Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 1, 1958, p. 1

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the georgetown herald sixteen pages part ohk dapt ottmn oeokwto wn out wednesday october lrt 19ss first section georgetown fall fair this saturda in the park home parade draws 3000 to view new delrex area an estimated- 3 000 people visit ed gower court one of he new er sections of the delrex subdivi sion over the weekend to view the parade of homes a joint ef fort of north halton builders as sociation a total of 14 homes were or display by fobert construction rex heslop homes and halton homes in the gower area the showing was launched with official ceremonies friday even ing attended by stan hall halton m pj and b bev lew is york humbcr mp p and h c linkbiter regional supervisor for central mortgage housing a platform was set up in the court andslhe three visitors spoke a well as mayor jack armstrong and rev kenneth richardson re presenting the ministerial assoc iation a unique feature of the evening was the cutting of a 2 by 4 by mr linklater to signify the official opening of a residential area which will contain almost goo homes rex heslop nhba pre sident was master of ceremonies a huge circulating spotlight h piqued the curiosity of towns people and highway travellers each night and has helped to at tract visitors to the show which w 11 continue until this sunday two of the homes have been fur nished by woolhead and cook and work of the subtrade members of the builders association is promin ently featured following the official opening the builders association entertained at mr heslop s home for visitors who included representatives of banks insurance and mortgage firms fathers night for glen scout cub dads forty five bos of the 1st glen williams scout and cub troop en tertained their fathers at a dinner september 22nd in st alban s church parish hall tom hill was chairman for the evening and guests included da vid dills acton district scout commissioner and murray scoyne of acton distneut cub commis sioner mr dills presented certi ficates to mrs leslie young ak ela of the troop scoutmaster bill bellegbem and assistant jack meades for successful completion of their training courses thanks to the mothers who ca tercd for dinner was expressed bv roland hancock mr jeffreys of the garhng firm showed a nur her of nature films as part of the evenings program guest ministers speak at st georges church st georges anglican church had two guest ministers on sun day it was harvest festival and the church was decorated with exam pies of natures bounty fruits and vegetables and dozens of beautiful gladioli rev kenneth richardson changed pulpits in the morning with rev f pierce of st james church guelph and in the even ing with rev j bielbj who is the rector of st lukes palermo and st simons oakville at the 8 a m service the brotherhood of vnghcan churchmen reconvened after a summer recess for a com munion service followed by break fast the president gordon spence conducted a business mee ting at which plans were announ ced for the annual party night which will be held at the golf club in november on the previous sunday even ing the junior choir of st james church gave a recital as part of the evensong service the choir is directed by james f bard and sang several lovely sacred num bers they were entertained af terwards at a social hour in the parish hall dalhousie masons here for yellow dog degree last year a group of members of the local credit masonic lodge were invited ttrarapaaial cvenmg at port dalhousie to recevc the yellow dog degree an innovation of the doric club of that lodge so impressed were the george town men that they decided to hate a yellow dog night here and on friday the entertained at the arena rose room with the doric club visiting to put on the direc while the evening was restricted to masons the degree has no sta tus nor is it any part of lodge work sharing in the evening of fun and fellowship were guests from toronto and woodstock the even ing was planned by a committee umpruing ed wilson charles renwick clifford burt george sivill and thomas nivcn held day champions for the 10th annual interschool fietd day are pictured following the school meet wednesday of last week at acton shown above left to right are ruth ann sherrat milton bantam elizabeth bottoms georgetown junior ruth londsborough intermediate acton and anne daintith senior acton back row victor cairns bantam milton bob foyers unior ac ton graham tett junior erin don curne intermediate milton and bill brush senior milton acton school won the cup wth a total of 153 points acton free press photo what council did downtown parking discussion caused by merchants letter mam street is growing with one new store opening this week and three more slated next month community uneasy govern t intimates arrow obsolete i a decision which will have a far j offs occur reaching effect on the malton there is some comfort in lh avro and orenda plants and on news that jobs are more or less i communities like georgetown guarantied until next spring tnc i where so man malton workers announcement is bound to have which den live was announced by prime min an effcit in man men who will ister diefenbaker in a speech last i be ocki more stable positions tuesday j rather than waiting to see what the gocrament has swung ca 1959 will lung nada into the age of missile def j ence with the decision not to or der the supersonic avro arrow into production at this time because of the tense internal lonal situation and the need tj ajvoid serious winter unempoy ment development of the cf 105 will be continued until next march 31 the prime minister said whin the entire defence program will be reviewed a final decision will then be made affecting the jobs of the thousands of matlon work ers as well as the factories of 30 major suppliers and their 630 sub contractors most of them in on tano despite optimism of a ijluion to the prob em expressed the next da by crawford gordon head of the malton firm it left the geor getown community with a feeling nf uneasiness which will not be dispelled until further announce ments are made by the govern ment and some indication givn that if the cf106 is abandoned the huge malton factories will be con verted to other uses with as ittle dislocation in employment as pos sible a large percentage of new sub division dwellers in town are em ployed in malton as well as pev eral of the towns older resdents n there is a particularly larsc nun- ber who have invested their sav ings in new homes andjsrho have obligated themselves 1 monthly payments which oqld-jeam- thorn is am j0nitailovju ajot lay- a letter from main st merch ant jack cotton sparked a dis cussion on downtown parking at monday s council meeting while resentment was expres sed by councillors at some of the letter matenal there was agree ment that entrances to the free parking area behind tite northeast block should be better indicated with signs and a decision was made to try and ob i cinders from the papcrmuls h put th area in better condi n in his letter m- cotton ack nowlcdged a counci utter he had recened in repl to an earlier communication to councl he said this was the first time he had known that the pa km area was a public one ano that he be u vis few people are aware that it is there are no mg pointing to it and it is little mon han an opn field dux at unu inudd at others he said major armstrong zave a lengthy review of council action on park ing lat year an agreement was made with j j gibbtns and the hdro commission for the tbvrn to use the land for a nominal rental the tax bill on the properties the area was filled anil oellcd and is usable though certain not 3 finished parking plaza he sai i the major pointed out that if the town were to acqturt this or other proper to be opcracd tor municipal parking the law requires cither that properties benefits from in ing area gets a lo of use and i was bis suggestion that cinders be obtained if possible to keep the ground dry his idea found favour with everyone but cr el liott who said experience at the cnr statioa had sfcrwn cinders to be muddy and dirty and he had been replaced with grave on the dnvewas what council did transient traders fee to remain at 250 parking must meet expenditures or that the town colli tt fc from parking meters or b hav ing attendants this mone to go towards upkeep i m not sure from mr cot tons letter what the busin want he said i c talked several merchants who don t seem to favour meters for a parking area he suggested that he lctt r be turned oer to the chambir ot commerce for their opinion the mavor said lu had been told b a ralcpacr that 7o lo 100 cars pass through alley st into the parking area in i 2 hour per od on fndavs and that a portion of the townspeople ceitainu mus know the area s lit cr hdc agreed that the park the fee for transient traders will remain at 250 after mon da s council meeting at which council declined to take action to increase the fee to 500 a new by law regulating this phase of business had been pre pared b the town solicitor at coun cil s request rccentl late- it was found that a 1934 by la con tamed much of the same infirma tion except for the ditfcrtnce in fci laor armstrong explain d ihat the b law had been drawn up in depression dajs when it was com mon for outsiders to come to town conduct a sale in a vacant store and sjphon off any cash which hoppers might possess ami bur ing merchants who were holding on for belter davs while council did not object to a 500 fct for such transients the b law also requires a new busi nesman to pa the fee and it is rebated to him in business tax crs harrison and mcgilvra said this put a burden on a man when men he is starting in business and 500 would be prohibitive the discussion led to a decis ion to review the town hawkers and pod ian by law and compare the fees charged with those in other towns alan crofoot a celebrated canadian singer alan crofoot will visit town on saturday as featured artist in a canadian concert series in knox church auditorium it is the third concert this season for subscri bers in the series name omitted the name of carroll farnell was missed in a report of the red cross swimming examinations which appeared in last weeks herald carroll was one of eight stu- kinsmen have saturday corn roast and dance a good attendance of kinsmen their wives and guests contrib uted greatly to the success of the clubs second corn roast held oh saturday on the bums trans port property r r 1 george town some sixty pidplc turn ed up at the festivities and after the roast one of the large trailers provided the perfect floor for dancing to records which comple ted the evching george miehn and jack heslop comprised the committee in charge of the arrangements the kinsmen will be in evidence at the fair this weekend sponsor ing a shopsy booth where some of the members will be selling objecting to the wav council had handled uu garbage tender awarded last week to bob lant david barcla stewarttown one of three tenderers was told b the maor that there had been nothing improper in the wa the matter had been handled mr barcla said tenders had been asked for sept 15lh and that the week following mr ine had submitted another tender which was accepted he dirt not feel thai his lender had been giv en much consideration mayor armstrong told him that tenders are not necessarily accep ted on the date they are called mr barcla quoted the herald report of a counci meeting as saying tenders jiad been shelved the night they were opened tm sorry we have no jurisdic tion over what the herald might print about a meeting answered the mayor there were no ten ders shelved they were set aside that night for further consider lion subsequently one was ac cepted reeve sargent said that in es- quesinc township a leader is ne- wr accepted oartho social personal mr and mrs m hillock 1 king street blayne and grady and mrs a wright spent sunday in bala mr and mrs ray conn 34 mill sl are home after motoring to troy new york where they visi ted with her sister mrs martin ormsby they were away for one week mrs roy van dusen of tara is visiting in town this week with her brother and sister in law mr and mrs jack mcgibbon and sis ter miss gladys mcgibbon 1 main st n mrs e d sheley of binning ham michigan has been visiting with mr and mrs victor macdoo- aid 38 maple ave w and with her aunt miss addie coventry who lives at halton centennial manor milton tuesda afternoon following the school session the chapel street school staff entertained the park street school staff at a get ac quainted tea both staffs arc teaching in the same school at the present time but having dif ferent hours and schedules ihey rare have had the opportunit to meet each other paul presswood son of mr and mrs jack presswood 17 mcnabb st celebrated his seventh birth da with a part at his home last saturda afternoon his friends who cnjocd the party with him were charlie biehn grant and graham wingrove peter walker paul tucker janice and michael golden robert bouskiu and dav id richardson mr and mrs dordon fnck r and familv r r 1 georgetown entertained at a famiu dinner on sunda sept 28 to celebrate tlr 37lh wedding anniversary of mr- rncker s parents mr and mrs h b ters 24 ters ac the entire familv was present kae tcrs of georgetown mr and mrs john tyers john and paul of acton mr and mrs e w mc neill charles and joanne of col lingwond mr and mrs wm sten nctt and mary ann of oakville and miss s e edwards sister of mrs tcrs of toronto mcmaster professor here first bajstist services the one hundred and eleventh x anniversary of first baptist church as celebrated on sunday the set vices of worship conducted by the pastor rev r lloyd whan dr l c kitchen field director of theo logical students divinity college mcmaster university was the spec lal speaker at the morning servicte addressing the congregation on the establishment of the church which he said is not only through statu lity and strength but the finer and most important quality is the lily work as hiram of tyre pro ved in the building of soiomons temple the evening sermon wa deliv ered by the guest preacher dr w ziemann general secre tary of the baptist convention of ontario and quebec dr ziemann entitled his sermon glory to the church and chose as ins text ephesians 3 2021 now unto him that is able to do exceeding abun dantly above all ihett we ask or think accordingly to the power that worketh in us uiuo him be glory in the church by christ jesus throughout all ages world without end amen special music was provided by the choir under the direction of douglas peck and tenor solos by glen evans of brampton anniversary mr and mrs bert weston will be at home to their friends on sunday october the twelfth from two to five and seven to nine on the occasion of their fiftieth wed ding anniversary at 7 mcnabb street georgetown r htric said a tender is onlj a bid and is not a legal document there is a certain amount of fair play involved certainly and in this case i think there was fa r pla said cr hyde mr barclay slid he had submit ted two separate tenders one for disposing of garbage by sanuarv landfill in town and one for haul ing garbage out of town cr harrison explained that t is council 5 intention to use sanitary landfill as much as possible except for a few winter months when this is difficult and that the tender ad vertisemcnt perhaps did not clarify this too well this isnt the place to go into prices interrupted the mayor there were three tenders and one was acepted by council and the harness races horse show excellent exhibits midway cpl jim king r l jim king was recently promoted to the rank of corporal in the rcaf stationed at comox b c as a munitions and weapons technician he is the son of mrs j q brochu georgetown ten become scouts at going up ceremony on monday september 22nd the 1st georgetown a cub pack had a going up ceremony in st johns united church hall the following bojs went up to the 1st georgetown scout troop keih allen allen arnold ray elhs gordon hallitt jack haynes keith hill al hume wane king danm mcgillivra richard krep- p the new sixers are peter mc namara philip walker dennis wright and neil young georgetown park will be bust ling with activity on friday and saturday of this week when the esquesing agricultural society presents georgetowns 112th an nual fall fair the fair the highlight of theear and wih favourable weather should attract a large attendance the big weekend gets under way when the hall exhibits are placed on friday morning judg ed in the afternoon and open to the public for perusal on friday evening the outside attractions are held on saturday when live- mock horses poultry and farm exhibits start arriving early in the morning with the big horse show and harness races getting away at 1230 with vince mount- ford as masterofceremonies a starting gate will be feed for the races and there wilf be jumping horses ponies and road and saddle horses races a brand new midway has been engaged this year with green shows taking the spotlight there will be rides and games of all kinds and for all ages plenty of refreshment booths are being provided by local organi zations and the blindcraft booth in the hall will attract much ac tion so if you like good entertain ment candy floss popcorn and hamburgers in a gay atmosphere come to georgetown fair on sat urday the ideal place to meet old friends and make new ones choose roy thompson peel junior bus tour chosen as the representative for peel junior farmers roy thomp son son of mr and mrs laverne thompson r r 4 georgetown boarded a bus at gait on sunday morning with junior farmers from throughout the province to start the first leg of the organizations anual tour this year winding thru the new england states from gait the juniors avelled through new york state and tour ed virginia on monday and tues day and today are in washington where they are scheduled for a two day stopover visits to exper imental farms at maryland and a boat trip around manhattan is land with visits to various points of interest are still to come dim axing with a guided tour of the united nations building the par ty will return home on saturday roy was picked peel represen tative on past achievements being at one time on the executive of the county board and this year is president of the alloa club engagements mr and mrs cecil moore huntsville wish to announce the engagement of their daughter helen dolores to clarence calvin king son of mr and mrs clarence king 25 byron street george town the marriage will take place on saturday october 18th 1958 in knox presbyterian church at three o clock what council did name through streets in consolidated traffic laws consolidation of georgetown s traffic b laws into three new ones which will eliminate a confusing document full of amendments was accomplished b council on monda when final reading was gnen to the b laws one b law establishes a number of through streets one provides for pa mint of parking penalties out of court j and one contains anous regulations for parking onh objection registered was to a new clause which makes it an offence to parallel park with left wheels to the curb and to angle park with other than the front left wheel of a car to the curb neither clause had been in the former by laws and reeve sarg ent who voted against the new by law and cr hyde who didn t- questioned the town solicitor in eluding this mayor armstrong said the soli citor had used a standard by law recommended by the rwpt of high ways and that he would expect the police to use judgment in en forcing it for instance it would be foolish to bar a merchantfront backing into the curb to load oriim load a vehicle even though the by law does not permit this discussing a m00 machine which would be used for weed cnt- thtngs council looked with some favour on it but decided that there is no monev aavailable this car to bin it cr harrison pointed out that the town spends si 000 a ear on weed and grass cutting without doing as much as should be done and urged consideration next ear for purchase of the machine there s no use creating more parkland if we don t intend to keep it in good shape he said prohibition of parking on both sides of allej st and removal of a huhwa sign which was designat ed unsightly were two results of a road committee meeting with doug las cole guelph st last week deputy reeve gray said he wished to congratulate mr cole on the wa hcrjtfd brought his problems to thcgnad meeting and indicated that earner differences had been amicably settled cr hyde suggested that alley sl be renamed as it doesnt seem to be a proper name to have on a sign post on a main highway council will ask the hydro com mission to install the newer type o fspwal street lights on parts of mill sl charles st weskyan and

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