Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 4, 1959, p. 10

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thi oborobtown hirald wednesday march 4th 1938 high tales published by the students of georgetown high school vol 7 no 7 wednesday march 4th 1959 georgetown onl chatter in the halls nip 14 tuck waal grade 11 boy is now an outists model did you really pose for picasso peter those grade 13 math classes are getting cornier than ever with flying beams and meetings in the symmetry why didnt a certain group ot native sons of canada sing o canada at the play the other night were you chicken bob john did they really telkyofir wife what happened on the bus bob hill how did you get that lipstick on your shirt john verlis have you roallv never been to the city before and why did you want the boys to shut up was it because of the people sitting in front of you by the way jack how s your daughter judy here are some of the current best selling novels a story about canada s tobacco industry greatest expectera tions i was a teenager cater pillar by madame butterfly sadies hawkins dance january ltn 1959 lynn scott the dance was a success as far as the people who were there were concerned the trouble fc there weren t very manv there this sit nation may have arisen because some students attended teen town that night cathy hunter and stu bottomley won the records and naturally joyce fleming and john ottaway won the door prize those two will have to be disqual lfied on the grounds that they are too lucky if you the students expect have more dance there must be a better turnout i leave it up to you editorial commencement mik obrien last year in the early spring ghs held us annual commence- ments exercises many g rads were recognized on the two separate nights and many old friendships were renewed this year 1958 1959 the com mencftment exercises will be held at the knox presbyterian church hall on thursday march 5th and friday march 6th the program will consist of activities in the form of plays skits etc so that by fridav night all classes will be represented last vear s giadu ates wi 1 be picsent io recede their diploma and honour cnsu ind it is believed that all will hive a good time this yerir however because of lat yea s crowded ireumstarces it will be necebsa j to purchase tickets bifore lh commencement because there ill be none for sale at the door this gala aftair m ans qu tc a bit to tne student council unan c ally so let s each and everyone ttet behind it and support it tv- can be done in quite a few e g building scenery acting i ushers and helping to transport stenery and materials to the hall and back to the school afterwards just remember it won tea success unless you the students make it succeed extra heat cm com m bjr getuna more beat baa ike fed wit a smarts tkomowb ob find ab comtilloalaa uh- 1w t cnh am fceat inaa the ail aadputail halo 7ar fcli h ii mil lmt eon s j a smarts avakr bribe fall tj aad tag now o- rh thompson hardware oa gas heating hatdwak plumbing phen tc 72971 farm nws agrep gives useful tips on planning farm crops kid hockey schedule march 7th music exam honours two pln pupils of gail wheel i er spence received honours in iheir midwinter conservatory of junior a music exams at guelph billy 7 00 730 bame vs st mikes i cook in grade 1 and karen kor mr legge by raymond archer among the new additions to ghs is mr legge born in toronto he attended the corpus christi separ ate school in toronto continued his education at st michael s choir school and later in de la salle oakland he took his grade xiii at malvern collegiate insti lute toronto he attended st michaels college universitj of toronto where he majored english like all graduates he he is a proud member of the 57 graduating class at ghs be- teaches fnglish literature and composition lo grades 10 11 and 12 in the ev ening he teaches basic english at night school mr legge enjoys hockey lac rosse and baseball since he left college these activities have taken a back seat as his interests are now taken up with school work he is however taking an inter est in the high school hockey team and went to ridgetown with the senior team students attemff lay tqronto crest th 7 irene refel ontuesday evening of feb 17 mr and mrs lambert with 38 students boarded a chartered bus for toronto after an hour of singing and tom barbentls we reached our destination the crest theatre where thunder rock a play on the grade xm english course was being staged the set ting was the interior ot a light house on an island in north lake michigan the keeper of the house bob gouletttn his imagination brought to life the six characters who had drowned in the lake 90 years previously the play weav ps around these characters leading the lighthouse keeper to a resolu tion of his problem most of the students enjoyed the ageless cap tain joshua dr kursl a vien neae physician was portrayed by joseph furst of vienna the most exciting moment came after the show when several girls visited the dressing rooms to gel autographs even bob goulet s due to the hunger pangs of joan we stopped for a nibble the jour ney home was a little quieter this years 10b by brmda dawson i thought that in this edition 1 would give you an account of our class male population is 26 to a female number of 5 so you can see that the boys out number the girls we have sub jects altogether in our class they are math miss rafai lit mr legge science mr kaye french miss luke geography mr paslyr hist miss knocker comp mr legge spelling mr prouse ana mrs hardie is our home room teacher we are fortu nate to have an outstanding pupil in our clas whose nami in mont llde there are man noti worth stu dents in our class bnnda daw son and david dikrib are our stu dent council kips rosemarv young is the secrtlarj treasurer of thi scitncl club we also have somt students in the choir direc ted b dr wtlspn well till our next edition goodbc for now vs mother youi0av taed quite late last night didn t he daughter yes mother did the noise bother you mother no but the silence did buy your trucks from a truck specialist maveal motor sales ltd main st f tr 73611 yowwtmanohal ituckdmltr j a f the most important croj halton farms is pasture tberea n for this sutemfcnt of is due to the county s production of livestock one of the main fac tors in profitable livestock prod uction is an ample supply of pas ture during the normal midsum mer slump in production now is the time for your pas ture program there are several factvs that should be considered by taking advantage of several types of pasture it is possible to lengthen the grazing season take care of the midsummer slump in production and allow the tm proved pasture fields to rest pre venting this deterioration from over grazing the basic factors in pasture planning are the pasture require ments of the herd and the capa bililtes of the soil in the case of the dairy farm one of the first considerations is plannjngapas ture program that will give ade quale grazing in midsummer tm best sources of summer pasture ire seeded or long term pasture and aftermath from a hay pasture mixture the main point is do not rely on any one source of pas ture but use several types of pas ture improved varieties of forage seed will help to give a more pro ductive crop program alfalfa has long been the main forage crop in this area the two vane ties recommended for halton farms this car are vernal and du puits for long terms stands vernal alfalfa is the one to use the reason for this is because of its abiht to sta v mixtures it is bacterial wilt itsisunt and as a result will provide a more pro ductive mixture v here wilt is a problem it is a leafy fine stem med variet and noted for quail t the variet du pui s is a french variety and is being rec omm ended for certain purposes in halton normal i it is not con 11a report lola niven if anyone was wandering thru the halls last week they must have been alarmed at the sounds emit ling from certain rooms there were happy shouts sad sighs sur prised gasps and disappointed moans the reason for these mix ed emotions as you have probab ly guessed was the returning of exam papers because of the re suits of this set there won t be much cramming in june there are so many brainy people in 11a that we the path etic- dumbs ones hardly ever come to the surface you smart ones had better make it a little clear er for us or we 11 all die off down here ha is sorry to report an unfor lunate accident during a game of soccer earl little received an injury to his lip which required b stitches simon frankruyler was the vie tim of another accident which wasnt quite as serious during a physics experiment he was indus tnously going about his work when s weak piece of equipment crum bled in his hand result one more article to add to apparatus or experiment 2b bandages with commencement only tomor row we are in the process of polish tng up out play under the direc tion of mrs lambert future bar rymores include carol barth pen norton lois niven simon frankruyter ian murray cowbrough and our promptness sharon sayers well till next time bc 6 grades 9 10 11 larry cou the students of 9a have been busy lately doing near ly everything from writing tests lo scrubbing desks on the 4th of this month we set about the task of cleaning undcsired writing off the desks in room 17 and be cause there was a lot or social dls order everyone was given 100 hn es but through the kindness of mr lambert so were taken off also on the fourth of feb t student of 9a left for florida for a couple of weeks he was john kelly vtlaudry brown- at last cv erybody from b is back to school heather arnold bob fisher jane ryce and sylvia ellis were off for a few weeks but are now back at the old grind you can tell we were getting reports by all the tests that were flying around 9d elaine greenwood the i rest of the school has had quitt a few interesting events happtn i but that much can t be said for 9d however there are a few minor details which might help we almost lost one of our fun loving inmates 9e e luy brown i would like to tell you about the teachers we have geography and history mr paslyr comp and i it spell ing and poetry miss knocker science mr summered frcncj and guidance miss macka ma thcmatics mr dobson 10a jnti kitchen we have a new member to 10a george mc neil has come lo georgetown from i scarborough bringing the class bob class to an even 30 pupils preston acton are victims in hockey junior i eorsctown look the honours again in a ood game acton f ughl hard but in the end win uppressed b the superior skat nu anl stick work of george town malcolm got the first goal for acloir assisted b maedonald ri hardson followed up with a goal for georgetown from campbell a tjoal bj dixon from popicl ended ihe scoring in the first periods lewis opened up scoring in the second period for georgetown fol lowed by a goal by popiel from dixon scoring in the third period was started by norton from ferguson for georgetown riddall picked up the puck at the georgetown end and carried it the length of the ice for a goal a fight erupted in the corner ar tcr this and soon there was a full size brawl penalties were picked up by wheeler norton and daw kins for roughing a goal by presswood from rid dall ended scoring the final score was georgetown 7 acton 1 sldered winter hardy and as a result will not stay in mixtures for as long a period as will some other varieties du puhs how ever has many qualities that will give it a favored place in a forage program it is a rapid early growing nigh yielding variety with aauick recovery after cut ting in mixture with orchard grass it can provide early hay or pasture and make recovery soon enough to allow a strong growth for the midsummer period be cause of this there is a place for du puits on the farm as an early field two and a half acres of good sod should provide the hay and pasture requirements for one cow and her normal replacements for one year on farms of average fertility nearly three and a half acres of sod per cow will be re quired better soil management including the addition of fcrliliz jvij3tinjleftya will reduce this figure in order lo select the pasture hay and grain crops for jour farm a bulletin field crop recommen dation for 1959 45 available at the office of the county agricullu ral representative this- bulletin includes the varieties of crops re commended this year as well as other useful information on crop production crop production of course in volvcs many factors the basic rule however is conservation and balanced land use the acreage on your farm can be rated accord ing to its needs and the crops best suited for the field an under landing of the problems of the soil on an farm wil determine the practices that are required to used the land most efficiently these measures might include one combination of two or more of the following maintenance of soil fertility improved land dram age strip cropping contour farm ing grassed waterwas suitable rotations weed control and other land use practised a balanced land us program built around sound conservation measures will menace our crop production and farm incomi manv halton farm operators have receivid assistance in farm planning through the advisor ltv ce provided bv the ontario dept agriculture this is offered through the agricultural reprcstn lativc service and the ontario ag rtcuttural college the scrv ice is based on the improvement or soil fertility through a farm plan a definite plan of cropping is re commended to include the fre quent use or legume crops the return of plant nutrients through the careful handling of manure 730800 guelph vs peterboro 800 830 marlboros vs st kitts american league herahey vs buffalo exhibition game to even out points see last weeks schedule re garding change in al nhj- 1045 1130 montreal vs del 1130 1215 toronto vs- chicago 1215 100 boston vs new yrk scores for feb 21st nhl detroit 2 new york 1 montreal 0 chicago 0 toronto 1 boston 5 american league buffalo 1 cinci 0 providence 1 pittsburg 2 hershc 1 rochester 1 cleveland 0 springfield 2 junior a st mikes 0 petcb ro 0 guelph 2 barne 0 st kitts 2 marhes 2 senior a belleville 4 whitby 4 kitchenerva aterloo 7 windsor rack in grade 5 mrs spence who tried her gr 5 counterpoint at toronto also received honours senior game the first senior game or the year couldn t have started out bet ter the reason being george town won 105 ind the opposition was preston at preston strasbourg got the first goal for preston riddall followed up qui ckly and lied the score murra got the next goal assisted by harrison and from here on georgetown was away goals were scored for george town b murra 3 riddall 2 ward 1 ross 1 bingham 1 fal kingham 1 the next goal was credited to mr beer 0 the bos behind me i put it down and for got to credit the proper person with it goals for preston were wiggen 2 conway 1 groh l and strasbourg 1 music at commencement from victor herberts operet ta the red mill the mixed choir and bass soloist tom forgrave will iing in old new york sandra sproule and tan macaulay will sing because you re you the girls choir and soprano soloist joyce mclean will sing i want you to marry me a negro spiritual rocka my soul will be sung by the mixed choir also a scottish folk song 1 follow he down to carlow will be sung by the girls choir a few songs from the musical brigadoon will also be featur ed the heather on the hill will be sans by sharon sweexie come to me bend to me will be th gjitfchotr it al- rekssj wh is it that a certain 10a lad insists he went stag to the sa die hawkins dance while a first form lass says he didn f 11d barbara bonnatt carol ko vacs brought honours to our class when she won the public speaking contest congratulations carol ud has always been the smallest class in the school it is even smaller now that we have lost two of our members we now have nine girls and one boy no extension car plates only ten days to go with less than two weeks left for drivers to obtain their 1959 plates and licences the depart ment fears the biggest last min utc rush in history it is reliably reported many issuers reveal that less than 20 per cent have obtained new plates leaving it well nigh imposible to handle the processing of the remainder unless a deci ded increase takes place in the number aplpjing in the next few das in an effort to handle them lie ensing bureaus are extending hours and those m shopping pla zas are staying ttpen until nine o clock on friday evenings while in suburban towns offices are re maining open all da saturday local while business has been a little brisker than other outlets it is still far short of a large per centae hours have been exten ded in georgetown from 9 until 12 mornings and 100 until 530 afternoons vv ith the office open all dav saturday joanne hair stylists tr 73911 main ft mill streets above cotton bros slor and the use of suitable fertilizers 1 as indicated b soil lest in addi lion to these factors farm layout i drainage topograph of the farm rotation and weed control are all onsidered if qu have problems in soil management and land use you may apply for the advisory service through the county agricultural representative n ihpnmmi top in service workmanship too this is what wfviiuiu bllgarbutt true blue lodge has games night the true blue association spnn sored a games night in the oddfil lows hall wednesda ivenini fib 18th where some 40 people look pleasure in plajing their choice of either canasta or cuch re the evening had been post pgned from the previous saturda when an ice storm interfered with plans mrs robinson and mrs hall both of norval were first and sec ond in euchre mrs elmer walker of shelley st was third and jim cambell of glen williams 4lh the consolation prue went to mrs haiel miekus albert st mrs bert dixon glen williams was first in canasta with mrs bill everson 2nd mrs jim sarg ent 3rd and mrs harry complon 4th the door prixe of an oil painting was drawn by ron sprack and the winner mrs eddie mc- dermott byron sl there were seven tables of skating party all the students took off from school and reached the rose room at one o clock for the party to eel ebrate the end ot exems many went skating while many went dan dng some did both dave smith and pat berry won passes to teen town as did elaine greenwood and brian purvis at 3 o clock- after the queen everyone left for twined euchre in play aadrthree ttwes of aliinauhvfasahusjicmeaiidcwiama the amnfemeau for serving canada and the world 190sk19s9

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