Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), December 25, 1957, p. 1

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wvvlf tjffiv 1 t jrs the twelve pages loe per copy georgetown ontario wednesday evening december 25th 1957 what council did planner denies opinion shift on housing ratio i dont want to start a discus- sion but i want to put the facts straight about something i said at a recent council meeting said cr ern hvde as 1957 council bu siness moved to a close on decem ber 16th cr hyde read a letter he had received from planning consult ant dr e g paludi which quoted a statement by mr hyde at the december 4th council meeting re ported in the herald as follows we cant pass by the fact that four years ago we were told by an expert that a 4060 ratio was allimportant and now the same man is saying it is not im portant even though the ratio is 1981 at present dr faludi in his letter said that a statement by him might have been misinterpreted and that he would appreciate an opportun ity to clarify it i called dr faludi today said cr hyde and he says that at no time has he suggested to the town mr heslop or anyone else that the 4060 ratio be dropped nor has he been asked to submit any other opinion cr hyde said that at the may 27th council meeting mr heslop had led council to believe that dr faludi had made this remark dr faludi hasnt changed his mind and he objects to people putting words in his mouth said cr hyde 1 remember when dclrex re quested opening more land for housing and cr hyde suggested the ratio would be thrown out even more if this happened del- rex representatives said things have changed and the 4060 ratio is not of prime importance any more said cr fred harrison f dont recall faludi betngiti- volved in any change of plan said mayor armstrong if you had that opinion it wasnt neces sarily the opinion of the whole council i apologize to dr faludi for quoting him on something- he didnt say said cr hyde as the discussion ended but i would al so defend myself by saying i was led to believe that he had said it when sid hardie president of east georgetown ratepayers as sociation expressed disappoint ment that by the time new candi dates for council had an opportun ity to speak at the nomination meeting many of those attending the meeting had gone home reeve stan allen injected a humorous note into the meeting mr hardie asked if it would be possible another year to have can didates speak earlier and leave softie of the council and board re ports till later if people are reariy interested in municipal af fairs they know what is in the reports anyway through attending meetings and reading the paper mr hardie said dont spoil councils chance to get even with ratepayers who come to council meetings talk until ten oclock and then go out for a cof fee while we have to continue on till midnight with our business said the reeve this is one night a year when council can talk early and then leave for coffee the weather mr editor the weatherman says a merry christmas to all k era batkin max mm rain mon pec 16 38 28 tues dec 17 36 v 20 wed dec 18 46 20 42 thurs dec 19 53 33 52 fri dec 20 53 36 48 sat dec 21 54 37 sun dec 22 43 25 average 53 28 142 ballinafad junior institute makes toys for needy children the meeting of the norval ju niors for december was held at the home of barbara and ralph cun on wednesday even ing december 11th the junior farmers guest spea ker was jack fraser of streets- vile who gave an interesting talk on feeding improving the herd and cropping the junior institute girls made rapid progress on their project making toys for needy children these toys will be sent to a child rens aid fund for christmas at the jajnt meeting slides were shown which had been ta ken on a trip out west by three of the boys this summer children mothers get gifts at firemens party santa claus was a very busy fellow o nsunday one of his ma ny calls was at the fire hall where he attended the firemens annual christmas party for their children and wives the children had a wonderful time playing games prior to san tas visit when he arrived he presented each of the fortyfour children as well as each mother with a gift the wives of the firemen asked santa to make a presentatoln for them to the fire men who were completely taken ny surptise when they wen pre- a large colfdlgunrn broadcast music from christmas church service miss lydia snow and two oth er friends left this week on a mo tor trip to florida for the christ mas holidays mr and mrs lloyd marshall have returnea home after a holi day with friends in detroit weekend visitors at the home of mr and mrs alan neelon were mrs doris stratton and mrs j w neelon from toronto and mr and mrs claude higgs and doug las from fergus guests at the home of miss young and mrs moran on sun day for their christmas festivities were mr and mrs jas moran howard and ronnie from colling- wood and mr and mrs david mo ran jimmy stephen and lyle from meadowvale mrs morans son jim returned home last week from the 55th parallel where he has been a superintendent on the radar work there and after the christmas holiday will be sent to another place near kirkland lake mr neelon shared christmas music with the people of the vil lage on sunday morning by the means of a loud speaker on a rec- onlptayer carols and special music by the choir were enjoyed by all at the morning service of worship and in the evening the girls of the cgit group under the leadership of mrs neelon and mrs black presented the annual christmas candle light vesper ser vice those taking part were donna smith jean lawr mary baker louise snow marion bru- schooten june givens the scrip tures were read by shirley spiccc marie mitchell and shar on allan mrs neelon read a very lovely meditation on the real meaning o christmas miss mar- jorie gibson was the pianist and also took the obligato solo in the anthem silent night which the entire group sang through this column i would like to extend my very best wish es for the holiday season and in- the coming year to all our read ers and to mr biehn and the staff at the herald office it has been a pleasure to serve you hornby dancing euchre at orange lodge supper the hornby col 165 held their annual orangemans supper at the orange hall on friday evening december 20th euchre was play ed at the beginning of the even ing lunch of sandwiches cake pie ice cream and coffee was served mr and mrs gear sinclair and mr tom howden played the mus ic while everyone enjoyed an ev ening of dancing mr jim brooks called off for the old tyme danc ing gordon brigden and doug les lie gave out the euchre prizes mrs doug leslie and claude pick ett were the winners with the highest score and low prizes went to mrs stanley learmont and mr joe mclintock all the children present recei ved a bag of candy nuts and an orange congratulations to mr and mrs j a m taylor on their forty sev enth wedding anniversary on jan 2nd birthday greetings to mrs j a m taylor on december 22nd and to mr howard bradley on december 24th mr and mrs glenn giles of montreal are spending christmas at the home of mrs giles parents mr and mrs delbert downs bill thompson of potsdam new york is home for the christmas holidays with his parents mr and mrs wilmer thompson miss alma bradley mr and mrs wm brunk and daughter cheuie of peoria illinois are home fora week with mr and mrs howard s ottway you fend good ckeer peace and happiness at oh iatujm time theac are our sincere wienee lor all our friends who nave made this christmas men a wonderful one for us the georgetown herald walter c biehn garfield mcgllvray leslie clark corey herrington mrs aileen bradley dave hastings bob baskerville ken cowell terry harley what council did profusion of penalties marks junior opener with whitby the school children at hornby school had christinas party von sixty four minutes of penalties 41 of them served by georgetown turned the junior c opener at the arena here friday into a farce on skates and had fans wal king out half way through the se cond period of the 150 customer who paid to watch the game onl about 75 stayed to sec the out come whitby eventually won the contest 6 to 3 the jr raiders had a slight edge in the first period but blew most of their chances by shooting nowhere near the target whitby piled up their lead in the wild middle session jumping on every georgetown mistake and making full use of their advantage when they had the odd man brown rouseau and tran sparked most of the whitby attacks for geor getown doug richardson was the best up front with miller and sin clair drawing praise for their de fensive work most of the 26 penalties were minors the only fight breaking out midway through the second period when brown collided with coxe there was one misconduct that to hyde for protesting too loudly on a high sticking penalty to pomcroy at 1350 of the second period georgetown had two of their best chances to take the lead in the early minutes of the first period pomeroy skated right in on the whitby net and then let the puck roll of his stick and about a min ute later on almost the same play dance shot wide of the right side it was jr raider offensive lapse that led to the first whit by goal when tran intercepted a weak pass and romped in to score at 1647 whitby had four men to geor- getowns three on their second tal ly which was scored at the 12 min ute mark of the second period brown was the marksman on a pass from maw two minutes la ter rousseau set perry up perfect ly and it was three nothing before the jjls could get bade to full strength they were six a side when brown banged in the win- oer at 1jl jswand g lke erratic shooting kept their total 1 below what it could have been harrison finally turned the trick taking richardsons pass and beat ing fielder with a low drive at the 4 50 mark the same line made it 42 just 20 seconds later i this time with dance on the scor ing end richardson again set up the play simpson took some of the steam out of the georgetown attack with his slapshot from the blue line that threaded the upper right hand cor ner at 930 anderson who played the full three periods in goal for the jr s had no chance on the shot since it was screened all the way just forty five seconds after brown picked up a tripping penal ty richardson notched the jr rai ders third goal on a picture play in which he carried the puck in all alone from the whitby blue line and then fooled fielder with a quick wrist avot that one came at 1444 there was just 12 sec onds left in the game when e luke got a breakaway and exten ded whitbys wrinning maring to three goals scoring summary 1st period whitby tran unass 1647 penalties mcdonald 29 tur ner 418 westfall 418 tran 850 hyde 1105 turner 1916 2nd paertcafl whitby crown maw 1200 whitby perry rousseau 1406 whitby brown maw g luke 1750 penalties dance 42 westfall 100 mcdonald 45 rousseau 528 coxe and brown 1057 dance 1142 miller 1151 e luke 1151 doug richardson kneeing 1250 pomeroy 1350 hyde 10 min 1350 3rd parted georgetown harrison richardson 450 georgetown dance whitby simpson ffuchardson 510 rousseau 39 georgetown richardson unass v 1445 wfcjtby jt loin ttmnj 1048 church calendar first baptist church rev a j barker ba bd 10 00 a m church school 1 1 00 am taking stock of ourselves 7 00 p m ring out the old ring in the new believers baptism grace baptist church bruce penny pastor in ioof hall 9 45 a m bible school 1100 am morning worship 7 oo pm evening service 8 00 pm thursday cottage prayer meeting zion pentecostal tabernacle 95 guelph street on no 7 highway at maple ave rev ronald a hall 1000 am sunday school 1100 am morning worship 700 pm evangelistic service watch night service 10 30- pm news left over several news items planned for this issue have been held for next weeks paper which will be issued on tuesday afternoon december 31st water gallonage will be basis for sewage charge lions children are guests at xmas party santa visited over one hundred lions club children at the arena rose room on sunday afternoon as the club presented its second an nual christmas party the mem bers and theuvwives were also on hand for fun mcd by jack gun ning bob bardsley of bramp ton brought along his hammond organ to accompany the children in the singing of christmas carols and all the old christmas favour ites boxo the clown showed up dur ing the sing song to amuse every one and pass out apples and or anges to all the kiddies who later thrilled to the showing of four short movies frosty the snow man abbott and costello scroo ges christmas and howdy doo- dy a buffet luncheon was en joyed by everyone the children being supplied with chocolate milk and coffee for the grown ups the children swarmed around santa and his three helpers when he made his entrance near the close of the festivities and dan ced to the rollicking tunes played by bob bardsley all children 14 years and under received a gift thanks to fred masterman who brought a polaroid camera to the party many of the parents were able to take home souvenir snap shots of their children with san ta cochairmen for the party were stan wade and bob hamil ton social ft personal mr and mrs g k urquhart al bert street are spending the christ mas holidays in ottawa visiting with mrs urquharts sister and husband dr and mrs s scott richard sienko son of mr and airs henry sieatm 44- george st is home from saskatoon where he is promotion manager for cfqc ra dio station mr sienko will fly back next sunday mrs mary mckinney entertain ed her family last sunday ross william and jane of brampton at the home of her parents mr and mrs thomas lyons edith street lynn emmerson daughter of mr and mrs john emmerson of victoria crescent is spending the holidays with her parents and her grandmother mrs william hayes sr main street lynn is a stud ent at the ontario school for the deaf at belleville towns new industry has christmas party with mr and mrs jack pennock as hosts the staff of sykes tool corporation and their friends at tended a christmas party on fri day at north halton golf and counrty club an eight oclock turkey buffet supper was followed by dancing to reg r alls orchestra a mid night snack was also served dur ing the evening jack ferguson pla yed piano interludes during orches tra intermissions mario stratta officiated for the dawing of a lucky door prize which was won by sid park 15 norman dy blvd there were also lucky spot dance prizes mr and mrs jack ferguson were winners of one and james rees and his part ner mrs don mills won another ctov staff and lab party members of the provincial paper irt office staff and laboratory their ladies and gentlemen enjoyed their annual christmas party at the north halton golf and country club last wednesday evening the party was a dinner dance warning over the christmas and new year holiday cooperation by the motoring public is requested by the georgetown police with regards to drinking and driving every year repeatedly large numbers of persons are injured and much property damage is done by motor ists who drink and drive r any person apprehended under these circum stances will be dealt with to the fullest ex tent of the law chtefcon because the province will not approve a flat rate sewer charge on the water bill council has had to revise its opinion on how to assess the cost of a proposed new sewage disposal plant originally council had decided to raise a portion of the 830000 cost by a 5 mill slice of the gene- ral tax rate plus a service charge l based on the number of water out lets discussing the matter at the december 16th council meeting mr redfern of the consulting en gineering firm of proctor redfern and laughlin suggested that the council draft a new bylaw as the various government departments which will deal with the matter will not allow the flat rate charge mayor armstrong said he dis agreed with this as it will throw a heavier charge on industry if sewer charges are based on wat er gallonage id like as little as possible extra cost placed on wdustry said cr fred harrison itwill discou rage new industry locating here which we are trying so hard to get reeve stan allen said an esti mate might be made of how much industrial waste goes into the sewer system and that charg es could be based on this mr redfern said that its difficult to depart from any system other than use of water householders too vary considerably in usage with some using large quantities for lawn watering it might be possible the mayor suggested to grade charges up to a certain gallonage of water used then make a very small charge or no charge at all for excess use a new scale of rates was set for election officials 15 for deputy returning officers 13 for poll clerks and 14 for the use of poll ing stations the rates to be paid to officials this year council agreed to pay surveying and legal costs and to provide town services to the property line of land owned by harold cleave in exchange for title to a portion of the old radial rightofway which will be used to create an entrance to the new park school property chairman ern hyde who negotiated this agreement with mr cleave also suggested that council buy 18 acres of land adjoining the park for which mr cleave is asking 2000 an acre and another 47 acreage lying in esquesing township asking price of which is 1000 an acre council decided to complete the 1 8 deal and to offer 3000 for the 47 acreage cr alfred sykes reiterated his opinion that in 1958 any land of fered for sale by the town should be advertised for sale by tender cr fred harrison said that if john street is an example he does not favour any more sanitary landfill in residential areas while agreeing that at times the john street fill has not been nice to look at cr harry hale under whose department this falls explained that there are dif ficulties hard to overcome some times the bulldozer is working elsewhere on instruction of coun cil he said at other times if the bulldozer is there waiting for an other load of garbage there has been criticism that the town men arent working it is difficult to arrive at the proper solution to please everyone he said december 26th was proclaimed a boxing day civic holiday as has been the custom jor several years ending meetings for the year mayor armstrong spoke of the faithful work which all council members had done this year con gratulated those who had been re elected and expressed regret at the departure of reeve allen and cr hale from next years council table cr garfield mcguvray expres- 4 sed councils thanks to the mayor for his conduct of the meetings and capable leadership alliance mill party held in roxy theatre the roxy theatre was a gay place sunday afternoon on the oc casion of the alliance paper mills annual childrens party a num ber of cartoons were shown to the one hundred and ninetysix chin dren were delighted when sam dren were delighted when asnta claus dropped lit to present each of them with of gift and candy bags f r 7

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