Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 12, 1958, p. 12

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thi oiokoitown hmalo rttedneay kvej march 11 mb the cottage inn for good things to eat all through the day brmkftst cofh break lunch dlnmr or hm evwilng snaek the food is h lastetuhy and appctiunjuy prepared do come in and let us serve you main st s tr 7900 pittsburgh paints txtbuor and intbuot ernies radio mill st 1 71701 monuments designs submitted cemetery fettering corner posts and markers a good display in stock brampton monument works wml c allan prop 68 queen st west brampton shop phones res gl 10445 gl 1 1613 rep tom nicol phone brampton gl 13962 rosedole floral flowers for all occasions wedding work corsages a specialty cut flower and funeral designs 32 albert st- tr 72952 we wire rower sugar arid spice i lriaiienlay mu omilct ef wee wlthwia wmtr by bui smiley hatching television is all right i daresay a firstrate movie nukes an enjoyable night out and for real pleasure its hard to beat a good book but for sheer emotion al wallop of an evening theres nothing to touch cleaning out a bureau drawer about every two years one of these orgies at our house it usually starts when my wife is looking for something important like the pattern for the dress she began making one winter or the cherished cljjpning in which it sta tes that she came first in grade 6 once upon a time tjhe starts rooting around nd cussing mild i j in our documents drawer -r- a big dresser drawer crammed with old lovelelurs rt of them pretty soon i near yelps of dis may snorts of outrage and chor tles of amusement grumblingly i loin her ostensibly to make sure she doesnt throw out some of my important keepsakes like my ger man compass that doesnt work but in reality to find out what all the fun is about for approyimatelj 89 seconds we work suematicall sorting the junk into piles to be discard ed or saved thtn l catch her tr ing to throw out a perftctlj good picture of a firl ca led wend a corporal in the vaf whom 1 used to know she retaliates b pointing out the fellow in the class picture who was craz about her a most undistinguished loo king adolescent in my impartial point of view from there on ifs every man for himself and within a few min utes we have about twelve differ ent piles of stuff around us you dont want this old unit do you she sniffs holding up a dance program year 1939 with the name of a girl called sylvia written in oh dont i though i retort snatching it and putting it carefully on a spe cial pile though i cant even remember sylvia s last name let alone what she looks like h don t ou throw those niould old iuu i out i u fisted as bhi hi thtn a bi bund e of tlum in htr tun az ing dreamily at the watt would nt yoifr just love me to she taunts opening one and reading me a nauseating passage from some lovesick jerk who signs himself with unbelievable corn your lonesome loving george then we get looking at pictures of the kms when they were little and ant tarn between iters and laughter we linger over one of them in swimming in rhefjr bare bottoms fat dimpled infants and our thoughts go with awe to the two great rowdy school children in bed at the moment exhausted from chasing and pummelling each other upstairs and down for a solid hour before bedtime and we find ajsnap of ourselves on our honejmoon we look at it look at each other and shake our ceipls lapsed ii uran c pollen s heads in disbelief and in sorrow recipes for dill pickles member w ship cards for the year 1953 sin gle earrings of evirj design newspaper clippings odd shoelac es and photographs hundreds never mind dear she reassures jou look much more intellectual with a higher forehead and gal lantly i repv your certain have a lot more character in your face mrs r t paul president local council of women the georgetown local council of women held its regular meet ing on friday february 28th at the home of mrs r t paul mill street after consideration of various items of business and cor respondence mrs floria nodwell as convener of the nominati committee presented a slate of of fleers for 1958 and the following ladies were subsequently unanl mously elected to office presi dent mrs r t paul 1st vico- president mrs r h jones 2nd vicepresident mrs arthur reeve treasurer mrs a m nielsen corresponding secretary miss het tie layrson recording secretary mrs muriel adams press mrs clarence hayes mrs paul then called upon mrs jack kerr to come forward and in a few wellchosen words pre sented her with a gift from the local council in recognition of her faithful service to the organic ation as its president during the past five years an informa articl i with the civil status of the can adian indian was read by miss hettle lawsorii ah a special fea ture of the afternoons program miss ruth evans gave an infor mal account of her recent trip to europe and the british isles which she illustrated with the colour slides she had secured enroute mrs f w johnson expressed- the pleasure of all present to miss evans and thanks to mrs paul and the tea committee a social half hour followed kentners fuel k friendship circle tours allianc epaper mills the february meeting of the friendship circle of st john s united church on february 24th took the form of a tour of the alliance paper mills the mem bers returned afterwards to the church for lunch and a short bus ness penod with the president miss charlotte mccuilough in the chair a number of new members were welcomed at this meeting if thrlftyll aalel ataa 1sm coat sodayt whkntner fuel oil stovf oil coal somehow this doesnt hit quite the right note and there is a little frost in the air so we go en sort ing soon were absorbed again she is reading with intense admir ation an old english essay for which she received a mark of a plus i am contemplating wistfully a ten year old snap of myself in which i had a vast fighterpilot handlebar moustache and n evil glint in my eye two hours later e arc still at it it would go on all night but m ariably she hoots with glet oh brother listen to this and reads with infuriating plocution a purple passage from one of tm old loe utters to her i get a cold chill down m spine a red face and brusquely mutler some thing about getting this blasted mess cleaned up ive got work to do i we fill a large carton with du i cardable stuff we look at all the little piles weve sorted so careful ly we look for strings to tie them i into s bundles no string we look for paper bags to bag them separately no bags so we throw everything back into the dra wer and invariably there s more than we started with end we can scarcely get it shut legion notes by les clark i ffst lridav ni ht wis h fir t ini lal ituon ld swat iht and m fti it d a huif mim the old swoits sim i i in jo themilvps imimnsch and to i i tin rest of uu bramh the r o 1 ml br ut of t ii t n liranrlk a num extra heat cal costs al once by ptninj h beat from lh unir furl smarts therwotubr oil mini conditioning unit the thecmolube actual u i rah i beet from the oil and pulil mi hem no waste lower eort wm smarts dealer for the full an tart saving now on hoove beating the mail bag replies to letter on pearson s qualifications torget iwn ont fihruarj 28th 1958 from f t dear sir jer 0 former associates of both i cannot let o unanswertd the mn r mv ami f co t rtlscn letter under the heading sas tnp affjir s with a wl pearson world etc in last cmc b the pnsidint hare ar m wh i lh n aiked llu wntir l act as mast r of ten monies j spinal gui st was harold 13 ton of newmarket who is first vict prtsidmt of tht legion in ontar j 10 he spoke at some length and of great interest to the people who were present he then proceeded to present bill ronc a medal for meritorious service for his servic es to the legion in particular 120 branch the portrait of the first prcsid cnt col cousens was then unveil ed and wc think evcrone was im pressed with the very beautiful wa it was draped and displacd b the artist the district commander hugh lamb then presented each of the vu of the war of 19141918 with a tic as a slight memento o their services to the branch the balance of the evening was spent in dancing and lunch was served by the v a fvervonc present reported an excelunt timi particular nice was the firt that two of hit itoms brothers i- ster and hick win ab e t lh n also his old rommindini col lisltr of oakvilu i was on hand as will is a ntnnlxr from surrounding hranrh s whol knew him would iik to atu nir runraluljln ns to wh tvtr on xtcuti 1 loketl ifl r l tin people there tht di i t fmt joh t d in t kn ia just uh it was as unf irtunatrly sim the niw yi ar we have onl txin at about one full ixcculivi mitt ing due to other ltun commit ments and we were not at either the january or iebruary regular meetings so most of the arrange ments about that night were most lj what we got second hand but certainly the custom should be ear xied on each car possibly in dif ferent form but it would add to the social life of the group im menscl rhthompson hardware okmsmaiwo week s paper as most dved in the wool i itxr als the writers thinking is some what confused cen to the point of contradiction first of all i can find no fault with the dictionary meaning of the word leadership however the writer infers that the prime minister has no ability in this field and is even prone to whipping the only whipping i can recall was administered to the liberal party last june when mr dtcfcn baker led his party to victor the writer mentions mr pear son s world leadership at the time of the suez crisis if she fol lowed closcl government and oth er reports the writer would know that even mr pearson himself ad mils that the idea of a u n police force was not his alone but the i work of many including opposition i members he was but the instm ment through which it was imple mented as for the bit on the conflict it self again if the writer had read the reports she would know that i r- ngland and france entered fgpt not to grind either egvpl or israel under heel but to save from pos sible destrurti n tht suei canal which is thtir lift line to the far ist in i thi ir o i supplv th shtol ni c i sel i n i s msi t net n l mr i i arson s the contradict n i mi nti in 1 th earlier rums in thai paragraph j1 in her previous lettir the writer wj b amed the conservatives for tur ni mng our armed forces overto tj s command now she sas where would wc have been with our army navy air force under u s com mand i might point out that the liberals were in power at the time of the suez affair not the conscrv atives to conclude one does not have to look far to find proof of liberal overtaxation that 586 mil it on surplus they boasted did not come bout by sc ling nova scotia her ring to texas yours sincerely go standlsh enihsssmo 1st 7i this is the time of year when yon should check on your print ing requirements and be ready for the rush of spring business the herald will be pleased to help you frank connely and lome cross went to hamiltoiron saturday no not that place to a sports meet ing for the district the boys are doing a conscientious job on their zone sports and we think they des erve a big hand and we know its not an easy job with the am ount of sports they have the globe and mail is giving away sharp new spehnrvellbicycles free what an tkicvclts n imatl try 2 s23 95 only offer bicycle for every age group and 9very purpose alt you ho o do is mil o t subscription for the globe and moil 1 peg iter n the globe ond mo i bicycle club by endino in the coupon l ow return t to ui today and we will tend you official subsenp- t n fortm by the next mail meant me ihow thu offer to everyone you tl nk m ght g ve you on order get on th phone call up your friends end relat ve tell them how they can help you to w n a new bicycle sh wlht offei to mom ond dod and get them to help you too you doht havi to deliver any papers or collect any money our carrier boys do that ioaro and junior bicycles tor twy and girt over 10 year old- worth s47 so only 30 mbktipttora dir 05icbr and itla1 bicycle club registration form t o spftdwell bcyeta ood nd rnm a supply o u of ih oftar wis and ityta of blcvtle youll want your bicycle for early spring ao dont miss minute get to work with mom ond dod now and you should have a lot of subscriptions ready to be signed the minute your order forms arrive then- send in your orders at once and keep working until you have secured the number of orders required for the bicycle you want i sidcwaut for boys and birli 8 only 15 ubecrlptiorec fjh man tk bank accounts oni km savino regular sav ings deposits have a much better chance to grow into a healthy bank balance when left strictly alone to accumulate with interest in yonr royal bank savincs account but you say tve got bills to pay and cheques to write how can i keep my hands off u quite simply when yoa operate a second separate pcksonal chequihc account for paying bills by cheque you open a roval bank personal chequing account s businesslike saves you time at the nk can ave you monev on cheque- too and every three months the bank mails you a complete pnnlcd statement of vour account plus our cancelled cheques valuable lo ou as pnn i of bills paid tins royal bank two arcim nt plan helps vou save ptu ur m ronal and household accounts on a buines like basts try it full particulars at every branch of canada

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