Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 18, 1959, p. 13

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when you need tv radio appliance service you want themvlsht away and you want them made correctly johns reputation for top quality work honest prices and f speedy service is your assurance of satisfaction call tr 79453 for johns georgetown propane gas jror sai5 and service home farm industry distributor for afagas ltd agincourt tanks stored at siivercreek on no 7 highway bill mcenery proprietor tr 72032 collect if necessarvl vertical integration how the forums see it despite lhefact that about 700 and discussions are supposed to have been held throughout cana da during the past several months on the subject of vertical integra tion farm people seem to have had only enough information to whet their interest during the three weeks in which farm forum look ed at vertical integration the most frequent single query was where can we get more informs lion perhaps it is significant that of over 500 forums reporting only about one third havq members who personally have contracted a part of their farm production the other two thirds of the forums want to know what contracts are available however and some of them admit that they would tike to enter a contract as soon as possible farm forum people have accep ted the idea that vertical integra tion is here to stay early in the series the question was asked what do you fear from vertical integration the most common answers were loss of freedom and loss of control of our prod nets half of the fortlmteenimr control of the product can be regained through cooperation st andrews united church services held in harrison public school student minister mr alexander blandford b a church service- 1100 am sunday school 9 45 am beginners nursery end infant care dunng the 11am service cooperation four fifths of the members of farm forum across canada believe in cooperation to obtain their goals of freedom and control of their own industry just about 400 of the otto forums reporting felt that vertical integration is likely to help them stay in business provi ded their cooperative is in a com petitive position some of the fo rums felt that coops are not keep ing up with the times in many 4arty of the country and that they must make available large quanti ties of credit through contracts or otherwise in order to compete with independent business con cerns one forum said as an organization the farm coops have a responsibility to their membership to act as lead ers in farm marketing and process ing their duty is t develop trends advantageous to farmers rather than follow willy nilly a pattern designed for the benefit of middlemen and others marketing boards and tlieir functions are not too familiar to some forum members but they are regarded as one of the first steps necessary in the organiza tion of effective arm action a forum comment that was repeated several times was the groups agreed that c molt 5tarfwmfettnr tjtfarts with the coops forming the back bom of the organization contracts while only about one third of the forum members had actual ex penence with contracts nearly all of them knew someone who had comments and reaction to con tracts and terms involved were as varied as the documents themscl tea one group pointed out the individual should study the hole question of integration and contracts with care and consult the farm organization legal advis er before signing if possible the contract should be obtained from the local cooperative another maintained the organization coop should natural gas does so much costs so little i instant unk inauguration of instant telex aervielbe- tween 23 canadian cities and chicago is marked by exchange of messages from representatives of diplomatic corps and busi ness world in toronto ceremony jean ward of simpsonssears ltd largest commercial subscribers in canada shows telex dialling system to w j adams seated vicechairman of canadian chamber of commerce executive council watched by r b steele canadian national telegraph general superintendent greetings were exchanged with participants in ceremony at sears roebuck ltdl first chicago subscribers telex is serviced tn canada by canadian nationalcanadian pacific communi cations a delicate sauce or golden french fries natural gas cooks each to perfection burnerwithahrain keeps foods at the correct cooking temperature automatically high heat or dehcate simmer natural gas stays at the exact temperature you set with natural gas every pan is automatic the remarkable burncrwithabrain actually ftets the temperature of the pan and raises or lowers the clean clear natural gas flame auto natural gas gives you selflighting instant heat ovens and clock controls so you can bake a cake flamebroil a steak or prepare the family meals automatically just set it and forget it a modern gas oven turns itself on when you wish turns off the moment the foods perfecdy cooked for cooking or heating there nothing like the automatic controlled instant heat of natural gas thats why more canadian homes are bang served by canadas most modern fuel natural gas so nun no waiting for warmups natural gas gives you high heat the instant you turn on the burner so cuajff ckan burning natural gas helps kitchen stay cleaner keeps pans sparkling bright mp rov coou natural gas concen heat no heathangover heats off the instant you turn it off see your plumber gas appliance dealer or united suburban gas company limited georgetown 7 main street south tr 73921 4 united9k have some system or contract which would benefit its members perhaps a fuldman as well to protect the contractor from the hands of the businessman still another forum said from what we have been able to gather from the radio broad casts and the farm papers it ap ptars thai the man under contract is doing fine the question is how long another damaging fac tor will be overproduction created bj this mass production that seems to be taking over education nearly all of the forums report ing felt that too iitte information has been given b thtir coops on us subject t r example how man of us as average far iurs could dtciph r a con rac his nature it puts too tiuih power in the hands of big c impan les who will control the markets and eventual the people on the land are our coops and farm or gamzations preparing men to ad vises us so that we may handle the threat the farmine populace needs educating on what i- ijood for them or heir so called in dependence will be a cklinunt another said farm organize oils mut lie come the educti n i bodj to rive dire 1mn and at i- an ntcultiir al walridoj o r in t gration about 250 oil of lh 500 foruins asked for declopmtnl of improv t1 educational facilitts in ihur n orgamzi i i and en pra small farmers most of the fo i m m that vertical intention would prove to be tht end of thi marginal farmer and tht small fai iur who did n t he o- to t pand one f inn i d if vertical inufriti n i take- farming more profitable mure people will o into it with super used production the unit can be produced more chcaph and of higher quality the marginal far mir will hi forced to drop out s imp groups pointed out that it will help the small farmer starting out in business without enough cash available it tnav help omc of the voungtr farmers but onlj a few farmers will have con tracts generallj this was the feeling we feel that if we allow verli cal integration to grow in its pre sent form a wa of life will be lost e will be working for large enterprises the present farmer mav benefit but he will leave noth ing tor his wife and children we must band together to preserve freedom of enterprise and our wav of lift and of the familv farm for the future th community the most often repeated com ment about vortical integration is hat it will result in the destruc tion of the commumt unless some new industries arc brought in to produce employment we have alrcadv seen what hap pens when a large operator hus up j loaofland and puts hircd hands on it neither he riortiis man ire the least bit interested in the communit another forum put it this wav most farmers oppose vertical integration because of the fact that the small landowners the fa mily tvpc farmers will be forced out of business they will lose their sidelines livestock and ppitf try and may not have sufficient capital to support their wivesand families this will eventually force these farmers to leave and search elsewhere for a living thb in turn will have a serious effect on our social life community life may vanish in some places and will weaken in others our whole na tion may change a slightly different note was introduced by this group loss of control of product land and stock or disappearance of the commun ity are not necessarily a conse quence of integration it the far- mer is prepared to organise- him self and take charge of his own holding with better personal org anization there is evor reason to believe that substantial benefits to himself and his industry would result security many of the arguments advan ced in favour of contracts have iked security of income as a ma jor point most of the forums felt that this securit did not exist the product of contract farm ing might lose its appeal to the consumer since some say that masa production of broilers has produced a tasteless meat and that hogs if pushed too hard might do the same a few years ago farmers in this district fed turkes on contract iut got left with the birds when th clnfacloi would not take th ini h a biris t a e 3 n3 to tr to sta i u ti ui ndip ii n h i n a l of vertical integration and tht ur pluses it is causing from what we have seen of contract farming m our forum we think it has onlv been a help to the feed companies and those who let their contrats if a farmer goes in for large scale production of broilers turk es or eggs and rinds after a year or two that the contractor no ion ger wants his product he is left with a lot of equipment and large buildings that are of no use to him j some of thim told such stories as this tht man undtr contract was all ruin as ion as the contract lasted but as soon as the proces sor had loo uige an invtntorj thej topped tht contnc the proces or was all rieht no securitv in thit summing up the 6 000 forum i mi mints whi look pirt in the dis russions li mi pr iominant im prission tl want more lead crship in the fields of credit mar keting jnd processing contract inttrpi ation thev want more education from their organizations lo c mblt th to fit into new pattern- and to insure the success f firm r directed projects under aki n h ihi se orgimzations rorum numbers want this leader hip f nn ill of their cooperative nttrp isi organizations cro ditunioi pools marketing boards and co -mralivc- both local and regional one f treim put it this wa organizations should endeavor lo find th best markets and chan neu to dispose of our products they hould also organize meet ii5 at nian places to educate us in the various aspects of vertical integration and our new role we want lo hnow all about bargain iig with or without handling he product 1 the central cooperatives hould take a leading role as into grqtor to handle the marketing and processing of all farm prod 2 the credit unions and credit societies should look to the pos ibihtv of becoming the supplier if financial backing where neces sarv 3 farm organizations could be come tnctducattonal bodv lo g direction and act as an agricultu ral wvchdog over integration the georgetown hejtalo wednesday february 18th 1800 page 3 farmers see the 1959 line of manure spreaders p t o v belt drhre ground drive 5 bearing axle roller chain drive ah have anh friction bear ings on beaters and widespread at mike norton case farm machinery farta and writ wkrwfod tr 72153 glen taxi 3 cabs 3 radio equipped reliable drivers tr 72432 travel notes trans atlantic family fares now in effect large savings when families travel together john r barber travel advisor john r barber agency insurance travei tr 7 7714 mill slrm r imperial sso service 10month r terms available from sept to june ess0 furnace oil mw s0merv1lle dial operator and ask for zenith 67200 no toli charge fanace wevfc ccrtebuv laag gone b with a wii t feaaceefl er eeal fired httle work haeadea tkesaaaec the bom caa and co e back wiuv abont hla taraace or with leaner of hit wile c wr smarts eat wecrring bc trt faking a la the fab searv i chinook rh thompson hardware oie gas heating hardware plumbing phoo tr 74971 monuments alaabbfli haaabbiliabbiaa aaawsm trtwi svmiwrotavj bwutnety vettectnov cncfisc psefs anti mrfcara a good display in stodt wm c allah pra r quean sl welt brajantea shop phonea baa glmh45 gl14c1 rap tom hkoi 1gl

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