Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 11, 1959, p. 13

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trouble free heating comfort can be yours with a rogers fuel oil contract the- combination of automatic delivery and tho finest in mod- am foot oil is your assurance of troublefree heating comfort all winter long call today and arrange for your rogera fuel oil contract i call murt allison georgetown triangla 73291 triangla 74072 nights sundays holidays agent for- til as rogers co ltd 2321 yonge street toronto to saturday excursions toronto good going and returning same saturday only excursion fares from brampton 95 chesley 4 60 elora 1 65 hanover 4 45 fergus 2 65 hamston 3 70 georgetown 1 30 kincardine 5 65 guelph 2 05 listowel 3 50 kitchener 2 60 paisley 5 10 stratford 3 65 palmerston 3 50 brussels 4 20 southampton 5 65 walkerton 4 50 wmgham 4 65 corresponding faros from tntormodlato point legion notes by let clark the full executive meeting of he legion is to be held in the king edward hotel on this gun day this will be the last meet ing of the committee before the provincial convention to be held in kitchener the first week in august and should prove to be an interesting one at the last meeting we were surprised to see gord martin who is now zone commander in his zone up orangeville way he is a former member of branch 120 and has been secretary of orange ville branch for many years as we mentioned we were surprised because we knew it was not elec hon time for the office but cvid enlly hi zone commander had re tired and gord took over in mid term the provincial public relations meeting was held two wctks ago and was a most interesting one great many matters came up and a great many decisions were made len taj lor the provincial chairman has done a conscientious job and deserve credit for his tremendous effort especially as he has combined the job of cor respondent to the legionary a j that in itself u a terrific one this jear the writer is judging the best bulletin contest and all entries have to be in by may 31st a few jcars ago e entered a bulletin and received honorable mention for it although it was pointed out to us that it was a spe cial effort and therefore not elig ible for the prize these bulletins have become quite a big thing and ome branches are producing real professional jobs joe mjverac the district commander from up in the north count r showed us a special newspaper put out by the kirkland lake newspaper v hich was a teallv wonderful tribute to the 1 egion and boosted the leg i in actuates no end we were amused to have the ubject of kid hocke come up and also the u rnfic emphasis that has been put on it b mime bran chts as a public re ations medium when e sa we were amused we mean that insofar as the idea developed and promoted by a number of branches that they have discovered something new in promoting hockey for young stcrs that reminds us of the time about eight years ago when the broadcast was made by russ mcleod sports officer at that time and a former president from orangeville col fitzgerald about minor sports we always recall the outraged shouts from our ho ckey committee incidentally in a very fine spirit col fitzgerald came over to our next branch meeting to set the record straight the zone meeting will be held in april and quite a number have signified their intentions of run ning for zone commander nom nations were held at the last mee ting held in port credit we hope that quite a number from branch 120 wilt attend and show interest in the workings of the zone the district meeting will be held in brantford on sundaj ap nl 25lh and an election will be held for district commander as well we regret to hear that an ex ecutive member merle reid met with a painful accident a number of weeks ago and is still not get ting around too well we hope you have a speedy recovery old boy and do be careful from now on after all when you reach 45 it s time to take things easy when it comes to athletic- monthi meeting will be held thursday evening march 26th at 8pm revolver club awards marksmanship trophies trophies for marksmanship in four divisions were awarded at a meeting of the georgetown revol ver club at their cabin near lime house last week w inners of the competition and trophj holders for the next three months are tro jack lies lop marksman norm maher sharpshooter ron v arnock and ivcpcrl alf long the awards were donated bv the alliance mill and ma be kept if won three turns in a row the club was bolstered recent iv whin veteran hooter max ing h h formerl of brampton mov ed to town and joined the revolv i r rankshore another brand new glamour car by ponttae the lau rentan sport coupe queens park news labour relations report is presented in legislature stan hall mpp at the opening of the assembly on monday march 2nd the hon a kelso roberts qc attorney general spoke of the disaster that happened at listowel when the director of athletics for the town and seven boys lost their lives he extended the sympathy of the as sembly to the bereaved hon john yaremko chairman of the select committee on labor relations presented the report of the committee it contains- many recommendations which we au hope will make for better public relations between employer and employee hon charles- dahjy minister of labour indicated he has reservations about some of the recommendations offered b the select committee on labour relations premier i eshe m frost said that the ontario government is pressing the federal government at ottawa tor extension of the r cderal provincial winter em ploymcnt program mr j j winlcrmeyer leader of her majesty s opposition in the assembly in his address in reply to the budget presented bx the provincial treasurer moved an amendment to the budget 1 that the budget should not be presented in two parts one for ordinary and one for capital ex penditure 2 no provision for winter em ploymenl 3 no plan for debt retirement 4 no dominion provincial conference called 5 no plan for reallocation of revenues 6 does not provide enough for scholarships and development of the north 7 does not provide enough for agriculture 8 does not make provision for the extension of services in the field of hospital and health in sura nee hon james maloney minister of mines said in answer to the ad dres of the leader of the opposi lion mr j j wintcrmeyer that in his opinion hon wintermeyer could make a much better job of his position as leader of her maj jestys opposition if he had more support from the mmbers of his party hon dr phillips provincial secretary and registrar general in giving the report of his depart ment made the statement that in he years 143 44 there were 600 charters issued for the form ation of new companies in 1957 1958 there were 5600 charters is sued an increase of almost 100 per cent won leslie m frost primemin ister of ontario made the state ment that in his opinion the re lationship between the members of the i egislature and the execu tivc bod of the government of ontario was a smoother working arrangement that in most govern ments hon louis p cecile minister of public wjalfare said in his address that it was his opinion that par ents must be more responsible for the placing of their children in homes that are not registered and dot conducive to the welfare of the children on thursday march 5th hon dr phillips provincial secretary presented on behalf of the mem bers or the assembly to the spea ker of the house hon the rev a w downer a scroll on the occasion of mr and mrs downer s wedding anniversary mr donald c macdonald lead cr of the ccf group in the assem bly said in his address that the smallwood government in new foundland is using the trade un ion movement in newfoundland the same way as the hepburn gov ernment did in ontario premier frost turned down a challenge by arthur j reaumc liberal essex to cal a provincial election on the unemployment is farm news peterborough ousts halton from debating semifinals jap on monda march 2nd at c n le hijh school the halton de ha tint team in ihe intcrcoimtv debating competition competed with peterborough count for the semi finals in this 1pe of debat in each count prepared an affir mativc and a negative team the halton team were defeated on a split decision both affirmative teams won but the peterborough count team were the winners on total points the final debate will be between i ctcrborough and kent counties at the ontario jun iir farmer conference to be held in guelph at the ontario agricul tural college on fridaj to sun da march 13th to 15th the debate is scheduled for fri da evening at memorial hall on the oac campus the topic of the debate used in the last three rounds is resolved that the cur j rent price spread of canadian food products is justified i in gaining the semi finals the halton debating team were awar de i deci ions over the peel brant and south simcoc teams before he in defeated h peterborough the halton team members were iviljn booth palermo club and sand hepburn milton club on the affirmative side and joan wngglesworth and bill wilson or the norval club upholding the negative those interested in debating should pun to attend the finals next fndaj evening at the onta no agricultural college 2d00r hardtop in trttrijufieintian series here is the best hardtop ralne in canada with all the space and grace of a convertible now avadable to yon at ever popular laurentian price look at that rear window almost 12 square feet of glass the windshield sweeps further to the sides and high into the roof lets you see approaching overhead lights and signs easily as thoagh you were in a convertible and the thrill of driving is justu comparable with windows np or down you can drive refreshed surrounded by the whole visible glorious outdoors see the laurentian sport coupe at yonr pontiac dealer take it for a ran m the country or around the block enjoy the nde and the pnde that is standard in pontiac then youll know that for your money there juet isnt any other cat 1 th new lamrmtim sport compm bring you alt the wondmn yomv wailed for bmlt tojast body by fiaber magtcmmw fouah up to w longer braka life 6 i econonucal v8 engines ca most powerful lyutcylmder engine 7 more cubw feet t trunk space vila lounge intenon aerofram trhirr tmrmrttrl mnsmiawons and smprraioiis distinctly twrngrolajtyuitf v on display now at yeur pqmia0 dealer franklin pr0use motors limited your pontiac mikx vauxhau omc dealfft phone 1 acton ont 19 in 1 3o the three vear course provides trainin for professional work in the church and a college diploma is ranted on graduation miss scott stressed however that the oung woman wishing to enter the course of training must above all have great spiritual strength and dedication for the rewards of the work in the church while rich iv satisfying to the soul are not great in a material waj mrs liarry maughan introduced miss scott to the ladies and mrs man thompson expressed the ap preciation of everonc present for such an informative and in tercsling address mrs tom van sickler president or the daughters presided at a brief business meeting when it w as decided to have members make the drapes for the meeting room from material chosen by the committee catering for a wed i in reception was arranged there will lie a corporate com munion of the daughters of the church at 8 next sunda morning mrs charles rcnwick mrs sam pcnrice mrs ted stigter ami mri an sickler assisted mrs mcnall in serving refreshments luring the social hour whieh fol lowed the georgetown herald wednesday eve g march 11 1059 page 3 joanne hair stylists tr 73911 main mill streets abov cotton bros store do it yourself tail your tv and radio tubal free in a tattomahc tester now tubas available at hutchs smoke barber shop 10 main st south open daily to 11 pjn h5 explains program for t of deaconesses principal of the anglican worn en s training college 217 st ccorge st toronto miss ruth scott spoke to fifty members of the daughters of the church and w a when the daughters held their regular meeting at the home ftf mrs william mcnally 22 mar ket st on march 2nd in her talk miss scott gave a clear and interesting picture of the work accomplished bv the training college established six tv jears ago it is the onlj insti tut ion in the anglican church of canada which trams women for full time service in the church during those years 800 women have graduated to serve the church in such fields as christian educa lion medical work and teaching overseas indian eskimo school and reserve work bishop s mes sengers in western missions su pcrvtsors of youth work leader ship training and social work us ing their own specialized talents and skills to augment the theol ogical training of the college graduate further the work of the church all over the world in order to be accepted at the college it u preferable for the applicant to have senior nutxico- utioa ome toe training and to n between taw of schedule march 14th american league check last wek s herald for arrangements regarding al nhl 9 1500 00 toronto vs detroit 10 00 10 45 boston vs montreal 10 4511 30 chicago vs new york junior a 1130 1200 st kitts vs st mikes 120012 30 guelph vs peterboro 1230- 1 00 marlies vs barne printing we arc at your ser vice with all tjpes of printing letterheads envelopes tickets etc phone tr 7 2201 for service notice to creditors in the estate of sarah eliza brh mclean lat of the two of erin in his county of wei lington widow deceased all parties having claims against the aforementioned estate of sar ah elizabeth mclean who died on or about the thirteenth day of january 1959 are required to file proof thereof with the under signed solicitor for the adminis trator on or before the twenty eighth day of march 1959 after which date the estate will be di tnbuted having regard only to the claims then tiled dated at acton ontario this ninth day of march 1959 c f leatheriand qjc acton ontario scjjoitor for the administrator 34ft 7e h wppy jb poor oid heater m vou should retire pej yotrveibosr dillgarbutt elgin street triangle 73638 suburbanite winter tires by goodyear asthlkas awee1 rural vreewl free instaiuti0n immediate service trade now and savi open fridays until 9 pm elmw00d tire service ltd 64 main st n o tr 73290

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