Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), May 28, 1958, p. 16

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im thb aa hrrald wtaktttsr mar no itn c v mob mlllwifllhhi ming millwork i doors i cabinets i frames sash stairs screens i prompt service fm estimate 11 water st tr 79771 jumubs no obugatloa whatever row msiu travel notes reduced airline prices to europe new e class fare toronto to london s4760 return toronto to glasgow 144940 return onfcymktoown full particulars at john r barber travel advisor john r barber agency insurance travel tr 72314 mill street howvyed do you ixnaw ontamo check your knowledge hy identifying tins map ontario aima recollection of th pqst at hornby w 1 50th anniversary contact f lee d hornsby tr 7375 tr 7m34 nimwcr wbu yoo know onto twyoqtlesijry gutting to know it batter make point tfak j at of waplorinn no lugjuwjiya rad byways ranting its lovely inksai and tm atinwim at ona oa ba ffae hejibortoa hicfalaade ahown above tab the float atop itw by y out and rrwnf the coupon boaoaa 1n- jmam recollections of the past discus sions for the future and an after noon of trieitdlumss and renilniae- ence highlighted the 50th anniver sary celebration of the hornby womens institute when a large at tendance of members and past s embers gathered at the hornby oiled church immediate past president mrs russell king had charge of the afternoon program conducted amid a setting of spring flowers in the community church mrs harold wilson sang two solos accompanied at hie piano by mrs k o foster mrs percy merry gave a brief history of the founding of the in athute in 1906 and traced its his tory from then until it lapsed for two yars and then reopened in january 1914 dunns the first world war the wl aid a great deal of war work helping the sol diers in one month they knit 186 pairs of socks and baked innumcr able pies for the troops camped here at home she traced its history further down through the y cars naming the different presidents and men honing a few of the highlights which the institute had accomp hshed much more could have been told of its imtorj but unit did not permit a unique coremon took place when mrs m j brown standing bj a table with a candle holder con taining three candles called upon one of the oldest living members jlrs fred wnggleworth to come forward and to light the first can die representing the past mrs wrigglesworth spoke a few words wishing the hornby w i all suc cess for the future then the 1958 president mrs w coulton was called upon to light the second candle typifing the present mrs coulton also spoke a few words of greeting then for the future candle lit tie joyce wilson four years old and a grandchild of one of he for mcr presidents the late mrs john wilson was called to light the third candle mrs merrv led in a short period of community singing mrs gordon robinson mtrodu ced the speaker miss ethel chap man of the home economics scr vice depl of agriculture toron to mis chapman in her address spoke on conditions of farm life 40 or 50 years ago comparing that life with today s she spoke of the institute of the by gone days men uonmg that while the institute stands fr home and country it too has changed its activities with the changing tunes it was an address which everyone enjoyed miss martha may favoured with two vocal solos accompanied at the piano by her mother mrs mccarron was courtesy con vener and thanked the speaker for her address and each and every one who had contributed in any way towards the program the guests were invited down stairs where refrcshmnt were served the tea table was center ed with a tiered birthday cake with 50th anniversary on it and with the letters v i standing at the top of the cake mrs stanley learmont and mrs b ncclands poured tea and the members of the institute served fancy sandwiches small cakes and tea with birthday cake farm hews v 1 r ii weed control news byv e mcarthur hahon weed intpcdor weed infestations are increasing in our county in recent years this is largely due to certain changes which are taking place in the area for example many properties are lying idle waiting for development others are being farmed on only a part time basts while hundreds of acres have already been subdivid ed and are in the stage of partial development council is aware of this situa uon and is carryinon a weed con trol program educational work such as arranging talks and pict urcs for interested organizations printing and distributing of weed control posters articles in local pa pers and a county wide public school essav contest are being plan ned municipal councils have been contacted and weed inspectors have been appointed where ncces sary letters have bctn sent to man owners of abandoned and untidj properties soliciting their cooperation in the 1958 session companies such as hydro rail wajs etc owning right of way have also been contacted tht cooperation of every indiv idual is necessary for success in this endeavour we hope to bring you a wecklv column during the summer months with timely news on weed control in halton county jjew tost weeks showers while still far short of being adequate to meet requirements nevertheless have pepped up growth of all crops pastures and meadows in general are abort for the time of year and certainly needed the stimulant on thursday we were impressed by the growth of two different pas tures which bad been treated whh applications of nitrogen in early april on- the farm of johnson neelands of hornby a twelve acre field bad been divided into three four acre paddocks by means of an electric fence one fouracre paddock had received an applica tion of urea 45 per cent nitrogen rphis triple superphosphate a sec ond paddock of similar acreage had received an equal amount of nitrogen in the form of ammonium nitrate or nitrapnlls plus triple superphosphate at the moment the plot which received the urea seemed to be well in advance but both treated plots were away out in front of the non treated pad dock wi alho had a look at ano ther somewhat similar dtmonstra tion on the farm of brock harris near lowaiiic here a 16 acre field had been also subdivided for rota tional jruzinj on the harris farm the mature herd of 32 cows wen turned out on this field on april 25th whilt the herd wjs trans ftrred to another field for a short period thtv are now back on the notice to creditors in the estate of charles hen- ry boyle colour mixer decea sed all persons having claims ag ainst the estate of charles henry boyle late of the town of george town colouf muter who died on or about the 17th day of april 1958 are hereby notified to send particulars of same to the under signed on or before the 28th day of june 1958 after which date the estate will be distributed with re gard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice dated at georgetown this 27th day of may a d 1958 sheila veronica boyle admin istratrix of the estate of char les henry boyle by her soli citors dale bennett lati mer georgetown ont 611 building sahd concrete gravel road gravel fill and top soil stone work tom haines glen williams tr 73302 mayco water soluntrs pustmtea t4nk 1meu wumntv mmmi22t katherine merry speaks at junior church service jew the ninth annual church service for halton junior farmer members was held in st paul s united church milton on sunday even ing mav i8th there was a grati fymg congregation in attendance for an evening service but there was room for more those present must have been impressed as we were by the manner in which the young people earned out their various roles or parts in the service they reflec ted much credit on their respective homes and churches in our opin ion the parents present had every reason to be very proud of their young people following a few words of wel come from rev j lome graham minister of st pauls president roy ford of the halton juniors took charge of the service in which he was assisted by vicepre sident sandy buchanan the spea ker of the evening katbenne mer ry took as her subject the future is ifow her presentation and development of the topic was keen iv enjoved and appreciated by her congregation the anthems by the junior farmer choir trained and led by mrs george newell also contributed much to the enjoy meat of the servicer following the benediction a good percentage of the congregation adjourned to the sunday school room for a fireside boor where the choir assisted by miss barbara cunningham and the halton junior farmer quartette composed of john eve howson roddeti tom hunter and stuart hcfadden pre sented a most enjoyable program 3howers beneficial to pastures needing rain efficient trooblefrea space saving design attractive and economical bill garbutt plumbing c heating 16 elgin street tr 734j8 the cottage inn for good things to eat all through the day breakfast coffee break lunch the food is ah tastefahyamr appetisingr prepared do come in and let us serve you main sts tr 74094 16 acre field which is largely ox chard grass for a second tour one only has to see this field to realize why mr harris is such a booster of orchard grass he it on the same day we saw other pasture fields which were quite a contrast to those mentioned in short they were short and in stead of being a good tight healthy sward they were open with plenty of dandelions and other weeds and the colour a pale yellowish green except here and there where the cattle droppings had promotatf bunch growth meadows too show just as great differences 1957 by and large was a goodrcar to sec ure seed catches but what a con trast here and there one notes fields of alfalfa and clover twelve to fifteen inches in height while op other farms there is little growth in the meadows and they arc open at the bottom what a difference fertility does make over the ears dh1a figures rev cal a tremendous spread in the j e cost of producing milk as one notes tht difference in pastures g and meadows one sees ewdtnee i of the wins and the whtreforco a terra cotta inn has ba ikajtoed and nodbridxo t- ac i now open excellent roost duckling roast beef and yorkshire pudding steak and kidney pie book accotihnodation early buslnasmans retreat mrs farrar phone victoria 1 r 2 flit our unused articles out i and rtady for tht kolar auction sale call an member and articles will be picked up 1 rosedale floral your headquarters for r bedding plants a complete selection of flowering plants geraniums begonia canna cabbage tomatoes cauliflower we fill hanging pots and windows boxes make your selection early we will keep them for you rosedale floral albert and murdock sis tr 72952 give gifts that say live better rutvwje hmm uom express your good wishes the modem way give the wonderful electrical gifts that promise happier easier living for yean to come whatever your budget there are electrical gifts to make a brides heart sing an electric fry pan a handy automatic popup toftfttor a mixer or a steam iron for the future man of the house there are electric shavers and a wonderful array of time saving power tools and what couple wouldnt be delighted with one or two handsome modem electric lamps theyll be proud of their electric gifts and happy too because theyre so economical to use electricity does so much costs so utile 1

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