Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 12, 1958, p. 13

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buildino sand concrete gravm road oravbl pill and top soil stone work tom4kiiiw otan williams tr 7jm1 first aid demonstration at harrision school meet the monthly meeting of the harrison home school assocla tion was held on monday mar 3 a humorous film showing how to avoid accidents in home and in dustry and the shocking truth at harrison school with numbetlieaturing a robot lanky who demonstrated how defective wir ing could give person the shock of heir lives les norrls introduced the guest speaker for the evening jack hunter of the st john ambul ance mr hunter explained the halgar nellsen method of artifi cial respiration and demonstrated it on a supposed victim his talk also dealt with antidotes for pois oning and what to do for burns and cuts mr hunter mentioned the st john amublance course in first aid which started last wednesday evening at 7 45 and invited many as possible to come and take the course he stated that at least 30 or 40 volunteers were still needed by the georgetown volun tecr ambulance service and that there is no limit to the attendance at these lectures at the completion of the meet ing refreshments were served by mrs john easdale and her social committee the meeting is to be held monday mar 31st for the purpose of nomination of officers those who wish to volunteer for office are urged to send lt the mimeograph sheets promptly as they have to be sorted before mar 31st ijmms arcmtkuilkes i buried in brwnptoa 1 james archdeun a hfelong resident of the brampton nrea died suddenly at his home op the fourth line east brampton he was 68 mr archdekra was mo of the tullamore anglican church and wav later a member of christ church brampton he is survived by his wife ed na and his mother of majfieftd five sons harold clure stanley thomas william and four dan ghters jeannette mrs glenn mor row margaret isabel and lor- enc mrs norman borough and 18 grandchildren he was prede ceased by his first wife the former isabcll mcclure who was the mo ther of all nine children funeral service was conducted at the david a mcclure funeral ft erie trounce raider jrs 85 in efimination series here tuesday fakmers must show mrs m t brown national farm radio forum bas ed the ffcfcraary 10th broadcast on the recent annual meeting of the canadian federation of agri culture tbe question for discus sion was do you fed the cana ifian federation of agriculture is derctaninc policies representative of the news of ca farmers the ecntlenien on the broadcast stressed the fact that many f ar mers particularly the juniors l erie knew very little about the organ lhe were a different team than sation and junction of cfa td f th t w fort erie jr cs showed some of the authority they wielded in knocking off all the jr b teams in the niagara peninsula when they bounced the jr raiders by a convincing 8 to s count in a hard fought contest at georgetown ar ena last tuesday march 4th it was the first clash between the two clubs in the home home round- robin elimination series involving fort erie preston and georgetown- and the second win in as many games for the fort who crushed preston 105 in the opener preston on march 1st first indicated that th gioftgktown hsrald paged wednesday eve g march 12 1998 the one that lost 42 to the j ils home brampton by the rev allan johnson assisted by in a prqfccason exhibition tilt in xton first p when i with the exception of one group the n the cfjv was working in the in town s backchecklng which was o have you insured your house against foreclosure if you die your family may be hard pressed to buy the very imximniliin of hfo let alone raise the money to meet the remaining mortgage payments on the house a sun life mortgage protection policy can relieve you of this worry because the policy can be arranged to pay off the full balance on hie mortgage when you die leaving your home free of all debt for your family you insure your home against tire and burglary what about foreclosure let me tell you about sun life a mortgage protection plan clarence kroll r r 2 georgetown tr 7 202 j j robbins and interment was t canadian farmers some he murder weapon for the j rs in brampton cemetery group emphasmed the lack of at fort w had about m much pallbearers were beverly car- mmsx shown by the farmers cffect as rain on a duck a 400 pound defensive croups em the lack of c interest shown by the farmers berry jr james archdeki w tntmsclv th great need i a p m j craig ivan gray lloyd strong jor success s tt whole- iely harry elliotttand big mike and arthur morrison flower- hearted support of all farmers p kept georgetown from bearers were albert archdekra q forum suggested a better wandering in too far on goalie ger tom carbcrry john and arthur rfsujung might be establish mulholland wien they did get gordon wiggins john kenneth rf jyt for consideration a chance and as a result most of s at the provincial annual meeting the 33 shols that wcre up were sent to toronto three months xor thc raiden from in advance of the meeting theyl from an aimost powble would then be sent out for dls- t cussnn among county directors wa thc f in uus way delegates would be d dld damage to the j r s since at least 3 of the 8 that got by lockhurst were launched speirs john macshaw and mcclure notice to creditors i in the estate of alfred henry pond deceased all persons having claims position to express members are also reminded t eitate of j j the opinions of the members they of fun night an evening of euchre ponj of tmm q represent and court whist to be held satur j in thfi coty haltnoj education through tv the day april 10th stationary engineer who died or about the 16th day of guelph man hoshil altxfcu l u afer accident on highway ary 108 n domnc rass 11 huron st l send in to guelph was taktn to uelph gen executrix lral hospital tarlj friday morn ng following an accident at the 58 eastern town hm ts in which his claims after which date the ea- car was damaged to thc extent of t w ve distributed having about 200 mr riiaio was dnvint east on or the said estate on or before the 26th day of march full particulars of their no 7 highway when according to a police report his car went in to a ikid towards the north ditch hit the tenth line crossroad and made a complete flip landing on its wheels and sliding backwards for another 44 feet mr rasso was rushed to hospital b the georgetown volunteer ambulance service after being examined b dr o m brewster the accident occurred at about regard only to the claims of the executrix shall then have no tice dated at georgetown ontario the 19th day of february atx 1958 magdalene pond executrix b her solicitor m e manderson 61 mill street 3 12 georgetown ontario 6 40 pm and was investigated by press and the various commodity marketing and producer groups should make farmers more con scmus of the potential benefits of the federation if they give it thelr support cst ted scoll big bold bbxjtie lqwpricedtoo l maveal motor sales ltd main st tr 73611 feature for feature you get more for your money 1958 dodge nmriima in canada la there ao muoh oar on one of smooth riding whoola for auoh modoat monoyaavlng prloo m dooqii take a good long look at what today a dodge price can park in vour driveway a low wide and handsome beauty styled to make dodge the talk of the town and advanced features that other low priced cars can f offer you push button fully automatic transmtssiqn for one which puts sprightly new v8 or newly improved big six power at the command of your firuyer tip 68- toraton aire ride is anotherl thats the dodge exclusive that teaches the roughest roads new riding manners no doubt about ltl this big bold and beautiful new dodge puts outstanding newmeamng in more for your money so why not drop in at your nearest dodge dealer a today youtl soon discover why todays glamourous dodge has em all looking twice first at the car then at its low price chrysui cotfotatloa of cmum motta quality car buy o thi vkari from the moment your rugged new dodge chaaria is mounted on wheels till your finished car rolls off the assembly line each qualityconstructed com ponent la carefully checked for workmanship tina attention to details means your car is worth more when you buy it mora whan you trade it vou rk always a step ahead in cars op the forward look hews0n motors limited in the mail bag halton writer sets out liberal electiont policies to the editor when limes and business condi lion wrr good the liberal gov eminent taxed us so as to show a- budsetar surplus which went to reduce canada s national debt the liberals argued that good 1 tunesjustified this taxation policy t as to economically allow deficit budgetinc occasioning the in crease of our antional debt i when as and if times and busi iness conditions became demonstra bly poor i the conservative part hen in her majesty s official opposi uon lone railed that such a tax polc resulting as it did in ear nd cah surplus uimis wcrt ntv rr better meant that the govern ment took the attitude that it ou d pcnd and conscre the taxpatrrv monc better than the taxpayers thai the taxpatrs cuuld n be relied upon to ust iud jutmcnl in spending their in mootx so thc goernmtnt mjfc do il for them so mine jvoftixr 1 j nus so cuanc an olclin t also com hi uncra it parl into o irrnmrn and i he ijbcrals are llor yjjrsu official opposition and all agree that deficit financing u now justified both parties would import thc ncccssit of re turning some of the tax dollars concerned in good umis to be spent in the presenv poor times but what do we find to be the polic f the conservative party in government a return to the taxpayer of tax dollars taken from nun by the government s i ng polio f the pasf a tax cut a dnbble a mere s3s million while 1 billion 185 to cover the geographic poiucal water front thus it can be seen that the conservative party consider the taxpayer capable of spending but j06c on his own behalf while the conservative government in its own lofty wisdom would have us beueve that tt knows best how to spend the other -94c- on the other hand what is the liberal party platform they would satetbe electorate appro march 31st those who would not deny that tax surplus had been their responsibility and reduction ihereo of our national debt by over 2 billions of dollars an income tax reduction for ah taxpayers of 500 million now when times and bu iness condit tnn demonstrate the necessity this represents over 500 pir cent greater confidence in thc native intelligence of the taxpacr ot canada o spend their own moncj than the tanrralivcs dtmons trate to quote a phrase of thc past war vol h words alone but deeds wc shall count if the resn ts of march 31st voting is to record recognition of consis teno with platform then the fore going bespeaks support of mike pearson and the liberal party the c have shown a split personality depending whe ther they are in power or just wanting to get in the liberal party renewed by a man who has brought prestige and confidence to the term canadian the world over offer now the corrollary to torn directly to the taxpayer of his tax dollar with no strings tacked at a tune when they said your international truck dealer arrive refreshed by bus 6 mill strbst sa climax mown or ar mnv tmursoav georgetown ioht ok tv cmecft vow local v triantjie 79421 from over twenty feet oul lockhurst was completely screened on fort eries first goal an icehugger that mike mcguirei rifled through a maze of skates i after elliott fed him from- the cor nor at 10 15 frratic passing by the jr jtaiders killed numerous threats to tie it up before ross cunning ham who led the team last year in assists relayed to mclean who rapped it by lviulholland before he could make a move on it that was scored at 12 25 doug richardson brought the crowd to their feet when he just missed putting georgetown out m front two minutes later with a high hard one that hit the cross bar and then carromed off the goal post to elliott who cleared it down the ice elliott was sitting out an el i bowing penalty when pomeroyj banged in a richardson pass and nut thc j r s ahead for exactly 55 seconds when jim driver knot ted it at 2all elliott assisting fort erie was still short handed when they scored the equalizer iil 1 ilote from norm rouse made it 3 2 for fort enc at 6 24 of the second frame just after king got thc gate for tripping and t wasnt until 135 that thc added their 4th tally ifutton get una this one from rouse while plawng 5 men to georgetown s 3 the teams were at full strength when richardson raked in coxes pass and let a bullet go from thc left boards that went in off mul hoi land s skate with less than a minute to go to keep it close go ing into the third the ir raiders came out on the rough end of a fast four goal i exchange that started at the 5 30 mark and ended at 7 35 rouse picked up a pair and mahon add ed a single for the fort while georgetown managed only one that off the stick of cunningham at 6 52 when the smoke cleared it was fort erie 7 georgetown 4 each team added once to their total before it was all over ehr mann all alone at 1427 and mc lean on king s rebound at 19 24 scoring summary 1st period 1 fort erie mcgulre elliott 10 15 2 georgetown mclean cunmnginm 12 25 3 georgetown pomeroy richardson 17 55 4 fort erie driver elliott 1850 penalties pilote slashing 1 45 hyde and pilote roughing 12 46 hales elbowing 13 23 elliott elbowing 16 45 mcguire elbow ing 17 50 2nd priod 5 fort erie pilote rouse 6 24 6 fort erie ifutton rouse 16 35 i 7 ceorgctow n richardson coxo 19 25 penalties hyde elbowing 1 05 king tripping 5 29 coxe knee ing 8 29 mulholland spearing 1 y ia f w if and potjak 10 minute miscon 1 utff ft l w w k l 10 18 king clipping 10 35 king boarding 13 45 mcguire inter ference and halesztm min mis conduct 15 11 3rd 8 fort enc rouse pilote and hutton 5 30 9 port erie mahon unassisted 624 10 georgetown cunningham harrison and mclean 6 52 11 fort erie rouse mcguire 7 35 12 fort erie ehrmann uhnftssisted 1427 13 georgetown mclean i king 1934 penalties potyak interfer- 3 leave georgetown to toronto 625 anu exc sat svtu hoi 6 49 a m exc sun a hoi daily 9 14 am 224 pm 649 pjn 1 1 49 ajn 5 24 p m 849 pjn 1024 pm sun hot for service to guelph kitchener stratford london see timetable no 4 tickets and information at silvercreek comers general store pho tr 737 corner cupboard tr 73051 cabs 3 reuabie drivers radio equipped glen taxi tr 72432 ii min0 lt gorze jackson 06 victoria slotel 5 c alasbjmo pom- ibltod ontario y timn plm 10 mln mla- doors cabinets frames sash stairs screens prompt service j j estimate 11 watex st tr 79771 conduct miller 10 min mlacon all at 150s elliott interference 1824-

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