Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 19, 1958, p. 6

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pagjc the georgetown herald manias the conumpittaa of okmm3howh oumwuiams nokval umthouse kxmn1y stiwarttown lauinafad ashqtove terracotta walter c biehn subscription rate 400 a year single copies 10c each advertising rates quoted on application the herald is printed each wednesday la the oftice at 22 main sl georgetown publisher a nd editor tstaff garfield l mcguvray bob baskerriu leslie m oar dave hastings corey herrington jr ken coweu mrs aileen bradley terry harley authorized as second class mail post office depl ottawa member of the canadian weekly newspaper association end trie ontario division of the cwna from our standpoint sharp criticism of herald reporting of coun cil meetings expressed at mondays meeting by councillor sykes wasunexpected and wetiope undeserved for some eighteen years we have taken pride in our ob of purveying what we consider important news to residents we started in the days when council met once a month for a cou pie of hours and when a rrlajor item might be discussion of painting the fence at the patk or replacing some broken sidewalk back in the forties it was not unusual for council to recess for the two summermonths and the years mee tings would total a bare dozen we have passed through changing times to a day when a growing town demands a large share of a councillor s time with an average of over one meeting a week plus numerous com mittee meetings and when as a reporter we count every monday a work night it is a dif ficult job to spend three or four hours listening to council business then spending a couple of hours in our tuesday working day interpreting the news for public consumption difficult par ticularly because we are extremely conscious of the power of the printed word and realize that public opinion can be influenced by the news as it appears in its final form we strive for perfection but never attain it arid in our sadder moments we resent the fact that it never can be attained the combined efforts of a solomon and a methuselah could never compact three solid hours of motions debate and public business into a few columns of type which would be let ter perfect or equally pleasing to nine counc i members who do not always agree on every question and who sometimes change their stand on controversial questions after a debate we know too that a man in public life is sometimes tne target for unjustif ed critic sm by a ratepayer who distorts something he has said takes it out of its context or in an angry mom ent misinterprets a statement and adds his own views to it perhaps monday caught us in the talking us into it the political parties in their efforts to make election capital will talk canada into a recession if they aren t careful there ts so much argu ng at present about who caused unemployment that we re soon go intj to start believing there is something wrong recession talk is a dangerous th ng at any time and when it comes at a time of peak seasonal unemployment it could eas ly have a chain reac tion business might hold off projected mach n ery purchases a man planning to build a house might dec de to wait another year and there could be a general t ghtenmg of purse strings by corporal ons and individuals wh ch could be disastrous to the country economy another bad thing is the talk about why practice practical patriotism backwash of such an incident although cr sykes statements were general and indicated no specific report with which he disagreed one accusation we would like to answer is that council reports in the herald are not factual but rather the editor s interpretation of he news that was the point that hurt for it has been our firm policy that a news item is impersonal writ mg and anything personal we have to say ap pears in the editorial column and in eighteen years we have never knowingly deviated from that policy we do at times interpret a councillors re marks in the light of what we think he wishes to say local government is not like parliament where members speak from prepared texts or are so skilled in debate that they have developed the faculty of extemporaneous lucidity to quote directly any lengthy statement of any councillor unless it has been pre rehearsed would most certainly make confusing reading in a newspaper many times discussions are left hanging in the air sentences are not finished and a man in the heat of debate will omrt a word or insert another which gives his statement the exactly opposite meaning lo what he intends if compiling a de bate into readable form with events in their pro per sequence to g ve readers a finished news re port is wrong then we plead guilty on this count but the report is still that of council and has no bearing on our own opinions of public affairs we have no present intention of turning over council report ng to anyone else save on occas ions when we cannot attend a meeting we will continue to strive for a high degree of accuracy to improve our news coverage and g ve readers the information they want if at any time a councilor wishes to cntc ue that s hts prerogat ve the ma i bag col umn is always at h s d sposal if he d sagrees w th any items and we are always ready to accept con struct ve cr t cism we prefer however that t be more specific just to say we are a poor re porter leaves no starting po nt for mprovement cars aren t sell ng on a couple of occas ons auto execut ves have appeared on television to air the r v ews on what s a serious problem for the r compan es they might better spend the r t me in the off ce f gur ng ways of overcoming a business slump publicity of th s nature can only aggravate a situation a prospective pur chaser might f gure that pr ces are bound lo come down that new models will deprec ate this this year s cars more than expected and he m ght dec de o wat another year before buy ing or trad ng it s t me we heard some opt m sm from those we look to as leaders of bus ness and gov ernment the life of smileys wife by deri mumpriaa in ifc rat advance theres one thins i would never want the ufo of smuva wife for sugar and soke is fun to read if youre not tne battle and strife if the hunters not husband or un its miming to read of his hunting event but if youre his wife arid not sure where he went you wonder what lake he is in bill sinlley could hunt for a fortnight oh yes but ask him at home for a hand and his wife gets the label old lady or worse all husbands uke him should be banned he wont put on windows till winters near past there are ashes all over his cellar it provides him with writ but his wife oughla quit beyond me how she stomachs the feller he wont say i love you proud of the fact but still she must comfort and feed htm the next time he called me the old battlcaxc 1 d up with my 1st and i d bleed him when it comes to the children he likes them i guess but kim and young hugh have it rough their mother is trying to bring them tip well but with bjll for a dad well its tough he s got time to be councillor shootin has gab with his wife and kids forced to listen while he practices eloquent phrases and drab but no time for lovin and kissin bill smiley thc joker is good for a laugh in his column called sugar and spice 0 but for once in hts life when he mentions his uifc i do wish tied say something nice the mail bag ment at thc time of mentioning a possibility of forming a recrea tion association since the athletic association came into being the present president constable har len 1owe was mentioned as the 1958 possible primcknt of such a rt yrcational association support urged for athletic association georgetown ontario 31 bron street tcbruar 4th dear mr frditor the suggistcyl forming of a t the present time thc athletic recreational dssociation in george association is doing a good work town is a cr worthwhile project and has acquired suitable quar which is uorth of endorsation urs in the building on king st it ftiaj hae been forgotten which housed the now defunct though that uc already have a boat works all that is needed as eorfictown athletic association some willing personnel who will which was formed oer a ear ago and into which a lot of effort and time has been given unselfishly b members of the police depart a imv f zjcattttj cjloi tj eaoangt llaipei method v i 3 j s i 7 33 man wi notlh trtn n tt4rhttti ftr appomlinriil iclr 7 3ui be willing to devote time to this ver worthwhile program 1 he athletic association could well be thc nucleus to become the recreational association of the fu turc thus eliminating the creation of another organization both of which would be constituted for similar purposes what is need ed now is some help to get thc place ready for activity so that the program of training can entered into had this help been available since the building was acquired a month ago much could have been accomplished in carry inji out the program it is to be honed that consider at ion will be gicn this organiz ation fur w hat it has sought to do in the interests of all thc citi ins ot georgetown yours trulj fd a peters thi mar ra ojottotowh band will rrtar4 its imnttty georgetown feb 17 1858 dear mr editor due to some unfortunate word ing in a bandsmen wanted ad vertisement last week the impres sion was given that the george town brass reed band intends to again affiliate itself with the lome scots regiment i would like to make it dear to the public that our band is and intends to remain a cmttaa organisation for the nee aad pleasure ot the people of this district it there are any new hfums in this area who like ourselves enjoy music as a hobby we would he pleased to welcome them into the band any tuesday night at 800 pm in chapel street school yours very truly david hastings president georgetown brass t reed band directory dic j bum millie dental surgeon xray mill street tr 72871 dr john r kerry practice of dentistry xray triangle 73641 main street georgetown dr k w mccauley dentist 6 main street north tr 7 4641 tf s m faibuh ro optometrist mcnamara jewellers georgetown w ucarr professional engineer a ontario land surveyor georgetown ontario res 81 prince charles dr i office guelph sl telephone tr 73300 georgetown animal clinic c w sayvrs dvja 106 guelph street opposite armstrongs garage tr 7 2741 i l oakville sport star s son drowning victim anglican parish st georges feb 3 lent 1 8 00 t in ii 1 imimim in t orpocuw f r mi n t tub ii i 0 45 i m li inh sih c 1 9 i s ml up lion jirr t him h s houl miihail built a tar old son at ki j alt i hocki slar foi tht odkvilh m tors who i- well kn nvn in 1 k it fan tlr wn mil wnk pi j mj in fmnt of hi- nomt mar 1 1 dar spring rnk on hiiln muhaif a pliwnt with his imin hro htr ia id un thi hank of he cntk wlnn hi slid town ihitup lunk into the fast in nj turrtnt whiih carrud him undii a nih l of itt larthir down i jtn i hi b s b u is mint nil aflt r a two h mr starch bv fin nun mil point uh hjtl ti chop h ill n hi 12 ihuk m frank petch 1 licensed auctioneer prompt service p o box 413 th 7 2864 georgetown monuments pollock campbell designs on request inspect our work in greenwood ccmeterj phone 2048 62 water street north gilt wauh hcdules for hocke plaoft tom van sickler b a barrister solicitor notary 19 main st s tr 74531 formtr iljdro hldg celebrating founder s day last week mem bers of tfie imperial order daughters of the em pire con look with pr de on 57 years of practical patriotism which makes it one of the top ladies organizations in canada the local countess of strathmore chapter established in april 1937 is one of many such groups across canada which aims to stimulate patriotism and to support good works for the betterment of canada while as sising the british commonwealth and the needy people of the world in a national way a total o 250 000 s q- ven in assistance each year to canadian students and schools last year half a million dollars was spent on local protects such as in george town the baby clinic high school prizes a fund raising campaign ic the inshtote for the blind assistance to cedarvale school and many more such activities the ladies have done such things as welcoming new canadian residents at a par ty aiding an adopted school in one of the poorer sections of ontario selling blindcraft products at the fall fair the chapter s philan thropy and educational work is a desirable ad dilion to the community in which we live founder s day is a time in which we can congratulate rhe 970 chapters and 32 000 mem bers who help make canada a better place in which to live and particularly the georgetown ladies who establrshed the iode here and who have kept it thr ving for twenty years inil ntirsi h r l infants j a goudy photographer 19 mory street triangle 7 3366 offers the peopie of georgetown and district a complete photographic service portraits home or studio service by appointment weddings commercial banquet group photographic reproductions of your valuable documents identification passport or license photographs mst service all work guaranteed 11 ih a m m itlnis xn anluin i ndcrstaml ink f tht hrisiian a tiki pin pmitpntnl scr ici ailult confirmation instruction i film strip tht anglican a monday feb 24th st matthiai day 10 00 am ifoh common wed feb 26th 7 4i a m llolj communion business eniplmtis htrh school students hreakfast in pinsh hnir i thurs fef 27th 10 00 i in iloh niniuun inltm ssicmis st albans glen williams sunday feb 23 9 10 a m mnltins tiiitrtt rrounti scout lub ojiurch parade 10 45 am lhurch- school monday feb 24th 1 1 00 am holy t omtnun wed fbb 26th 4 q0 pjn holy confirms tion instruction students 7 30 p m penitential serv ice adult confirmation instruction hows your iq todays insurance problems answered question i own a house that cost 20 000 to build 1 carry 15 000 fire insur ance if 50 of the house is destroed bj fire will lhe pa me 50 of the insurance or would they repair the damage of 10 000 should i carry the full value of thc house or replacement value on to day s market answer you would be en titled to recover your ac tual loss sustained up to thc face of your 15 000 policy it ts advisable to carry insurance up to the full fair value of your house so that youll be adequately indemnified in the event of total destruc tion contributed in the interest of sound insurance by john r barber james f evans john t armstrong maurice manderson ba barrister solicitor and notary public tr 72464 office mill sl georgetown lever hoskin chartered accountants 51 main n brampton glendale 14s24 i victoria sl toronto phone em 49131 hewson ord helson barristers and solicitor 39 main sl south beside knox church 120 guelph sl hunter bldg no 7 hwy georgex hewson john d ord frederick a helson tr 7 2246 tr 79781 a m nielsen dc nd doctor of chiropractic and naturopathy 43rd year of practice 25 pjn closed thuradaya lady attendant 164 guelph sl georgetown triangle 73812 w h biggs and ralph davies accredited plc accountants 122 guelph st georgetown tr 73351 office hours 9am to 5 p m mondays to fridays dr expert eye care consult o t walkes 3 main sl north brampton over abellfe drug store gl 14474 res gl 16243 hours 9 ajn to 6 pm daily evenings by appointment robt r hamilton m eyes examined oculists prescriptions filled for appointment tr 73971 181 guelph street georgetown p r even t 1 chimney fires u fir chif chemical chimnay c ulnars to eliminate soot and scale from our stoves and pipes the smauerthe flame the more soot and carbon forus jn oil coal and wood fired units for sale at halton coop sup p lies walter h pope cpa acis certified public accountant licensed municipal auditor 39 main st south tr 74821 after hours tr m979 dale bennett and latimer brritr and solicitors leroy dle qc 18141956 sybil bennett qc 1830us6x douglas v latimer ba tringte 73381 mj1 st georgetown earl g black b comm rjjc ca charter accountant x 182 mam sl hilton ontt triangla 5s62 tf robert w fletcher licensed bailiff ffromnt report vailey 723h r r 1 bronta neville stoliierco public arronirtitnra and ui jfrinlmiii trustees m bankruptcy coioosslonns w qua terenh bi 0 undent le m6s0 m483 tr t4ni famm georgetown omoaraj

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