Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 19, 1958, p. 12

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th1 gtoroktown hhtald wednesday februar imh 1s58 pagb holmes- 5100 store ii main street phone tr 72401 fry caobury chocolate coated nut roll special price lb 43c bobby socks triple roll jcosy kuffs fine soft combed cotion nylon reinforced heel etc size 8 10 white only pair 59c misses and lames blouses 5100 short sleeve fine quality broadcloth gay spring colours smart styles sizes 12 to 20 each chenille bedspreads superstuff a qfi pink rose yellow blue and white ea chix gauge diapers 498 one doz 21 x 40 diapers to a box and one free dress up diaper value 65c each every box box air fern just rece ved new shipment from ertgland large bunch 25c china cups and saucers 25c floral decorated rfd saucer imported special cup kentners i kids jesjstle e cabin a house large or small oue oil will thoroughly heat owe and ili thriftyit saf1 fy uua eosl lodajl whkbnthbron fuel oil st e oil coal j 3 cabs- 3 reliable drivers radio equipped 1 glen taxi i tr 72432 legion notes leslie m clark by lm clarte the executive have been quite busy lately and although we did n t make their recent meetings understand that they are taking over the night of friday february 7th as a night for vets of the 1st war and to present an award that in our opinion is long overdue a plaque will also be placed on the portrait of our first president ltcol gordon cousens that ev cning the artist hal newman presented or is presenting rath er this to the branch we believe there will also be a number of guests present who were associa ted with turn and with the man who is receiving the award according to jim murphy there is going to be a dance with enter uinmcnt before and some thing in the way of lunch will be provi ded f the executive asked us to ap proach the first vice president ofl provincial command harold eat on and we did so recently when we were at headquarters in toron to he- said he d make- it weather providing by that he meant that he is in new york on business for his company from march 2nd to sth but will fl bagk in time just to give you an indication of how busy command officers are he flics to sudbury on the morning of the 8th for a legion meeting har old is one of the head men of the dixon pencil co in toronto also invited is the provincial secrelarv pat biggs but as yet hi d esn t know whether ht will be batk from mrs irvin barton of cooksvttle ontario m judges canadas eook of the year at a grand bakeoff in toronto tuesday january 14 she is shown here receiving her cash prize of 2o0 from w f mclean president of canada packers limited sponsors of the threemonth bakefest mrs barton won with a cookie recipe apricot toasues the top ten cooks of whom mrs barton was one were brought to toronto on an allexpensepald trip to compete for the bigprize farm news night school 4h homemaking clubs achievement day program j e w whcwcll omagh milton the winter achievement day mackenzie scotch block tor 4h iiomcmakingclubsa took provincial honours for place on saturday fohaniijy 1st homemaking projects went at the milton high smfojl with evelyn bird and jean bird dressmaking teacher mrs clyde stewart 34 bairstow crescent at the end of the first term each student in this class had a smart new frock to wear for the christ mas season the majority were made of wool because mrs stew art likes to start people off with this material 90 per cent of home sewing is done on cotton and the students come with the idea of getting further experience by working on a new fabric by the time the course is over each sludent will have made two good summer frocks ao now being sewn they will be made in a wider range of mater lals including silk and drip dry cotton for each student chooses the material which most appeals to her among those taking the course mrs ft c fisher 14 shelley st mrs j s graham 12 shelley st mrs o j dyson s3 edith st mrs j ross ft r 1 ellen speice r- r 1 mrs v l eggleston 68 hewson cres miss tom lee 7 normandy blvd mrs p brown 48 shelley st- mrs albert press wood glen williams mrs lois orton 163 main st n mrs d l ezard 54 sargent rd anne fiddler 94 gueiph st joan fid dler 94 guclph st muriel burt r n 1 gwcn davis 46 queen st mrs c g bishop glen wil hams naney 12 to of night school drawing and composition teacher frank bjack many artists consider the draw whether ht will be batk from j a record number or 425 compe- ashgrove and helen bruckcr of in time to make n or n l but i tions from 13 clubs in the county hornby ing in pencil charcoal or pastel is tho logical approach to the stu dy of oil painting drawing is in some respects a iore exait art it is the repro- county hornbj he hopes to be climaxing the study of meat halton county s next homemak it b nice that the execul v dec in lnc tcnu tht da was an ine club project will be clothes dcd to invite the wives to this af exceeding busy and profitable clostt up todatc thetraining fair and we predict a real n ct pir ont r members leaders and school for this will be held in the duenon of the thine thatisseen t for all we will fill ou in on visitors alike during the mom dtpt of agriculture office mil in the correct proportions and per nit all girls participated in identi ton on monday and tuesday feb- p etive and teaches the recog junl meat cuts from pictures ruary 17th and 18th nition or tone values and of line and sugestin suitable cookinj in the fall of 1958 working black and white drawing has metheds locating meat cuts on with wool will be undertaken proved interesting to a number of blank charts of beef and pork the home economist will be pleas students who prefer pencil and careasses and finally building ed to receive any inquiries about charcoal to colour and their pro- travel notes reduced fares to florida tca has announced reduc hons in 1st dais and tourist lares to tamp 1st class return t37 is tourist return 11400 family plan available on 1st class fare full particulars at john r borber travel advisor john r barber agency insurance travel tr 73521 mill street details next week as soon as we get the information once more we regret the pas ini of a comrade jaek mcquarne jock has not been will for q ntt a fivv vears and ha been in ho pital late- h our sincere smpathy to mrs mcquarne and family mem ben in the m dst of their sorrow s min0 millw0rk m doors sash prompt service free estimates the regular m mthlv meeting is beinj held on thursday even n febraury 27 let s see a big crowd at this nu clint when the new ex icutive will have been in office one month it s nice to tve thim y our support if the deserv e it and on the other hand if vou have something to brink up that s the place to do it not in the bc crage room i there have been many favorable comments about the portrait hang night school beginners sewing teacher mrs robert hess terra cotta this elass has a h gh attendance average an 1 the interest of the menu by filling in dinners for 4h homemakinf clubs jour consecutive days when breakfasts and suppers were sul jested ah of these activities put into practice the instruction the clubs have been receiving in general nutrition meal planning and se lection care and cooking of meat the afterno n programme con listed of contributions from the clubs which also illustrated what students can be seen in the relax had been learned the ashgrove ed and happy way in which thev meat maids and the stewarttown set about makmj their attractive chefs exhibited different ways tl u es and skirls with one cut with diane wng thev stalled the ear b turn fjesworth and carol mclean as ing out a cotton blouse cotton i iuui ui ciiia juuul nit pin ii ji i uaiik respective commentators ban j is the easiest material to work ing in the lounge not least among nookburn porkers showed meat with and sewing a blouse demon them was from an armv man for- tm mv on which gail dob- 1 trales man steps n construction merly a brigadier until he retired bu commentated and both dub- such as puttin on a collar and ii who is now quite a noted amateur 1 eatie mealies and omagh mil facing sewins on buttons and painter he was in town to see ton lnion thefs chose savoury making button holes and setting us not so lone ago and as when pishes with leftover meal we want to talk quietly to some sharon bijth and margaret whc- the students arcno mak n one during the day we invar ablv well commenting gototjurlounge in the branch he demonstrations on make tress even after a few lessons ha been substantial mrs j f gilhs 19 k ng st w mrs d baxter 41 charles st james rundle 7 gibbons place mrs charles mcnalh terra cotta john glvnn i imehouse mrs ger aid mccrea 14 sarah st mrs el izabeth carnev 11 church st lillian wolf terra cotta mrs cordon bell 36 market st mrs m e norrish 2 dale- gate a iash miller 70 maple ave joe i okluda glen williams mrs ken reeves 31 water st mrs edwaro rjijdley limehouse mrs a m viebeh 40 market st kerr 15 queen st mrs thompson 18 king st 11 water st tr 79771 eileen r h ina sleev the students are now skirts of woollen fabrics and so i are deal ng with a more difficult saw the colonel s picture having most of our meat money wen- known col cousens years ago m presented by betty kingdon and the militia he waft most interested peggy ann robertson of the horn and impressed the picture as material thev are also learn how to fit although mrs hess is shouint hem how to b pas- ma farm newts halton cattle owners approve brucellosis control area jew petitions submitted on satur day by township key men of hal ton s i jve stock improvement as lot if members know was painted depending only on a small photo traph and the artists memory of him 1ortunalely at one time a few years ago col cousens had toyed with the idea of having a portrait done and the artist had made several sketches the res ults speak for themselves in a liv ing memory to one who did much for branch 120 and e feel that each of the members who have come to be known as the old timers should le reeotnizcd for their par ticular work and interest in start ing and carrying on branch 120 kach year that goes by marks an other page in their lives and with out wishing to be morbid at is a great deal more tit tint to recot j nizc merit and reward ability while the recipient is living than pay re spects after death we leave this thought with the executive and the membersh p to dwell on a case in point is that of i ee c inn nham who his been cha r man of prowncial comman 1 since it innption w h le he id r c v ve at st catharines an ther 1 ir to his mrr i n m aw in t thai bcrt lletonbracker n pr m accurate measurements before and shirley downs of the hornby ui teen chefs and i aula jcltnck and audrev auckland of the nel son nibblers the nassagaweva tinker belles with kathleen stanley carol freeman and kathryn norrish those taking the course are mrs l rarrow 15 norton cres mr don herrington jr 12 sar ah st irene fogg 14 george st mrs a c patterson limehouse mrs a j miller 6 victoria cres and the scotch block chefs with mrs frank evis 7 cleavcholm muriel newell and audrey brown drive mrs george stuttard 22 demonstrated the topic lets cleavcholm dr mr hugh clark cook it right a skit on this norval mrs a o macdonald same topic was acted by the lime- r r 4 mrs c w jones 55 main house meat raiders june and st mrs robert lowin 36 market ann bnggs joy patterson audst mrs t armistead 22 prince rey james gloria latimer linda i charles drive mrs william mean and heather clark and dorothy 3 john st mrs stanley fish farm forum farmers agree legal advice business necessity mrs m j brown lets make it legal the topic discussed on national- farm radio forum february 3rd aroused con monuments designs s cemetery markers a good display in stock brampton monument works wm c allan prop 68 queen sl west brampton shop phones res gl 10445 gl 1 1613 rep tom nicol phone brampton gl 13962 north halton ladies bowling standings after monday s bowl ing in the north halton golf and siderable interest and discussion 1 0ountr clubs bowling league in halton forums all groups are sputniks 56 birdies 53 div rosedole floral flowers for all occasions wedding work corwge a apeaahy cut flowsrs and funeral designs 32 afcert st to 72952 we wire flower moncyoal ihitjimonme e onk bo but small rcard 1 r owners have approved by a large i put into leuon am i m r while n or for that matter any or ihefirst war vet neither look f r nor expect any recognition lor the efforts put forth la iound this r i organization yet it is onlv right ii lh sl red not majority the establishment of brucellosis control area for the county the petition forms will now gd forward to the ontario the recommendation of the hon- ounfik w a goodfellow will tkl then he sent to the canada de- parment of agriculture with the request that halton be designat ed a brucellosis control area while one or two of the can vasscrs lists were not complete at last saturday s meeting in dications were that well over 90 of halton cattle owners were in favpur of halton taking this for ward step in order that the coun ty may retain her snare qf the united states market for canada s surplus cattle march is rett cross month be generous when your canvasser calls to ask support for the many good works done by red cross inly in their own branches but at frank connely and lome cross are extremely busy these day s and we might add are doing a fine job in zone sports by the num bcr of notices we see they are really kept busy too with events each week end where has notes been it s a long story but we re back again for a while at least and if things keep as busy as they vc been the last few months legion- wise we think we 11 get an under study for this writing job scotty patterson who for a number of years wrote a very able hockey column for this paper has offered to help us ont at any time and kilpa trick norval coo in a similar skit on var the meat in your menu used all of their members norfna murray ailecn harrop margaret miller susan cunning ham sharon 1ishbum and car- j jyn mclaughlin the palermo 5 meat maids also presented a skit aj entitled let s o k it right with brenda breckon cecelia carter june kingston juely van sickle and margiret atkins i the afternoon program was b well attended by many mothers and other interested women s in m stitule members on their behalf mrs velma norns district vice- z president brought greetings and congratulations j at the close of the day prescn tations were made of spoons crests and certificates- all attend ing members who had successful ly completed the project receiv ed a stenng silver 4h homemak ing club spoon new members received the 4h crest and ccrti ficates of achievement were pre sented for each two units com pleted those receiving county honours for 6 projects were vema pic kett ashgrove gail dobbie ban- nockburn margaret nightingale dublin june rennick dublin marilyn rognvaldson dublin helen auckland nelson margaret burn norval nancy fishburn norval mrs cleta smith terra cotta mrs mary smith terra cotta agreed that legal advice is neces- sar in buung or selling a farm arranging for a mortgage father and son or family agreements ex propnations or easements wills etc in answer to question 2 what part should farm organizations play in providing legal services the forums felt that though such organizations were not in a posi tion to deal with personal or fa mily problems but they could give valuable assistance where group action was concerned one group suggested legal ar tides based on case histories and published in farm journals would serve a useful purpose ots 42 lucky stars 21 high wee kly single mrs doug davidson 247 mrs ken nash 227 mrs ross duncan 206 mrs ron kitchen 206 weekly triple mrs doug dav idson 571 mrs ken nash 557 mrs ros duncan 557 hidden score was won by mrs j h chamber lain season single eleanor spitzer 299 mrs cyril brand ford 290 mrs scottv herkes 285 season triple mrs ken nash 671 mrs scottv herkes 641 mrs william mcnally 625 all the news of georgetown and district every week in the herewb bonttaiss an issue we may take him up on it of course we would still have to have our finger on parts of it censorship rights anyway i garnet building products ltd readymix concrete large stock of plywood masonry cement lime s plaster insulation rock lathe nails sewer pipe sheathing papers and insul board open monday tuesday wednesday thursday and fmday j 00 am to 5 00 pjw saturday t00 am to 1100 ma j tr 72519 tr 7- 2861 armstrong ave delrex industrial area

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