taken when this is completed mr cassell said he thought council had misinterpreted a pre- vious request for street signs in the new subdivision it is not the ratepayers intentions to ask for complete signs but only a few here and there so strangers can get their bearings when looking for a street he said requesting town help in level ling land at edward and byron sts for a skating rink again this year mr cassell was told that this would be done lions turn over 3000 to swimming pool fund what council did council votes 300 aid to giris pipe band callander relatives fete mr mrs jos martin rev alex calder officiated at a wedding on wednesday afternoon november 6th when audrey mary grieve 25 queen st daughter of mrs grieve and the late thomas grieve became the bride of joseph martin 6 chapel street the son if mrs martin and the late donat martin of callander the bride chose a simple street length gown in turquoise crystal- ette with black accessories and she wore a corsage of bronze mums and talisman roses mrs jean lock- hurst was her attendant gowned in old rote with black accessories and a corsage of yellow carnations go don reid of glen williams was t groomsman mrs grieve received for her daughter at their home after ihc ceremony relatives and close fa mily friends were present mrs grieve was gowned in gray taffeta with black accessories and a cor sage of mauve mums mr and mrs martin went to his family home in callandar for thir wedding trip while there they were entertained by his family and financial assistance of 300 was granted to georgetown girls pipe band by council monday af ter jim jones and george hewson appeared for the lions club to ask aid mr jones explained that the miscellaneous lions arc assisting the girls in re organizing the band which has been selfsufficient in the past but which is badly in need of new uniforms and cannot raise all the money by playing engagements with the lions still working on fund raising for the community swimming pool he said it is not possible for the club to give fin ancial assistance at the present time council decided that as the citi zens band receives a yearly 1500 grant and a donation was also made this year to the brass and reed band assistance should also be given to the pipers who have publicized georgetown in both canma and the states with their playlng engagements ed on a fridav nieht said mavor mr and mrs s sedgewick kingston announce the engage ment of their daughter jean to j lodge laches don g mccrae son of mr and mrs h mccrae of market street georgetown the marriage will take place on saturday november 30th in the kingston baptist church at three oclock was seirved wj the ladies tre sin ieonetown brownie first olment on j armstrone the merchants asked uttt j i i n ot narkim at entertainers lose way t ch t 5n busy times and frirlav nights friends at dinner and an evening i wasnt intending to mention rp where they received many it but i heard a similar rompaint kifts prior to her marriage mrs from a ratepayer that this hanncn- imartin was honoured at present a mr and mrs thomas s wames 8 victoria crescent announce the engagement of their daughter marilyn to david hastings son of mr- and mrs f c hastings to ronto the marriage will take place on saturday december the seventh at four oclock in st georges anglican church george town notice tve marriage of lauratouise treble and john dpnaldl tomlin- soh which was tojtase taken place in sl george4 anglican chuirieh on december the antli has been tejnpprajilyportnonedrr pdk is under the leadership of etevnro owl mrs bruce harley and losing their way en rounr- oram tawajy owl mrs ed faris toronto to georgetown a gpwan off mrs charlie day president of entertainers booked to apnewr at he ladies auxiliary of the cana the annual ladies night at oeottt wxan legion presented the pack afllmui ttfhc masonic lodge arrived party was over last the troupe of singers aad auasur- ians had played an earthur mntin th city that day planned to arrivelpav ua present their showfiai knaa hall taking the wrong tana tdwey travelled via miiti an acton arrived too late tom niven master off the- h was toastmaster for the which followed a tarntjr and proposed toasts tat the and the craft rl wor bro boss mkaan burgh answered a toast tn lodge proposed by bw on the ladies aterw bra cecil a brownie toadstool on behalf af tdae auxiliary and gave them west washes she was thanked by jtes paris cm guide commissioner mrs nwroaan marchment took charge of the aneating and enrolled eighteen 4sjhafter the ceremony the sang songs and played ach was then served and alex calder closed with pra- j enrolled were peggy mar- martin heather barber linda cuthbert pat barber jane emmer- sgy anne given anne bar- fired n faaane cass brenda elliott hjcaarwl wright muriel meekison lias graft jeoan cocksy janet twntawsg aad margaret gilchrist jl4 j-si- 1 should be closely checked cr ern hyde said it is difficult for the police to be on duty every minute unless one man can be put in complete charge of checking me ters there will be no slidine rule about checking meters was the op inion of dollce chairman fred har rison if there is only one car parked on main street and it is violating the time limit it will get a ticket he promised lions and a miscellaneous shower mrs russell mcclure and mrs lean lockhurst were hostesses at the mcclure home on temple rd two cars collide in guelph street acc1dent a two car collision oppislte kays grocery on guelph street resulted in approximately 75 damage last saturday afternoon to cars owned by mrs v shaw 112 guelph st and william cha if el thexaccident occurred as the latter vehicle was backiogout of a driveway cat nels trafford in vestigated coop displays products at annual open house about 2o0 local and district peo ple visited the open house at the halton coop 45 guelph st last weekend despite the far from ideal weather conditions mrs charlie harris wife of the coop general manager and mrs howard coles whose husband manages the local sinch served coffee to the custo- rs who showed great interest in the coops display of electrical ap plianccs and farm supplies sev eral of the companys directors were in attendance winners and prizes of a lucky draw were dave lawson milton olf starter joe ross r r 3 georgetown 2 gallons of anti freeze bill cohoon lhnehouse 1 case of salt licks john ruddeuvpf ashgrove a 300 voucher jim clark norval 1 gallon of motor ch jean mackensie terra cotta 1 gallon w motor oil presenting allan norton so licitor douglas latimer withdrew a previous offer of 2500 for a townowned property on maple ave explaining that as it has not been zoned commercial a de lay in building what he plans would entail extra financing a new offer of 2000 was made by mr latimer oily councillor in favour of accepting the 2000 was fred harrison who wrote a motion but failed to find a seconder cm ern hyde said he would still be agree able to selling the property for 2500 but that he thought council would look silly if a reduced offer was accepted limehouse j av iuj x attends presbytery meeting at islington mr t h price spent last week end with mr and mrs gordon price at islington and attended the west toronto pyesbytery meeting in patterson presbyterian church on tuesday last week miss doris mitchell was home from toronto for the weekend pinegrove we are pleased that mr mills is f home following an abdominal opera albert hunters are lion in guelph general hospital a farm forum hosts the balance due on the com munity swimming pool was cut to 4700 last tuesday when the geor getown lions qub turned over approximately 3000 to the fund at their regular dinner meeting in the legion hall the amount raised by the recent 655 lucky car draw and jamboree the winner of the car s russo of willowdale also contributed a cheque for 2500 about 504 tickets were sold on the car the club hopes to eliminate the balance in the early spring and have the pool completely paid for by the opening next summer the members and committees respon sible for making the jamboree draw a success were thanked for their great work by president dick riddall the next fund raising project will be the santa claus parade and poultry draw being held sat urday dec 14th one week ear lier than in previous years tic kets are now on sale from the dub members who hope this years parade will be bigger and better than ever plans for the parade are well in hand according to a report by chairman tom reid ernie ajcott is in charge of ticket sales several members attended the credit valley conservation au thority meeting in sl johns hall last friday night the club will be starting their interclub visits soon and the schedule has already been drawn up by the chairman jim jones peter mcwuliams of milton representative of the north hal ton unit of the canadian cancer society was the guest speaker for the evening and was introduced by ernie alcotl mr mcwilliams gave an interesting talk on cancer and how to detect and help fight it by immediate medical care to illustrate his talk he showed two short films on the subject the lions were shown how the spread of cancer can be lessened and how it can strike anyone at any time dick miller thanked mr mcwilliams deputy district governor russ vickcrs will be paying the local club an official visit at the next dinner meeting tuesday nov 19 in the legion hall five new members will be inducted at that time 1 1 s week ago last tuesday the harry snaethursts of barrie visited his mother a week ago and on sunday she had the j a smeth- ursts of islington the calvin mcdonalds of elm- wood visited the kirkpatricks dur ing the weekend the wl met at the home of mrs kirkpatrick on thursday with mrs w wheeler of toronto as the guest speaker the aw beatons visited her aunt and uncle mr and airs geo pearson in muto un sunday pinegrove fanm forum held their meeting at the home of mr and mrs albert hunter the mem bers were glad to welcome mr and urs collins mr harold smellie iavtway deer hunting mrs arthur brain ai5d harold visited with mr and mrs william brain for the weekend we were sorry to hear mrs fra- er mcnabb has been ill in hospital nd wish her a speedy recovery there still seems lb be a little of he w duo-le- i

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