the georgetown herald wadnaaday may 13th 195 page 2 joanne hair stylists tr 73911 wain mill streets above cotton bros store concrete gravel building sand road gravel fill and top soil stone work tom haines en williams tr 71301 travel notes lowest trans atlantic fares to england and scotland assessment commissioner comments on separate school assessments george town may 6 1959 dear mr editor on sunday april 26th the fol lowing pamphlet was distributed to parishioners of holy cross church holy tjross school items of interest catholic education we wish to thank his exeellen cy bishop ran for his generous remarks about the school trustees and their work it is indeed en couraging to hear his excellency lend his unequivocal support to holy cross school and to hear him reiterate the need for catholic education the need for separate schools i not a form of social snobbery ior is it a form of discrimination atfcatholcs we recognize that our children should learn the leach mg of christ and of his church this we recognize as our moral obligation we also recognize that apart from any obligation as sueh that our children because of reli gious teachings and atmosphere are better christians are better persons andare better utizens in addition in every child as in the adult there is a basic spiritual need this need should be satis ficd and cherished and school is one of theplaccs whlrc this can best be done allocation of taxes it has come to the attention of the board that some of the new members of the parish are not aware of the procedure involved in allocating their taxes to holy cross school to be a separate school suppor ter there are two qualifications 1 the property assessed must be within 3 miles of the school 2 the tenant must declare him self to be a roman catholic it should be noticed that the person who owns the propcrt paa the taxes but the property must be assessed for school taxes according to the religion of the tenant the school attended b the tenant s children or the fact that there are no children in the tenant s family has no bearing whatever on the allocation of the taxes assement and taxes are two different things the aosessor is an emplojee of tht municipalilj and is a public servant he merel makes an assessment of the value of the premises it is not the as aessor s funetion to advise the owner or tenant of the propertv where he should allocate hij tax es however under chapter 24 section 16 of the revised statutes of ontario the assessor must make diigenl enquirv aa to the religion pf the tenant and then enter his statistics on the assessment roll any parishioner who has not as yet transferred his taxes to the support of the parochial school i or who has any questions concern ing the assessment or tax situation in general should contact stan walsh 41 delrex blvd telephone tr 7 9233 stan is chairman of the assessment committee for the separate school board- separate school mill rate in the first few years ol operat ing a new modern school many of the expenditures including the building costs are of a capital na ture and will not be repealed de spite these heavy financial commit ments there will be no differenee between the public and separate school rates separate sehool sup porters will therefore not be re quired to pay anything in excess of the rates established this weik by council for public school pur poses nificant is the fadf that in the as sessment depatment the records show and prove that 00 of the roman catholic families lit the town of georgetown have nol dir ectcd their taxes to be applied to separate school support the primary reason for this lei cr as assessment eommissioner is to call to the attention of all ten ants occupants and owners of as acssed properties in this munici pality who desiic to be separate school supporters the responsibil lty whieh is theirs and the respon sibility that is the assessment commissioner s section 56 of the separate school act provides that lvcry person pajmg rales whelh er as owncr or tenant who wish cs to be a separate sehool suppor ter shall on oi before the 15th day of july notify the clerk of the unicipallty in writing that he is roman catholic and a separate school supporter and section 63 2 of the same aet provides that the clerk shall enter in an index book form 1 the name of eveiv person who has given to him nol ice in writing that sueh person is a roman catholic and a supporter of stipaiatc school and section 21 of the assessmemil act provides that the assessor shall be guided thereby in aseeitaining who have jiven the notices which arc b law necessary in order to plaee iheni on the separate sehool as cessment roll therefore when the separate school assessment i oil is being prepared eonsidera tion will only be given to the sep arate school supporters the names of whom appear in the clerks in dex book that is my interpreta lion of the assessment and separ ate school acts and that is the pro cedure 1 shall pursue and i res pectfully suggest that with coop eration between assessed persons and this department assessment for tax purposes will be placed on the public or separate school as sessment roll to comply with the pqoplc s wishes to the extent that the assessment and separate sehool act permit and if there aie any eirors or omissions the assessed persoli has the right un der section 69 of the assessment act to appeal to the ourt of re vision any time between the time of leceumg the assessment notice ind the 16th dav of october in the letter referred to the wn ter makes the statement that the assessor is an employee of the mun letpalily and a public servant 1 am pleased to be able to say that l coniet and 1 take onp guess and say thai i have been happv to be in this position long before he was lucky enough to move to a good town like ceorgetown he makes the statement the assessor ineiely makes an assessment of the value of the promises and it is nol ihc function of the assessor to advise people and that he must make diligent enquiry as to the leligioti of people etc wow all of which again convinces me f his laek or knowledge of the ubject he is making such a feeble effort to diseus- suremr mystery vlan u is my function and duty lo adv ist peopli v ho request ad vicl in couniclion with my work j an asie ssine nt commissioner and if you had availed jourself of the oppoitumly to be advised you probably would not hav e written uch serambled chatter you say there is a mr stan walsh who is chairman of the assessment committee of the sep arate sehool board sounds like an important committee i wonder what his fund on is but 1 do as ureir walsh that as an asies sed person he is entitled tav shall receive the i advice and goods pthcr good ratepayer of whether he arere chairman of the cathuiicommittee of tfce knights of columbus or efcairmaa of the protestant committee of the loyal orange lodge and that prompts die to be serious enowsa iur a moment to inject a personal note to ay most sincerely tint i shall never be unmindful of taw- many mutual genuine fnendsaups that were established uincd down through the rat between members of the last m med organization and myself the second paragraph of iv above mentioned letter appears to t me extremely ambiguous and i j am reluclsiit to discuss it bee- j ause of the remote possibility thai jj the writer might mean that any j particular religious teaching kes better persona and better citizens oh no 1 cant inustne anyone having such on track mind and taking a chance of be ing shot at sunrise especially by catholic parents who are sending a their children to public school realizing a 1 do mr editor 1 that this letter has taken wore valuable herald space than 1 in tended 1 assure you there will bit- no further preis comments in the future by me on tht subject very truly submitted joseph cibeonv asesnient cutnnwviw pay for vour li 5urance the easy wav im ol mhkxto have the ptemiuus on yout owi uk insuuhce tub tut of memsttts of voui family if you ate paying the itbmas mia automatically fiom toui bamk account eveiv 0 ami the hew sou life automatic monthly payment plan taa h a flaw saving money saving feature eti clarence kroll r r 2 georgetown til 73027 sun life of canada good fishing flevenyear old bill ewins r r 2 is proud of a 15 inch speckled trout which he hooked on thnrsr dav the fish had a girth of 10 o 12 inches and was one of the sue est reported so far ihtr season another good catch n an 8 h j brown trout caught by ene li an men w illianoa stanley park erin gala opening dances every friday commencing may 15th dancing to the music of the melody boys band 9pm lo 1 a m modern old tyme rock n roll admission 75c per person mrtre ihan 3000 canadian- died a ilw lasl decade as a result of aceidental poisoning exceeded only b falls and fires as the most fa tal tjpe of home accident look maveal motor sales ltd totttmnuunonat truck dmin sundav april 26th 1959 in view of ihc fact that the wn ter of the above sheet did nol have the intestinal fortitude the guts lo sign it in view of ihe fact that i have been unable to obtain a list of members of the ehurth rmtflthrpv pastor and in view ol the ffict that i consider it an un der the table attempt to discredit myself as assessor i should ap preciatc the privilege to make a few comments in the herald be tentheaboi ter- will help to confuse present and future separate school sup porters and make an already dif ficult task more difficult for the georgetown assessment depart ment in the allocation of assess ments and advising assessed per sons who may and those who can not direct their assessment to sop arate school support under the assessment and separate school acts thereby clarifying the situa tion so that i may be able to pre jarc as accurate as possible scp- arate school assessment roll for the year 1959 under the heading of alloca lion of taxes in paragraph 5 the letter says in part the propertv must be assessed for school taxes according to the religion of the tenant that is dcfinitelnot so nothing could be further from the facts and is further evidence thai il the writer of the letter has any knowledge of assessment practice at all it is extremely limited proof of this is that 1 am a roman catholic and i am a public school supporter t person regardless of his or her religious affiliation has that privilege- and roost- slg what is doing now faster cooler cleaner cooking than ever before and completely automatic free win a 1959 automatic gas range see your gas appliance deafer for complete mformahoo tqmstttertlttteo trade4tvyour old store for an ultra modern automatic gas range look at these new gas range features burnerwithabrain dock controlled costing smokeless broiling easy to dean burners matchless operation rotisserie mast meter new builtin ranges aprils 15 may 30 1959 at your gas appliance dealer or united suburban gas company umitio triangle 73951