Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 13, 1957, p. 16

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1h1 mnmiwim hrftald wednesday brenlnfc nor 8th ww s to 100 store 11 main st n it 72410 pattersons chocolate coated pattercrisp lb 57c a 3day skoal misses donegal tweed 398 sisez 12 16 boys buckeye flannel linebr jeans pr 298 c o l a a niv oinii sizes 8 16 a 3 day skoal misses and ladies skirts lijnportad fabrics loomed in england straight cwfand gored colours brown navy black sizes 12 18 298 sizes 38 44 398 box of 51 christmas cards with envelopes a 3day special childrens ladybird long drawers age 4 to 6x pair age 8 tol4 pair sleeveless vests size 2 4 6 short sleeved vests size 2 4 6 139 179 69c 79c for canadian textiles a tjtihvtb of last friday night the lesion in georgetown held their regular armistice night supper with the hall filled to capacity each year this is the most looked for event in thie legion s busy schedule and ag ain proved no exception an esti mated crowd of 290 was present the dinner opened with grace and a toast to her majesty prop osed by padre rev k- richardsoni a wonderful tujkey dinner was served by the ladies of the wa who each year do this very neces sary and much appreciated job the president of the branch then took over and after welcoming the guests to the supper introduced thenhead table including thewayor and mrs john t armstrong zone commander and mrs leslie clark mr and mrs stanley hall mpmkr sandy best mp the pre- gideaflhf the canadian legion in ontario mr fred cbrecht and his wife mr and mrsj charlie day secretary and head of the wa branch padre kenneth richardson and mr and mrs rex helop honor ary president of the branch the provincial president was a guest at the heslops home during his stay in georgetown the other hon orary president and his wife were unable to be present due to mr crichton being out of town the toast to the fallen comrades was proposed- by the zone comman der and the gathering stood during the last post and reveille the toast to the lemon was pro positi by jack armstrong mayor of toorsetown who also introduced iho provincial president and offic- hillv welcomed him to the commun iiy mr ohrecht in hi response to 1 it rave an interesting humoroulj nus and informative half hour atfp drfs which kept everyone in the room highly interested and told a number of intcrestlnn things to all the branch members lie spoke of the recent visit of her majesty where he was present and also of the even more recent visit of the dominion president and provincial presidents to ottawa on the occasion of the annual submis sion of the ictfion brief to the fed eral government he told of the interview of over an hour that was held with the prime minister and his cabinet and the very concrete proposals that were made mr vbrecht also remarked on the re- never before in the canadian primary textile industry and sel- domfhany industry have events moved so quickly and surelyvfai a direction calculated to bring anput a reappraisal of our whole posi tion g h dobbie of gait onta rio president of the canadian woollen and knit goods manufac turers association said speaking at the final luncheon of the associations three day 35th annual conference at the seign iory club mr dobbie said the sit uation faced by the textile indus try and three events that have ta ken place within the past year will have the most profound effect on our future r the three events the speaker said were the publication of the preliminary report of the royal commission on canadas economic prospects publication of the report on the textile industry by the can adian office of the national indus trial conference board and fin ally the decision of the minister of finance to ask the tariff board to conduct a complete review of can adian textile and clothing tariffs as a result we are now facing as in the clothing industry major examination this is likely to be the most crucial period in the his tory of these industries mr dob bie said there sias gradually emerged into rhe public and government consciousness the fact that these large and essential industries need more serious attention and more immediate remedies than have been considered before mr dobbie noted that close to three quarters of a million cana dians are directly or indirectly de pendent on the primary textile in- iustry for their livelihoods that the industry unlike much canad ian manufacturing is almost en j tirely canadianowned and is oper- i ated with the best interests of can- 1 ada and canadians in mind that capital investment at stake is ab i out three quarters of a billion dol- lars represented in more than 740 separate establishments ft is obvious that our industry 1 represents a contribution of no 1 small importance to the total ccon- omy of a nation in which as was pointed out in the gordon commit sion report manufacturing must play an increasingly important part he stated canadian manufacturers found inquiry and any action or lack of action that follows will have a pro found effect on our future for this reason we welcome the indica tion that the federal government is interested in our problems and we intend to cooperate to the fullest extent it will take a long time for the board to review and report on 160 different tariff items the urgent need is for the job tobe done with the greatest speed some sections of this industry need immediate relief from prob lems that have already been well documented to the government it is obvious that great britain the united states and most of all italy and japan will not restrict ship ments of goods to the country whiie the inquiry is underway the events of the past year have been encouraging if they reach what undoubtedly is their logical conclusion the canadian primary textile industry can look forward to a much brighter future mr dob bie concluded f x i turkey shoot sponsored by rotary club of georgetown saturday november 23rd at 130 pm in delrex industrial subdivision georgetown north of highway noi 7 georgetown ontario 22 calibre rifle and ammunition supplied 12 gauge shot owns guns supplied or bring your mm- j2 auge ammunition supplied a chance for those disappointed hunters not mentioning 5 to get their christmas turkev m any names 5 i christmas turkey r e f es h aa e n t booth season ticket buyers assured playoff seats i this year the georgetown raid- er hockey club are making it pos sible for their followers to get a discount on home games admission and have first choice of a reserved seat when playoff time rolls ar ound the club is selling season tick ets for 12 home games to thoe in tercsted for 750 each ticket holder will be allowed to purchase two reserved seats for the playoffs tickets can he purchased from ed tries or members of the executive hamilton construction 66 prince charles drive tr 73480 s homes qaraoes concrete work industrial requirements renovations building supplies ever 1 building need markable fact that most cabinet ministers were members of the ic- comfort in the recognition accorded j gion and those who were not he by the reportuo the importance of let us help you look your loveliest for the holidays with an exciting flattering new coiffure avoid dmssapomntment make your appointment now 11 i lit louise beauty lounge exclusive harper method specialist in skin and scalp treatment personalized hair styling tinting meacmng coktwtvm facials manicures trongly advised to become mem- bers as was the pm he also spoke of his pleasure at being in 1 georgetown and thanked the local legion for arranging such wonder ful hospitality for him during his visit mentioning the various prob lems confronting us in the future he also spoke of che world situation as it stood today urging us all to try and further the legions prop osals to further the cause of educa ting future generations of sclent ists so that the free world may com pete equally against the state con trolled science education program l 1 ii ard reference on our primary a vote of thanks to the ladies k was proposed by first vice presid cnt james yates after the dinner a most enjoy able dance was enjoyed by all pres ent to the music of the modern aires truffeffo 7451 3a main sv oeofgstown onw te sjsjfel we like the story we hear about tat chamberlain walking with a limp on sunday in the parade it seemed he tripped on a tack imag ine a grown sergeant falling over a wee defenseless tack after that very well attended parade on sunday which you can read about elsewhere in the paper the president writer and other guests were invited out to the local armories as guests of the regiment a gesture we really appreciated it has been our feeling for a long time that the two groups should get together and we think that this is going to be the case incidentally earl li nee and ken murray propo sitioned boss man garvin about a turkey shoot between the two org anizations and we expect to see it go through wc already- ore under the impression that there is going to be a real ladies shootout at the affair more details later incidentally the dart players won top honours at streelsviile on saturday and we will give you a full report next week of what transpired and who played harry bottoms got us the details but we havent the space in this column this week hear a couple of the boys found out the hard way the truth about parking tickets ha ha what do you say vern think you and joe are going to appeal and what did everybody think about branch 120s guided missile fatnlk in that demonstration last dance the other night and for years he has been claiming he couldnt dance their industries of more direct importance to canadian textile manufacturers was the second major event of the past year- the publication of the report of the canadian office of the nat ional industrial conference board on the canadian primary textile in dustry which had been ordered by the gordon commission here again was an exhaustive impartial report prepared in an inttrnatiunallyrcctigriized busi ness research organization at the request of the gordon commission it has logically become the stand- tcx tile industry i the canadian primary textile j j industry had been accused in ccr- i tain quarters of inefficiency over- expansion lack of imagination etc i etc we for the best of reasons vigorously denied these allegations they simply were not true now wc have the carefullydoc umented whollyimpartial nicb re port which shows this industry to be by any standards efficient forward looking and by no means overexpanded in relation to the market it should have the privilege of serving through this means damaging misconceptions about our industry have been swept away i am sure that i speak for the entire canadian primary textile in dustry when i say that we are grate ful for the close scrutiny under which our industry has been placed it has accomplished more to estab lish what we know to be the true facts than we could ever hope to do by ourselves we now have an ob jective authority for those state ments wc have made many times in the past last month the government an nounced a tariff board inquiry into imports of textiles into canada this we welcome but tariff board hearings involve a great deal of work and are timeconsuming we only hope that action will come soon enough to save some of those canadian textile enterprises that through no fault of their own now find themselves on the edge of bankruptcy it is plain that the tariff board georgetown curling club welcomes new members enjoy this healthful sociable winter recreation in georgetown memorial arena where a friendly greet ing awaits you mens club ladies club wednesdays 800 pm wednesdays 8o0 pm thursdays 800 pm thursdays 200 pm membership membership associate 500 associate 500 first year 1500 first year 1000 after 1st year 2500 after 1st year 1500 labatts pi space contributed in the service of the community by john labatr limited brewery limited much to our relief we finally lo cated the copy of the legion brief to the prime minister so now that we have it any one interested can have a look at it if they wish as long as we can have it back our sincere appreciation to mrs grieve and those who helped for their terrific job on such a had day as last saturdays poppy day notice to creditors in the estate op sidney arthur morrny lata of the villas of norval in the county of hal- tan apiarist s au claims against the estate of- sidney arthur morris who died on the 24th day of june 18ss7 must be filed with the undersigned soli citor oh or before the 18th day of november 1957 after which date his estate will be diswbutecl dated at brampton this 28th day of october 1867 frank w richardson esq qc barrister etc 13 nw street bast bramritdh ontario reii sfsiim garnet building products ltd readymix concrete large stock of plywood masonry cement lime plaster insulation rock lathe nails sewer pipe sheathing papers and insul board omen monday tuesday wednesday thursday and rhoay 800 am to 500 pjm saturday 00 ajnl to 1 jl09 pjut 72861 tr 72519 armstrong ave delrex industrial area phftlhirafa

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