tmi oiororrown herald jwadmaday in jan 7th 15 eage8 jhfowselfr tat your tv and radfe tube free la a toatomatk tartar new tuba availaba at hutchs smoke barber shot 10 main st south opei dally to 11 via ds monuments designs submitted cematary lettering corner post and markers a good display in stock brampton monumant works wm c allan prop 68 queen st west brampton shop phones res gl 10445 gl 11613 rap tom nicol phone brampton gl 13962 imperial sso service 10month budget terms available from sepl to june esso furnace oil brock harris new president halton soil crop assoc mil and mrs kenneth nelson south were married recently in norval united church with rev lloyd freel officiating the bride mane gibbs is the daughter of mr and mrs charles gibbs glen williams her sister mrs charlene robertson left was ma tron of honour and the groom s brother bruce south right was groomsman mr south is a hydro employee and they jt re living n brampton photo by gordon campbell brampton f h tops m satbbctmsolvirsrl ague- mptur local winners in county weed control competition weed control the two best local ossas in an essa competition on weed control e submitted b ginnj 1 te and carroll frarnell grade 8 students at wrigglesworth weeds by ginny lee a weed is an herbaceous plant that is not valued for use or beau and is conaidered troublesome an animals and or domcsti plants wetd sotds arc spread b means of water man animals and wind seeds such as the ragweed are jeflppsbtwitn tin air sack- which enable tnem to float and thus his and other weeds art spread bvwater man thro carelessness has much to do with the spreading if weed seeds he will sow gram and clover containing weed seeds and thus spread weeds several varieties of wieds such as the bur dock have seeds which cling to the fur of animals and some have berries which are ealcn b birds and whose seeds are dropped in different places alon the wa seeds of the canada thistle being structurally adapted with a para hute tpe of affair is enabled to be taken from place to place bj the wind weeds are phjsieally similar to other plants but where other plants must be induced to grow j e w the nineteenth annual meeting ment association wa held in the main hall at milton pair grounds on tuesday of last weeksome 70 odd halton farm operatosswere in attendance for thej morningsession which got underway at 1030 a m- undcr the leadership of president maurice c beaty who presided ov er what was considered by many to be one of the best of the numerous excellent programs presented by this organization featuring the morning program were brief but excellent reports on fallows j alien francis on the 4h pol ato and forage clubs sponsored by the association in 1958 county weed inspector v 1 mcarthur on halton s weed control programme johnson neelands on his pasture fertilization project of 19s8 har vey nurse on his experience with zero grazing and use of rye both for pasture and silage and j nor mand bird on his impressions as a judge of halton s pasture competi hon wins gold watch another feature of the morning programme was the announcement of the awards and presentation of prizes to the winners of the pasture competition in this connection jhc halton co op gold watch was presented b manager charles harris to the winner james mckaj of georgetown r r t brock llariis whjthad represented halton in the zoiieconipeliuonals came il for suint specials aw irdtd bv he canada si id rowers n and ho and 1 lk ltd othi rinm rs were as follows ir 1 1 t son i son 4th m c beat v 5t h c ian nc l i- ord son jth hush bcal 7th fred urse plh j i bell son 9th j c mar uall and 10th r c alexander outstanding address the afternoon session with some 90 odd in attendance was featured b an addrcs b charles g munro which alsohad the audience sit ting on the edge of iheir chairs at tun was th pane discussion onthe topic the status of the family farm in halton in 1968 however that is we believe wor thy of a separate article so will be left over until next week the newly appointed directorate for this energetic organization fol lows president brock harris vice president johnson neelands secretary treasurer j allen fran directors trafalgar mc beaty walter royle and clarence ford jr hsqucsing r c alexander j norman bird and fred nurse nelson fred bell and ross scgs wowh nassagaweya russell hur ren a r service and sam fin nie acton district calvin ait ken weeds by carroll farnell a weed ib a ijielc injurious troublesome and uiistkhtk plant some weeds protect insects and liseases which attack fruits and egetable crops the losses caused b weeds in agricultural areas ex nod those ol numerous mhir prsl pminiiil farm ptor and farm billgarbutt fiw triangle 73638 which worrj the farmer these troublesome plants steal moisture and soil nutrients thtv choke out uaiful plants and prevent them from obtaining the necessarv and air for growth rag weed goldenrod and several other plants product a pollen which is injur ious to health pouon i causes a most painful rash to man who ci me in contact with it when the plants have matured iht setds are spread b wind these teds usuallv have tufts of fine hair attached to them water the icds arc buovant which enables them to float some seeds chng to the hair of animals and the ftath prs of birds birds also carr veed seeds in thtir beaks man ilso spreads seeds through care lessness to assist farmers and land own trs to control weeds throughout ontario the weed control act was brought into force in 1927 the law states that setd cleaning plants must be kept up to tand ard that farm implements movf from one local it to another must be cleaned grain elevators must i dispose of refuse containing weed weeds spread too readilv under u lqwns arc travel notes trans atlantic family fares now in effect lakof savings when families travel together john r barber travel advisor john r barber agency 4njurancb travh 1jr4 muljsnaal iltflairit itiiiijnr ii yr mm any prevail ng conditions there is a constant struggle among plants and weeds for light space mois ture and soil nutrients the leaves if weeds have a tendi ncv to over shadow useful vejcfalion thus ceivmg all the sunlight th roots grow longer m quicklv and obtain the soil nutrients and o these unwanttd ptst ch ikt out mure useful plants tld soil unds to ret ird the growth of a domesticatd plant t whrre a weed being a much hardier pi ml would have a better chance of surviving weeds though a nuisance seem i grow larger and more quicklj than a cu mated plant jwen in clav a weed has a good chance of living whereas a domesticated plant would die weeds when plowed under add food to the soil in the form of dead organic matter and are thus bene ficial to map heavy weed growth controls soil erosi6n effectivcl while other weed seeds are impor tant items m the diets of birds i ichen or reindeer mpss as it is more commonly known serves as food for the wild life in the tundra area some weeds are used as a medicine such as horchound whose bitter juice is used as a re medy for cough or sore throat the control of weeds is every man s responsibility and there are many ways which weedsran be kept under control farmers can prevent spreading them by clean ing their machinery before going from one field to another while we can obtain helpful sprays or weed bombs as citizens of halton county we should desire an attractive com munity and by controlling weed growth we will be making our countj more inviting to people be cause wtiere manv people are in duslry grows and then fore tixcs j lower for the residents or the com munity appoint inspectors aluable information n jardmg weed con trol is published throughout thi nrvinci stressing th use of weed fre approved st i il thi need for cl an machmtrv approved crop ro ajion iuowm or othrwise dt s irojmg wetds 1m fin th ripen roadside railwav s and h dro rilits should bt undt r ci n t tnt urviilhnci 1 i c intr4 wtrtis i uquihlv wt ihoul i h i thf knoult lo ofjh ir structun uch a the lp of r tot ind th cjis ificntion in whith thc fall in mi il wintt r mmi tl bu nnitl and pt n nmal as a rtsidtnl of halton countv i am mainjv interested in the con trol of weeds in this district rig accd poison l v and wild carrot are controlled bj 24d ver effec live except in subdivisions and built up areas chicory is usuailv controlled bv a short crop rotation in october alone it isrtimated that lhirt to forty million dollars are lost each vcar through the lie struction from weeds there would be manv more haurs ot carefree leisure and much mora suffering avoided if weeds were moreejfec tivcl controlled iitloht if you think wlmien never do any t thing on time youve never gone shoppin with them tr0e blue lodge has holiday party the annual christmsdinncr of the loyal true blue lodge was held at the north halton golf coutry club on december 10th after dinner the group met in the ioof hall tor a short lodge meet mg followed by an exchange of gifts and a very enjoyable party planned bv mrs bert dixon and mrs bert bullock two draws have been made dur tng the past few weeks one for a christmas cake which was won b mis albert carter and second prize w nl to mrs bert hunter the draw fir the doll was won by dac brjden canada s northland that is the space north of the 55th parallel comrscs two thirds of the country itader of h inbro in oxford coun tj mr munro was introduc ed bv v ice president brock har ris took as his subject how 1 vhi ain a m farm business to present da agriculture mr munro who commenced farming for himself twelve vears ago stated that he had been fortunate in hav ing his farm selected as one of a group of oxford countv farms for an economic survev as a result of that survey and analsis he stated that he had learned that too manv farms of equal soil type siz cap ital investment in livestock and equipment quite frequent lj show ed a terrific divergence in take home pa from that anahsis he had also learned first of the necessitv of adjusting his own bu mess to present da agriculture and secondlj of the necessity of using a sharp pencil a bit more than he had in the past stated mr munro i haven t our advantage of proximit to a good market consequents m milk goes to a pool plant and m aver age price for 1958 was around s3 50 per cwt in short i found it necessarv to cut costs and in mv rase improved pastures was real factor- in lower n nothing tie added will affect r virv costs as much as good hav ir poor hav good silat or poor ilot for pastures on mv farm tt re isnothn to equil orchird tss uid i hn lover for his ha f u ids h likes w per cent 1 iiimt ind so pi r r is t hnrlit munro une vli s line h imi li nt ilk n mmhir of the famous tug of war i it im fnmi orr i which won th world rh utipionship it t hicaeo n iroa il i i i rriat 1 luvtr in ihi us if omtminil hrtilizir in mv opinion stated harlu tpplv int commercnl fertilizer is the same is putting mon v in the bank and realizes more intir i st urtherniorc he stati d i havi found the farm planning and the soil testing services of the oac very much worth while his fertilizer programme basic illv is phosphorous anq potash and he believes in applving stiff i cieht to cirrj the crops for thrc j ears speaking of nitrogen fer lilizcrs he slated i am ftirful of using too much nitrogen eject pt on pastures which are largclv grass in so far as mj ha mixtures are concerned stated mr munro i prefer to buy certified seed and mix m own in short the best is not loo good in his practical down to earth story of how he is adjusting his farm business chartlemunro also stressed the importance of rot at ions the correct size of field to suit the size of nerd etc it was also interesting had wkched to loose housing and a mllkmg parlour tor his dairy herd n concluding his thought prov iking address the speaker stated cve got ionukcsrcaler use rt our pencils they ar for ou itvition in addition to providing the necesarj information for otta wia farm income tax the thanks of the gathering was abl extended tat mr munro b fred nurse of ashgrove another feature of the afternoon program clown films entertain lions children party the lions club annual child ren s christmas party was held in the arena rose room on sunday dec 21 when one hundred and ten children and their parents en jojed a variety of christmas en tertaintnent from 5 until 7pm i ion ernie alcott emcced the affair and conducted a singsong accompanied by bob bardslcy of brampton on the electric organ and dick riddall on saxophone af ler a program of carol sand christ mas songs three chipmunks en lertdiiied with chimuiik song in cuslunu tu sin their song were dennis nht bobbj aleott ml david brewster hico the clown was also on hind to entertain the children and i st nt of childrt n s films were hown prior to lunch served b the ladus and cub members when santa arnvedat ti 45 he as surrounded b children who had awaited the moment all after noon he greeted them all ajjd with the assistance of several club members gave each child 12 and under a little gift each bo and girl also received a bag of cand after forming a giant circle around the room in a procession beiiind chico the clown lions stan wade and bob hamilton were in charge of the partv when you need tv radio appliance service you want them right away ami you want them mad oarracth john s rpntfitin fqr top quality w hnp prices and speedy service is your assurance of satisfaction call tr 79453 for johns we do what others promise service is important quality h mportantl price is important in a local business the customer is important when purchasing aluminum storms and screens why take a chance bay from your local morehantl n0ralume products 63 wfarn street north triangle 7 9215 salesmen chartie armsirong philip carney stanley o connor ben judge ross norton i entertain visitors at cyo dance younl people from brampton cooksviue and dixie were guests of recent 1 formed georgetown eiolv cross cyo at the church hall on dec 31st for a christmas dance some sixt attended the dance the first put on by the young group and many there won prizes for noveltv dances and luckv draws the door prize was a vdu cher donated by cotton brothers and won bv gar cjlazebrook of cooksville colin hayward was the winner of turkcj in a luckv draw and spot dance prizes went to francis hulme and gail smith and nick haarsma and anne tuck er the organization appreciated club midtown s loan of their pa svstem and records the evening convened by rhehoi cros cyo social committee trenching backfilling co alois specializing in the installation of weeping tile septic tanks free estimates tr 72753 ti 72006 notice to creditors in the estate of the lata david alun barber deceased ll persons hiving claims again- the t stalt tf david allan barber i itt of th 1 iwn of torgetown n tin t in i f ii i t n ton tru l tl rk wh i dud in iq5b tm 41h tl n f ottolit r d irt vurttiv nuifittl to snd in t lit tin it i un 1 dmnu tl itri if thi sin tstatt n oi ixfort the joul of jantnrv 19v filfpti ticii i trs of thtir tlaim aftt r whuht tiiu the tstatt will be distributed hiviik regard onlv to the claims of which tht dminstratrtx shill thin hae nolict dated at gt ri town ontario this tdth di of dectmbir d 1958 da vina barber adminstrat nx bv her solicitor m f mandtron b mill street cork town onl 1 21 r u crs backed by expert truck service buy your trucks notice to creditors in the esiat6 of norman bur- wall hilltttahrad marchant dacaasad all persons having claims ainst the estate of norman bur- well hill late of the town of georgetown retired merchant de ceased who died on or about he 12th day or july ad 1958 are hereby notified to send partlcul ars of same to the undersigned on learn that dcjtqr before the 24th day of janu ar ad 1959 after which date the estate will be distributed with regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice and the undersigned will not be liable to any person qtjijiose claim she shall not then haw notice dated at georgetown this 23rd dav of december a d 1958 marion kabel hill executrix of thfestate or normal bur well hill by her solicitors dale bennett latimer geor getown onl 17 roiii a truck specialist maveal motor sales ltd triangl 73611 atn stkeet international truck deal herald adtets bring results