Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), May 21, 1958, p. 1

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the gfij herald nmvi mob oeotorrown wednesday may list 1958 first section what council did okay maple avenue paving perhaps main street also c ju6r paving job are planned central george area the centra ll ltaalt the news became public on monday when deputy reeve wal ter gray who is road dftdrnunv submitted a proposal to council for paving maple avenue from main st to the highway the road completed less than two years ago links the two portions of maple ave and the deputy reeve said the road bed is now sufficiently settled to allow com pletion of the project by paving tenders have been called for the job abo under consideration but as yet not formally presented to council is the resurfacing of main st from the four corners to james st last major work on this road was in 1939 and it has reach ed the condition where a major improvement should be made mr gray said sidewalk replacement where necessary would be includ ed in the plan a third project which would come under jurisdiction of coun ty council is paving of the bal ance of main st to maple ave this n a connecting link a coun ty term of a roadway through a town which links two county roads the deputy reeve said the town road committee would be discussing this sometime this week with county engineer roy smith with hopes that the work can be done in 1958 oac graduate sandra bradley daughter of mrs aileen bradley 33 victoria st graduated from the diploma course in home economics at mac- donald institute guelph receiv ing honours in her course miss bradley was presented with her diploma last wednesday at gradu ation exercises b dr margaret mccready principal of the insti tute winnipeg soldier visits with brother friends pte jim gordon a former iimehouse resident now station ed with the rcasc at ft os borne winnipeg was in the dis trict last week vtsiung with his brother wallace and with friends in town pte gordon returned to canada from his second tour of duty in germany last december he was married just before going over seas for the second time and his wife joined htm m germany in february they became parents of a daughter donna lynn explains problems of koreans in japan a light in the darkness was the theme taken by mrs a mc- clure at the may meeting of the norval presbvtenan wms at the home of mrs j mcclure through her talk and photos mrs mcclure presented to the members a clear picture of the alien koreans try ing to make a place for themsel ves in an already overcrowded japan of thn group a ver small percentage is christian the work of re donald powell and his wife marion powell was also brought to the attention of the members by mrs mcclure the reading and explanation of he d by mrs t mcgee was followed by prayer and mrs h anthony and mrs dure arch- dekin assisted the hostess in ser ving lunch social personal mr and mrs douglas latimer motored to ottawa over the holiday weekend mii- miss jennifer coulter toronto was a we guest with miss claire bradley 33 victoria street mrs a baskervule 39 maple ave v has returned from a visit in fort erie with her son fred and family mr thomas reid of fernie bri tish columbia is visiting with his daughter and family the f w nortons 54 mclntyre cresc fit cadet peter darlington now with the rcaf at ctentralia was at home for the holiday weekend with his parents mr and mrs ted darlington main st s miss marjone inman a former member of the high school staff who now lives in dunnville is vis iting with mr and mrs harr bail cy 56 charles street mr and mrs steve emmerson marie and kevin 16 sarah street spent the holiday weekend visit ing relatives in montreal and val leyneld que mr gordon harley and douglas 31 john sl est and mr and mrs john holden 7 margaret sl spent the holiday weekend at the holden cottage at lake cecebe master dan mcdonald son of mr and mrs clifford mcdonald dolly varden has returned home after spending two weeks with mr and mrs elwin service in milton csl tom dobbie with a divis- i ion of the ro al canadian moun ul j- k a tool compaay head wat promimnt mason k jam taylor prominent mas on died suddenly at his farm home near ijornby on monday born at jones falls in 1887 he was educated in country school at i jrtiiocr sydenfesm high school and kingston business college for n years he worked with a mon treal wholesale ftool firm before opening his own business in tor onto the j a mi taylor tool co ltd it was late expanded into a factoiy at gait rrith head office in toronto and a branch in mon treal f mr taylor wis a past district deputy grand master of toronto district b masons and was a no ble of barneses temple toronto he was a member of georgina lodge a cnartefl member of bay of quinte lodge and a member of the canadian masonic research association he was a charter member of the lions club of tor onto a member of the ontario club hamilton scottish rite the american society of tool engin eers and the canadian manufactu rcrs association at his hornbj farm tfr taylor specialized in sheep raising he leaves his wife ellen ann macmitian a daughter mrs r g hinde gait a son ross taj lor toronto and sisters and brother mrs j m lairtl toronto miss gladys taylor new york and r s talor calgary alta funeral service will be held on thursday at the turner porter chapel toronto with interment in park lawn cemetery what council did ann street to have six inch water line a 6 water line for new homes planned on nn st was decided upon at mondavs council meeting with tender called for the job which is estimated by the town engineer to cost m the neighbour hood of 9w the water iu be rooted via mam and ontario streets accord ing to a plan submitted by the water chairman or era hyde cr hyde said that although ten ders are beuxs called there is a possibility that the town might in stall the hoe using the works staff and if this were done there sugh be a amw erf rwo or three tboos and dollars strong pjopaner of ro5a wofj pobrr or hyde id he expodiue cac be financed w-h- wt oebeananc the waie- de partment had a 5irp of s occ uss war be ai and nil have a 1s 5arpjus estimated a s9axv ft ivtssasje v be ad hat the water me to be new par chool will afcw be financed a scaziar xmdbsxe trots svarpfcxs sagcekn by cr fred ham- a detailed report on an 364 roadaccouatwiseh x5r tre3 har nsou had questioned two weeks 0 was given br road chairman walter gray cr hamson had claimed part of the moaev was pent on delrex roads the de putyreeve in hi report showed that s255 spent in delrex was on tour roads which have bees takes over bv the town and drew an apology from the counaucs- rclocation of the new park fcool led to council oitonc change is the abdmsaoc plan recently approved while roach will now be at differes locakss her will carrv the names decided ton ranxd l and hyde part cr ramxa petmtrd wt that aeo sl eaty feet wsde w bor- t the i wwxdb to emata gtpvensbesit ob amy tu- tatre road wrt prvciertjr wiut ta u sades af the street will be asawd deed s fc scraps the braag the raad the proper wadm pmtmm of oanarmi acmttat an the priapestaes nsly 33 feet wide and c i be tmaae 1 aonv a 33 ssrap tti s a iaw a she ractae saor s tauc terecc pvaacazg ns the dtatnger ci vhe anflge amprvweh 4a miebfllaj- aav emcd m a sa lxms aanw caam e taatavtcawal m f wntmh a h sftr of ft- ut nam fl few ar xhse awaflatc mm glukjl sl be bann aat at car mrs frank seddon dies soddenly mrs frank ddox s kc6 evay road died saaddesly a her borne s thursday mxy 15sh m ber ffrryoroeth vewr she was the former lo ma teeser darccher f marpares mcdonald tevcer and lewi teeeer ben oc a farm near incvwaad she as aaded scawcils n the bt0rm dzfirx and tacer xhe braa b ctiqrgc ber hnshan fratnk whan si nitrnd ix oraneevibe and tbesr rmw cxoldrcbi dtand flanks and carole etatne smiuw her as d bra and suanr danaaaa vmrs jnr cmesf htasm tvoa mrs harry cma riauuaaa beery ted f st tam cnttec cuuiih imo a y- ihe sevan lames xiajn 3ft m asnfarane sl jeans etabdocaed 3 fnnesrac ser we as the bbtbm c jacqure frnwrai bam nr sa may iih siaswksc was in treit- wanil ceantanty tatawaiiii i ww xatr caves barry caak sahaey lrinoi ackneac bacr tea leaaer ted police at ottawa was at borne over the weekend with his par enu mr and mrs jim dobbie 10 oung street- rex j e ostrora and robert of w ingham were weekend visi tors with mr and mrs e s thompson guelph sl mr ostrom is a former baptist church mini ster here mrs a r annatter 16 dux ham street has as her guest her her lister mrs fred lint from dunnville mrs vannatter will return with ber sister for a visit in dunnville fj carney daughter of mr and mrs philip carnev cele brated ber third birthday on mon day with a partv at her home her guests were barbara leslie and robbv burns charlie chamber lain david warren and brothers danny michael and david on saturda evening lynne ritchie daughter of mr and mr william ritchie 8 union sjret entertained several friends on the occasion of her eleventh birthday her guests were jill rurbam eunbelh- judy sash pennv landreville mar pare gilchrist marv mcnamara pe trier patsy armstrong and jane bradler mr james russell 8 t mon street left recently on the svl- rania filing from montreal to england for a three months boli dav mrs- wouam rilrtne 8 inioo street accompanied he- mother to montreal mrs russell j suier mrs edward vaylor pom pleasanl penn accompanied her to ecgtand the- wfll vaot with their sxer m tanbrids3vre for a me later trtveltxac to torquay the jrt lioes and sceeland oz sa ereninf a pvij o reds hd 2 miiyj j parr a the home of mr and mrs oare kt w mr panct5 gaess of hcooar os her v inrc e cbsncr mr ar- mrc sa mesr mr and mrs tt m le arx v- and ms ros ieir3 were mr and mr gardos lmngsmme and mrs tease trama and thear twq xsdanc the may day fescral a 2ma codege sl csrday aftenata w and mrs bex besiup sxnsnsck mr amd mrs garfiead vrodrray and carol erans mrs bmtbert waooae amd mrs manner isack done and grady mcgvwy acnr atai at the oo lege and dome hifww untnffth um last eac- cf vatnr3a bjc was a che may queen ami a charge acton youths with car thefts here as the result of an investiga tion conducted py the acton pol ice department two youths age 19 and 20 have been apprehended and charged with six car thefts includ ing two which occurred locally last week on sunday may 11th a car was stolen from behind thejormer har rison garage now occupied by hewson motors and found aban doned in erin that same night a car was taken from erin and turned up abandoned on the 7th line a car stolen from glen wu hams was also located on the week ena not far away the youths were also charged with two car thefts at acton and one at shelbourae paul prust to work on dew line radar paul prust son of mr and mrs r w prust 14 james st will be beginning a fifteen months period of work with a radar group at the dew line in canada s nortbland in about 10 weeks he is currently at street illinois where he has commenced a two month training period to prepare him for the work he will be doing at the line prior to this be was at ottawa with the national research coun cil for one ear saturday night sees big show fireworks in park marking the 24th of may will i be a big evening scheduled in the i park saturday night the hospital j association has arranged a show to be climaxed by the big legion i town council fireworks display what cpuncid did reeve opposes park land sale in sunbeam heights alliance employees have spring party at legion alliance paper mill employees held their annual spring party this year in the legion hall on monday about a hundred and seventy five mill employees partook of the buffet supper prepared by the le- giol ladies- auxiliary dancing to the music of ross hilhers orches tra completed an entertaining ev ening roy norton sr headed the com mittee in charge of the arrange ments composed of herb hancock basil hadley rena sorenson pat pruneau doug weir bill james pcrc chaplin and linda mino church servers guild sponsors euchre party there were nine tables in play at sl georges parish hall last friday night when the members of the servers guild held a fund raising euchre mrs lloyd boyd and mrs jim doherty won prizes for high score and mrs nesbitt for most lone hand the door prize of- a serv ing tray went to mrs c e stacey the money raised through the euchre will be used towards the purchase of cassocks and surplic- no more fireworks police chief warns a warning has been issued bj police chief roy hale with refer ence to the firecracker bjlaw which appeared in the herald two weeks ago he stresses the fact that it is prohibited for anv person to dis charge fireworks wiihin the town limits after the daj of celebration which this year was may 19th without special permission from the tire chief he adds that ever clause of the b law will be strict ly enforced georgetown stands alone so high school board continues local deitt atteno convention in toronto d- and sirs john kerbv 18 uaket street are in toonto to- da attending he 91s annual mee ting of the ontario dental soc a aon which is he d for three davs dr and mrs ken mccaujej 52 king street and dr and m- j b si ae 32 marke steet t at the conven on on monda nd tueda social a personal c turntm di e of mr i5 m- j nimbi 62 man s oh ce ebra ed her e eventh benbda wiji a parv ur fnoa et efiifig he gueu wee jid rjall pi lock dona jorcsn marv 1lj cao mcg irrar bar ba evans d an go dec lvnda hcwa gj m d dle jous bad lv rnbe bon roi 1 nsahee john barbe- peie- w b m chae rai jnmi goe nd be- voj gjco tom boll farmhouse damaged scotch block fire the first of two fire calls last i week took the local brigade to the 4th line at number 15 sideroad where fire damaged one down stairs room and part of the attic in a farm house owned bj goldie gilus j the blaze was in milton tern torj and the township truck was onlv needed to stand b while the milton brigade fought the fire j which was reported a about 4 05 pm i on fda fire did n nor dam i age to the oof of a double garage on ictona st owaed hy don huren fiemen had little trou blue ir- dous ng the blaze which arted ound 10 im park a trtra j believed o have aused the fire russia tour f hockey team l a cha aeeong a toonto todav th kelowna fb c packe- were chosen o oar russia s a ee poe mot fo nz jit can adiaa cm of i rjls eaa jij kea v ma 8 eawr s ree cho i ce ptidit o the osro hofke mcj oz cozr e- jie attt br t epbone o je wcald ojji af e- ie deoswa as tde iaf ftenc chances of dissolving north hal ton high school district are shm according to advance word from the county consultative committee which haj been studing the ques tion the commit ee reported bnefj to count council eterda with a full report to follow for the june meeting georgetown seems to be the onlj municipality strong 1 ljout ng the break up into three districts according to major armstrong the major told the town coun r monday jiat at a meeting cal led in milton iast week by the consulla ie comti ttee acton m dicated satisfaction with the pres ent 5municipalitv district while m 1 oc and nassagaaeva were non committa eqjeing s concerned ih idnuuibd e djtncls would conip fa e axe because he jwn wo- d ae tioned niwfen he i an kgwl tax rates could van ht iid the school board ih has 4ndi ci in a majontt vote jiat i wihe o cob nue th present syi- ci ih b one centra board adnii- r tivooj in georgetown cjc mihon the co25jlre coaiaijtlee is composed of l l skuce public school inpeco- k c lmdsar eaquesing ciektreasarer m m robara asj d mc tnaccie tbe lalte- is channan a motion to av permiaston from the minister of planning development for the town to tell four lots in sunbeam heights deeded to the town as park land by nbdlviders drew spirited op position from reeve doug sar gent at mondays council meeting contending that it is foolish to sell small land parcels which can he used for neighbourhood play grounds the reeve said as the town grows larger they beconm more valuable and should be re tained as public property the lots in question are three at the byron edward corner and one on shelley sl cr fred harrison who made the motion explained that it b his idea to sell the property and use the funds as the town must do on other more suitable park land he pointed out that there is land behind the georgetown dairy which is close to this area and which with proper drainage and fill can become a future park the lots presently owned by the town are too small for baseball and tend to become unkept eye sores with no real value be said do ratepayers in that area want us to retain the lots asked cr era hyde i dont know but if theyre op posed well hear from them long before the land is sold said mayor armstrong the mayor who voted for the motion along with all the councillors except the reeve said he has an open mind and does not necessarily favour selling the motion he pointed out only asks for permission to sell and if this is granted council still does not nave to sell the land the town planning committee was asked to study a proposal by cr ern hyde that a 100 deposit be required with every building permit issued cr hyde said there is a great deal of damage done to roads sidewalks and xjuswork bering the coarse of new cxmstruction and while the town ia entitled to da from the contractor it is rare that the case is pressed he suggesed that the deposit be returned when a building ii completed minus any cost to the town for damage repair it will certainly make people more careful when they know they are going to bave to pay if dam age u done be said reeve doug sargent agreed and s that i a to ha a iimilar clause is their by laws maor armstrong pointed out one difficulty in proving that damage was done by any certain party and also said there might i be doubt that a town is etnpow- exed to require such a deposit i the ntanning cfrmtfttjee hou ever n to check on the whole matter and report to council at a later date playground becomes public property mrs donald smith scoutmasters wife a georgetown resadest lor three yean mrt donald smith 47 de raddesrr at ber home 24 beery sl on sunday following a short ufewsa the former oi e2he turner ih w a naarre of london eog ulhi um dlejr- of th ratt mr and mrs wiouxa turner ctormx t wv the msid as a t4ep4we eontro3tt wra tfae brav m emj denot orcamzatmal mr and mr smith were taarratd at bore england vtult be was ner vrog wxtfa the cataadaaa army oner beat after th war be nrougat hs bnde te canada a 1t7 and bcy irned act lakenew and kaefcv nwrf before tsonnr la gorn own wtole lrmg as lafcrrae she wan a mem rf port cav da uxmed gburch ixoeresans sa lart k t oal sl itm aa see vov m ttr aaa at xjb t1v k aw teuj ccffi wayy aova u4mmg pan tit a 310 aca ptactaaed t ike oedl- valle canxana4an auaoss ir a cad of si mj0og tte aad far imuimiiuy ad p 4he par m a obifewsir leaned at fta qada wthaili llij nlauaprfif fee alabrj fnajacas t ii lilt j

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