Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 1, 1958, p. 16

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1 c tnk georgetown herald wednesday october 1st 1858 page 8 no man is hurt but by himself authors name below with just a little help your body can make all the years of your life more enjoyable all it asks from you is not to abuse it and when ou overwork it or sickness at tacks it get competent as sistance to restore it to nor mal when vou continuously feel tired recurring pains or headaches trouble you and normal sleep becomes diffi cult your body is asking for help do not hurt yourself by delaj ing immediate aid or depending oni on home remedies instead isit your phvsician qiuckrv and let hnri prescribe the one particular treatment that will help vou most can your physician phone triangle 73692 when you need a medicine pick up your prescription if shopping near us or let us deliver promptly without extra charge a great many people entrust us with their prescriptions may we com- und jours maccormacks drugs prescriptions chemists 9 main st n tr 7mm quotation b diogenes 412323 b c i copxright 1958 10w lost money returned by two honest finders it was heartening to learn that honesty a trait which has taken i its knock in today goahead world still holds place in the character of at least- a portion of he modern populace a vivid example of what the old adage lauds as the best policy occurred a week ago fridav afternoon juat before the banks closed james corkctt of r r 5 bramp ton cashed a cheque folded the bills and stuffed them in his po cket onlv to learn on arriving home that his mone ws miss ing a hurried and assumed hope less call to police to enquire whether turned in there brought a wtl come and equalh surprising jes mswer from cpl jim bilsborrow who received the call and the monej was iioon back in mr cork tils possession mrs albert prcsswood of tlen williams and r humphries 12 bvron street are the two people ho chose to be honest whui the tsclf mrs irtsswpod found s36 of the lost cish and mr humphries tht remaining 30 in loose bills on main strut probab 1 before mr orkelt hail even dis covered his loss and notification i imnudiatelv jiti the ht aid ind tht police dt par tint nl observations legion notes last weeks item about the scho larships scorned to be of interest as quite a number of people have mentioned it we do hope that this interest will lead to a num ber of local children of veterans loose sum had bccki nc legionnaires ap- twre hrntchl a wel i pwng for them as we stated last week we will give anvone all the help and in formation possible and fetl ccr tain that any district child will rt cuve careful consideration and now from something ver st nous to a largcl wot matter after 48 dr dust dajs once ag opportune of easvmontv present steward is earning out i tir xi i r duties and seeing the place lake on its usuil rat htr happv out look davie tells us tint he at most chucktdlht phom out rri di 1 ht n busv a ht mornin was it ktpt mtessanth rinmnk nanlm to know what w is hap pining on tht ltxal mttu by albert kershaw do ou notict whin vou tut on tht flowers in our gardens vou wonder there is not a tushin of colours ami how bi buints tits m with our wav of iiwn tht nu n artnlt wt halt in our honi hi h wt usi dail and which v mar art mpiul f r mi tht fl wtrs rt 1 dois nt tlash with tllow while liu n tlclas with noi dots ro t tit h with bhit and n tht tai t i it s tui un t s tarptt in i pu i from flout r ui h tht ir manv hut hapes and zt tht fns an 1 stovts 1 t a wt branch tht in whit port oi in ik h t u ivid al mi with tht copus of a hook from trans land tt division h it jjus quitt a gootl re i low cost housing inas- u have been asked on numbtr of occasions about th rather important bit if it msla tuin wet bomd up on tht s b jtct and will attempt to jit i bruf oullmt of tht part aftii in 1 iw cost housing but first we will tr to form n l bit of background for tht in n i 1 h situation as retard nj i has nt v t r bt i n consult rt d ade ur uiati b tht 1 t un and a ur su aj i prt ssurt wis put to bur in i drap j brti f submit ed t tht joirn t nun askm f u t ri tit w of t ht hint m a il i xi ltd in th brul tur i in ni m c until stati 1 ijjllhit during 19v7 there hil lutn ii the tortoise ha no housing worrj no mortgage problem here you should has e mine either b using the sun life mortgage protection plan ou cn safeguard vour home for younelf and your famih in the event of our death call me da and let us ducus uur prob lem together sun life assurance comrany of canada mino millwork doors 5 cabinets frames sash stairs screens prompt service g free estimites 11 water st tr 79771 ci lours white on tht utsidi con trasunf colours inside md met trsa to makt thtir nian products mort attractnt tht drtss disin itrs jtt tluts from tht flout rs js do ptoplt who the tht cloth did ou tvtr stand atop a hikh hill and cast our ees into tht distance and learn the truth of the statcmentlhat distance lands enchantment and first imprtssions i are the best from our antaj i point ou notice the shape of the fields some square others oblong and divided b fences of wire and wood and in some casts b hcd es the furrows of the plowed fields so straight and detp tht tllow carpet of flowers ihr barns iilos and farm houses are laid out as if from a blue print hith our good iord decrctd it so wt could follow his instructions and be led not astra a bridge under which flows the water to quench the thirs of ht animals and irrigation of the earth a bridge orr which rail waj tracks snake thru the coun trj to and from cities and towns to enable tht pasatngrr trim carrj people on their journej or fre ight trains with their assort ment of cargo to replenish the demand and supplies to the stor es and mdustr a ner glisten ing in the sunlight like a silver ribbon rrom jour vantage point vou see a hamlet nestled in a vallev protected from the elements srrtokt spirals from the chimnes and here and there jou see a church spire reaching into tht sky to re mmd us that gods in his lltaven and jou realize hou small and pun ou are in the midst of all this splendor you hear the faint echo of hap p children the bleating of am mals and ou catch the sound of a cow bell as thev feed and move about the drone of a plane over head and thru the space of time so long ago in the past ears at the turn of the eenturj vou arc reminded of the skeptics of that era who said that man would never flj how wrong the were as time has proven speaking of hills brings back to my memory the story of the motorist who lost his wav and said to a young lad who was push ing his hike up a hill what s the name of that mountain up ahead and the lad replied that s n mountain mister that s jist field with its hack up see you next week yeadons memorials monuments grave markers and cemetery lettering 22 king street east niont ik 74371 340 n u dui llin built can ida but that a vtrv lirm jr i portion of thesi houst s utrt in tht s14 000 slfl mm class an 1 ev un more stnous wis tin fit that i the income of the borrowers fr tin iik reiords worked out to an- wrrmrl- of 5 800 00 1 ookmj ovtr the membtrship it was found that thtrt wire ur manv who nnde much li ss than that plus la lane number of pensioners cl dtrlj veterans and widows whoe i income was much lower than that therefore ihc legion went af ter a plan to have government sponsort d housing available to vtts uith a possible avtrage in come of s2900 a vear the am ount maximum that cmhc ur h sjvs a man can pav toward housing on this salarv is 27 ptr ctnt of his income 27 per c nt of 2900 is s783 a viar or s65 25 a month that is the limit so anv thin proposed must cost under that amount and must include the principal and inttrtst on anv mortgage plus an taxes levied bv the town now we rtaliie that tht above mav sound a bit tcih meal and ma take a rouplt of readings but as one of our law vt r members when we show ed it to him said that s plain so tar even a lawjer can understand it so everyone should be able to with the dept of veterans f fairs real interested plans had to be worked out and a standard small house was designed bv one of canada s leading architects it was approved b the dept ami at the last session of parliament the co ahtad sin was given and the houses can be built in an urban area however the blunt fact is that not too manv are applying for this hut what worries command is that it mav not be because of lack of interest but rather lark of knowing about it there fore it is hoped to tivc it the most comphtt covtrage through the branches passiblr and s e if anvone t interested now just what can jou gt t for this amount of monev a mansion a large ranth tvpe stvle a big split level of course not what is obtain able is a 3 brdroom house with a full basement central heating fair sued living room in either bungalow or store and a half tjpe with a living area ql 925 sq feet these houses can and are being built for 7600 what does the veteran require tn get this house 800 cash or an acceptable town sued lot val ued or rather appraised at 800 or above a strong desire to own a house and lasllj the will and staying power to work and handle his own contract following is an actual example vets income 2900 maximum a lowed for housing 27 per cent or 783 location listowel apprai sed value of lot 800 house plan bungalow contract pnee 7600 mortgage applied for and granted tor 7600 plus 2 per cent ioan insurance fee total mortgage 7752 carrying charges on the 7752 on a 25 year mortgage at tf percent todays rate of interest 588 a year to this must be ad ded taxes which vary with towns let s smy 160 a year total would jhus be 9588 plus 160 or 748 a year 6235 a month this is lower than the allowable maximum and remember this was taken on a relatively low income 2900 in a town such as this natural ly the difficulty would be finding lots but there should be land available in the outlying area or a deal such as this and naturally the mortgage value of the house would be slightly higher in the foregoing item facts and figures have been quoted for the man with a basically low in come corresponding increases in ability to pay could be made of course for those in the three to four thousand dollar income the provincial president has been trying to circulate this infor mation as much as possible to ac quaint all veterans of the situation as it stands and in the hope that more vets will take advantage of it and build their own homes we talked to a large builder about it recently and he was not only interested but ftlt that if enough were interested some sort of plan could be worked out to build these ije was particularly interested inthc possibilities of a small development of this type to meet local needs and we agree uilh him that there is a definite urgent need for low cost housing the size of the house are the bungalow one storc 3b feet bv 24 with full basement the store v ind a half is 28 feet b 24 ftil in lutlinj a full basuntnt riin a living arta of 1 082 sq ft wt are irving to obtain pu turts nf tht tuo small house dts igns and if so will run thtm in this olunin for ftirlhr information tht rtgional supervisor mr shiw is ivailablt for consultation al hun ilton on tht 6th floor of thi ov trnmtnt of canada bltlg corner main and ciiolim st- or tht writtr has a number of pamphlets ht would bt happv to let inv tin liavt am i presume that hran h 120 will have a mipph too milton ihcorali n d v ut n will alii nli i paradi with m mv atlindin from llranch 120 th i s i ins to i a nvival in inli i f vi i ini hrtnthi and wi h pi it c ntinut we w ulcl like t a bit of inti rt st show n in i hi coimnj district imitinj at till on huri lattr this month scotch bakery 6 mill street now open do come in and meet us and try our bakery goods they are baked on the premises always fresh always tasty p we carry a complete line of homemade bread cakes pies pastry tarts and rolls cakes made to order for weddings birthday parties etc we wish to thank you for your patronage at our opening scotch bakery farm news marilyn wrigglesworih on weeks us tour jew on sunda last manlvn un jjesworth of hornhj left to join tht pirtj of 30 ontario juniors participating in the united nations tour miss wngmrx worth is the winntr of the annual ilalton women s institute championship award to haltons 4 11 homtmik t rs tht partv dunnj tht ir uetk s ti ur uill visit suth points of in tirtst as niigara ralk w ashmj ton inivtrstv of larvland and new york titv herb norrv associate agntultu ral reprt mntative for peterboro countv is in charge of the partv and mrs robin jeffrev home frc ononrnt al hrockvillt i the offi rial chaptrone it goes without saving that manlvn is now haink a most tnjovablc and educational tour i dohtbi color bumd vfhihyqu buicoal it costs you mom by g get blue coal ith blue coal you re sure of topquality hard coal tinted blue as a trade mark bluecoal bums clean and hot and theres far less wiste than with ordinary coal less need to tend your furnace when you and be sure heat the blue coal way so dont be color blind when you buy coal get blue coal today you can see the difference when you buy it you can feel the difference when you burn il w h kentner son 45 oueen street triangle 7 2851 blue coal clean safe low cost heat mcclures er an exceptional bedding value for the sleep that refreshes smooth top mattress button free insulated and ielt quilted no shifting rolling or bunching ticking kept tight and snug boxspring to match 39- since 1927 mcclures 14 main street georgetown phone tr 7522

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