Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 4, 1958, p. 11

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high tales fublmml by fupllt of g rttgh school three years memoirs 1955 to the present j karen scott hie day j left grade 8 chapel st school i had great topes of becoming a world renowned fig ure because i was in the top half of the class and was considered to be somewhat intelligent the day i walked into geortetown high school on the one and only guelph street of tfte same town my whole ufes ambition was shattered the first thing that changed my mind about that quiet little place callferf school was tfaeinltiatlon tac tics brigades of grade elevens came prowling down the halls on the lookout for innocent looking grade nines and how tnany pails of water were poured on poor bob hutchinson s head no one will know i lost count at ten the biggest thing the girls objected to was the fashion of that week belt less tunics and when you get down to it they really did look like ma ternity dresses but what could we do about it nothing man did we have a football team that year harry greigj san dy mackenzie gerry scott pete and dave hart and the rest of the clan rodney filled the water boys post our team won the championship and what a group of champions they were we even had a dance in their honour for the sadie hawkins dance girls were required to make their dates corsage consisting of any thing from the garden mr lam bert did his level best to stimulate circulation but to no avail the boys sat on one side the girls on the other wasn t love grand then wideawake ontario reads the christmas party of 1955 was the best event of the year and i dont think anyone had a dull time 90 per cent of the scholars received squirtguns of one type or another and you know what goes along with that water water everywhere harry and jerry threw me into the janitors sink just because i squirted them in 4he eye a coupfe of tunes terrible tempers they have doug mills presented pat boyes now moved away with a very live and kicking wabbit a deeply dramauc play was presented with the title of wild bui hiekup starring dave smith dave hiddleston bynn scott and me from all accounts it was a dud because most of us forgot our lines grade nine didnt have too much to do with the commencement ex cept to sing in the choir the same with the carol service earl little won the award for the best first year cadet dawn fiebig and carole lane won high acclaim for their shooting at tar gets that is the dance after was a farce as there was no record player available that would work miss inman long time teacher of mathematics at our school re tired from active duty and a going away party was held in her honor out on the side lawn at this she was presented with a lounge chair and electric fry pan we grade nines then didn t have a chance to get to know this wonderful per son then there were exams we won t go into am details about that the summer had passed and everyone came back to school with the resolutions m their heads those thin placed aboe hi shoulders of man and beast i john smith grade ten solemn 1 swear to do ro hoimnork evcrj night without fail and not to chew gum while in the presence of mr lambert the first day 400 lin es no details were available at the tune of the summons miss burke and mr schenk came to us like the first breath of spring as one girl said about the latter after a year miss burk left to get married mr schenk went to richmond hill grade ten also arranged three highly successful skating parties races games of hockey and broom ball plus food made up the enter tainment i didnt hear any com plaints did you the christmas party was quiet as a few ofthe classes were writ tng exams a slight change from the year before history also had a page added to it by d r jones when he star- 6360 competitors this year record for music festivals another successful year has been completed by halton music festival association which has done a great deal to further musi cal education of school pupils in the county a report issued this week by miss ruth evans georgetown and mrs t a hutchinson hilton who are president and secretary of he organisation shows that a tout your satisfaction is our success we are fully equipped for any of tuts work and with the most reuab1e and capable men our prices are very reasonable either hourly monthly or contract rates no charge for advice or estimates we give you 24 hour service window cleaning aluminum storm windows are a specialty w th us general maintenance waterproofing basements most colors available repairs to roofs any type repairs to chimneys interior and exterior painting garden and lawn maintenance interior and exterior cleaning walls ceilings floors etc carpentry we are interested in your ob no matter how lenje or small personal house cleaners phone tr 79711 ted that grey squirrels ate birds eggs mr schenk didnt quite ag ree with him also our curiosity was raised when judy bonathan asked and we quote how come if martinis are really wet that they are called dry that one floored him the regular chain of events went on as usual st patricks dance commencement cadets and back to the cottage etc for ano ther summer in grade eleven we finally had- come into our own initiation was on the other foot this year with us handing out the castor oil in stead of taking it our plan of attack consisted mainly of the us ual routine opposite socks lipstick on the outside of the lips or none at all etc the boys drew up a scheme for their charges and it also followed the same pattern water was used freely field day came around again and ghs was in the normal posi tion fourth out of four our class didnt contain too many track stars this year that must have been the cause of the final standing our football team made a good showing but just didn t have en ough umph the school board granted us a try again next year dance the onlv one all year that got a ixaonable turnout the hockt made up for the football f can ik pr lid of our group of men crisis wtrt rectnth awar i d to the miinbtrb for ihtir sue cc s in the cwossa league good x rk feljj enough mono was raised at the dance after to bu each member half a zipper if it i wasnt chrome plated the christmas party the carol services and just the general at mospherc gave the whole school a gay holiday mood tom santa i claus forgrave was on hand to give out the presents and sound effects that went along with the beard mrs hess and mr arm strong bravely ventured into their skates and had a few rounds on the ice youth is wonderful at that age is it not commencement the programs were highly successful grade 9 presented a family comedy aw ards honour crests and certificates were presented to all those deser ving and the choir sang a few selections grade eleven that s us put on the senior play from all the rumours that ciruclated it was said to be a howling success liz sloane carolyn biehn maur een hepburn bob crawford gr 12 john cummins gr 10 and myself made up the cast with judy bonathan as our prompter elev en b the artists of the school sup plied the beautiful scenery our waole group can honestly say that if it hadn t been for mrs lambert and mr lambert who filled in when the former was ill the whole play and scenery would have been a dud mrs ls wisdom and mr l s wit went together and came up with a combination called success grs eleven a and b thank them very much for the time and effort that they put in with us the most recent event of our schools activities was the cadet in 5pcction the overall picture of the evening was very good the officers and co s from our class consisted of ljnn scott carole lane maureen hepburn linda korzack wendy saunders caroln biehn and sandra sproulc earl little was up to par and gave an excellent performance of march mg drill etc the evening was capped with a livelj dance held in the armories the three years that i have spent at ghs have been for me a time in life that won t be forgotten like a historj lesson or a basketball game i hope that all of you will look back on our years at high school like i have up to date ap preciate your teachers even if thej do blow jour heads off once in awhik iet s face it you deserv ed it but as you go away from school for the summer have fun and i wish all the highest success iu your exams of 6360 public school boys and girls participated this year in prelim inary and final festivals an in crease of 500 over the 1957 festi vals the festival consisted of 6 ses sions of township rural preliminar ies with finals being held on may nd in snidcrs sschool trafalgar 4 preliminaries in south halton urban schools finals of which were held in- linbrook school on april 25th and a may jst urban session for north halton held in acton in which georgetown was grouped in addition to festival participa uoa a concert was held in the btakelock auditorium oakvllle in which winners participated a mas sed choir was a feature and a to tal of 650 children took part dr g r fenwick head of the music section of the dept of education was the guest speaker at this ev ent the winning choirs in north halton all from georgetown as sisted in sunday evening service in sl johns united church with about 100 children taking part a new cup this year was dona ted by the home and school asso ciation of lome skuce school the festival association presented a cup and shield purchased from their treasury for a new class for boys changed voices at the north halton urban festival twenty one sets of medals were awarded in solo and duet classes george hannahson st cathar inefwas adjudicator for the rural finals l g queen toronto for south halton and frank holton brantford for north halton ad judication for the rural prelimln tries wavhandled by music super visors in the county kenneth r hanison georgetown g m ev ans oakyjlle and jack asber of oakville halton cooperative medical services when the ontario hospital scr vices cpmmission commence the government hospital insurance plan on january 1st 1959 the hal ton coooperative medical servic es along with other cooperatives and private insurance companies will be required to vacate the field of basic ward coverage to supplement coverage of the services not available under the go eminent plan halton coopcr ative medical services are prepar ed to offer attractive plans effect ie january 1st 1959 since july 1st 1953 the members of hcms have been able to participate in the surgical dan which coxcrs all surgical opera ion inclu ling con moment ca si nou burns and lacerations and fractures this plan will still be aaijbi at a mo derate premium rich c ntrati which w 1 c vtr i n h wift and liopinitn thillrin to 18 r of aje in 1954 a cata tnphe plan a in titutcd f r mi thi aving from the cooperative wh ch paid 87 per cent of claims recnod from mem bers who had illnesi costs in ex cess of 1 0uo in 1955 the deduct lblc was lowered lo 500 which resulted in more claims and consc qucntly only 33 4 per cent of these claims were paid for two ears members have been paying a cat astrophe premium of 2 for farm lies and 1 for single persons and in 1956 the deductible was again towered to 225 at this time the fund only paid 20 26 per cent of ten members claims it became apparent that if the catastrophe fund was to do a very necessary job effectively a larger premium would have to be forthcoming statistics show that hospital costs are only 40 per cent of the total cost of a lengthy illness so to help the members of the halton cooperative medical services take care of the other 60 per cent the board of directors have worked out a new major medical plan to take the place of the catastrophe plan this plan will have a 100 deductible which means that after a member has paid 100 over and above available hospital coverage by the government and surgical coverage by the cooperative the plan may pay as high as 80 per cent of the remaining expenses these expenses may include hospi ta extras not covered by the gov eminent plan medical care in hos pita doctors offices and al home ambulance services special nursing care drugs ordered by the physic ian and such other expenses as may from time to time be approved by the directors in addition to the above services the hcvs ul act as a collector group for the ont hospital scr vices commission for members and individuals who requi e this service blood testing programme under way in halton monday of this week saw the launching of the blood testing pro gramme in connection with the brucellosis area project some nine veterinarians under the dir ection of dr twiss of the federal health of animals office in brampton arc tentatively engaged in the halton programme as the work progresses we hope to be in a position to report the progress being made and m addi tion the percentage of reactors etc want to win a free kitchen cleaning its simple send us your guess on how many iobs personal house cleaners have handled in the year from april 30 1957 to april 30 1958 and in 25 words or less tell us why you like personal house cleaners services winner receives a complete iritdwn cleaning wall ceoing floor woodwork at thetr i mission film shown at st john sunday school it was missionary sunday at sl johns united sunday school on may 25th and mrs r souther missionary secretary was in charge and had an interesting film shown the younger brother which portrayed the life of a japanese boy geri the second eldest son after his fathers death geri left home to make his way in the large city of oswaki working in a shipyard he was badly injured and while in hospital he came under the influence of a christ ian japanese which made a great change m his life although un able to influence his elder bro ther and family during a visit to his old home he left a cop of he hihlc and returned to the city gnat ion ins had come into hi in art ind he t und ftavs ti l n i hi chr t in thu ch and nln j f 11 r tuppitr llf mr s u her explained that this 1h inj hitsundaj it was the an niersar of ivntecost uhen tht hoj spirit descended on the dis ciples and changed them into men and wisdom the birthdav box was fairl well reimbursed with man of the boys and girls putting in their birthday pennies it was announced that the annual sunday school picnic would be held on thursday june 26th thi osorortown hbrald wednesday kveeing june 4 1mb smith a stone lucky draw the smith stone hockey club recently sold tickets on a lucky draw with the draw for prizes be ing made at the arena winners in the draw were george webster betty brown and mrs john haines whose tickets were drawn in that order mayco water softener j rununn ram hftdenl troubleire spacesaving design attractive and economical bill garbutt plumbing 1 heating 16 elgin street tr 73638 insurance travel real estate walter t evans co triangle 72512 mill street servuis your community for over 30 yean hamilton i construction 66 mince charles drive 4 tr 73480 homes mdustmal requirements garages renovations concrete work building suppues every building need rata mail entry it june 14 to 0nal house cleaners ontario georgetown extra heat cut casta at once by getting more ttr- ib aa fu s-a- smrtstyftnotnb oil firrd air condiltoning unit th tlwrmotnjw actnlly crw ine hen from ibe oil and pma it into otar notae nowmf lowr coal see jun smarts dcw for the 111 rtory ami tart taring now on notne wnttng rhthompson hardware or gas heatmo hardware t kumrjng tr w71 direct distance dialing is easy just dial 112 the area code if needed the first two letters and five figures of the phone number youre calling after youve dialed an operator will ask your number please please give her the number of the telephone youre usin if you reach a wrong number find out if possible the name of4he place you reached dial the long distance operator and tell her what happened and vou wont he hilled oirect distance drakng wont ch yoer present local caffing area cjkrc the frtmt pgt a yor 9oklttfr tje ku mmm cmf mt if couum

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