Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), January 14, 1959, p. 1

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rmjo 1klvriaoer10etreoiy- airrhorixed am second claw mall pw offle dptrottirww ge omt wedne ja 14th 1 choose edwin wilson as school board f chairman m- fieeleeted after an absence ot four years w e wilson took the chair lor the inaugund meeting erf the georgetown public school boards wednesday january 7 held in the board room at u harrison school as chairman mr- wilson replaces r cl sailer who with c jv mcnomara arfelired from the board in december after nine years mr wilson has been a scotch block native whb far med in the west for- many years levi robertson 87 died on janu ary 3rd in a guelph nursing home he had lived there since april board member for ten years antr 1955rbecaue of ill health spent four of those as cfaaii welcomed to the board by sec retary treasurer jim evans the two new members elected to the board herbert arnold and kelvin brown were again personally wel comed by mr wilson in his first act of office mr arnold and mr brown are the first new members to sit on the board since roy han sen filled a vacancy left by r stewardson who moved from town two years ago these and the re tirement of ross duncan are the only changes which have taken place since the board was known as the board of education a span of nine years jim evans was reappointed sec retarytreasurer fred masterman was again made public school rep resentative to the high school board and imrs nellie gardiner was reappointed to the public li brary board for a three year term stan finlay and kelvin brown comprise the finance committee while harry shortill roy han sen and herb arnold form the property committee the board reviewed a problem brought to their attention at the last regular meeting of 1958 when a delegation of ratepayers from the homes in the sykes tool cor poration area queried board mem bers as to the possibility of trans portation being provided for chil dren from that area the delegation told the board then that it was not the distance from school that prompted their action but the fact that during the winter months the children had to walk home in darkness through areas which arc not yet built up on wednesday after reviewing the prdblem the board took the stand that though sympathetic with the delegation they are not in the transportation business and the problem as only a temporary one winch was disappearing the daylight hours -lengthen- a public school for that area is al ready in the planning stage a proposed salary schedule for caretakers was put before the board and discussed however ad option was put off unlil the next meeting pending a further inves tigation by mr- finlay park public school will be pro claimed by 10 high letters to be instated on the front of the buil ding some lime this month the rotary ohib was granted use of the wrigglesworth auditorium for three nights in april when they will stage their annual min strel show scotch block native fanned in the west first section mr rpbertson was a s of john and eliza mehlies robertson- in the spring of 1900 he moved to saskatchewan where he farmed until 1826 returning to ontario he farmed in nassagaweya for a year then retired his wife margaret mcdonald whom he married in 1000 died m 1906 he leaves two children florence mrs sampauh of wa terloo and john of port credit two grandchildren and a brother ben of r r 3 milton he was pre deceased by brothers william dun can james henry and jnd a fiinlfr bftlla mrs g emmctt interment in fairview cemetery acton followed the funeral sei on january 6th at the rumley shoemaker funeralhqme con ducted by rev andrew mckenzie of knox presbyterian church ac ton pallbearers were douglas and frank robertson esquesing jim warmington bruce small end dan mclntyre nassagaweya and william allison kilbride brantford celebration for diamond wedding mr and mrs william suddaby brantford parents of art suddaby of town celebrated their diam ond wedding anniversary on sun day in brantford they were at home to their many friends and relatives during the afternoon and evening nearly three hundred came to offer their congratulations and best wishes all of their sons and daughters and their husbands and wives were with them on this important day among the many congratulatory messages received was one from queen elizabeth one from the prime minister and one from the premier members of both the provincial and federal govern ments were guests ross macdon- ald speaker of the house being one of them mr and mrs suddaby had eight children seven of whom are liv ing edward suddaby of brampton died four years ago mr suddaby in pjghfyfhr yy nd he is eightyfourt mr suddiiby still owns and operates the meat and grocery business founded by his father seventynine years ago with time rapidly going by large number of cars have still not obtained their 1959 plates estimate georgetown sent 210000 chnstmas cards clubmidt0wn by dar greetings kats im back again win the usual good word fridaynight we rocked right and the jiver contest was a real mara thon vwhen it was finally over our pals linda korzack and dave sanitlr came out on top by a unani mous voaof applause they- carted away 5 each in a large brink truck this week the cokes are ont7 f com sessm for con that incoming parcels during the smitty chuckle chuckle there is a contest for anyone who would like ten dollars it con cerns the designing of a club mid- town crest the best of which will be adopted as the official crest entries are to be judged jan 23rd and you may enter as many des igns as you wish we have made up a new consti tution and these are the five main points 1 use of all alcoholic beverages prohibited 2 no jeans slaeks or heavy boots allowed 3 no loitering in the halls 4 no admittance after 11 pm 5 you must check coats rubbers purses etc our purpose is to keep teenagers ovt of trouble and in the fun hope youll agree newt week well be rockhv to the top 60 records my prediction for this week is mr lloyd prices big ball of pie called stagger lee until friday this is yours truly saying take care te mild weather has caused the roads to be corner quite slip pery jriv safety and stay the flood of christmas mail which continues to swell withev ery year reached another new high in 1958 as the local post office staff handled close to 420000 gree ting cards alone postmaster har old marshall who made the esti mate based the figure on the re corded number of despatched cards which approached the 210 000 mark and constitutes approxi mately half of the total rush period numbered 5400 while the sale of 2c stamps soared approximately 212000 the staffs biggest problem in the limited wicket outlets and limited lobby space however mr marshall said that the customers seemed to realizthe situation and were extremely patient the pub lie as usual responded well to ur- gings by the post office to tie out of town and local cards in separ ated bundles and mail them carl- ly an advantage that enabled the staff to make dispatches daily expanded fronreight uhwenty- nine to handle the rush the staff still had to put in many extra hour days with the swamp of cards rca- chingitsheight on december 16th when gcorgetowners mailed some 41500 the hectic period tapered off jlt- pund the 20th when the number of cards mailed dropped below 10000 more than 2000 man hours were necessary to process the christmas mail and sharing in the work were regular staffers jim collier mrs andy crichton blake inglis fannie weaver delmec french jean han cock and gordon hallitt part time hekpemalzs george maciuly and mrs w s davis and nineteen five smlung members of branch 120s bowling tearm are shown here after capturing the zone b7 bowling championships in acton last saturday- 5hown left to right are harv chappel also high- triple champ gord king scotty patterson nick brown and albert stapleton not shown was the sixth team member herb arnold and high singles champ archie pollock the local legion team won all le awards given and another branch 120 team were runners up what council did youth recreation department council committees addition with town clerk c g benham administering the oath of office members of the 1959 georgetown counciltook their seats on monday at a short inaugural meeting which was followed by a dinner tendered by mayor jack armstrong taking their seats besides the mayorswere seven members of last memorial window adds beauty 4o union church preceded by a bounteous dinner served by thcladies of the con gregation the members and adhcr- jails of union presbyterian church met for their annual meeting on monday jan 12th the opening devotions were taken by rev g l royal minsterwhp chose the sixth chapter of the ephesian ep istle as his reading followed by a prayer of thanksgiving for the past year and for enlightenment in the year before them the minislcr then called for the election of a chairman and mr arthur mc- kane was nominated to the posi tion the first action of the new chair man was to ask for nominations in regard to a secretary for the meet ing and mrs clarence anderson was elected after the reading of the minutes of the last annual meeting the chairman called on the moderator of kirk sesstonto read his report mr royal stated that the sacrament of holy com munion had been observed tour times during the year with an en couraging attendance at each min istration of the rite during the course of 1958 five babies were baptized at four observations of the holy sacrament jduring the course of the past year four new members were added to the com munion roll two by profession of faith and two by certificate the roll now stands at 96 active mem bers- the missionary budget for 1958 was oversubscribed by 5100 and the allocation for 1959 set at 900 the minister commended the efforts made on behalf of the world mission and encouraged the members to even greater diligence in the coming year the assess ment from the general assembly regarding the new missionary and deacon ness training home was dealt with and the congregation agreed that it be paid the matter was referred back to the kirk iltation with the womens groups in regard to the method of payment the moder ator reported that the kirk ses sion had established the third mon day evening of each month for their meetings to consider and discuss the work of the church ana tor more intensive training in the duties of the eldership the minister drew attention to the new chancej window in the church representing christ- the good shepherd which had been placed there by mr f l thomp son and mrs norma pulling in memory of their parents mr and mrs fred c thompson the trea surer of the congregation frank dolson gave his report during the course of which he itemized each account for clarification expen ses had been heavy during 1058 with the congregation raising a total or 628698 leaving 5984 as a balance wilfrid leslie was elected congregational treasurer to succeed mr dolson in accept ing his new office mr leslie brought forward a recommendation that the congregation also elect a budget treasurer to care for mis sionary monies owens macdon- ald was selected for this duty the report of the board of managers tras received through the chair- continued bftaadc page social personal elsie and harvey dewhurst have moved into their new home on ste vens crescent after residing for a number of years at 25 guclph st mr and mrs allan ahlstedt 8 rexway drive and their chi allan pavicltiruce camet6nand elaine motored to albertahvhere they spent the christmas holidays with her parents and various mem bers of her family they were away three weeks beth richardson daughter of mr and mrs kenneth richardson 6 durham street celebrated her seventh birthday with a party rec ently her guests were tony mc- auley michael broomhcad margie and carolyn ostrander wilhelm- ina poot lorraine hawes and bar- jniigins ril mavpal an i and david richardson and her brothers jimmy and ronnie on wcdnsday tojnark his sev enth birthday john son of mr and mrs william mcnally 22 market st had a party guests were blake chamberlain doug good let hughte williams paul sanderson robin ord his cousin charles biehn and his sister jane mr and mrs sandy mcdonald and daughter gail main st s mo tored to callander last weekend where they visited with mr and mrs cy crawford mr crawford who is mrs mcdonalds brother is recuperating from severe injur ics suffered in a recent auto acci dent mrs elizabeth armstrong king st has just returned home fi vancouver where she spent xmas and new years with her brother and his family mr and mrs reg- ghmour and gary mrs arm strong travelled by bus both ways pat hyde daughter of mr and mrs ern hyde 24 ewing st eel thratpd her 12th birthday on fri day january 9lh with a party at her home guests attending inclu ded rosemary and peggy ann ro bertson heather hayes jeanette dcdikind linda hamilton linda and debbie hyde diane golden dorothy page pauline armitage gloria pries peggy martin and bonnie saunders guests at a party celebrating the 9th birthday of david richardson son of mr and mrs walter richard son were jimmy laird ronnie richardson grant and graham wingrove randy crawford bill maveal paul presswood and john bradley law tipsrfortadres- in solicitors talk local lawyer doug latimer was the guest speaker at the january meeting ofthe georgetown wom ens institute in knox church sun day school on wednesday janu ary 7th taking as his topic house hold hints in law though del ivered with a humorous slant mr latimers talk contained much useful information on points of law pertaining to women in con- neclon- with real estate traffic laws jury duty court cases and travelling salesmen and was much enjoyed mrs don hancock aid mrs don livingstone added to the meeting when they favoured with two lov ely duets mrs v rawson the president was in the chair for the meeting vhtch was very well attended and after the opening ode andprayer mrs r t paul took the motto be kind to the aged they haye come a long way following re ports on christmas cheer to shut- ins by mw km thompson 3d flowers and cards to the sick and bereaved by mrs norm sny der letters of thanks were read from many of the recipients during the busincsgttieeting the members decided to hold a bake sale on friday january 16th the sale will be held in grand union- carrolls and will start at 2 pm a committee was named with mrs s robin the convener to ar range a euchre party in stewart- town hall for saiuidayjajuary- 24th when the draw will be made on the institutes afghan mrs d livingstone thanked all taking part and the meeting closed with the queen lunch was served by the committee chinese stamp collection clarence hayes hobby rev morgan mcfarlane officia ted at the funeral service for clar ence hayes 69 of 14 academy rd on january fltbathe jliaruld rmc clure funeral home a george- town resident since 1922 he died in gucrph general hospital january 6th son of william and ellen moyer hayes he was born at dorchester near london he went as a boy to nnrthern ontario with his parents who pioneered in the temiskam- ing and cochrane districts he wor ked as a building foreman with the ontario colonization company and in georgetown was employed with various local building firms a first war veteran he enlisted in montreal in 1914 with the grena dier guards as a younger man mr hayes hobbies were wood carving and beekeeping in later years he be came an ardent philatelist and ac quired an extensive collection spe cializing in chinese stamps he was an adherent of the united church he leaves his wife zetta greg ory whonv fie married in englc- hart in 1918 a daughter azolyn mrs gordon fisher r r 5 mil ton and four grandchildren rob ert paul john and elizabeth pallbearers at the funeral serv ice were george fawcett jud da vidson harry doane robert jon es john koloski and gordon spence interment was in green wood cemetery georgetown first baptism service fornew united church alen wayne turhbun and bar bara ttiice turnbull children of mr and ifcrs s f turnbull 84 prince charles drive ronald keith wodhams son of mr and mrs norham e wodhams 44 mclntyre daughter of mr and mrs daniel hockridge became the 1st children to be baptized at sl andrews un- itde when rev morgan- me fartane o sl john ministered the sacraments of bap- lims and holy communion therejartx foundation co ltd on sunday the church is tempor arily located at harrison public school mr mcfarlane offered words of cresc and linda jean hockridge encouragement to the newly form ed congregation and brought with him the blessings of the congrega tion of sl johns it was also the first service of holy conunun- ywni chorco realtorswin another but lose top standing hunters realtors have slipped sunday bump was blast at armstrong quarry many residents were mystified by a muffled explosion late sunday afternoon which rattled windows and dishes here and was heard as far away as terra cotta the detonation and accompany ing bump came from the arm strong pit near lioiehouse where pit workers were dynamiting a large rock shelf the chain of blasts in rapid succession was re portedly sufficient to crumble half an acre of rock 24 feet deep it was one of the heaviest char ges of dynamite ever let off in any of the district quarries and the resulting percussion was similar to the one created when the avro arrow shattered the sound barrier- from their vantage point atop the over town last summer central ontario intermediate b hockey league despite the fact they co in win playing a crowded schedule for the past week bradfords fords have now played two more games than the locals and have recaptur ed the lead a gap of three points separates the two top clubs the hunters were denied chance to keep the race almost- neck and neck on friday when blinding blizzard in the colling wood district put the damper on a scheduled game here between the georgetown club and the skylin n enthusiastic crowd at stouff- ville arena last night witnessed probably the best played game of the campaign as their clippers fell 4 to 2 to the hunters georgetown had to wipe out two goal deficit to gain the win as g edwards counted for stouffville from vanderpoole and stack 335 of the first tame and vander poole from edwards upped the margin another notch at 1716 playing coach nick ferri kept the period from being a blank one for thc locals with a sizzling drive that found an open corner with about three seconds to go irons and voycc picked up the only one goal in the second standza that by blake inglis from years councilreeve doug sargept deouty reeve walter gray apd councillors v garfield mcghvray ern hyde fredvharrisqn john el liott and john gunn making his tory as a ladf took a council seat for the first time was mrs anne currie as is customary a short relifr sous service was conducted whs rev morgan meearlane of st johns united and rev lloyd whan of first baptist acting for georgetown ministerial assoeia tion mr mcfarlane read a portion of scripture from sl paul and mr whan offered prayer the mayor in a short speech told council that he hopes for a year in which steady progress will be noted in town while keeping an eye on expenditures any council can spend money and do a lot of things he said but a good council can do a lot of things witih a minimum of mon ey only change in the setup for committees this year is the addi tion of a recreation section to the department of property and veter ans affairs this was done the mayor said to organize activity for young people under council guidance several councillors retained their 1958 chairmanships including mc gilvray finance hyde water gray roads sargent industrial town planning and fire harrison property veterans affairs and recreation andjiunjljeljfcg am bulance and hospital john elliott shifted to public works while mrs currie assumes his former post as chairman of light and police the mayor continues to head the ad ministration committee assessment commissioner jos eph gibbons acted as chairman at the dinner which followed at the jack olantern guests included the two ministers the clerk police chief roy haley exmayor harold cleave bankers don wingrove and dick miller solicitors george hew son john ord and fred qelson town engineer william carr john d kelly jp leslie m clarkwal lace thompson and reporters wat ter biehn and ed peters minor injuries as car total wreck james alien e bewell of 23 sora dr streetsville escaped with only minor injuries when the car he was driving was totally wrecked in a collision with a dump truck at the intersection of sinclair ave nd no 7 highway friday after noon mr bewell was removed to the office of dr alistair macintosh by police where he was treated for lacerations to his left leg and a bump on his forehead his glasses were broken in the crash mr bewell was driving a 1959 rambler east on the highway when the dump truck owned by and driven by tony palumbo 53 essex- st toronto started across from sinclair ave the impact spun the ar into the north ditch it was owned by the york auto leasing co 107 plains road bur lington the crash occurred at about 245 pl and was investigated by cat ted scott- george grasby and bud varey at the iijio mark to tie the score ron dixon potted the winner by rapping home a pass from bud va- dey and blake inglis after just a minute and 37 secon3sof ale and dave irons added the in- surance at 1932 as the clippers sacrificed theirdefensive caution- in an allout attack tp pull even jack rabbit rhodes guarded the georgetown cage and was sup- erb holding the stouffvilles dff the score sheet from the first per iod on he almost choked partial jitouffvflle- crowd on their own cheers at one point in the game when he made a stop while in a horizontal po at one side of the net the attempt looked so much like such a sure tally the fans were applauding before the clippers got the shot away there were sixteen penalties called georgetown drew ten the hunters play host to orange- ville for the first time here on fri day and then get a long awa kotmnxon

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