Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 1, 1959, p. 12

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the georgetown herald wednesday april lt 19s9 page 4 joanne hair stylists tr 73911 main s mia streets above cotton bros store hatting concrete gravel building sand road gravel fill and top soil stone work tom haines glen williams tr 73903 a it seems whenever a successful author is asked to give advice to an aspiring writer nine times out of ten that advice is write about things you are familiar with and right now the thing im most familiar with is the flu since our household has been completely fluey for the past month or more a not having had a sick spell for some time ida most forgotten how a touch of fever can relax one so complete ly its natures own tranquilizer 1 guess those first stages when it is such bliss to put your head down feet up and let the rest of the world go by voices sound faroff and all of a sudden the cares of the household seem to matter not at all the aspirin has subdued the pounding in your head enough so that you can drift off into a dream ridden nap but don t let the pleasantness fool jou the flu germs are just getting ready to close in with the old one two then aspirins can no longer control those hammers behind your eeballs and it is upstairs to bed for a couple of days till things simmer down to normal again funny the way small things can give you plea sure under such circum stances was ecr anything more luxurious comforlabje than a fresh cool pillowslip or more fas cinatins than the waj bubbles rush up from ice cubes in a glass of ginger ale or more refreshing than those sections of a freh or anse first thing in the morning then the da ou start feel glen taxi 3cabs3 radio equipped reliable drivers tr 72432 10month budget terms available from sept to june esso furnace oil m w somerville dial operator and ask for zenith 67200 no toll charge queens park news receive approval for halton manor addition by stan hall mpp- the hon louis p cecilc qc lld minister of public welfare in presenting the estimates of his department made the statement that in his opinion canada really started two hundred years ago on the plains of abraham the department of public wei fare will spend in the province this year s61 000000 the minister said he paid a compliment to the girl guides and the boy scouts associations saying there is no juvenile delinquency among the members of these organizations t4ie attorney general the hon a kelso roberts q c ll d gave a report of his investigation into the disagreement between the two warring groups at the six nations indians his opinion is that the trouble will soon be set tied satisfactorily the hon matthew b dymond md minister of health in prcs cntmg the estimates for his dep artment said that he could take no credit for the operations of the department for the past year for he had jubt been head of the dipt for a short period but he paid honour to the former minister dr mackinnon phillips the hon wiltiam a goodfellow minister of agriculture named ihi commit ttc that will administer the mw agricultural act in conntc tion ttilh production and marktt mg of farm products mr rrtdir ick jonts uniersii of western ontario mr george met ague dr i- rank palmer profisor ralph campbell ontario agricultural collide mr gordon greer presi dtnt of the ontario fcderauoi buy your rucks from a truck specialist maveal motor sales ltd main st tr 7311 ibwpmnunoiui imkkftmtor v ing better ou spend an hour or agriculture and mr gordon hill two reading the morning papcrvresem 0 tnc ontario farmer imagine this at 10 in the morning can t help feeling a little guilty temperatures gone and so is the feeling of detached tranquil it i must be up and get about m business 0 but no sooner was i up than down came one of the children with all the flu signs and smnptoms for the third time at first she told me she felt simply delightful as if she were upside down i took her temperature again it was getting fairly high she no longer felt delightful and wouldnt feel so for some das and so it went ah thru the house 0 one thing about coma lescing is that you get round to doing a few of the fiddley jobs that get pushed aside wjien you re feeling more ambitious like sorting out alt the mis cellaneous souvenirs of babies children s school work reports birthdays etc to sa nothing of trips and special events all of which hae been jammed into three small desk drawers amazing just amazing what i had amassed therein needles- tosa the collection i all buck m the drawers after all i roulcln t bear u threw an of it out but it different now all matl sorted out pm not too sure id rec oin mend looking over old ki psake as a chunr tip per ad how is it that those il 1 school reports of mint arc so il low and brittle and thtrc wis that hastih scribbled note from a good friend written appannth just before she was about to be married inviting me oier to see and hear all about her wonder ful husband to be i kept th note but i don t think i could ever have kept the appointment because 1 never did find out anything about her betrothed and she s been hap pily married now for lo these ma ney years what did bring a smile were the santa claus and easter bunny notes writ ten by the kiddies and don t tell dr spock the odd runaway note f keeping these treasures in such a haphazard way is certainly no credit to anyone tho from now on my souvenirs are going to be strictly organized a scrapbook for each department and til think twice before i clut ter them up with just any keep sake they ii have to be really im portant ones a till i get into high gear on my new resolves how ever i think theres room to jam just one more bit of paper in that middle drawer its a note one of our invalided ones had scrib bled in desperation last week de livered to me while i was talking on the phone and guaranteed to cut any phone conversation sljort it said dear horn please hurry up my tummy doesnt feel too good i want you i am er plea std to announce that the hon louis p cec- ile minister of public welfare has approved the request of the board of management of the halton ma nor for an ad dition to the manor of 139 bids and an auditorium and a chaptl at a cost of approximately 900 000 this addition will make the halton manor one of the best in the prownce of ontario i wish to pay my compliments to the board of management and to the staff of the manor during this session of the as semblj there were 37 private and 109 merriment bills passed a total of 146 bills this is about the average amount of bills passed at 3n scssum of the ontario 1 c us lature the motion of nnnconfuu net movul b the hitler of the oppo siiion mr j j w intt rmivir wis ittiatrd 12 to 77 on thursdav mirch 2filh ur onlano government w is pnwo uel 1 his h mtui- jnhn kullir m k kj i mitt nant jnti n r of tru 1 rovimi of on inn in hroum lo i com whil is p ti in hi lit so mil of tht 2 h par nnu nt of onl in i in sawn otllt fir tht pn ent i would i it h is bt t n i pit a sure ftir me durm tht st ssi m to brmj nu tirh wtik tht tlom s o our ontario itit rnmt nt o r ihwq vour imndk hue oak station do you own the proper type of fire extinguisher by w ross milne extension specialist all fires no matter how large have a small beginning if the right type of fire extinguisher is available and handy most fires can be put out if noticed in time for this reason fire extinguishers arc necessary on the firm each extinguisher has its own use and place there arc basic ally three types of classes of fires and there is no all around extin guisher that can be used for every type fires come under the fol lowing classification cltu a wood trash paper and similar combustible materials these fires are best controlled by quickly quenching or cooling with water or with a solution con taming a large percentage of water class b grease oil gasoline and other flamablc liquids these fires are best controlled by smoth crmg or blanketing to cut off the oxygen supply class c electrical equipment motors and generators here it important to use an extinguishing agent which does not conduct electricity or injure equipment since 90 of the fires are class a water is the most import ant fire fighting agent in many cases the fire department can do little after they arrive even to save other buildings due to lack of water if there is no adequate 4 water supply within 1000 fctt of the buildings it might be advisa ble to consider building a farm pond within pumping distance of the bui dings an investment of two ti thru himtlnd doll ir- mihi i not stun so hrjc whin a pond iht mean the difference be icon saving some or none of the buildings if one starts on fire aj mill pi ki in sh illuw strtams should be scooped out it is ncc essary to have some depth of wt ter for the fire truck to pump out of to prevent the pump drawing air and loosirtg its prime for class a fires the 2s or 4 gallon water pump tank or soda acid type extinguisher is recom mended these should be centially located and prevented from free zing by adding 3a lbs of caviuin chlorile for each gallon of witer the second most common tvpe of fires are fires with gi oline oils and grease taking tractors into barns is not recommended but sometimes it is necessary any one taking their tractor n to the barn should have a fire exlingul sher right on it if a fire does start ou will not have time to run to the house to get an extinj uisht r man fires result from the gas line spilling over a hot motor or n spark igniting gasoline vapours it is nrcessarv to art fist ind par ttculiriv if vour clothes catch fire dr chimicil tvpe of etingui sher is rt comnit ntlt d o be car ri tl right on tht tnct r ilittrifit f irt s ire bet control u tl willi t itht r t tlrv cht mieil or c irb n tin ido tvpe vapouri7ing liquid tvpts are tfftctive to a do lrt but ir not i6 iffntnc i should be used only in the opjh this chemical is extremley toxic carbon dioxide extinguishers are very popular they are easily rec ognized by the funnel like dis charge nozzle they are particu larly effective in controlling gaso line and electrical fires dry chemical extinguishers are most effective for gasoline and electrical fires this type uses so dium bicarbonate which is ex pelled by pressure from a carbon dioxide cartridge which must be replaced each time the extlngui sher is used for fire protection a water type fire extinguisher should be placed in or near the barn where there is the greatest hazard from com mon combustibles a dry chemical or carbon dioxide type extingui sher should be available in kitch ens to deal with grease or elec trical fires in the garage or driv ing shed a dry chemical carbon dioxide or foam type is recom mended to combat gasoline and other flatnable liquid fires carry either the dry chemical or carbon dioxide type on your tractor whatever type you choose he sure that the extinguishers bear the label of underwriters iabor atones of canada this ensures you of an approved product further information is available in an excellent bulletin published by the ontario fire marshall s of fice entitled your farm and febpx e rh fae fiac teh elderly gentleman came upon stranger fishing on the rivsr bank and called to ask if he was having any luck sure am said the fisherman i caught forty pike here yes terday im tha local judge here and all this estate is mine said the old gentleman who are you ma im the biggest liar in the territory if you re fishing for a bar gain in a good used car the fishings really fine right now down at our used car lot every car has been complete- ly serviced from bumper to tail light by qualified mechanics come on down and cast your eye on todays best buys franklin prouse here are some outstanding values in our goodwill used car 1955 buklc 2 door 1956 fori ranch 1954 bulck hardtop 1495 wagon 1495 sedan 99 1956 meteor 1956 monarch 195s plymouth sedan 1295 sedan 1595 coach 1995 1954 pontlac deluxe 1957 cmc panel 1956 chrysler new sedan 895 truck r 1495 yorker sed 1995 t ire it is worth obtaining remember an extinguisher is only of value if it is handy and is in working order are you pro tected with the proper extinguish crs annual auction sale to be held at the brampton livestock exchange 3 miles north of brampton on no 10 highway at snelgrove saturday april 4th it 1pm horses ponies tractors power machinery farm equipment furniture if you have anything in this line you care to sell bring it to this sale past sales have been suc cessful terms cash on day of sale remember the date saturday april 4th at 100 pm auctioneer and proprietor herb m reinhart snelgrove phone 42 41 new store another new store brightens the main st scene with opening of georgetown stationery and of gc supply in the old hydro build ing which last housed tom van sicklers law office the boildng has been complete ly modernized by owner dick lic et and completes a 3 boainecs block on main street south across from knox church the new store carries a toll line of office supplies and furniture as well as clearing auction sale of tractors truck farm implements furniture etc the undersigned have received instructions from george brown ridge to sell by public auction at his farm 4th line township of tra falgar k mile north of omagh store on saturday april 4th commencing at 130 pjn sharp terms cash settlement with clerk on day of sale no reserve as farm is sold w a booth hindley a elliott auctioneers r r ford and c eves clerks 41 ikt tp the nthtr t th iitic in il nt lin i iii i 1 bon t ir irhlondo irbon letn rhlondi i 1 hiihl o ir sub tinu ind the ipours are extrem l poisonous thi sc extinguisher the mail bag thinks town brochure best ever published parliament bigs toronto 2 ont march 25th 1959 jcar mr editor i would like through the med lum of your paper to express mj congratulations to the georgetown industrial commission on the bro chure they have published in con nection with the town of george town the commission sent me sev eral editions of the brochure i took these pamphlets with me to the parliament buildings of onla no and distributed the pamphlets to membors and ministers of van diis departments i would like to say that the members and ministers expressed their opinions in t he highest terms the information in these broch ures on the town of georgetown is viewed by the public with high regard one minister of the gov eminent said that this brochure in his opinion is the best ever pub lished in the province of ontario the information included in these pamphlets as to what the town has to offer in services to residents commerce and industry should be of great benefit to the growth and development of the town again i would compliment the industrial commission also the town council and your energetic mayor for the creation of an in dustrial commission with the abil ity to publish such a brochure sincerely yours stanley l haul mpp halton st andrews united church services held in harrison public school student minister mr alexander biandford b a church service 11 00 a m sunday school 9 45 a m beginners nursery nd infant care during the 1 1 a m service mcclure s carefree easy to care for dinette suites savings f5pc dinette suite gay and g slen ng gracefully fashioned with a mod em flare arbor m and chrome table 30x40x54 and 4 handsome side cha rs choice of patterns and colours 6995 5pc bronze dinetteiuite 7995 gracious spacious fashioned to serve you in style exquisite grained arborde table top with legs in bronze- tone and brass size 30x40x54 four side chairs covered in colours to match table top v4 easy ways to buy at mcclures 1 cash remember our 30 day money back guarantee 2 charge you may open a 30 day charge account in ust a few minutes 3 40day plantt down v each month no service charge 4 budget plal- 10 down balance in equal monthly payments up to 24 months to pay low service charge liberal tradein for your used furniture furniture 14 main street south georgetown triangle 72522 terms to suit you

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