Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 11, 1959, p. 12

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thi gcororrawn heraid wadnmhy friacwary 11th 1s local couple attendants brothers oshawa wedding centre st united church osh awa was the setting tor a wedding at 3 oclock saturday afternoon january 31st when lillian anne gatchell a graduate of oshawa general hospital school of nurs ing class of 58 was united in mar riage with gysbertus jan mulder notice to creditors and others in the estate of juw fields widow dtcsd all persons haying claims ag ainsfe the estate of the above men tioned late- of the town of geor getown in the county of halton who died at the city of hamilton on the29th day of september 1958 are required to file proof of same with the undersigned on or before the 12th day of march 1959 after that date the public trus tee will proceed to distribute the estate having regard only to the claims of which he then shall have had notice dated at toronto this 2nd day of february 1959 public trust administrator 145 queen st west toronto notice to creditors and others in the estate of ami vktor- in ryan all claims against the estate of annie victorine ryan late of the town of georgetown ontario who died on the fifth day of januarys 1950 must be filed with the un dersigned executor on or before the 5th day of march 1959 after which date her estate will be dis tnbuted dated at toronto this 4th day of february 1959 the royal trust company 66 king street east torouto 1 ontario executor b messrs dale bennett latimer georgetown ont 218 their solicitors therein farmers see the 1959 lin of manure spreaders pto v beh drive ground drive 5 bearing axle roller chain drive a have anhfnction bear ings on beaters and widespread mike norton case farm machinery parts and service h batlmafad tr 7 2153 the bride is the daughter of mr and mrs mervyn james gatchell of oshawa and the bridegroom is the son of mr and mrs jan mul der of rynsburg holland the rev warren g dickson performed the double ring ceretn ony the wedding music was play cd by mr ronald kelhngton who accompanied mrs kelllngton who ang the lords prajer and be- causey given in marriage bj her father the bride wore a full length gown of frost while imported chanully lace over net and satin the slim bodice feature a seal loped v neckline ana lily point shcathsleeves and the hooped skirt swept into a circular train crowp of satin filigree held her finger tip veil aha she earned a cascade of white and gold carna tions miss ruth coolidge a graduate of st josephs hospital school of vursing peterborough class of 58 was maid of honour wearing i full skirted waltz length gown of chromespun emerald green taffe a fashioned with a sabnna neck line and bracelet length sleeves with sash and bustle bow at the uaistline she wore a matching juliet cap and carried a cascade 3f gold and white carnations jan mulder of georgetown was best nan for his brother and the ush ers were lowell gatchell and la vern gatchell of oshawa brothers of the bride the reception was held at the canadian legion hall osha wa where the bride s mother re ceived the guests wearing an af ternoon dress of embroidered blue grey silk organza over taffeta on sheath lines with which she wore a dusty cloche felt hat with fea ther trimming orchid chrjsan themums comprised her corsage assisting was the bridegrooms sister in law mrs jan mulder of georgetown ontario who chose a bouffant gown of figured rose red crepe with black v i hhr trimming a close fitting hat of black sequins and a cordage of white pom pom chrsanthemums completed her ensemble for the honemoon trip to cal iforma the bride donred a sheath dress of bright roal blue french wool a feather trimmed matching veh et hat and gcj fur full length coat her accessories were royal and tan and gold carnations omprised her corsage on their return the will reside in oshawa rotary club in regular session north halton club was again the setting for the regular weekly meeting of the georgetown rotary club there was an excellent turnout of members at this meet- ng and one visitor john wolfe mr wolfe was introduced by john gunn who gave his profes sion and also said that john was interested in joining rotary mr wolfe is no stranger to the club having been present on various oth er occasions of man gifts to commemorate the occasion those participating in this part of the programme were carl ellis and j lloyd chisholm representing the canadian guern 3 breeders ass n ernest cross land on behalf of the ontario as ooation and president mclvin and mrs mccullough representing the halton and peel club dairy princes honoured mrs j c reid haltons dairy princess of 1958 was also the reci pient of a bouquet of roses prcs nted by president mccullough on ehalf of the local guernsey club n recognition of her outstanding achievement at the canadian nat anal exhibition it was a gala event with edna strong and scotty mchardy of bolton contributing the musical numbers we would be remiss if we did not congratulate the offi cers and directors of the halton- anil peel club on the success of the eent and in particular on the fact that they featured guernsey milk in their menu this to some ma seem like a small matter but it is an item which all too frcq uentl dairy organizations overlook and then wonder why they occas lonall have embarrassing surplu aes of dair products the president bill hamilton was in the chair and asked for a number of reports and also read some correspondence a query waseeelved from or- angeville regarding the possibility of entering a hockey tournament in that community in the near fu ture all players to be under eight years of age a large donation was given to the new crippled childrens hos pital fund to be budgeted over the next three years it was empha sized that the club should also be able to help in a very substantial way in the campaign to be start cd locally in the spring as a com munity project it was agreed that the- club should play as prominent as possible a sharfi in this very worthy project a number of club membersare active on the organ ization s executive plans are proceeding apace for the minstrel show with sets being built and rehearsals being hed regularly this years show is expected to be the biggest ever from the point of entertainment and wcyrk going into its production preliminary plans for a program were suggested and this is to be dealt with by the directors a large chest was made by pres ident hamilton and a crest of the rotary wheel was printed on it by boo barber the chest will be used to hold equipment of the club a vole of thanks was given to the two responsible a sing song was led by bill maccormack with all members taking part it was announced that all mem bers should hajve classification ta ks ready if they had not given them as chairman mac baxter will be asking for them any evening that there is not a scheduled pro gram there was no report on club at tendance but we should judge that it is on the rise again lets tr to keep it that way stewarttown st johns guilp elect new officers mrs t m briggs was elected pre sident for the second term at st johns annual guild meeting held at the home of mrs c a grant other officers are i vice president mrs j stewart secretary mrs cy wilson treasur er mrs carl deforest flower committee mrs c g english and mrs j c murray publicity secre tary mrs c a grant auditors mrs m dcnsmore and mrs j sanford rev j e maxwell conducted the election of officers and congratu latcd the guild members for their excellent work during the past year mr t h briggs was lunch hostess at the regular meeting last week held at mrs murra i home mrs t h briggs presided several it ems of business were discussed and work planned for the bazaar to be held the first saturday in nov ember mrs c a grant was the lunch hostess the next meeting will be at the home ofmrs carl deforest with the roll call the beatitudes matt 5 312 showme days people who like to be waited on are the hardest ones to be cured of their ailments at the directors meeting fo lowing the dinner meeting it was decided that the club would ear mark 500 for furnishing a bed in the new georgetown hospital to be started this spring it was also decided that the amount to be gi ven the crippled children hospi tal fund would be 600 a tentative date for the anni versary dinner and ladies night is march 9th more details later bill carr is tn charge of the arrangements john kelly was assigned the job of looking after programs and tickets for the min strel show free demonstration yiright gasoline power saw so youre from missouri then come in well show you i the wright saw does everything you can do with a handsaw bucksaw or chain saw try it yourself youll be convinced that this is the saw for you and its the safest power saw see tony martin tringlo 74111 55 ontario st farm news suburbanite winter tires by coodyear down a week ree mctmuh0n mmedute servkx tkade now and savi open fridays until 9 pm elmwood hie service ltd main s m omy tr 73290 mowfe hampton honour king family top guernsey cow j e w the trafalgar memorial hall was the scene of a pleasing tunc tion on thursdaj evening of last week the event was staged by the halton and peel guernsey club m honour of george h king and family of trafalgar in recog mtion of the achievement by glen leonard bessie the ne long dis tance canadian champion guern ac cow bessie now ncarl 17 j ears old has produced in her life ime over 155 000 lbs of milk and alightti over 8 000 lbs of butter fat which makes her the top for both milk and butterfat in canada her rop records have all been made on twice a day milking her top record being made as a ten ear old when she produced 19 007 lbs of mi k and 1 001 lbs of but ter fat bessie freshened last in june 1958 and is stil producing between 30 and 35 lbs daily clas alfied as very good for type we were impressed when we saw her at kingsholm on thursday morn ing last by the excellence of her middle piece deep in he rib and open in her conformation however4ogelbackto the fun ction in question which started off with a banquet attended b oxer 100 friends and golden guern se enthusiasts among the guests present were carl ellis of hespeler president of the canad uernsey bredrs ass n b gins of guelph secretarj of the same organization ernest crossland of newmarket president of the olftario guernsey breeders ass n earl shultx secretar of the ame organization professor geo e raithb head of the animal husbandry department at the on ano agricultural college m c bcaty past president of the cana than jersey cattle club e ross segsworth national director of the holstein fnesian ass n of canada all of whom brought gree tings and also representatives of the guernse f rat emit from the provinces of british columbia al berta saskatchewan andlimar itime provinces padr guwst spmkr highlighting the programme pre sided over by ag rep i e w hrte- lock was an address by rev w a young padre and director of pub lic relations at the ont agttcultu ral college the padre always a popular speaker wherever he goes was in his usual good form and in his address intermingled with humour and wit featured the dai ry jow the foster mother of the human race thehnslamay wen recipients if y6u want luxury and adventure this is your kind of car this brilliant new de soto and look at the wonderful ideas that help make it so itie finest combination of agile highspirited v8 gopower and safe smooth stoppower ever mounted on a single chassis fingertip driving ease for the controls you use most torqueftite automatic drive newde soto heating system inspect the fresh new fashion and features that are de soto only then ask the price we promise to turn your head de sotowardl if you want the toughest best looking ruck for your kind of job put a new 59 sweptline dodge to work for you and you can expect your jobs to be a whale of a lot easier big new luxurystyled cabs are comfortdesigned clutch pedals are hydrau- hcally actuated for much easier operation brake and clutch pedals are suspended to give you more footroom weu be happy to help you select the dodge truck for your job from this handsome new sweptline all the way up to 49000lb max gvw power giants see them nowl dodge trucks stop is and testdrive the valaepacked dodge tie liwieas and spirited desetaar a sleek strapping new dedge trick teday hewson motors ltd 124 guelph st tr 72422 georgetown

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