Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), December 25, 1957, p. 9

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s vhy sfttmu wishing you one and all the compliments of the season stanley l hail mpp greengs om tincer thanks to ab our good tor their continued patronage may you all anoy o very marry holiday mason and a vary happy ntwyoar kays grocery your friendly neighbourhood store 86 guelph street pays tribute to sybil bennett best makes maiden ottawa speech making has maiden speech in parliament on december 9 hal- ton mp sandy best spoke at some length on a motion presen ted by the ocf concerning cana das 100th anniversary ten years from now in his speech which occupies several pages of hansard the of ficial report of the commons de bates he paid tribute to the late sybil bennett his predecessor as haltons federal member and jjplouched on many localized prob- hns of the county which he rep- 5 i resents rfr co you our friends and patrons w extend every good wish for a happy holiday aeaaon with our sincere thanks for the privilege of serving you over the yean management and staff of georgetown dairy ltd 1 18 guelph street mr alexander best halton mr speaker in rising to take part in the debate on the resolution now before us and to speak for the firsime in the house i should like to congratulate you rather tardily i admit on the high of fice and time honoured traditions to which you have succeeded through you sir i should like to congratulate the speaker as well on the fine exercise of his pow ers his great discretion and ins ver considerable humour apd his wide and human tolerance in the past eight weeks through you sir i would extend to the mover and seconder of the address in re ply to the speech from the throne the gratitude of all mem bers of the house for the vigor and dispatch with which they car- led out their duties i could not talk further without referring to my predecessor n this house marion sybil bennett member for halton from august 10 1953 until her death on nov ember 12 just a year ago man of you knew her valued her keen ability her warm personality and glimpsed the unsurpassable brav ery with which she facednher long and terrible illness if i can bring f to you only a fraction of her in sight and her dedication to the affairs of this house i will in- decd be grateful and content i would suggest sir that the resolution before us today is somewhat deceptive in its implt- m k a a a x x x i x seasons greetings l sidney miersma barber shop 7 9246 u cations i have read it and ex amined it a ajumber of times i have listened with considerable interest to the remarkstot the va rious members who have spoken on it this afternoon we have just heard the hon member from jasperedson mr yuill and be fore him the hon member for laurier mr chevriex who discus sed the various st lawrence sea way problems of considerable in terest and made a number of sug gestions largely based on fact which i would say contained much of interest i would add howev er and i think hon members on the government side or the house would certainly agree that the statement of the hon member for laurier that only consideration is required for this resolution has in it a somewhat interesting mean ing i can quite understand the ref erence by the hon member for york w mr hamilton to the ab dication of our position f respon sibility if we are prepared to ac cept the resolution i feel that is just what we would be doing and i noted the rather pious references to political considerations by the hon member for laurier when co mmenting on these suggestions i would say that the resolution ex presses the sentiments of all of us but in large part sentiments and not ideas based on hard sound thinking and constructive practice having regard jothe way the res olution is couched at the present time the sentiments of our party are that we could not support the idea of a committee which take over in a rather vast and amorphous form functions of the house the special committees and of the cabinet and to deal with all the matters that came within the breadth of this om nibus resolution it has much of interest in it but as the prune minister mr diefenbaker said n speaking of other things the other day it would make a cari cature of parliament if we were to support it at this time i was interested in the remarks of the hon member for winmpog north centre mr knowlcs when introducing the resolution the debt of all of us in this country to sir john alexander maedonald is one that is well remembered the hon member mentioned that the resolution has been on the order paper for the past three or four sessions and quoted certain newspaper articles at some length for instance he referred to an article in the ottawa journal by mr norman smith in suppovtof his contention that consideration should now be given but i would draw to the attention of all mem bers that mr norman smiths ar tide had to do with a plan for canadas birthday and concerned planning for a specific occasion for the observation of this anniv ersary and not for a vast host of projects which come rightly wi thin the responsibility of the gov crnment the cabinet and parlia ment working each day and each ear in the next ten years that to my mind is the ob vious and very conclusive differ ence in our thinking this i ii omnibus resolution has tremen dous sentimental appeal but is put in such a manner that we could not possibly agree with it i would he quite willing to sa that we should have the queen here which would be a uondc r thing that we should have the okmpic karnes a t meeting and music festivals but these are not the things mentioned in the resolution before us at the mom ent the things to which i have leferred should he matte is fm consideration by a definitely es tablished anniversary comniliec the hon member for winnipeg north centie referred to a peech by the former prune minuter at hamilton ontario last march ami the somewhat shall we say col oured words of the toronto dai y star but here again we are dea ling with generalities arid not m but generalities and sentiment which arc common of course to canadians all across the country reference was made also to the words of the present iuine mini i ster in the blue and white eloction document which we have seen wa ved in the house from time to time surely all canadians agree that canada has a great future but this resolution is not the proper means by which to bring it about we have seen this fine document put out by our party on many oc casions i believe the hon mem ber for westmoreland mr mur- phy has read from it from time to time rn view of his dedication to the document and the useful knowledge that he must have gai ned from reading it we some times wondered why he does not cross the floor of the house let us however look at the problem in more detail mr knowles winnipeg north centre have you read it yoiirself mr best oh very much so the eight weeks that have passed since the historic opening ofparliament by her majesty the queen have been most heartening and iuntful from the wording of the resolution one would perhaps think not mr winch i understand now why it has taken you two months to get to our feet mr hamilton york west that is untailed for mr best it seems to me that in the past the hon mernber for van couver east mr winch has said that he is a socialist and therefore he is practical i would say sir that this resolution is the greatest example of unpractically that i have seen in my short time in the house mr winch i hope you will be here when i speak an hon member sit down mr knowles winnipeg north centre all that is wrong with it is that the conservatives did not move it mr bst under the leadership of the prime minister and mem bers of his cabinet we have seen the unveiling of a program of wise and constructive policies long since due we would hope mr speaker that this is only a begin ning that vigorous and farreach ing projects will be planned for the future and that the heavy bur dens of cabinet responsibility and administration will not paralyse initiative and vision as they have for so many years past let us look at thrs resolution in a more specific way the county of halton which i have the hon our to represent is an old and historic riding unchanged since confederation these last ninety years within its boundaries it contains almost every conceivable variety of occupation and outlook it is in many respects a detailed crosssection of eastern canada the effects of the st law rence seaway of the automobile and aircraft industries of agnc ulture of construction the vast problem of roads and services and above all of education are brought together and felt more keenly perhaps in my riding han in most others for many years the population growth of our county and my ndng for they are identi cal has been the largest in on tario closely followed by that of peel whose hon member has re cent iv led our nato delegation to paris together our ridings stretch from toronto to hamilton fiom the shores of iake ontario to the higher land miles of the north halton is the home of the giant ford assembly plant as well as the location of a host of smal ler industries the residence of thousands of workers commuting to the aircraft factories at malton and the employees in the hainil ton and toronto areas through our lands pass the major arteries of ti ansportation superhighwa s and many lines of both miior railway companies the vast and rapid growth of population has brought with it numerous prob lems of servicing and safety the extension of postal deliveries of level crossings are matters which demand close attention we may he more aware thin most of the necessity for change and planning than this resolution indicates as a matter of fact i would feel that the greatest anni versary committee possibly i am prejudiced in this could be and will be the same conservatve government that is sitting her now giving leadership unity id eals and action as it did 100 years before in the heroic davs of maedonald and cartier to be continued as 0 as an expression of oar hanks and food vnb me extend the seasons greetings to afl our away friends georgetown office supplies ltd 7 mill street triangle 73452 with a special note of cheer we wish you joy on christmas day and happiness thronghouftjhe year thompsons ha 8 main st h til 73971 just to say mew qwttmm and wilsons grocery f stewarttown tft 74108 permit k to express ar j for your you all the joys ofaw i brother sevang centre a tr 73981 45 anain north

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