Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 15, 1959, p. 1

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ihe georgetown herald fourteen paoes authorized second chss mall port office dpt oltk georgetown ont wednesday april 15lh 1959 rrst section governorgeneral to visit georgetown on may 14th georgetown will have a distin gulsned visitor on thursday may f 14th when the governorgeneral rl hon vincent messey will pay en official visit to the town a letter to mayor armstrong last week gave the information that the governor general plans to be in town from 4 30 to 5 00 pjn that day and he expressed particular interest in meeting members of the town council and as many school children as pos sble he will arrive by special tram council discussed a suitable wei come at monday s council meeting which would include congrega ting children at a central location veterans at the cenotaph where a wreath would be laid and a motor route which would allow mr mas- sey to see as much of thetown as possible while conforming to his limited time schedule it is probable that a cavalcade of cars will proceed down queen st sembied on the lawn of st gcor ges church where a platform and children will possibly be as- would be erected and an official welcome extended by the mayor the party would then proceed to the cenotaph where veterans would be assembled and then down the mam street and back to the cnr station the lorne scotskregiment is being contacted for a guard of honour and bands will also be ar ranged details have been left to cr fred harrisons property commit tee which is suggesting that house holders and merchants may wish to decorate their homes for the occasion final route plans will be made public as soon as possible mr harrison said local couple mark 65th wedding date mr and mrs f c freestone of temple road reached a milestone in their lives on thursday april 9th that very few people are priv lleged to achieve they celebrated their sixtyfifth wedding anniver sayr mr and mrs freestone are both in fairly good health and en joyed the party celebration with a number of their friends and members of their family they were honoured to receive a cable from queen elizabeth and a letter from mayor armstrong and a letter from prime minister diefenbaker girls in the pottery department of smith and stone who work with their daughter mrs robert martin presented them with a wedding cake and the girls in the assembly who work with their daughter ivy freestone presented them with a purse of money they also received many other gifts flowers and congratul atory messages district governor here for lions anniversary district governor russell vick ers of burlington brought congra tulations from lions international and extended his own congratula tions to the local lions on the oc casion of their 28th annivtrsary when he spoke to the club at their dinner meeting in the legion hall on tuesday apnl 7lh introduced by the president dick miller district governor vi ckers outlined the details of the prospective international conven tion m toronto in 1962 and mfor mod the members that the idea was under discussion at present at a special meeiing now being wt in sweden he gave a complete resume of the various officers of lions international in chicago their help and each officers job he stressed the duty of lions to spread liomsm pointing out the slogan of the lions of south afn ca service of self wherever need ed and urging local lions to re- mmber it as they go about build ing the world they want depend mg on the job they do and the projects they support in the com mumty cst ted scott traffic safely of ficer for the georgetown police de partment was also a guest at the meeting and showed a film on the dement point system in effect in manitoba and now in ontario the film followed the careful driver a salesman who had never had an accident but through his own care lessness in driving had built up b points and tgnored a warning until future offences led to notification of a cancellation of his license for a period of three months with the system now in effect in ontario the him was of great inter est to 1l cst- scotj was introduc ed by don barrager and thanked by jim jones and dick miller car chimney blaze call firemen twice minor damage to a car owned by elmer burt resulted early sun day morning when it burst into flames in front of the coop build ing after thieves had apparently tried to make off with it from the herkes lot pohce discovered the car oppo site the coop while making a routine check and after notifying the owner found it had been tak en from the herkes lot the pol ice figured the motor had quit on the would becar thieves as the tried to make their getaway up the guelph street hill and they had backed it down onto the co- op property cst ted scolt was attempting to start the car when the motor burst into flames he immediate ly turned in the call to the fire department no damage resulted from a chimney fire on saturday after noon at 16 queen st where pipes from a coal stove in a downstairs apartment joined pipes from an oil space heater upstairs resulting in sufficient heat to ignite soot lining the chimney shortly after the call was turned m firemen were at the scene and killed the blaze by knocking the burning sub stance from the walls of the chim ney with a chain the fire was spotted at about 4pm the first grass fire of the season occurred yesterday morning at 10 40 when a box of paper being burned by denny wright behind his house at 16 john st e touch ed off the dry grass firemen beat out the flames heading for a couple of cnr sheds and then burned off the grass to the tracks l- name mrs mccullough terra cotta president mrs lloyd crichton and mrs fraser macdonald nominating com mittee for the terra cotta worn en s institute presented their slate of proposed officers for the com mg year at a pot luck supper onttkehunch thursday april 9th at the home tt of mrs harvey puckering and it was carried unanimously the executive for next term com prises mrs j mccullough presid ent mrs harvey puckering 1st vice president mrs c g bishop 2nd vice president mrs g frazer secretary treasurer mrs joe eas on assistant secretary directors mrs h clark mrs h dolson l icam mrs c cook and dis trict director mrs c g bishop agricultural and canadian in dustnes mrs wilfrid leslie citi zenship and education mrs w ostrander historical research mrs j a mcdonald tweedsmuir historical mrs j i young home economics and health mrs clar ence anderson resolutions mrs r s leslie public relations mrs o macdonald flower convener mrs c cook auditors mrs an mckatie and mrs lloyd crichton nominating committee mrs fraser macdonald and mrs j l vonng and pianist mrs harvey pucker ing the president mrs art mckane opened the meeting by reading the members in the lordte prajer and the roll call was responded to with program suggestions which brought forth many worthwhile ideas for next year the members voted to continue their membership in the united nations association of peel counl n the canadian association ot mer du thebusiness por tion of the meeting and a penn round up jealized a considerable amount for the canadian mental health association a number of nominations were presented and will be sent to the district sccretan in time for the district annual in alton ma 20th the district presidcnl mrs b hutchison and district sccretar reasurer mrs g holder visited with members at the supper and xith spoke briefly mrs hutchison took the chair for the election of officers prior to the supper anne puck enng favoured with several piano selections at jjdd in iht nonsurr ballinafao w ij gives present to 5year secretary the april meeting of ballinafad wi was held at the home of mrs thomas gibson on wednesday of last week sixteen members were present and the roll call was an swercd by the payment of fees a letter of appreciation for a donation recowed from the institute was received from the retarded thil dren s school in millon mrs c e snow and mrs a lawr were appointed as institute represcnta iivls on the georgetown omens auxiliary hospital board three quills were displayed one of which plus a wool blanket are to be giv en to a family an lhe district who have lost their home through fin the report of the district direct ors meeting held in milton was read by mrs a mcenery mrs f j shortill and mrs ernie mc enery were appointed delegates to attend the district annual in ac ton on may 26th mrs m j baker gave the rep ort of the nominating committee the annual reports oiahe conven ers were presented mrs archie lawr was presented with an insti tutc cup and saucer as a token of appreciation for her faithful and competent services as secretary for the institute during the past five years mrs m j baker mrs f smith and mrs grant wright as sisted the hostess during the soc lal hour the evening auxiliary members met at the home of mrs p white for their apnl meeting eleven members responded to the roll call by donating a gift for a port work er donations of clothing were nan ded in to the supply secretary for the bale mrs a vanhoorn show ed a film pertaining to citizenship entitled visit to a stranger the auxiliary were asked to take a part in the spnng thankoffenng sunday evening april 19th when mrs mills of burlington will show her pictures of her recent trip to the middle east and the holy land mrs j mcenery and mrs a lawr assisted the hostess with ladies hear op life in the caribbean the women s federation of st andrew s umted church held their regular meeting at the cedarvale school for girls on wednesday ap ril 8th mrs frank bishop and mrs douglas ward were m charge i of the worship service which was based on an easter theme mrs ward read an excerpt from a ser mon on how easter effects us as christians of today mrs e stojtz and mrs g em racrson gave an illustrated talk on life in the anbbean they told of the social problems religion and explained their national econ omy plans for a fall bazaar- which is to be held on saturday october 17 in st johns church hall were discussed mrs kelvin brown asked for volunteers to help in each of the various booths and the response wjs wonderful finished articles were distributed to the conveners a great many favourite recipes of the members were collected and urncd pver to mrs george ventr who is chairman of the cook book committee the i ederation is publishing a cook book which will be in circulation in the next few months frollowng a lengthy dis cussion on both projects refresh ments were served by the hosier ses who were mrs 0 emmerson mrs w pans mrs g atkin and mrs g hallitt presentation at glen children of glen united church sunday school their teachers and parents gathered at the church thursday april 2nd to say good b c to a former sunday school superintendent weldon kilburn mr kilburn who has been u ith the glen church for two ears has been living at cooksville since the first of the year mr kilburn his wife shirley and son trevor will soon be mov mg to winnipeg man where he hias been stationed in his job as tc pilot an enjoyable prqgram put on by the teachers anl pupils v as concluded with the reading of a farewell letter from the sunday school by mr bert dixon and a presehtation of a leather bnef case made on behalf of the sun day school by danny wags ta he a gift was also presented mrs kilburn by the wa the cgltiiet on monday night in the church plans were dis cussed for cine mother and daugh ter banquet in may stewardship cards were brought in to be dedi cated at the next meeting the recreation period was spent prac ticing music for the spring thank offcrng the worship service was taken by jean lawr and mrs black read a chapter of anna and the indians the meeting closed with tapsl mly and mrs hemes of thistle- own visited for the weekend with mr and mrs a hemes mr and mrs lorne jamieson and douglas of gait were sunday visi tors with mr and mrs frank smith congratulations to blue moun tain choir first in their class al the music festival yesterday while not winning prizes soloists ann shortill caroljn mcenery and spiece and david swindlehursl were excellent and reflected ere dit on their teacher baptism service for st andrews united church st ndrew s united church held its second service of holj commu mon and baptism on sunday ap nl 12th with rev m c mcfarlane of st johns lnited church offic latinn ri ee ving baptism were phillip rthur turnbull and blair flliotl turnbull pons of mr and mrs s f turnbo1tsstouglas scoti t mpson sin of mr add mrs n j trmpson deborah ann findla ftichar 1 1 in findlav and cnth n janc findlay chil ren of mr an i mrs i s m f ndla patnc a ann mrtolgan daughter of mr an i mr mccoigan christine lyouise stephens valerie join ste phens laughters of mr and mrs r b stephens choose executive for chapel home school social a personal mr and mrs harry waymouth clinton spent the weekend with heir daughter aid son in law mr and mrs r l mcbean and fam ily 9 mar street mr tfhd mrs frank buchanan 36 windsor road were on hand tc greet her mother mrs j s wil hamson when she arrived at union station toronto from montreal on saturday she came to montreal rem scotland aboard the corinthia fxecutive officers of chapel st home and school association were elected at their regular meeting held on mondaj apnl 6th it com pnses mrs w s sloan president vice presidents mrs joe emmer son and reg broomhead mrs duncan tost is recording secre tary mrs ian cass corresponding secretary treasurer jim mcbryde executive officers are mrs thomas golden mrs robert jepson and mrs henry helfant an account of the program of the meeting is elsewhere in the paper reporting on the guests who attended in conjunction with sun shine school a muton social and personal mrs c sargent charles street and mr and mrs bernard cow tan david bhly and jeanie of brampton visited in brantford ov er the weekend with mr and mrs skip sargent and their son mr and mrs bob pndeaux and children cynthia douglas and christopher of sarnia were holi day visitors with her parents mr and mrs alex kean mcnabb st mr and mrs e w binkley 6 vallyview rd have returned from a motor trtp to flonda mrs bink ly s parents mr and mrs william rutter toronto accompanied them south dinner meeting for halton peel cleaners mr and mrs don barrager bar rdycr cleaners and dyers attended the halton peel dry cleaners as sociation dinner in brampton on mondaj april 13th the evening was bujers night an affair at hich buers of clothing were en tertained the purpose was to fur ther cooperation between dry clea ners and buyers to give better cus lomer satisfaction it is felt that if buyers are aware of the pitfalls in buying garments manufactured from materials that have not been tested satisfactorily for dry clean inj it will result in more satisfied customers for both tpes of bus messes the tuest speaker of the even ing was mrs mary humphries of the thompson research laborator les she is also a member of the board of the canadian association of consumers she brought samp les of garments that had been sent to the laboratories for analysis of material explaining the effects of sunlight damage fume fading and many other examples john dillon assistant manager of the dry cleaners institute of ontario from toronto was also guest after the speakers there was a question period it was felt that the evening was most bene ficial and that the combined coop- ration of the buyer cleaner and rsearch institute which will eventually result in better custo mer satisfaction skating club presents rhapsody on ice revue the fourth annual edition of rhapsody on ice presented satur day night by georgetown figure skating ohib was an enjoyable ev eoing for spectators who filled the arena to capacity blending handsome stage sets and colourful costumes with an excellent variety of numbers by local and visiting skaters it was a smooth running performance which reflected credit on club pro fessional ross smith and the dub executive starred in the show were the 1059 canadian senior four champ ions paulette dean ruth fitzgib- bon rae warden and john caugh ell of guelph the force sisters of acton mary jane and ehza beth runnersup in the western ontario pair championships were also guests and professional com edian mun burbidge had two hilanous routines in his ballet takeoff and charleston number despite the guest artists how ever it was the iocal skaters on which the spotlight focussedu the trailing panda bear the diminu tive snowdrops were attention catchers the march militaire fi nale dutch waltz and canasta tango featuring club members were standouts in an excellent pro gramme and act one with em phasis on the juniors and heauti ful costumes brought cheers from proud parents as their youngsters went through difficult routines high school staffers easter bereavements two members of the high school staff suffered family bereavements during easter week g percy prquse 74 father of alan prouse died suddenly on ap ril 1st at his farm home near lit tie brilain mrs duncan a bax ter jl whose son is also a ghs teacher died at brampton on ap nl 4th after a lengthy illness mr prouse was a retired lind say district farmer and lifelong resident mr and mrs prouse and family had visited with him on easter sunday and it was on the following day that he suffered a fatal stroke he leaves his wife his son alan and three daughters margaret who is a school teacher in call mrs alan atkinson of sault stc marie and mrs donald gardner bradford 8 grandchild ren and a brother elton prouse of toronto funeral service took place in lindsay on april 3rd mr prouse was an odd fellow for forty years and lodge members conductd an ioof service for him also mrs baxter the former marga ret mclaren was a campbell vi lie native and lived for many years in manitoba where her husband was a teacher at binscarth port age la prairie and holland and principal of transcona high school for 29 j cars when he retired in 1937 they mqcd to toronto and later to brampton she raves her husband her son a m mac baxter two daugh ters mrs j w hyde and mrs d a elliott of toronto 7 grandchil dren 2 great grandchildren a bro ther william mclaren brampton and sisters miss may mclaren ami mrs thomas mcmurray of toron to funeral service took place at the mckiliop funeral home bramp ton and interment was in st an drew s cemetery caledon the big rotary show is coming up next week see ad in this sue thorold likely to oppose realtors for ontario title sundridge eliminated in march to crown georgetown hunters definitclj and thorold probably will be the hopefuls when the oha intcrme diate b provincials go up for grabs this year the hunters realtors made sure of their bid for the ontano title m nday night when they tripped up a determined sundridge bcav er club 54 to take their best of seven semi final four games t one the one thousand plus paying customt rs u ho witnessed mon ta s cliff hanger saw the hunters corneroff the floor in the third frame with a dramatic surge thai left ncrvou types limp down four goals to three carh n the period george grasby star ted dave trons awav on the rush that knotted it at 4all and ten sion reigned like a balloon on the point of bursting until 14 43 when ron dixon robbed o shell of the rubber just inside the beaver line and rifled a bullet that caught the upper left hand corner bucko mcdonald who guided the sundndgc club from the bench for this one game after watching most of the series as a spectator pulled young from the beaver net with two and a quarter minutes remaining to ice an extra attacker but jack rhodes turned aside ev erylhing thrown at him to foil the attempt georgetown managed two sliding shots at the empty net but both trickled wide a high sticking duel between vtallj magri and h anderson on the boards at 16 40 of the finale touched off fireworks that resul ted in a fan being ejected after he took exceptions to having his hair combed b a stick in the hands of sundridge rearguard ivan per cival lome boyer also got into it and seemed to take to the idea of tangling with sombody who was not carrjing an equal amount of lumber in the second frame george grasby and boyer exchanged round house rights and picked up fighting majors dixon chard and junior beau mont scored in the first two per lods for georgtown mike wood sosie johnstone tony odrowski and harold hill picked openings for sundridge of the 17 penal ties surtdndge drew 9 bill hunters promise of steaks for the goal getters and for rhodes if he managed a shutout was the incentive behind georgetown s 40 v in o er the beavers on their home ice saturday night indul ging in the payoff at petes res taurant huntsville after the white wash were junior beaumont 2 jamie cunningham george gras b and of course jack rabbit rhodes thorold could polish off delhi in the fifth game of the senes in delhi tonight they lead the set 3 games to snowballs and- snowdrop rosemary francis sandra arm strong diannc cannell leslie hansen pat irwin lorna peardon pauline whitham debbie young jane macmillan leslie mitchell leiclat virginia benedict lesley bris- bois mary carr karen dorsey glenda emerson marilyn emer son joane fantuz diane foster linda green linda hayes brenda hutme sharon kaye susan kaye linda king eva lindauer nancy masteroian janet mcfarlane beth mckee judy norton brenda pear don lorraine seckington claudia teague margaret thompson jan ice wilde panda baars terry kennedy paul braida nicky earl jamie fantuz eric hansen marshall hansen michael masterman robert mitchell reid walker ricky walker jack la frost gale livingstone a uttue fowl play was the title of the norval junior farmers entry in the haltontjtamafesl val held recently in nelson high school cast members were left to right barbara cunningham marilyn wrigglasworm garry tnoniax doug watson and ralph cimrringharo jacqueline and ian bowell snowflakas susan corbet pamela earl brenda eason sharon emerson elaine gauk elizabeth hansen susan mitchell linda teague wendy norton linda rudiges gail walsh susan webster bonnie bell louise bnsbois pauline cess pamela clark jane collett glenda emerson heather hayes sandra hajcs pat hyde darlene led widge etspctn macintosh joanne mitchell leslie murray louise seckington yolanda wiener cath enne young th rainbow linda braida tha pvnguln ballet ballerina pat sargent carol allen virginia allen mar iyn brock judith calder brenda elliott rosemary francis susan graham cathy hale mary hall linda king frances linton mary macmillan ann marchment wen dy marks karen rcichardt marg aret sargent carol stevens janice wilde caroljn wnght cathenne young th canasta tanyo ra archer heather marchment pat sargent susan trott bill oates carroll farncll v vlen per n rginia tern tha dutch waltz ra archer karen shortill lar r bennett pat barrager bill oates bonnie norton rae warden pat sargent march mihtair joan cummins ray archer ma ry jane force susan trott and bonnie norton bonnie brand ford vivien perry jennifer sprague virginia terry pat barrager jane bradley marilyn brook bonnie capuano lynn cro cker ehaabeth davidson carroll farnell orguia hoescb gail holm- karen korzack carole lackey ann lackey gale living stone jackie louth philippine macdonald kathy macmillan hea ther marchment kathy van meer- vem peggy miller lynn murray lee nolan doro oates anne peterson linda powers gail pries pat sargent karen shortill sharon swales- barn- strensky darlene walker barbara wallace sheila wallace

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