Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), September 10, 1958, p. 1

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ispaofs peat offfco pep ottawa what council did okay union agreement if date changed to march 31 v signing of a contract between the town and local 73 national union of public service employ ees awaits only the okay of the union for one change desired by council at monday s council meeting members voted to have the con tract in force from march 31st rather than from january 1st the date incorporated in a draft agree ment which had previously been okayed by the union the change was promoted by cr era hyde who claimed the january date would mean that no council in any fiscal year would have the opportunity to negotiate a complete contract with the un ion he was supported by crs elliott gunn and harrison m vot ing against a motion that night to accept the contract in its original form other councillors then fell in line with the change except cr alfred sykcs mr sykes said that a motion to accept the con tract which he had made at the previous meeting would have car ncd that night and he had with held it for a week because the lateness of the hour did not allow time for discussion council engaged hamilton con fctruction to instal 490 feet of side walk on academv road at an ap proximate price of 5980 lettir from main st merch ant jack cotton said he thinks business is being discouraged b stringent enforcement of parking regulations where in the past some discretion had been used in fining people it is the duty of council and merchants he said to provide parking space for shop pers we passed a by law put in parking meters and asked the pol ice to enforce regulations said the mayor 1 don t think we can ask the police not to enforce them x haven t heard of any unjust charges at cr harrison s suggestion a letter was ordered sent to mr cotton pointing out that the town has created a parking area for a large number of cars downtown sr elliott said the areas is bad 1 in need of grading and that if the town can t afford it he thinks the merchants would share the cost council will get estimates for installing an automatic control system for the town water sys tern cr hyde who is water chairman said it is costing the town about 13 000 yearly in sal anes and supervision to operate under the present system and he thinks automation would be much more economical claiming discoloration of wa ler is much more m evidence since chlon nation was started cr 11 de said ht has noticed this in his area of town for the first time engineer v r carr expressed surpnst sajint his department has had no complaint for weeks but that he would appreciati hea ring of am so thev could be in veatigated square dancing silk screening among night school offerings social personal mr and mrs clifford erskine of meaford visited with mr and mrs frank petch on monday mr and mrs dick riddall were in winnipeg recentl where the attended thee onventlon of invcs tors syndicate of canada ltd mr and mrs r h squires of lambeth were guests last week of his sister and famil mr and mrs e e hall 16 margaret st mr and mrs walter gummer xing st- have had as their guests his nephew and famih mr and mrs jack gummer diane robert jean and paul of warworth mr and mrs jim lons 27 church st visited with friends in the winnipeg area over the labour day weekend travelling via tca and rent acar service dr and mrs tom prudham and famil from guelph mr and mrs andrew frank and son reid brooknlle and mr and mrs wil ham bui lard kilbride were sun da visitors with mr and mrs james evans and mrs prank at 2 guelph st mr and mrs murra molo 24 wesleyan st mr and mrs w il luun anderson hornby mr and mrs len dnscol huttonville and mr and mrs harold dolson 47 charles st spent the labour da hohda at st lawrence beach gananoquc mr and mrs lester arbuckle have returned to their home in thompson man after spending three weeks with friends and rel atives in georgetown the made their headquarters with her sis ter mrs fred sinclair church st seven years old last week char- les biehn son of mr and mrs walter biehn 26 queen st enter tained at a birthday party his guests were david faraell grant and graham wmgrove douglas penrice jackie laird paul press- t wood jeffrey eason tony and pat i meers j mrs john irwin 18 hewson j crescent and mrs l henderson 17 hewson crescent were joint recipients at a bab shower last thursday evening at the home of mrs joseph plaom 26 hewson crescent mrs vtilliam marshall mrs gerard scarrow and mrs ron ovenden were assisting hos tesses with mrs plaum the friends and neighbours present gave the ladies man beautiful gifts and a pleasant social evening was concluded with a delicious luncheon square dancing and silk screen printing are again among courses being offered at georgetown nigty school this fall square dancing will be enjo ed tuesday night at wnggtes worth auditorium with last ears teacher norman lindsay princi pal of fergus high school fee is 15 a couple or 10 single a large enrolment is necessary be fore this course can be given but judging b last years success the committee anticipates no difficul t in this respect silk screen printing will also be on tuesdas at the studio of mrs elizabeth wilkes hoey near eden mills where students will have the privilege of using mrs hoe s equipment this course will teach the method of printing onignal designs on fabrics and paper small articles such as tea towels and christmas cards or jards of beautiful drapery ma tenal mav be made mrs hoe aoca is an outstanding artist and doigner whose work has been the subject of a program on cbc tv some of the ambitious efforts of last ears class will be displa ved at georgetown fair fee for this course is 5 00 former favourites such as tp- ing welding carpentry metal craft rugmaking leathercraft up holstcnng oil painting millinery and four sewing courses including tailoring will appear on jhis jears applcation form the complete list will appear in the herald toon classes will be held tuesday and vtcdnesdas from oct 21 to dec 3 and from jan 13 to feb 11 two courses mav be taken if desired most clase will be gicn at georgetown high school for further information contact the secretary miss dorothv stone tr 73432 or the chairman mrs john ghnn tr 7 3888 lollf 195 foot section a delegation of some forty con cerned parents the majority from the park district flooded the georgetown public school board meeting with queries last night for almost two hours the meet ing was scheduled for the board room at harrison schookaut had to be adjourned to one of the classrooms because of the size of the delegation a spokesman for the group mrs alex calder of 38 edith st worded the reason for the par ents presence at the meeting by asking the board what they are doing for the welfare of the chil dren who have again been sched uled for half day classes mrs calder was referring to the stag gered classes forced on chapel st and park school pupils because the sepl 1st completion date set for the board s fourth school was not met by the contractor and ad ditional difficulties have extend ed the probable date to the first of november mr calder esti mated later in the meeting that the school would not be complet ed by jan 1st board chairman flay salter replied that on the other occasion that shifty classes had to be used as a solution to overcrowding an excellent report when a local man bob hardman appeared on the one of a k nd tvquz son b ii accompanied him to toronto and snapped th s picture of mr hardman right and panel moderator alex bar ns who s also well known as a columnist in the telegram smith s stone oust alliance it will bt smith stone and eithir combines or norval in the industrial fastball finals this ar smith slam made sure thev d be in tht thick of it bv coming from bihind lo edge alliance 6 to 5 at the park on mondav and knock tht coaters from the plaj off picture bob freestone and don white made the big noises at the plate for smith stone freestone stro king two singles and a home run to pull his club from behind twice while white supplied the pa off punch with his bases load ed single which drove in the win ning run in the bottom of the 8th holmes paced alliance hitters with a home run and a pair of singles scotty patterson hurled the distance for ss with fred hurst replacing jim timlcck behind the plate jamie cunningham and pick dillon were the alliance bat ter the combine norval struggle now stands at two games apiece after a norval win sundav with the big deciding game coming up thursday night at the park nor val scored once in their half of the third picked up two more in the fifth and then stood off a late two run rail bj the blueshirts to take their second win sundaj rov foster and stafford went for norval pomeroy and leslie for the combines a big crowd is expected for the final match tomorrow night family honours norval couple on anniversary i ife in the bert carne house hold at norval latel has had its quota of happ times on august 19th mr and mrs carne celebrated their 25th wed ding anniversary and his brother frank and his wife were hosts at their home in rtekwood at a fam lly surprise pai at which they were presented wrth a silver tea sen ice another famih gathering took ptace last saturday when their eonon law bill staines showed pictures of europe taken while he was on an assignment there with the rcaf mr and mrs staines were visiting from ottawa for a week while he was at the malton avro plant and on sun da the had their daughter lee ann christened at st paul s angh can church she was born in france shortly before mr and mrs staines returned to canada a farm dinner was held after wards with guests including the babv s other grandparents mr and mrs f m staines of agin court and rev and mrs j e maxwell mr and mrs carl schenlc and children kim and leslie were also visiting last week and have now gone to port bruce where he will spend two months on his new position with the dept of lands forests he is a former teacher at ghs visitor here was resistance leader in wartime holland ashgrove mr and mrs william milton of acton announce the engagement of their daughter margaret lueua to kaymood andre blatter sou of the late mr and mrs daniel blaner sl nardsac pq the marriage wffl take place m sl menaces onrch toronto on saturday october 4th at ten ta welcome new teacher j as school opens it seems on a few weeks ago that the winter snow was melt ing under the spring sun now the ex has opened and closed ag j ain harvest fields are cleared j off and combines and thrashing machines put awa for another ear fall seems to have come and school reopened again when oungsters will work and stud for higher education which is go ing to be more important than ever in the years to come vie welcome oar teacher miss donna riscbrough among us and hope her work with the children will be satisfactory to all her new little beginners were lois mcnabb david austin and bretta therkilsden mr and mrs david brill of whiowdale spent the weekend with mr and mrs bruce bngden mr and mrs floyd bngden spent labour day weekend with friends in pennsylvania miss carol mills of milton visit ed over labor pay weekend with although few knew it george town had as a visitor last week a great man bv great we mean great in courage in human kind ness ingenuitv and resourceful ness and whose own personal af etv was never considered when he was needed v e are speaking of jan molenaar a guest of mr and mrs hank bouwman 14 rn erview crescent from nwafaal holland who arrived in canada the middle part of june and who has been trav elling in all the provinces of the dominion mr molenaar was one of the top men in the resistance move ment agamt the nazis when thev occupied holland being director of displaced persons for the pro vince of ovanssal simplv the title meant that he was the num ber one man in helping persons who were fleeing the nazis he and fortv colleagues were responsible for sixtv five allied airmen returning to england 600 voung dutchmen who would have been sent to labour camps were placed where thev were safe and over 300 persecuted jews are al her aunt and uncle mr and mrs cecil wilson congratulations to gordon wingfield and his bnde who were married at cooksville on saturday during the severe electrical storm last thursday at noon mr and mrs- jjector bird had the misfortune to have five of their cows killed by ltgfctmg- ano ther was badly shocked bat we iv e because of them it was hard to get mr molenaar to talk of his experiences he savs it is over and we must forget he was arrested and punished he would not sav how and later condemned to death because he would not give information but his countrvmen in the movement rescued him of the four lead ers of the group he is the only one i who was not killed he was for ced to watch four of his best friends killed j for his outstanding work in giving help to allied fliers mr molenaar received special scrolls from air chief marshal tedder of bntain and the president of the 15 franklin d roosevelt mr molenaar had no special training or equipment for such i work he has a bookkeeper in a textile firm and lived very simplv and quiet he has now retired from his position and is fulfilling a life ong ambition of doing the things he has alwas wanted to do one of them is writing a book about his experiences but he finds it difficult to put into words the things he saw and did he has travelled in man parts of the world and he savs we in canada are so fortunate to live here we have a combination of everything that makes life pleas ant and easy beauty climate space and prosperity and democ racy during his visit in canada he rnewed acquaintance with re latives seme of whom he had ne- school delay staggered hours queried at school board meeting was received from the inspector in an earlier meeting of the board with the principals during the first session of shift classed there wa complete agreement that the child s education did not suffer from two or three months of the staggered hours mrs calder expressed the par ents particular concern about gr viii pupils being on the half day system since they are preparing for high school mr salter in making clear the reasons for the lagging construc tion program at the school told the parents that the roof is now the controlling factor and is al most completed which will mean the contractor can start pouring the floors and bring in his car penters mr salter added that the board has asked for a work schedule of start and stop dates for the remaining jobs with the intention of making a constant check to assure that the time pro gram be followed to the letter mrs calder also inquired of the board if legal advice had been sought and why the board had repeatedly hired l b park in associates ltd as architects in the event that the park school is not completed by the new date town district friends tender showers for bride mrs jim bailc the former kay norton was feted at man showers prior to her marriage on august 30th mrs cdrntt mvles acton enter tainid at a cup and saucer shower and the offict girls at alliance pa per mills had a pantr shower at the homt of mrs george grasbv mrs ken baile brampton the groom s sister in law entertained at a miscellaneous shower carole ann thomas of bramp ton who was maid of hopour en tertained al a miscellaneous show er at the home of rev and mrs e martin friends in the limehouse communit entertained in the me morial hall at another lovely mis cellaneous shower the alliance paper staff present ed the bnde with a table lamp and magazine rack acton pentecostal young people presented the bnde and groom with a woollen blanket and the congregation gave them a hostess chair table and magazine rack minor collision on silvercreek hill neither driver was injured in a rear end collision on silvercreek hill on monday which resulted in damage totalling an estimated 250 involved in the smash was a 1966 ford driven by bert sowl er of sudbury and a 1956 buick convertible driven b dorothy ar aujo of buffalo n y both cars were westbound on no 7 high way when the accident occurred at about 2 10 p m while the buf falo car was attempting to pass cst hazlett of the county detach ment opp investigated social personal mr and mrs don mclaughlin former residents of this district were visiting in town last week while staving in the citj at the park plaza hotel thev are lea ing soon for their winter home at bellair beach florida after spending the summer at newag en maine vendv mackenzie daughter of mr and mrs william mackenzie r r 1 terra cotta has returned home after a vear at neuchatel junior college in switzerland and a summer tour of the continent miss mackenzie has enrolled at the lniversitv of toronto this term guest at allev iew cabins huntsville during the labour day week end included mr and mrs irwin mcpherson 56 pueen st mr and mrs hugh lindsav 60 queen st and mr and mrs jas wood of hamilton two babies were baptized at sl george s nglican thev were jane argvle garbutt daugh ter of mr and mrs c p garbutt r- r 1 and kelh ann mulhol land daughter of mr and mrs i mulholland sargent rd mr and mrs charles ambler oakville and b proxy nancy caldwell of london england were godpar ents for jane and kellv ann s godparents were mr and mrs h lewis toronto and miss e gm ette port credil five local residents on avro flight holiday mr and mrs les norris and son nigel 23 norton cresc and mr and mrs alexander goldic 45 prince charles drive were among the avro families who chantrid a plane to great brit ain this summer fur a three weeks v isit in their homeland the flight took off from mai ton julv 30th for prestwick from where mr and mrs noms mot ored to histon cambridgeshire where the visited with mr and mrs j w hewlett before contin uing to yarmouth for a sight see ing tour mrs noms birthplace ottershorc surrey was next on the junket and here they stayed at the ottershore hotel they visited the british colum bia totem pole and air force mem onal at virginia lake enroute to hereford where they stayed with a sister mrs a j emngton for a short while and from here jour neyed to places of interest in wa les and southwest england in all the travelled over 2100 miles by car during the three weeks and recorded their journey on five hundred feet of movie film mr and mrs goldie spent part of their time overseas with her parents mr and mrs d nisbet at renfrewshire in the western scot tish highlands also visiting with mr goldie s brothers and sisters in glasgow in canada for six years three of which they have lived in georgetown it was their first trip home since emigrating corn roast social event for lions club about seventy persons lions club members their ladies and guests attended the lions corn roast at the home of mr and mrs ed pries on tuesda august 26 the final social meeting for the club of the summer season a buffet luncheon was also en joved before the party moved to the rose room where dancing was held for the balance of the even ing these post season gather mrs calder suggested that the board would have to do some thing about the situation and pro duced a list of twenty possible classrooms which could coocelva bly be used including the council chamber the harleykay knitting mill the library rose rom sl johns and knox church halls the old high school science lab the fire hall the old stewarttown school two rooms in portables at stewarttown the old bottling works georgetown post of fice and a room at holy cross separate school most of the list was immediately eliminated by the depl of edncatoin specifica tions however the board are in vestigating some of the sugges tions mr calder asked why the depl of education could not bend to meet georgetown s problems a vumour that five grade eight pupils have been put in with a class of gr 7s at harrison school also irked parents who demanded an explanation mrs calder pom ted out that the grade eighters must feel heartbroken when after working so hard to atttain pass marks the have to spend the term with pupils a year their junior mr salter said that be knew that a combined seven and eight class had been formed and sent board member harry shortill to check with harrison principal harold henry on the numbers mr shor till reported that there was one combined seven and eight class in harrison public school with grade eighters comprising the majority of the class mr salter expressed his desire that some of the parents attend ing the meeting would seriously consider running for school board this year when there will be three positions up for election mrs joe emmerson said that the del egation had not come to criticize and mr john wolfe 7 valley view added that the people had come because they had been mis informed or just did not know what steps the board was taking mr salter said that he had asked the herald to publish the park school information but it had not come out in print exactly as he had put it club miotown by oar vi ell midtown was really alive friday night theres no doubt about that under the setting of coloured lights and the wise eye of the guest celebrity frank rus sell from cfjb everyone romp ed and stomped to betty lou gotta new pair of shoes and many others the jive contest was a real hit after all the exhaus ted and half dead patriots at rock n roll were helped from the dance floor the winners were announced they were pete law son and diane newton from ac ton lets go guys and gals we can t let out of towners beat us at our game this week the midniters will be back to rock the place and frank russell and terry coles will be making a return appear ance vte are all looking forward to a big crowd and a very wonderful time at midtown friday thats all for now th be seem you among the others at midtown ings are proving more popular each ear and serve to keep mem bers in touch with club functions during the summer months legion notes omitted readers are reminded of the decoration day service on sunday ver seen before and airmen andwith parade forming at thetr families that be had had part in sansc- hall at 2 pjn everyone is urged to attend this service finalize jamboree plans two mights on weekend the georgetown lions club sec ond annual jamboree was outlined m full bv the chairman of the jam boree committee murt allison on tuesday sept 2nd when the club held ther opening dinner meeting of the 1959 season in the legion hall president dick miller was in the chair for the meeting and spoke to a good turnout m his welcoming address in which he asked for the same loval support shown his predecessors b the membership all members were allocated to booths for the evenings of the jamboree friday and saturda september 12th and 42th and the ladies will be also helping out in the booths etc a representative to the board of georgetown community cen tre association was named at the meeting in the person of ed pnes the appointment filled a request made last june for a dab repres entative which was held over until the new executive has taken office twenty eight membership were presented with their 100 per cent attendance but tons for last year by the immd tate past president dick riddall these were presented to members w ho had attended all the meetings or had made up their attendance through lions committee meetings or visitations during the ten month period mr riddall than ked the members for their sap- port last year and remarked that he was honoured at being asked to present the pins to those who had earned them during his term of office last year though it doesnt show it by the calendar summer was offic ially declared dead at the meet ing when the 1058 santrdaus pa rade committee were instructed to i m nh t commence pttf for this years december proces sion other business included a s10 donation to the sl john am bulance association and the loca tion and date of the first board of directors meeting of the year which will be at the borne of clarence heslop on tnesdaj abb-

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