Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 4, 1958, p. 1

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11 pages georgetown out v june 1s fust section what council did split vote as councillors mayor get salary increases meeting fees for eight george town councillors were increased to 13 and the mayors allowance to 1600 yearly at mondays coun cil meeting the council increase passed by a slim 54 margin on a recorded vote mayor armstrong was overruled by all councillors ig voting against hlsiwn raise the 13 replaces the former 8 meeting fee received by coun cillors previously the mayor re ceived an annual allowance of 1000 all raises are retroactive to the first of the year if meet ings this year reach a total of co as has been the case for se veral years the raises will take some 2500 extra from this years tax treasury the decision is subject to ratification by a bylaw amend ment which must he presented at a future council meeting in moving the raise for coun cillors cr alfred syces said that council work is becoming heavier all the time a fulltime engineer might have saved necessity for it and save some 1600 of his salary he said but when an engineer is not available it throws more work on councillors 1 dont think a councillor bene fits any from the 400 he receives said cr sykes if he buys all the tickets hes asked to buy and the other calls on his pocketbook his expenses run over the 400 cr sykes said there will no doubt be criticism but the audi tor had suggested a raise when he drew up the 1958 budget and thought it justified he asked a recorded vote on the question cr harrison who seconded the motion pointed out that a coun cillor has a lot of aftermeeting work including committee meet- ings i i dont dispute the truth of i anything the movers say but a councillor should have public spirit and donate some of his time to the town there arc headaches of course but i get j pleasure from the work and feel the present allowance is suffici- ent said deputy reeve sargent he pointed out that although the auditor had budgeted for the in crease council had cut this fig ure down when striking the tax rate cr john gunn said he is mid way between the two schools of thought although feeling an 8 fee somewhat outdated he had run for council knowing that was the stipend the s13 is a 60 raise he pointed out and he could not support such a steep increase i hone council doesnt get to the point where someone is at tracted to run for the money in volved said cr ern hyde mr hyde said he had voted against a raise lasfyear when the fee was increased to 8 but had benefitted when a majority sup ported it this time he said he would reserve judgment until the vote was polled and see what others were going to do i enjoy my work as deputy- reeve and road chairman and i cannot support a raise at this time of the year said deputyreeve walter gray this has taken me by sur prise but ive never turned down a raise in pay yet cr garfield mcgilvray he point ed out that the municipal board has seen fit to allow an increase for councillors and towns like brampton have taken advantage of it indicating he would vote in favour mayor armstrong said that the dept of municipal af fairs in setting allowances which can be paid takes into consider ation the work involved in grow ing municipalities like george town the own councillors give tmctimtkiy of their time he said the sykesharrison motion re ceived voting support from mc gilvray hyde and the mayor the four opponents were sargent gray gunn and elliott presenting a sykessargent mo tion for a 1500 expense allow ance for the mayor mayor arm strong said he appreciated the sentiment but had accepted the positions responsibility at 1000 he asked for a recorded vote and said he would vote against the motion he was unanimously opposed by council however cr sykes said he estimates the mayor is paid 20c an hour for the time he spends on the job and that no mayor does a finer job than georgetowns the amount of time our mayor spends in municipal work is al most beyond belief said the reeve he has set a standard which future mayors- will have a hard time to meet and they are going to have to follow suit or have a short term of office charles harvey 50 was farmer supply employee after a lingering illness char les robert harvey of maple ave east died in st josephs hospi tal guclph on monday may 26th fifty years- of age he was born the son of gertrude dennis har vey and robert john harvey in england coming to canada thir ty years ago he spent the first ten years in the west and the rest of his life in ontario the past five living in georgetown his wife the former rose reeve- ncwson whom he married eight years ago survives him as do a brother and sister mrs james marson carmarthen south wales and dennis in norwich england mr harvey was employed at the farmers supply equipment company brampton where he had the longest service record of any employee presently working wilh the firm he was a member of the georgetown lawn bowling club rev kenneth richardson con ducted the funeral service at the harold c mcclure funeral home 34 edith street georgetown on thursday may 29th at 300 pm pallbearers were all executive members and employees of the farmerssupply equipment co emerson mckinney william mar tin william book fred phillips james b allan all of brampton and william eakins of palermo interment was in greenwood cemetery georgetown olafterg- on thursday ola berg son of mr and mrs e a berg lime house received his ba degree in maths and physics from the uni versity of toronto a ghs gradu ate ola is working for the sum mer in the digital computing de partment of avro aircraft he will return to university in the fall for work on his masters de gree the previous day another ghs graduate flying officer william hughes son of mr and mrs ivan copley received his bsc degree at the u of t a 1957 graduate of royal military college he left the next day for further jet training with the rcaf at portage la prai rie manitoba miss lois carson daughter of mr and mrs james carson 15 edith street received her ba degree at the convocation of the university of western ontario in london gvas has ten calls in two weeks activity the georgetown volunteer am bulance service answered ten calls in the past two weeks four to guclph general hospital two to st josephs hospital guelph one to toronto general one to sunny- brook hospital toronto one to teel memorial hospital brampton and to brampton rest home one call was the result of a highway accident volunteers are invited to call ed hall tr 73273 two georgetown farmers tops in peel judging two young georgetown district farmers were winners in a judg ing competition saturday an an nual affair of pre junior farmers keith leslie son of mr and mrs wilfrid leslie was named best judge of dairy cattle and roy thompson son of mr and mrs vern thompson for sheep george pinkney alton won the swine award and bill parkinson bramp ton was best beef judge as well as winning the j a carroll trophy provincial ss were fasjball winners tuesday provincial pf picked up ground on the league leaders last night by do wningt alliance paper mill while smith phd stone were handing the oraibues their first setback in seven smarts in local in dustrial fastball action provincial has dropped f two in six starts one to the combines and the other to barberwent all the way in get ting the win he was backed up by some timely hitting by jk kemafaead who carded three for three and bud- varey colieej ted three hits in four trips for the provincials while pick dillon paced the alliance hitters with two hits in two trips varey also turned in a good glove game touching off two double plays while joe mcmenemy played a steady game for the alliance in centre field cunningham went the distance for alliance in taking the loss scotty patterson limited the com bines to just five hits and led the plate parade witha home run and double as smith and stone ended the combines win string at six with a 6 to 2 victory rene martin started for com bines and allowed four runs before he was lifted in the fifth for pom- eroy who gave up the other two they had more success at the plate collecting two of the five nits besides the combines provinc ials mill clash oittbursday nerval will be taking on smith and stone at nerval cubaree brings county boys here saturday georgetown park will be dotted with tents saturday afternoon when the norton halton cub packs hold their annual cuharec here the one day event will open wilh a parade through town forming at the chapel street school grounds and ending in the park where the cubaree will be officially gotten under way with a flag breaking cer emony the packs will then be assigned to their lairs for registra tion and a fee on cents per cub collected the main part of the afternoon will be devoted to a variety of fra mes and inlcrpack competitions in eluding races and a tug of war one of the packs will also put on the dance of ilaloo joining the three georgetown packs in erecting the tent village will be erin acton glen williams milton hillsburgh and norval in the event of rain the cubaree will be postponed until saturdav june 14th dedicate parish hall receive church gifts sunday was happy day for members of st johns anglican church stewarttown when the church reopened following an ex tensive program of renovations a basement parish hall has been added which was dedicated by archdeacon s a kirk at a special evensong service jn the morning rev j e maxwell preached to a church full of parishioners and vi sitors at which a number of giksj and memorials were received v new electric organ is in memory of mr and mrs wdl johnston collection plates in memory of miss elizabeth appelbe and a pro cessional cross in memory of eov ward hodge another gift to the church is a nativity plaque an in tricate carving- on an oak slab by joe standish mrs harry smethurst barrie was soloist with the choir and mrs j e maxwell played the or gan for the service which was fol lowed by a luncheon served in the parish hall was butcher at two town meat markets walter edward bray a native of south wales died on wednes day may 28th in st josephs hos pital guelph after a lengthy ill ness he was a brother of mrs h seckington 45 prince charles drive with whom he lived he was born fortyfive years ago the son of the late mr and mrs charles bray and came to toronto thirty years ago having received his education in wales after moving to georgetown he was employed at the lga and more recently better meats surviving are his brothers and sisters charles wallace phillip and ben of toronto hayden of port credit marian mrs a grieve alderwood and eva mrs h seckington georgetown rev kenneth richardson con ducted the funeral service at the harold c mcclure funeral home 34 edith street georgetown on saturday may 31st cremation social and personal miss ann hickey 56 queen st vacationing jit her cottage at heaford pte ken gregory stationed atr london with the royal canadian regiment fs spending his fur lough in town mrs fred mcauley toronto is a gueat this week with mr and mrs tom van sicklcr 43 shelley street mr and mrs r c mcbermohv 36 edith st spent last weekend in birmingham michigan where they visited with her aunt mrs h- b royce mrs h c wrigglesworth a teacher at chapel si school en tertained members of the staff at an after four party one day last week at her home 20 james st bar and mrs william bill whitney st petersburg florida are visiting their parents mrs jack whitney tyers avenue and mr and mrs gordon jennings back street for this week mr and mrs frank andrews their daughter mary and her hus band of clinton were visitors in town on sunday with mrs john r murdoch 74 main st s and mr and mrs alex hume 24 young miss rosemary jordan visited with major and mrs f h milledge while attending the ontario lib rary association convention at queens university kingston major milledge is administrative officer at the staff college fort frontenac mrs frank gerry of toronto grandmother of gerry tweedie kidd attended his confirmation on sunday may 25th in st georges anglican church gerrys sister suzanne was a member of the choir robert kidd toronto was also home for the occasion active church worker in st georges a13lcan mr and mrs stan sinclair and mrs e mcenery of guelph were sunday visitors with the kbdc woods at 4 pauline st doris armstrong returned to baltimore by air yesterday after spending four days with her par ents mr and mrs fred armstrong 11 mcnab st she has been a nurse at the johns hopkins hos pital in baltimore for the past mrs evelyn reynolds laws died suddenly at her home 9 guclph followed with a further service on street on saturday may 31st she monday june 3rd in prospect was precdeccased by her husband cemetery toronto where the fred laws in 1950 mrs laws ashes were deposited at the graves was born in devonshire england of his parents try an adlet for real results whjjam j coujbt 47 normandy blvd is congratulated by the lieutenant governor of ontario the honorable keiller madcay es he receives the long- service medal at an investiture at the parlia ment buildings an overseas veteran of world war 2 sgt collier is with the lome scots militia army photo crokinole social held by church ladies group mrs annie vannatter mrs se ward wilson and mrs william frank were winners at a crokinolc social held under the auspices of group 2 of the wa in the church parlour of st johns united on thursday evening twentyfive ladies gathered and enjoyed a pleasant social evening a delicious lunch was served by members of the group golden bar ceremony for 23 local brownies twenty three brownies received their golden bars on friday even ing when a golden bar ceremony was held for the 4th pack of brow nies at the presbyterian church hall the brownies under the leader ship of brown owl mrs bruce har- ley and tawny owl lillian wolf formed their fairy ring around the toadstool and the ceremony open ed with the girl guide district commissioner mrs norman m arch- men t enrolling two tweenies barbara evans and marlene stod- dart as brownies the brownies formed two lines along a golden road each in turn making the walk up the road to receive her golden bar those re ceiving the bar were lynn wyatt palsy cock elaine barker gay taylor carol allen janet martin pat bowman peggy martin ann garside heather barber carolyn pope brenda boyle christy mc- arthur linda harlcy trudy em- merson gail walsh virginia al len terry pelleticr carol mrgil- vray judy carder susan hilts margaret arnold and jane graff debbie wright also received her golden ladder lynn wyatt e1- ainc barker and debbie wright their second year stars while those gaining their golden bars and elspetn macjntosh received their first year service stars rev alex calder thanked the leaders for their work with the girls after which lunch was provi ded by the brownies mothers this was followed by games and sing songs and the evening was clos ed with prayer and brownie taps mrs milo munro was j local ladys sister after being ill for several mon ths edith munro sister of mrs frank pelch 30 chapel st east died in the toronto western hos pital on thursday may 22nd mrs munro the former edith clellanwas born in waldemar the daughter of mr and mrs h 1 b mcclcllan when she was a small child the family moved to stratford where she attended pub lic and high schools and later business college mrs munro was cmpoyled by the civil ser vice in stratford until the time of her marriage in georgetown in 1941 to milo c munro at which the rev f c ovcrend of st johns united church officiated after their marriage they made their home in toronto mrs munro was a faithful mem ber and worker in her church jsl columba5 united and she was an ardent lawn bowler being a member of the wells hills bow ling club milo c munro survives his wife as does their daughter linda and a sister and brother dora mrs frank pctch georgetown and ross mcclellan of stratford rev scoatds of st columbas con ducted the funeral service at the mcdougau and brown ltd chapel on monday may 26th at 3 pm interment was in prospect ceme tery six members of the wells hills bowling club acted as pall bearers kinsmen car won by man in oshawa a member of the georgetown kinsmen club tony obyrne 32 ewing s was the seller of the winning ticket on the 1958 ford tudor sedan which was drawn for last friday night at oakvillc an oshawa man brian hickey won the draw tickets were sold by both oak- ville and georgetown ekres and a number of local people held chan ces on the car the draw was made at a monster bingo- afbe oak- ville arena with proceeds going to the retarded childrcns- and other kinsmen work war veteran served with 111th battalion major iegge of the salvation army guelph conducted thcfun- eral service on monday june 2nd of george albert kemshcad who died in westminster hospital 1-on- don on friday may 30th he had been in ill health for a iqng time mr kemshcad brother of jack kemshcad 43 churchill crescent was a veteran of the first world war having served with the 114th battalion he was born in england seventysix years ago and came to canada over fifty years ago mak ing his homo in gait and latterly in guclph before his retirement he was superintendent of the lon don lite in gait mr and mrs kemshead she was the former annie adelaide tremaine would have celebrated their golden wedding anniversary this july surviving are their sons edward george of medicine hat alberta and daughters mrs h rourtg vera rock ton mrs f harding mildred windsor and mrs j antonette wilma of guelph his brother jack of geor getown and a sister mrs willi barber gait also survive he was predeceased by his parents sisters elizabeth of south africa and rebecca of england for many years he was a bands man with the guelph salvation ar my abnd and six members of this organization were his pallbearers at the service in the guelph cita del they were b fletcher d ho wie d berry j charter j ixmg- staff and p marshall two of his favourite hymns were sung at the service ii is well with my soul and jesus keep me near the cross interment was in wood- lawn cemetery 1885 and came to georgetown from there fortyeight years ago mrs laws a member of st georges anglican church was a good and faithful worker in her church and in the womens auxi liary- she is survived by sons and daughters violet mrs george marsdcn brampton victor of applcwood acres port credit mae mrs agar guest george town and charles of georgetown she also leaves two sisters in georgetown miss annie rey nolds and clara mrs charles chapman she was the grandmo ther of evelyn roy marilyn jimmy carol tom bob patsy and reg and great grandmother of ian wendy dougie and david kevin rev kenneth richardson con ducted the funeral service in st georges anglican church on mon day june 2nd pallbearers were garfield mcgilvray len groome port hope ralph bludd roy guest ross crawford brampton george kenzie oakville inter ment was in greenwood cemetery many friends and relatives al tended the funeral from lisle port hope oshawa gait bramp ton and toronto completes queens course in industrial relations john a hunter 61 prince char les drive has recently completed a profesional course in industrial re lations at queens university kingston and received a diploma on graduation day may 17th mr hunter is- a queens gradu ate in arts class of 1955 toronto suppjtying the music seven years gladys draper st accepted the invitation to attend the 100th an niversary services of eb united church toronto gore on sunday mr wards father was superintendent of the sunday school there about fifty years ago donna burns daughter of mr and mrs don burns 28 arietta st who was two years old on may 25 had a party at her home qn satur day her guests were debbie nor ton helen glen robinson tun- my norton heather leslie steven and patty burns colleen burns and barbara robbie and leslie burns mr and mrs wesley fiebigand dawn 45 victoria ave were in north bay for the weekend where they visited with mrs fiebigs mother mrs w l cassidy they viewed the district lions parade in which the george sput nik entry was one of the chief attractions mrs fred mcnally 37 market st visited relatives in several eastern towns last week inctudmg brighton colborne cobourg and trenton her nephews jack and lionel herrington returned to town with her for a visit and also visited with mr and mrs paul barber for the weekend at their cottage at port carting mr and mrs joe mcclintock 53 market street flew to new york where they spent last week at tike taft hotel while there they at tended the gary moore tv show ive got a secret and after the show met and talked with gary i moore in a restaurant close to the theatre mrs a g m bruyns who has been living at 67 maple ave w for the past year with mrs wil liam whyte and mrs nellie gar diner left on friday for sioux falls south dakota she is tra velling with dt- and mrs alex bruyns who had been visiting here and with his wifes parents in acton mr and mrs j w pennock r r 3 georgetown and mr and mrs scotty herkes were in montreal on wednesday to meet the formers- daughter jacqueline pennock who arrived from scotland on the syl van la jacqueline had just com pleted her studies at rutherford academy and was joining her par ents who have been in canada since mr pennock becaraewiaag- er of the local sykes toolcorp- several from georgetown were guests at the wedding on satur day in westcott united churchy conn of don brinklow tndv jean graham they included mrs george herrington oliver whit- mee mr and mrs allan inglis mr and mrs laverne tolton mr and mrs ai wheatley bob wil son mrs wm j mcdonald mr and mrs carson rae miss m otlaherty and bill mcenery miss jean muckart was a brides maid ejajhert haddell was once baker in town a former georgetown resident who with his father once operated a bakeshop on john street albert haddell was buried in greenwood cemetery here on monday inter ment followed a funeral service at the humphrey funeral chapel in toronto mr haddell died at toronto ge neral hospital on may 301h he leaves his wife the former vina wright a son robert of wayne michigan stepchildren mary lou and john robert and sisters mrs a hutchinson lillian mrs j bauer mabel of detroit and mrs getfrgc miscner helena of ply mouth michigan st revolver club entertains wives at weiner roast members of georgetown revol ver club had a ladies night on sat urday inviting their wives to a weincr roast and party at their club bouse near lunchouse the group has weiners and marshroallows ar a campfire later had dancing and a singsong with accordionist tony ixzotti ofimjstom trouten assisting the social evening for friendship club ladies the friendship circle of johns united had a pleasant social evening at tile home of the presi dent miss charlotte mcculiough on monday mrs j hendricks led in the dev otional period assisted by mrs w mafaony after a short business period games of crokinole chin- ese checkers and several contests prepared by mrs fred ross were enjoyed refreshments were ser ved by mrs james staddon mrs a zeravlev mrs d powers and hostess engagements mr and mrs elmore newbouse wish to announce the engagement of their daughter wilma jean to theodore a b loblaw eldest son of mr alexander burr loblaw toronto and the late mrs loblaw the marriage to take place june 27th at 730 at cheltenham bap tist church mr and mrs mackenzie alexan der announce the engagement of their daughter mary louisa to russcl cordon robinson son of mr j william u robinson and l lthe late mrs robinson the mar- 1 riage will take place on saturday july 5th 1958 at two oclock in norval united church norval mr and mrs william wilfrid thompson announce the engage ment of their daughter mary elis abeth to mr william gordon graham son of mr and mrs wil liam t graham of georgetown the marriage will take place on saturday june the twentyeighth in st stephens anglican church hornby mr and mrs edgar scott 69 guelph street announce the en gagement of their daughter doro thy ruth to arthur bartiett everett son of mr and mrs law rence everett plaster rock nb the marriage will take place on saturday june 28th at four oclock in first baptist church main st northjseerattvwn

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