Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 25, 1959, p. 12

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thi georgetown herald k wednesday february 1s page 2 i quit i give up i know when im licked all winter ive been calling floridabound friends co wards all winter ive scoffed when my wife has tokpme to wear gloves and a hat my tail is between my legs and im whimpering i dont know what ifs ilk in your part of this doopfroazo somt- hembptmre but ifs practically frightening around hor already wovo had moro than 9 foot of snow on the level 18 in the drifts and corners tho nercury koops diving below xoro hko walrus hithrift u if 1 go cmswzoter- do it yourself tm your tv and radio tubes free in a taatomark taster new tuba available i at hutchs smoke babbbi shop 10 main st south open daily to 11 pjn 8j3 i sugar and spice i dtonirt ejr box bh ef t witrtwlcr up to chfislnws winter is sort of fun then there s new years lffiirgaiety and hockey games and bridge parties first thing you know you re halfway through jan uary and you figure the back of the winter is practically broken about six weeks later you dis cover it 9 your own back around he middle of february you final y realize that winter is just getting nicely under way u s right about hin that your spirit starts to crumble your body begins to come apart at the seams evan at that i was keeping a stiff upper lip there wasnt much choico with my no running all he time unfit this week then- i raught the flu theres nothing like a touch of the good old feb ruary flu to turn a redblooded canadian male into a redeyed cowardly glob of self pity but i ve had the flu before and have alwajs tottered through it without losing a da s work los tng nothing in fact except the af fection of mv family the tolerance of my friends and the respect of anyone 1 came in contact with so i figured i could stagger through another dose of it wheeze my way as far as the first of march blow and cough and sweat my way through april and greet once again the first green grass with a ioyous paean tho flu however was only a sample i got the full february treatment and that is why i wish i was 70 years old and had a paidup annu ity like those birds in the maga zine ads and was sitting stupidly in the sun somewhere holding hands with mother in brief got up earl garbage norm rig so i wouldn t miss the truck house felt chilly checked o n famplum6bi tops in satisfaction service i you 11 ame- lit bill gamut thermometer it read 42 held hand over register hand turned blue went ta cellar stoker fan whirring noisily opened furnace door fire out night before had thrown stoker out of gear for an hour to burn excess coat piling up in furnace then throw- it back into gear so coal would resume feeding appar ently mlscuod putting it back in gear result no coal no fire spent 30 minutes kneeling among clinkers scraping dead coal and ashes out of mack maw of furnace with handy sauce pan wifes been missing all winter finally got furnace started with jud qt muffled shouts from upstairs took out garbage saw garbage truck turning corner three blocks pasl put garbage back in shed wife hollered down to learn temperature in kitchen and issue orders re milk bottles and money ursed softly stepped in pup s 3uddle in stockinged feet cursed louder left for work forgetting milk bottles perceived porch roof sg- jing ominously from weight of ice perceived entire path shovelled last night filled m 12jnches deep ticket on car for leaving it on street all night tore off ticket in rage with it came rubber off windshield wiper to which it was frozen couldn t get car started walked eight blocks to work in eight mche soft snow in toe rub bers as boots left at office yester day before flu hit arrived at office with grael throat aching bones running ee bleak mind and bleak soul sorted nail 2 insurance premiums and 1 car payment due wonderful chance to subscribe to macleans jt low low rate card from fiend friend in florida phone rang lady wanted free publicity for church supper brow beat me fled to coffee shop fellow on next stool blasted me for last editorial fled back to office wishing had gun or cyanide crystal in desk drawer phone rang wife calling to tell me furnace out and that s a typical februan da in this beknighted countrj if it wan t for kim s birlhda part oming up next week i d head out of here in a bcelinc for mc ico without even stopping to turn down the thermostat how to cut taxes 1 1 hi ttjmq two concrete suggestions for reducing taxes making welfare payments only on the basis of provld net i and slashing defence j expenditures were made in a recent toronto speech by stuart armour economic adviser to the steel company of canada limit ed mr armour told the national concrete products association that putting welfare payments on a proved need basis need not be politically disastrous because labor unions had already done so during recent strikes in canada labor leaders and their doc trinaire socialist collaborators have long condemned the appli cation of a means test with re spect to welfare transfer pay ments he said yet when the united steel workers and the mine mill and smelter workers were called out on strike they themselves doled out relief only to those members who could prove real need this is an oxample the federal government should follow mr armour said for the indiscrim inate handing out of relief pay ments has been one of the- prime causes of the inflation which has afnlicted canada since 1946 in the tong run our national economy can no better afford the costs of universal welfare pay ments than could the treasuries of two of our richest and most pow crful labor organizations he hdded perhaps now that he head of the ahaio george meany has officially stated that ahor lea lers cannot control th labor vote our politicians will take heart and start acting in the interests of all the people if there are to be any reduc tions in taxes in canada or any halt to inflation there must be cuts in government spending he said we canadians have got to re gain control of government spend mg only by so doing can we generate the private capital with out which a private enterprise system must eventually be des troyed recalling that a group of ham i ton businessmen last year threat wied to withhold their taxes unless they ot action for off street par king increased police protection and traffic lights mr armour said i am convinced that if we to preserve our fra s tern of free enterprise in canada tfrnedlauis fatve got to develop reserve e rind ale dam property for conservation purchase of the 135cra3eautl- ful erindale dam property by the credit valley conservation auth orlty from the ontario hydro el ectric power commission was auth orized thursday night at the an nual meeting of the authority at its terra cotta headquarters plans for the area were not announced but it is expected recreation will play a prominent part in its dev elopment as considerable money was spent on this property by both the hydro and toronto town ship recreation commission with in the past few years to improve its condition as a park the area for marw years iwar tun as a park by private individ uals befo tor t pur chased tils lease and made many improvements to make it into park land owing to alleged pollution it was closed as a park but since that time neet sewage plants upstream have greatly improved the condi tion of the water in the credit ri ver at this point and it is felt it could be developed into a much needed recreation and conscrva tion area a m greenaway of port credit aas re elected chairman for a 4th term during the election of offi ccrs conducted by a h richard son chief conservation officer for the province otoittario alb crt wheekr of erin township was reelected ice chairman as were the following committee chairmen flood control and i ollution com iltec william parker acton farm planning and lnd use ala maclartn georgetown reforests tion william curne oranteville historical sites george nodwell public relations and publicity a s uendell streets ilk parks and recreation ro h mcmillan t ir nto town hip stcretarj w f right high praise was gucn the auth ont bj chief conservation offi cer h richardson for the wortt during the past few jcars and the program set up for 1959 a budget for the jear of 126 700 as unanimoush approved with i he municipalities share of this amount 58 150 after grants from the provincial and federal lovtn rm nts no action wa taken on a suj stion the author t purchase the fnn park propert personals please more and m re read rs h been cooperating in phoning news f their visits and visitors to the herald help keep the weekly col n interesting by doing us this favour halton mp attends landrace convention sandy best mp of georgetown attended the eighth annual mem bership meeting of the american landrace association held recently at the deshler hilton hotel in co lumbus ohio members from 13 states canada and england were in attendance total registrations of 38 188 for the past year were reported an impressive 62 per cent increase over the previous year member ship in the landrace association grew even faster with a 97 per cent increase during the year the total membership now stands at4398 howard cowden kansas city mo was reelected president whjle eugene g benedict culver ind was named vice president mer ritt murphy noblesville ind cpn tmues as secretary treasurer new directors elected included d gary spencer jefferson city mo dale harlan hickman neb jams h allen greenville n car jay doojey westville ohio er eel civens abernathy texas jerome esser cross plains wis and willard moore gardner kan sas reelected for terms of three years each were mr cowden and nobert moord noblesville ind annual achievement awards were presented as follows boar or the ear for boar siring most production tested star lit lers to maple villa tapper owned b iversen and slhmidt battle cretk iowa with 22 award lit ters murphy trophy f r best star litter to j v s sk and sons of bellianj mo f r worl 1 recor 1 1222 pound litter at 56 dajs century sow citati n to green arptn a 1 ollv sued b john knudsen meaford onlir o can ada for fairow ne 120 p ga an raising 113 in her first eiht lit ters major trophv u r b ar siring most meat ccrtifie i i ltters tu between tron iheim max owned b harold mtari jefferson i wa both boars sired 5 cerlifii i litters to qualify as certified meat s res georgetown propane gas for saies and service home farm industry distributor for afagas ltd aoincourt ontario tanks stored at silvercreek on no 7 highway bill mcenery proprietor r 72032 collect if televise bonspiel if a ceorfiil wn r nk c i pelin n n b nsp 1 th s1i1 fla at the kilcliner a it ci i r irhes the f nls thej will be seen on tekvis n the kilchrner station is telcvis ing between 9 and 10 30 pm i showme days free demonstration wright gasoline power saw so you re from m ssour then come in we 11 show you the wr grit saw does everything you can do with a handsaw bucksaw or chain saw try it yourself you ii be convinced that this is the saw for you and it s the safest power saw see tony martin triangle 74111 55 ontario st have got to assert rights which arc ours since we are the onlj source iron which government can sec ure the funds it needs short of revving up the printing press our initiative in the matter of creating a state apparatus so pow erful and so practicall immune from our control is apparent ev ery time we ask the state to prov ide a new transfer pament to its citizens be it price support an in creased pension a hospital plan increased subsidies for the art or what have jou mr rmour tevmod the shrill and persistent deman is to the arrow as reminiscent of the kind of unemployment cure once used by hitler and still used by ftic communists all defence expenditures tend to be inflationarv he dechred the sort of nonsensical behau mr which uses expenditures on useless weapons must be stopped by tax payers in a doit yourself rebel lion we taxpayers must now insist that the size of the highest paid military naval and air establish ments in all the world be cut back if this means reducing the civil service tail as well as the bravs hatted head that s the way it his ot to be lfltring to halt prorrnniofr ho cf105 the arrow the fedt r il government made a real effort to get out of the defence spen ling bog mr armour said special pleaders and those who still like to play at being soldier have no valid argument in holding that scrapping the arrow would cauc unemploment hitler promised the cermin peoj e he would solve their unem plovment problem and did it by putting six million men into uni form and defence production hit ler certainly cured german uncm plavment but at the cost of tho most dreadful war in history glen taxi 3cabs3 radio equipped reliable drivers tr 72432 information on halton peel trust savings company 195s 1957 1956 deposits guaranteed investments first mortgages total assets 3 839306 3 875 851 4957083 1952425 992291 2194 073 1465 338 2 921645 1840 082 officers and directors president a s nicholson burlington vice president o e manning oakvllle dr c a marfn milton secretary angus mcmillan q c oakvillt acton w j beatry e d goylajna toronto m r lawrence q c brampton e barr ngham oakvill r r manbert oakvllle e m mine burlington p a fsher burlington j pen lley clarkson j r bnrber georgetown a g clarkson srreetsville j m fraser streetsviile brampton advisory board f m early w h mccaugherty j r racne general manager o e manning manager brampton office i a carroll trust off cers g macpherson d s mclaucfilln rnptnl anthorlrd faoooooaoo cnphiil sabsrhbra 840 00400 cnpltnt pnld in 07s 700 oo totnl a 4 057 oss bs you are invited to take advantage of these services depoelts 314 interest ii paid on deposits and you may withdraw your money anytime 5 00 deposited weekly hi five years amounts to 1 417 75 our offices are open from 9 4 30 and fridays from 9630 investments 44 interest is paid on g inve 4 on 3 to 5 year certificate interest is paid by cheque half yearly accumulative certificates also available 790 79 m 3 years accumulates to 1 000 issued in amounts from 100 to 50 000 pension plans join the halton pee trust savings company pension plan for thj selfemployed and save on youf income tax will planning you are invited to use our will planning service our officers will be pleased to estimate your estates tax and may iuggt how best to ktep it to a minimum agency service if you would like to free yourself from th worry of looking after your investments mortgages etc you may do so under an agency agreement with the trust company the fee is moderate and is allowed os a deduction on your income tax mortgage loans oar offlceri and staff will b ud to gin jm fnrtbar tnforaathm aayttam halton peel trust savings company 112 church st- oahlleyl 43216 offices 1 1 quean st e brampton gl 13365 451 brant st burlington ne 41028

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