Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 4, 1959, p. 1

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the eorget9w3v herai twbvi pages authorized as sacond clan mail past offic dept ottawa georgetown ontario wednesday february 4th 1959 first section brampton reception follows jennings mclaughlin wedding ft v j morgan officiated at the mavriage of bridget ann daugh ter ot mr and mrs john mclaugh lm to george alan jennings son of mrs george jqnnings and the hite mr jennings the bride woreji white brocad ed watt length dress with white satin hat trimmed with sequins she carried a nosegay of white ba by mums and red sweetheart roses her attendant was her cousin mrs jack burke from toronto who wore a red velvet dress and white velvet hat and carried a nosegay of white baby mums the groom was attended by jack burke the reception was held at the yellow briar inn in bnmplon where the bade s mother received for her daughlor wearing a naw blue dress matching hat and a corsage of pink roses the groom s mother assisted wearing a green dress with match ing feather hat her corsage was of pink roses guests were present from paler mo oakvillc freclton acton georgetown toronto guclph and brampton a telegram was received from the brides aunt and uncle from boston mass who were unable to be present the couple are living in their new home at r r 1 lrmehouse discuss church extension si johns annual meet supper served by the va and a time of singing and solos b mrs george grasbv and tom trouten highlighted the annual meeting of st john s united church held on mondav feb 26th prior to the business rev morgan mcfarlane led a brief devotional period and paid tribute to those members who had passed awav during uie vear motion was passed unanimous h that a note of deep appreeia hon be recorded in the minutes for the life and work of mrs ha rod cleae who was prtaidcnt or the wa at the time of her death and for isaac bennett an elder in the church until his death st john s was one of the chur ches in the area sector plan this vear and again was strengthened b canning through the program this past fall considerable in crease was shown in the total in come for all locaj purposes and also for missions and benevolen ces the church has two persons contributing the cost at cducauag two indian young men for the mm istry in india and each jear the sunday school sends monev be fore christmas to professor john halla of indort christian college to be used by him to bring chnt mas joy to boys and girls of in ha special time was given to hear reports of the wa and its plans for 1959 given by mrs v m sinclair the sunday school given by the superintendent alan prouse and the building committee which presented some suggested archi tectural plans for church and chris tian education building additions the treasurer claude kentner presented the printed financial re port for 1958 which was again en couraging mr kentner jim evans delmcr french bob mcmenemv harv lee were reelected for three years to the committee of stewards john nichols doug latimer dr ken mccauley lee king for two years to the committee of stew ards and blake eggleston for one year to the committee of stewards george armitage was elected to serve as a member of the church session for five years wilfrid bird again heads fair board elected president of th sing agricultural of uipesqiie socuru which ponsors georgelownfall fair il fnd bird of r r2 will sene m this capacih for a second ttrm other officers returned to office were robert cunningham lt vice president garfield micilvjav 2nd vict piesident uid trevor wil iunb aieretary treasurer repot n given at the innuil meelin m s ewarttown hill lasl tue dj ivenin liowtd that the 19o8 fair wa oni of thi bi t in he hut r of thi 112 vi ir old ccitlv da c receipts wire up ntarh s1g0 over tht previous vear f a tola of si 625 50 and prize nonev including h r t racin pn ces totalltd some s3o00 after all xpenscs were paid tht it was a s200 profit on the veirs opera lions tht bernard midway shows that vert so popular with fairgotrs last vear were engaged for the 1959 how which this iar will be held an qxteber 2nd and 3rd past treasurer p w cieavt was made an honorarv director and all dirtctors were ret lee ed for anoth r jtar with the addition of c f pa tcrson nf orvi th ladies section of tht fair board held a short mtiting lowing which lunch was strv fol on sunday a family reunion was held at the home of mr and mrs rex heslop hcslop court to welcome his sister mrs thomas stangbye of tangiers six of her eight brothers and sisters were present wife of a tangiers ban ker and operator of a dress shop there she is enroute on a buying trip to california two churches combine for ladies meetings the friendsip circle of st jahns lnited church held their annual banqutt januar 28th in the ladies parlor guests included members of the ncwlj formed st ndrews sa nominations for fficers were hell this vtar it has betn decided the wa will iperate under the ont executive and meet every other month with the individual groups holding their meetings on the alternative month the executive is as follows president mrs george ironside first vice president mrs al zerav cv second vice president mrs douglas latimer treasurer mrs cecil davidson secretary mrs m armstrong corresponding sec rotary mrs c teague devotion al mrs e alcott program mrs social convener ber cards and hansen catering committee mrs a zeravlev and mrs w fiebig riower committee mrs w hen jtaghj jtitchen committee mrs c kentner bazaar committee mrs d powers parsonage mrs frank whitmee hamon presbytery rep esentattve mrs v stoin expect record crowd to view biltmores and realtors a couple of years ago hockey goers discovered a recipe for a brand of play that tickled the pleasure palate of every worship per of fast hard checking hockey the ingredients one junior a club m that instance the barrie flyers and a top ranked tntermed ute team eg the georgetown rai dors on saturday february 7th a hoped tor 1 000 goal gourmets will get their second taste of the torrid type action when guclph birmore mad hatters invade the local arena for an exhibition tilt with hunter s realtors the proc eeds to go to the injured plavers benefit fund in taking on the bihs george town will be meeting a club that caught fire a few weeks back and are currently burning up their ju mor a league with a recent rash of wins that has lifted them from the shadowy depths to third place spearheading the surge has been then high scoring forward sandy mcgregor mcgregor is the only player on che guelph club with more than 25 goals however five others gilbert usiulo ertel ratelle and brain are over the 35 point mark completing the roster that the hunteri will be fronted with sat urdav are kraft rochefort cun niruham preston donaldson i e brim lowes favcro andrea mar cuz brown farrelly and buntain don rich will be in the biltmore net and brings with him a respect ibl 1 5 goals against average interesting to watch will be the performance of the production line if blake inghs bud varey and ron dixon the tireless trio were flics in the barric soup and are all rowding the top of the scoring ladder a am this season rounding out the local squad an dave irons bill chard and ja nie cunnirfhim junior bcaum r nictrttrri and bill hewitt defensemt n jcrrv inghs wallj magdv dave vovce george gras bv and goalies jack rhodes and frrd lawienrr hockcv club members and manv of the tianis supporters have ad vance tickets for the big game on ale for si which includes a chance on a 50 bond and valuable mer dhandise vouchers the ticket al lows free admission for the hold cr s two children however child ren not accompanied by their par ents will be charged 25c student admission is 50c game time has been set back half an hour with the faceoff slat ed for 8 pan sharp bus service successful says 1st baptist report rev r lloyd whan presided ov cr the innual meeting of first bap usl church on wednesday even ing jan 28th where an encourag mg altendince discussed church business and chose 1959 officers following a turkey tinner served by the w omens society between pastorates the church was led bv dr r j bean from crozer thoologica seminary of chester pa who was doing re search work at mcmaster univcr sit and mr raymond waldock a divinity student of mcmaster they occupied the pulpit during the months after rev alfred barker accepted a charge at hanover ap preciation was expressectfor their ministries every report submitted at the meeting marked progress the sunday school report revealed since the introduction of duplex envelopes the of firings have in treated 80 per cent the growth of the coirimunity provides a chal ltne for evtiv church a report jn tht ntw transportation svsttm stated thus tht bus tran porlalion to the delrcx subdivision provided by the sunday school has brniunt man new pupils and i n inues to hi a s mrce of contact vith m w f ini his arrange mini mt b uij in u with tht biptisl iorun missi n irv bt ard for a mis t narj r air t ik belt in the latin pirl if pril otlur business inclu lid tht appmn tin of a cominit u i lu dn up a lhurch constitution for the lotal church the committee pln to prtsont it al tht ntt quarurlj mttting tht following arc the officers for tlit prtstnt ear deacons ii mtr carttr had clements wal in infield o whitmee d black sr doug peck jim emmcrson dtaconesscs mrs lrn thompson mrs a reeve mrs earl limit nts mrs doug pick and mrs 1 rob son miss ormi thompson is dirk and james fr mmcrson assistant clerk dou cole is irtasurer don livmstone asi tant trtisiirtr and the truslie- pari cumtnt emirj thompson don hanrmk jamts i- mmcrson uouj itck ind at n infield and ushers don hairck w toanend dm i v ingstone emtry thompson john topptr 1 robson jack thomp on and kt n mccosh mrs harv i ustv mrs svm ns and mrs john stopper com pnsc tht flower committic mrs rteve and mrs flmtr carter art birtevoltnl fund custodians and the cnvilope stewards are don ivingstont towntnd d bhck trs wilfred breen mrs william thompson and miss beverlev rm merson mrs william thompson mr wilfrid breen and mrs don i i inlstoni art the communion stew irds rmer thompson doug peck and ken mecosh auditors doug peck sundaj school superintend mrs w towncnd organist mrs w thompson assistant organist and doug peck choir itader divinity students share in glen rect6ry blessing a spcfial service was held by iht anjican parish of st mban s 1m williams on january 29th to bit s the ne rectory the service of evensong- was ung in the church bv the st al bans choir assisted by the third year divinity students of trinity cortege toronto the lessons were read by mr tom bcmimont lay reader of the parish and michael eers of trjnity college rev b c gifford assistant curate of st john s anglican church ancastcr preached tbe sermon during the singing of the last hymn the crucifer led the choir clergy and people out of the church into the new rectory where they had contributed so much of their time talents and monev a social hour followed in the par ish hall where parishioners had an opportunity to chat with the trinity students whose homes are from vancouver to prince ldward island and as far away as the bar bados west indies tht nt w rectorv where rev and mrs john ralhhpne and familv art making their nhme is the firsl nlnsi of a larpc scale building pro jtct which will evtntuallv u tht lion i joinid lu the churth and a niw and more adeqinte parish hall built burial in manitoba mrs v ssfwm j- c bray flowers mrs r a resident of georgetown for the past three years mrs maria a bray died in st joseph s hos pital guelph on sunday january 25th mrs bray has made her home with her daughter and family mr and mrs robert rrin cis 51 hewson crescent mrs bray was sixty eight jiars or age and was born in england coming to canada in 1946 to pic ton mrs francis joan is her onlv child htr husband j c ilri predeceased her several ears ago peler francis her grandson is also left as are brothers jick and alfred kings mill and a sisttr dorothy mrs c ihirff ill of sums miniloln mr and mrs rrancis and peter ntilorcd to souns to attend the uncral which wjs held in the dithl runiral homt i riday jan nuarj 30th at 2 30 o dock inter mept was in souns cemtttrv neighbours adion saves house from flames action of a neighbour who saw smoke and called the fire depart menl limited damage to an csli mitid 700 in a house fir on set urday afternoon mrsx herb robinson notified the firemen wtio rushed to the home of alex tarzwell 29 arietta st where a firt in ihc kitchm burned m wall and cupboards the tant wt 1 family was out at trf time and returned home jus as fire mm were leaving after completing- their job sunday firemen were called at 10 30 pm to silvercreek only to find their services were not re quired the callwas made when the hose line on a truck broke and antifreeze blowing out resembled smoke driver of the truck was john saxon toronto parry meades continue as si georges wardens thomas parrj wis ri elected pt op t warden and jack meades reappointed rectors warden at ihc annual ve trj melting of si tor i s nelican last tuedav the mttin for which re kenneth richardson was chairman follow td an tvensong sirvict in tht ermrih it was an historic vtar for tht thurch which botame a single un it parish in mav whin st albm lltn williams stturtd rev john kathbont as rdtitr and tntlttl its connection with thi local i hurt ft ipintuallv and fin ntiallv ihi churth had an ettlltnt vtar ac o din to tht report of the ward ens ihw par i hall is in iht off ii for thi b j which also vo ted to increase its diocesan appor tionmmt bj 10 per cent this vear and an imnan in sijgtnd for the ictor othtr church officers s lidi 1 it the m din includid mr p ml thompson envelope secrctarv ilovd kvnmrskv convtntr of sidtsmen and mr and mrs wal act th imps n auditor mr thompson also served as vestry clerk miinbtrs appointed or dec tid to ihc advisorv board include boh borland w ilfrid bnsbois charles harris and thomas van sickler jack vrmslronf thomas parry and thomas lason arc lay dclegatis to svnod with charles hirns and walter biehn as substl lutes douglas creswick volun tcered his services as secrctarv to the wardens indies of the w a erved re freshments after the meeting ad journed fine parish progress noted at st albans presenting hjs charge to parish toners of st alban s anglican at the annual vestry meeting on jan uary 26th the rev john rathbone commented on the tremendous spirit shown by the growing num ber of church members and in the progress of the parish especially in the last few years he said that one should not be too self satisfied with current ichievt mints but should stnvi constintlv with the help and grace of fo s holv spirit to further his kingdom in this portion of his vim ard tht ret tor ilso txpris led his sincert thanks for the work of ill officers of thi church in 198 nnnv of whom are conhnu in on in one capacitv or another thi pt opk s warden george sar tnt gave tht 1958 financial ripott and the propositi 959 bud set reports were reid by hi ads of various organization i ven song wis said in he church prec eding thi mi e ting and after elec tion of officers- 5nd various mat lers of general business the meet ing adjourned and refreshments wtre st rved bv members of tht indies ciuild l hurch officers this year are- doug towensend rectors warden lt smond had people s warden rlhur beiumont vistrv clt rk romld haines arthur bt aumont li delegates to synod jack 1 uc as henrv lornman substitute mrs herb preston jr envelope secretary tom haines chairman of sidesmen george sargent ar thur bbaumont auditors the rector wardens and roland haines totri beaumont and george sargent form tbe finance commit tee the parish advisory council comprises the rector wardens lay delegates and substi a tom social personal mr and mrs skip sargent and their son jimmy of brantford were weekend guests with his mother mrs c sargent 71 charles street mr and mrs hugh squires pick cring were visiting mr and mrs james richardson 28 edith street and other members of the family on sunday mrs harry miltr eharlottelowrl pfi who is the mother of mrs bill armstrong is a guest in town at present with mr and mrs fred armstrong 11 mcnabb st donald dawson spent the week end with his parents mf and mrs a e dawson glen williams a urvejor with socony oil co he was enroute from a business trip to ottawa mrs harvey pqwhurst has ret urned to her home on stephens crescent after undergoing an op cration which kept her a patient in guelph general hospital for everal davs robtrl reid son of mr and mrs bruce rud glanford station was a utst of his grandparents mr ind mrs jim costigan sr john atet foa week mrs herb sin clair hamilton their daughter vas also a uist ronald an 1 1 gilme s ns of mr ml mr har d i mr 11 l nun s ittt i eli bra ted birthdajs n hi ii t an 1 th rd of 1t bruarv si vpji old ron ill ha 1 as hi utsi- irtion and donald wil liam arrv tort lltn arm stun bohbv tylir i inda gar butt d iiilas hdwards gordon r stir and billv hillur i nable u it tend wtre lxrrame ledwidge in in jamia and michael green thru vtar old al had as his little uists junit bailiv garv foster i raid williams aid also prcsint wire mrs jack batlev mrs jamis foster and mrs dave williams three morew4ns puts realtors hockey tops eorgptown hunters realtors have powered their way back to the top or tht central ontario in ttrmediatc b heap lhe big red and white steam rol ler flattened two of their mot formidable opponents slourfvilrc- and bradford in grinding qui thrc victdries in five days be c ton j fell 134 before the relentless ma chine last night the win m bradford on satur day was the sweetest of the three a 43 squeaker the hunters had to come from behind to gain the de ci bill hewitt potting the win ner midway through the last frame close to 550 about a hundred of that number georgetown sup porters looked as bradford grab bed a 1 0 lead on dave booth s tally al 1138 of the first peciod only to have it nullified by ja nut cunningham s unaided scor in effort at 16 33 pa ten converted gibson s pass into bradford s second marker afli r just sixteen seconds had joni bv in the middle session and harvey opend a two goil ii 1 from 1 otto at the 11 20 mark blake inghs from grasbv at 12 52 in 1 bill chard from jtrrv inlis and blake in quitted tht brad ford baikcea- and balanced ihc tot hoard btftrt the end of thi pi nod ii wilts tit breaker dented the mesh at 10 34 of the finalt jr btaulnont and bill char 3 picking up assists canadian champs will skate here i- ou mi m tiers of the gutlph ilh t fiturt skating club won the 1959 canadian senior four h impionships hi id al no rand a quebec on saturday they were rae warden john caughell ruth tiz and paulette doan 1 hi is of particular inlcres to t corjitovn since the are ill pu pils of rtss smith who tiachis thi ionitown club and rae warden is mr sniths issistant with the t las ht ri the champions w ill skali iht ir routine at the geor uown carnival here on saturday pril thi tenth architects sketch shows new hospital finalised prelimlnan plans have been made for georgetown s new hospital at a meeting of the hospital as sociation on january 27th in the municipal building many town groups wen represented to hear a report and see anarchitect s sketch of the hospital whtch is to be erec ted 1n the parhc district in the area of the new park school the campaign committee expects to launch a drive for funds in april a model of the hospital is being pn pared by the architects and will soon be on view in the her aid window on main street mrs alex taylor reported plans for a euchre to be held on march 9th in aid of the hospital next muting of the hospital association will bt held on february 24th at b p m and it is hoped all organi zations will be represented s s adds to their lead in industrial bowling s s bj faking seven points in tht industrial bowlmg league this wtek from cottons while silvers could onlv manager five off kavs added two points to their had m ving them a six point edge sil vers pickid a point up on the rd nlice i e j ion no 2 while legion no 2 also picked a point up on kt ntni r s bv taking a 43 decision from the druggists in the match there was tciiiv nun light bowling as the firt ame ended in a tie the second went to legion no 2 bv 2 pins ind the th rd to kentner s bv 23 pins in the roll off of the tie 3 imp i rgion no 2 came out on the bowling on the whole was below average is scores will indi cate in triples sharkv gn 7 me was high with 766 followed bv jim f 744 1liii matlsen 710 hink chaplin 742 and bert carev 715 in singles two firemen andv ritchie and jack harlow hid tht only three hundred scores and they were right on the 300 figure karl fmond and fgan madscn had iast week kftmk anderson was oivcn an avcrageof 225 this was an error and should have read 228 tion that had the crowd on its feet in the second and third periods playing coach nick fern and jr beaumont clashed with j ross and r nicholas at 16 30 of the r second period and were assessed fighting majors while blake ing- hs and blackwcll exchanged knuckles brief ly m the third dave irons paced the snipers in the 9 5 outcome with 3 goals jerry inghs got 2 blake inghs junior beaumont bud varey and ron dixon one apiece nicholas and o connor each counted a pair and corey a single for the clip pers jr beaumont picked up 4 goals dixon and varey 2 each in the 134 waltz over beeton here last night hewitt chard blake ing lis irons and grasby counted the others while prejndergast scored 3 and karns 1 for beeton there were just two penalties in this one and they were divided evenly permitted to play only in exhib ition games for georgetown pete bradkin will make his first ap pearance for the locals this season against the guclph biltmores sat urday night he was set down by he oh for his part in a fracas in napaaie during the 1958 finals game lime for the biltmore exhib ition ixpccttd to draw the largest crowd of the season is 8 p m in stead if tht regular 8 30 beaumont bui korzack hairy tra ccy heaton tomhainea and george sarsenl nick ferri the hunters used ou nine men to vvrtstlt the gan from the rords ick fern da wallv iadv anti dave irons the abse nits ge i i town drew penalties to bradford s 9 nda s stouffvil c clash could hi t he en sponsored by the 1 b l judging by the fistic ac- semor band folds hope for another in future on tuesdav jan 13lh george towns senior band went out or existence plagued b lack of support from the public and a diminishing at tendance at practiced the band vo ted inelf dissolved at the annual meeting at chapel street school however some of the members consented to amalgamate with the presbyterians budget 10000 for synod and general assembly the annua m of knox presbyterian chhrch was held in the church hall on january 26th before the meeting the womens association servejja dinner to the large representation of members and adherents the ladies were thanked for their efforts by al tavlor the meeting was opened with a scripture reading and prayer by the minister rev alex calder nominations were called for chair man and secrctarv and mr calder and mrs william cromar were uuly appointed fine rcpor s were given by the secretaries and treasurers of the v anotis organizations total giv ings were something over 24 000 and the giving to others and ben evolences some s5 000 sixty eight new members were received in 1958 andrew murray dick packer and howard graff were relccted to the board of management and tedrennmg dick shearly konrad mulder and gerald mccrea xo 1st terms on the board other board members are russell hepburr- al btrt tavlor herb harlow dennis brown august spitzer frank brown george couhng ed gow ijand hank bouwman carl frank- niyter william mair vic giinn those retiring from the board were jim linton john mcclure bob burke alex hendry and wil ham marshall ted fenning was elected as church treasurer in place of wil bovs liuicns band expanding that f aggregation to close to fifty mem bers it was pointed out bv the execu live that the present boys band has the necessarv potential and if thev stav together as a unit they will on attaining manhood prov ide georgetown once again with a senior band to be proud of until that time another senior brass and reed band seems improbable the band was organized in 1930 bv three georgetown men a h pcrrott rov magloughlen and kenneth macdonald and in their first vear captured their division it the inidian national fxhibi tion under the direction of mr pcrrott it wasnl until 1933 thnc vears jer their formation that thev joi tied with the 1 orne rifles and be aim i regimental band under the ite i t ol cordon cousens du ring the war vears the hand had a personnel of fortv seven men 28 of these enlisted active their enviable record boasts nine at the canadian national ex resign due to ill health mr mar shall died on monday and his fun eral service took place this after noon in the church the thanks of the congregation was extended for his diligent service in the of ficc for many vears and it was with regret that the meeting ac cepted his resignation mr fen mng was also made treasurer of the synod corporation fund which was set up for one year jim ritchie was elected budget treasurer mr and mrs dennis brown as church stewards miss lillian wolf as envelope secretary specnl note was made that the building debt wis retired in oc lobtr and it was noted there is a substantial ba ance in that fund it was a forward looking meet ing hoth in regard to the life of the loci congregation and to oth ers the meeting set an objective of si0 000 as its gwings to others in 1959 5000 to the general as- semblv budget 4 000 to the syn od corporation of toronto and hibironfvrfirvts a7waterloo j j fo f hurchextension in and one ttrst at stratford music fes tivals the compiled the long est ennsccut t e in streak at the tl- when they topped aii othre competitors in 1951 52 53 54 and 55 thiv were the onlv smill town bind to be invited to plav at the isit of king george vi nnd he queen to toronto and agiin per formed for rovaltv when the duke beth made their tirst canadian toor the band severed connections with the i orne scots regiment in may 1956 to become an indepen dent organization if you wish to be perfect fol low the advice that you give oth ers canada and 1 000 for the new missionarv and deaconess train ing school building it was recommended to the ihu ic committee of session that a new top be built into the organ at cost or 500 an increase of stipend was voted to the minister othir knox officers include her bert leave lex hume and mil liam cromar trustees mrs ed v 1 ftowland organwu and choir lead t frtmtmreh and pnnca ella t wauu ton cari and on the kirk session william cromar sam mackenzie camp- bell sinclair robert alexander herbert cleave james ritchie bi chard packer geocge henderson bob lane manleybensmore an drew murray albert taylor bob burke alex hendry and alex hume the late mr marshall was also a member at 41m seatiwl

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