Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 25, 1959, p. 1

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the georgetown herald fourteen pages authorind second clara mail postoffka dpt ottawa georgetown ont wednesday march 2ski 1959 first section gyroplane development could mean major new industry for georgetown five former avro engineers and technicians are hard at work loc ally producing working drawings for a two seat gyroplane which if successful could he the future mass transportation medium for the world calling their firm avion indus tries they have been encouraged by a group of local businessmen who hope to secure the necessary financing to bring the plane into production and to keep the plant located here it is estimated that if a successful plane is develop ed production would eventually employ some 400 men georgetown with a good supply of aeronautical help is an ideal location they feel at present upstairs facilities of mcnally wood products near the cnr station are being used by pe ter payne who heads the group gordon sampson john sandford gordon hunt and e howard smith mr sampson is the onl georgetown resident he lives at 63 norton crescent is a master of science graduate frbm umversitv of toronto mr smith lives in milton mr pajne in lome park and the others in toronto the gvroplane would hac two main selling points price and per formance a vertical takeoff and lantltng machine if would be as easy to fly as a conventional air craft impossible to stall and have gas mileage of 17 air miles comparing favorablv with most aut omobiles selling price would be in the 10 000 range the price of a present conventional light plane and about onefifth the cost of present vertical takeoff mach ines mr payne came from chipping camden gloucestershire three j ears ago to avro where he has been working on a similar type project an authority on rotating wing aircraft he is author r nu merous scientific papers on the subject he estimates that in six months providing design work proceeds on schedule the first prototvpe will be readv for air test small test pieces are prts cntlv being produced aion is working with the dept of trans port towards certification of design and has the promised cooperation of a number of companies in the metropolitan area of toronto who are interested in making compon lnt parts for the aircraft inglis has ninestitch cut realtors beat walkerton hunters realtors avenged a 54 setback here fnda night and recaptured the lead in their on tano semi final series against al kerton capitols b downing the bruce countv bruisers 83 in walk erton monday easilv the rough est contest of the senes it kept the referees hopping with a total of 33 penalties dotting the game georgetown s number one snip er blake inglis was a victim of the lethal hocke stick salad dish ed up at walkerton and was com bed by mccoomb midwa through the final course the cut requi red nine stitches to close ron dixon was similarlv carved b the mccoomb stick in the series opener and suffered a nine stitch gash over his right ee the colourful walkerton goalie boomer wilted under the strain of georgetown s scoring barrage and a galler of hecklers in the third period he vacated his cage to dash to the boards and challenge his taunters while the play was going on but got back before the hunters could score on the empty net there was one fighting major at 16 16 of the second period when george grasby and earl mortimer massaged each other ron dixon tallied three times and picked up an assist to spear head the locals junior beaumont notched a pair and had an assis while dae iron netted two and jamie tunmneham scored the single and collected two aisi s other assis went to blake ing i 2 bill chard bud are dave yovce and plaing coach nick fern bill mccoomb scored twice and ortime ronce for the losers it was a 1 all tic after one frame and 32 georgetown going into the third of the 33 penalties a kerton drew 17 georgetown 16 r mendt showed the wav for v alkerton a the rallied to edge the huqters s4 in a lacklustre ond game here on friday the cap- i ols blinked the light four times m the last period and three of tho were credited to wendt to snatch the win ron dixon found the target twice and blake inglis once as ceorgetown constructed a 3 1 cushion bj the end of two period gord laughlean potting the lone walkerton marker it got lots of companv in the third when wendt notched his trio and laughlean added his second of the night ju nior beaumont came through with number four for the hunters it was lets eat the refs night when the series opened in walker bud varey ton a wee ago with a 61 george town win some 500 walkerton fans celebrating st patrick s dav a day late got their irish up and swarmed on the officials breathing fire after the final buz zer local police and 6 of ontario 5 finest had to be called m to re store order and escort the refer ees from the arena the game almost equalled the ensuing displa bv the fans in v lolence howev er the plaj ers t ok time out from hostilities to count een tallies far east tour is interesting feature coming as a guest speaker to a public meeting of the georgetown horticultural society on wednes day evening of last week in wng glesworth school mr john f clarke the secretary of the onta no horticultural association gave an illustrated talk on a tour to the tar east earlier in the afternoon he had met the senior grades of the gear getownp ublic schools in the same auditorium and had given an it lustra ted talk on the topic royal britain at the opening of the evening meeting a choir from the sen or grades of w nggltsworth public school sang a group of irish songs under the leadership of mr xcn mlh hjrnst n assisted by mr pin krton which wire much apprecia kd mr clarki was introduced bv mrs gior irontide who told of his ions vtars of public senice ti the piople of ontario and of his recent request for ruiremtnt from tht post he htld in the dt purtmt nt of gnculture in his eloquent manmi mr clarke aidt i b a fine stries f oloured slides took his audience on a tour starting from vancouver to japan hong kong and thai land and returning vra hawaii his talk gave viv d portrajal of japanese home life their elabor ate and ornate temples their parks and the great natural beau tv of their countryside the nat ural setting of hong kong was impressive but the crowded living conditions were not attractive hawaii would be a nice place in which to live especially for a horticulturist because of the great beaut and the variety of its veg elation aided by a favourable ch male and generally fertile soil mr e fans as chairman of thi meeting thanked the speaker on behalf of the society reports of proceedings at the ont horticultural convention held in toronto earlier in the month were presented by the delegates mrs l devries and mrs dever eaux a door prize donated by rosedalc floral was won by mrs r t paul and one donated by norton floral was won bv reg williams george grasby georgetown scoring was limited to the second line arev 3i ir ons i2 and bill chard 1 morti mer spoiled the shutout for rhodes the fourth game of the senes is scheduled for here tomorrow thurs night and fifth one is here on saturday game time 830 mrs charles laws wins kinsmen easter prize the georgetown kinsmen club held their easter wardrobe draw on mondav march 23 in the form of a ladies night which was well attended bv members and guests mrs charles laws 45 churchill crescent was the holder of the winning ticket jack cnchton president of the chamber of com merce pulled the winning number from the drum mrs laws v a verv elated when telephoned after the draw by the seller jack cuth bert another guest dick licata drew the ticket for the door prize which was won bv mrs george mundv other prize winners included mrs dennis brown mrs bill hewitt mrs svd alcorn and mrs bill gar butt a short business meeting was held during which jack heslop an nounced tickets were on sale for the world championship hockey tilt between the kinsmen and the lions club on apnl 10 president clare burns also spoke on the kioette clubs charter night advising plans were underway to stage this on ap ril 30th gold cord ceremony for two local guides two girl guides carol lane of the 1st georgetown company and barbara kinrade of the 3rd com pany were presented with the muchcoveted gold cord in an impressive ceremony held last saturday evening in a beautifully decorated st john 3 united church hall the ceremony began with the presentation of the colours carri ed by two colour parties formed of 1st and 3rd company guides district commissioner mrs e c reed gave the opening re marks and explained that the gold cord was presented to can dictates only after they had shown that they could apply the know ledge which they had acquired during their years in guiding not only skills are represented but the girls must show courtesy and common sense in dealing with others to reach the presentation plat form carole and barbara proceed cd through two lines of guides representing the ladder they had climbed in guiding barbara kinrade s award was presented by mrs reed while carole lane rlctived her cord from mrs w a ii fi area commissioner mrs tiler complimented the girh on their achievement and encouraged the remainder of the uides to work toward a similar ioal mrs e ball a past captain of the 1st company who started both the girls in guiding prr- scntcd eich with a silver guide ring the gifts were given on behalf of their respective com pan es beautiful leather bibles donated by mr ktnrade were given to barbara carole and dawn fiebig by rev m mcfar lane dawn was awarded her gold cord a year ago in recognition of their encour agement and assistance the mo thers of the two girls each re ceived a corsage the evening ended with refreshments served by the guides mothers group glen will be champs if win sunday game glen williams clamped a stran gle hold on the best of five in dustrial hockey league finals on sunday with a 6 to 4 decision over halton homes who have yet to win the glen leads ihc ser ics two gartfes to none and could sew it up with another triumph at the arena this sunday afternoon the homes outscored the glen powerhouse in the third period but were unable to overcome the four goal margin piled up by the gjen in the middle session it was one all at the end of the first fram and 41 after two blake baxter put halton homes into a 10 lead at 10 25 of the opcni r on a pass from paul bar bqjtbut from there on out alllhe sunshiqe fell on the glen as hilts knotted it all alone on the 14 50 mark judge scored three times and kemshead once in the sec ond george and bob webster combined for five assists bob webster from judge and cterrge webster tallied the single glen ltdl in the third period while ritchie from ezard barber from j imerov and cunningham and again from cu iningham and mike george submitted the hat ton rally two cars hydro pole iguelph queen accident cars driven by stewart bottom ly 62 pr ncc charles dr and yvonne mane foster of main st cheltenham were in collision sat urday night at the corner of queen and guclph streets while the foster car was waiting to make a left turn onto queen the bottom ly car east bound on guclph swerved to avoid col hding with the rear of the stand ing foster car and struck a hydro pole on the south side of the street after hitting the pole the bottomly car skidded bact- wards sinking the foster car one hundred and forty dollars was the total damage in the coi hsion estimated by cst ted scott who investigated at 8 12 p m parishioners welcome new christian reformed minister to georgetown glasgow native dies suddenly at home a glasgownative and a george town resident for two years mrs joseph lupton died suddenly at her home 50 byron st on saturday afternoon mr and mrs lupton emigrated to canada 7 years ago living first in toronto they celebrated their 25th weddnig anniversary last june she was interested in the activities of east georgetown rate payers association and attended st johns united church the form ex margaret hunter she leaves her husband two sons robert and george of georgetown her mother mrs margaret hunter f usgow and brothers and sis tcrs alexander of los angeles cahfornid jack of frcmantle australia geore of london lng ijnd andrew of glasgow and mrs nanp corbett of reading lnuanir klv morgan mcrarlanc conduc ted the funeral service on monday at the harold c mcclure funeral home with interment following in reenwood cemetery georgetown i allbedrers were jack beard of brampton michael hayes ernest peasey douglas mills w liam pnn u e and john nichols dedicate memorial room in memory of archdeacon return jack crichton chamber commerce head jack cnchton was elected to i serve a second term is president i of george own chambc- of com mere a the ainua mee ng las wedaesdav hold at ith has- i t i f club vrvin a m i h o the 1po9 exec i v at rev lc i i alder e preident lc perc i a e ir le k tiz trrasn rrr ar ire v- w til am hun er w ilw ri c ia ie w av d ck ijcata hinld wcluxe and fred he son john ord was guest speaker at the meeting and outlined the need for a georgetown hospital and pro gress to date on the committee which is planning to borid a bos- pital he was in reduced bv har old bairsiow and h inked bv san f nlav mr c ch r n n h s report old f he pa ic ie wh h n r 1 3 n ji ir r a t i al hat m tiscs v a ch s nas h re c nt a pi 1 cl ati n ihf sjnu i i ade ac of tl re w j c i ntr l srsma e h f t 3 ns rufions and plam n a othe isue of a shopping guide and tr un icpal directory the chamber will send delegates to the ontario annual meeting in kingston nt may gord alcott speaker at easter seal dinner kno presbv erian church hall was the scene of the annual eas er sea dinner to inaugurate the campaign fo funds to help cnp- pled children this project is spoisorcd loca lv bv the rotarv ub i becgc own ue t pcake of he even ng a oidor co t a forme- lwal n i b a v 10 a- iciisvark m ct e j ni ad i he r- jrr m j r ke 1 ti kev hv he eh3 an ir ip3e e ien cai dj it i 11 vas i o o ppl ch r a a tii carp a a ve- exce nt dinn wa ca m hv lai es o the hnox church william hamilton- rot arr cluflfcsresident was chairman i for the evening a newly refurnished room in the parish hall of sl george s anglican church was dedicated on sunday morning in memory of archdeacon vi g o thompson rector of the church for almost a quarter century the room which will be used as a choir room and church par our was the work of many hands several of the church men have been busy for weeks installing plywood panelling a ule floor and building cupboards on sunday the room was beautiful with flow ers sent by the vanoui church or ganizations the ceremony fol owed the morning church service with the congregation gathenpg in the hall afterwards while rev kenneth richardson ded ated the room the doorwav bears a plaque containing the archdea con s name coffee w a sdrv ed- af terw ards bv the men s club of the church earlier that morning the bro- therhck d of anglican churchmen i eld their corporate communion at the breakfast which followed a special feature was presentation of a prav t r book to a member william keller 60 mcgilvray crescent who with his wife has recently obtained his canad an citizenship papers plans were announced for the men s banquet in april grandson dies in tragic brampton crash a tragic accident in which four young people were killed and three others injured brought sadness to a local family on saturday returning from a dance a car sidcswiped a steel bndge abut ment on no 10 wy a mile south of brampton killed in the crash were jack cardinell 19 of hutton ville the driver donald dickson brampton lucy bcnner of bur lington and ruth tavlor of bramp t0tt jack is the son of mr and mrs ernest cardinell his mother s the former bertha birdie oil ver of town and he is a grandson f mr and mrs john oliver 17 uelph street funeral service was held in brarnphonyesterdav w ith cousins vveslev oliver and lome hunter of town among the pallbearers sunshine club has annual birthday party the sunshine club of first bap tist church hejd their annual birthday party at the home of mrs harry shortill maple ave west on st patricks day the tables for the turkey dinner which was enjoyed by all were decora ted with touches of green i keep ing with the dav mrs don liivngstone s group were in charge and she opened the meeting with the theme hymn mrs kenneth mccosh read the scripture and mrs livingstone took the devotion the president mrs jim fmmerson conducted the bus- ness and the rest of the evening was spent doing tricky contests fter the contests mrs living stdhe closed the meeting with pra yer knox presbyterian church hall was ailed to capacity saturday evening when members of the local christian reformed church and friends assembled for the re ception of their firt resident minister rev d c los mr los arrived here with his family by plane on friday after noon from ferwerd in the pro vince of friesland holland and immediately took up residence at the church manse on main street south mr and mrs los have four children all girls he succeeds here rev r gro- eneboer a non resident minister from acton who has been preach ing here for six months rev van harmehn of brampton was the original local minister and occupied the pulpit for most of the church s two years of exis tence in this vicinity welcoming words at the recep tion for mr ljos were spoken by clarence kroll on behalf of the bible classes john deboer on behalf of the manse society chris bydcvaate on behalf of the boys club and mrs schreiber on behalf of the choir three ladies mrs luke janssen mrs bydevaate nd mrs namink expressed the church s welcome with a skit and a sunday school class under judy janssen spelled out welcome to georgetown a brief history of the church its organization and early prob lems were also conveyed to the new minister in a number of short acts accompanied by a background of stereophonic sound the chris tian reformed church choir un der the direction of ger dekleer continued the music theme with a program of sacred music rev alex calder of knox pres byterian church and rev jonker of brampton christian reformed church were among the guests many of whom krew rev los when he was in holland and came many miles to welcome him here a large percentage of the recep tionists were young people coffee cake and cookies were served by the church ladies throu ghout the evening arranged by peter weststeyn to most of us monev is no ob ject it s a mvth apprehend toronto youths stolen car i a toronto youth and his com panion of no fixed address were apprehended by local police early fridav morning and charged with the theft of a 1957 chevrolet own ed by r j bower 103 avenue road toronto the car was stopped on guelph street bv constables r d whit son and evan rollins at about 4 15 friday morning and the ouths taken into custody the police said it was acting in a sus- p clous manner the car was taken from a park ing lot at the rear of mr bowers apartment at about 1 o clock the same morning and was returned before the owner or toronto pol i ice were aware of its disappear ance former superintendent continental paper prod james joseph sullrvan father of fredenck james sullivan of 17 mary st died afteran illness of over a year in brampton on wednesday march 18th at the age of seventy seven mr sullivan was the son of james joseph and delia carter sullivan and was born in bramp ton quebec the family moved to rum ford maine where he liv ed until 1915 comirig to ottawa where hg lived until three years ago when his wife was killed in a car accident he had made his home in town with his son and fa milv at 17 mary st mr sullivan was retired from his position as general supenntendent of contin ental paper products of ottawa mr sullivan s wife was the late mary elizabeth kanch and their son survives them a brother and two sisters survive also edward of mthrop maine and yvonne portland maine and alma mrs richard otooie washington d c two grandchildren also are left rev father bambnck officia ted at the requiem mass in 5t georges roman catholic church ottawa on saturday march 21st at 9 a m interment was in notre dame cemetery ottawa 10tifi- musical evening by wrigglesworth school pupils of wngglesworth public school provided an evening of mu sic for their parents on friday when vanous choirs were directed by their teachers the evening was planned by mu sic teacher kenneth r harrison and included vocal solos by andrea chaplin david farnell jenny may t brownndge and mary ltawson j kindergarten classes prdvided frhvthm band numbers grade 8 su dents presented a plav wh ch was completely their oti work it was directed bv vir gnia lee and students made then own scenerr and costumes school principal i ism kinrade was the chairman for the program home from florida georgetown peevyks were one of the successful teans whtch won championship honours in mr and mrs graydon chester a recent hockey tournament in acton front row left to r ghr jack cunnincham don norton ass l captain ronnie lane marty vvjheeler wayne reid captain gord harlow hod prestwood fat cap rear coach gerry perkins jim blair alan arnold brad- livingstone wayne davison gene roshier ajistair blair mike curnrnms coach red asseftine photo by fc m turfcmgton rr 1 norval have just return ed from a threeweeks motor trip which took them as fax as key west florida

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