Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), July 29, 1959, p. 1

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the georgetown fourthn paois aulhorind a sacond clan mi tat offica dap bltawa oeoroetown ont wednesday july mth 1959 first sktion what council did permit debenture issue for sewers for plaza the ontario municipal board will approve a debenture issue to t provide money for installing sani tary sewers to serve industries and the shopping plaaa in delrex a previous request v the town council had been turned down by the board and a- council delega tion headed by public works chair man john elliott interviewed lome cummings chairman of the board jast wednesday to ask for reconsideration reporting on the meeting to council on monday mr elliott said the delegation had been lectured by mr cummings for incurring a deficit in 1958 while taking in more revenue than had been anti cipated in the budget however aft a lengthy discussion he- agreed to approve the debenture sir cummings explained said mr elliott that the request had been refused because last year when an 830000 expenditure on a new sewage disposal plant was approved the municipal board said it would veto any further capital expenditures until 1961 other than for water schools and a list of pending town works which were submitted at the time the del- xex sewer was not included in this list he expressed some concern bout georgetowns debt and indus- trial ratio which is now some what better at 215 if our debt gets much higher mr cummings said people- would be leaving like rats from a sink ing ship and grass would grow in our streets reported mr elliott complaining that his homo on young street has excessive dust from a road which was graded se veral days ago ray whittnee was told by road chairman waiter gray that he expected the road would ba tarred and chpped the next day when works superintendent g r bligh said that charles street would be brushed prior to hav ing a seal- coat and that there might be repercussions from dust- besieged residents deputy reeve gray joked that he was going to be out of town on holidays he explained that brushing is neces sary and that it is impossible to do this without causing some dust the postmaster says that less than 30 of houses have installed their letter boxes and that if 85 havent cooperated when a survey is taken in august the postal de partment jnight delay letter deliv ery until next march said cr john elliott asking support for a resolution which would require special brakes on trucks and buses bar- rie council wrote to council but their communication was filed when councillors agreed with the mayor that it is not a town coun cils function to advise senior gov ernments in such matters the barrie resolution was prompted by several accidents in a steep hill in the town c i dennis weds roberta woon roberta carol ellen woon dau ghter of mrs woon and the late william woon toronto became the bride of charles irwin dennis son uuuc 111 vu041c3 uwiu ifcuuo jui a r- erskaamkgwrgidhnterin f f f members in halton ohe hundred 4h chab members representing a ceremony conductedby rev law- reiee wynn in victoria presbyter ian church toronto the bride is the niece of mr and mrs maurice hillock 1 king street geogc- town the brides gown of wnte silk organza over taffeta had guipure lace at the rounded neckline the bouffant skirt came to a bustle bow to how to a hoop then swept into a chapel train a miniature coro net encrusted with seed pearls held her fingerup veil and she carried pink rosebuds with white shastas dianne hillock was maid of hon our with attendants mrs leonard mcwhirter and mrs harold coon they wore white tulle over taffeta gowns with cornbowerhlue cum merbunds and matching picture s hats arlah hillock the flower- girl wore a gown similar to the bridesmaids and carried blue and white flowers harold coon was groomsman ushers were robert woon william mcmullen and david courue farm mews j a f halton 4h clubs hold livestock judging meet livestock judging was the theme of a meeting held on thursday all h clubs in halton took part in the programme the evening included instruction in judging beef cattle dairy cattle sheep and swine each contestant judg ed one class of each of the four types of livestock and gave reasons oh the class dairy cattle and swine classes were held at the farm of ralph ford milton and beef and sheep at the farm of jos willmott son the club members then met at the agricultural hall milton pair grounds for the balance of the programme the judging programme was under the direction of d e jack son assistant agricultural repre sentative and assisted by thirty 4h club leaders from the halton 4h club leaders council the meeting was held as preparation for the annual halton livestock judging competition to be held on wednesday july 29th at the on tario agricultural college guelph was hockey coach for team at bailinafad arnold mcenery lifelong resi dent of bailinafad district died in guelph general hospital on thurs day after a lengthy illness in his 46th year he was the only son of robert and margaret mcenery in 1933 he married kathleen evans who survives with a son david life fanned until 1936 when he bought the trucking business of wilfred mceachern and operated it until 194 when he sold out to willard sanderson he then bought the manassah campbell farm lot 32 esqueslng in bai linafad he was a member of balhnafad united church he took a great interest in hockey and coached the balhnafad team for two years but owing to ill health had to give it up the funeral service was eon- ducted by alan neelon a former stnde minist at bailinafad the rumleyshoemaker funeral home acton when a large num- bero friends gathered to pay last respects to one who had spent his entire life in the community f j shortill sing lifes railway to heaven which mr mceneryl had asked be sunpatiwarers were leo jamiesorf eddie smith harding price art wiuitts wil ham anthony and lloyd marshall flower bearers were stanley nor man and garnet sinclair earnie and bill mcenery douglas mceachern archie lawr gordon and brian evans lome thomson and albert dawson interment was in fairview cemetery acton on monday afternoon friends have showers for norma grummett mrs ronald grummett of wes ton the former norma kingdon of brampton and teacher at strects- ville public school was the reci pient of many showers following her marriage on june 27 on july 6th the ladies of grace united church brampton present ed mrs grurtmett with an eight place setting of cornflower the following evening miss ruth js- mond held a miscellaneous shower at her borne r norvl and was assisted by miss mane harrop of norval at this shower the alloa junior institute girls of which the bride is a member presented her with many useful gifts as dd also he brides aunts of the kingdon family qn juvathi mr canning or woodbridge held a miscellaneous shower for her niece attended by relatives and friends the following fridavthe brides neighbours mrs jim davis and miss anne davis opened their home for a miscellaneous shower and had the neighbours attend on saturday july 11 relatives of the groom and farmer dunjalk neighbours and friends presented the bride and groom with a mis cellaneous shower and dance in weston norma kingdon is june bride yellow and white chrysanthe mums decorated grace united church brampton on saturday evening june 27 for the marriage of norma mary kingdon daughter of mr and mrs james r king- don br and ronald howard grummett son of mr and mrs howard m tirummett weston rev b f enna officiated the soloist ross kingdon brother of the bride sang because before the ceremony and the lord prayer and 0 perfect love during the signing of the register he was accompanied at the organ by mrs edgar gowian1 of bramp ton given in marriage by her father the bride wore a wliite balleri gown of pure silk organza the handembroidered swiss lace bo dice was fashioned with a sweet heart neckline and short cap sleeves a crown of pearls and sequins held her elbow length veil and she carried a cascade bouquet of pink rosebuds and stephanotis miss ruth ismond of norval was the maidofhonour she wore a waltzlength gown of orcht ny lon over taffeta with matching fea ther hat and gloves she carried a cascade bouquet of yellow and white button chrysanthpmuriis barry grummett brother of the groom was the best man a reception followed at the yel low briar inn for a honeymoon trip through northern ontario he bride wore a printed taffeta dress witn white accessories and s corsagetif wtiite jbutton chrvsan them urns i ballinafad granddaughters wedding held in hart house chapel grandparents mrs harry stock- ford 18 george st and mr jack rush sr milton were honoured guests when their granddaughter marilyn rush became the bride of james stewart brooks in harf house chapel on july 18th the bride who is the daughter of mr and mrs jack rush downs- view wore a ballerina wedding gown a crown headdress with short veil and carried red roses her bridesmaid a fellowteacher at a downsview public school wore a similar ballerina gown in pale iblue nylon sheldon pearcc was groomsman the brmes 4-year- old sister janice was flower girl wearing a pale blue gown a flow er headdress and carrying a nose gay of tiny rosebuds her bro ther gary and cousin wayne watts were ushers the reverend cunningham officiated a buffet luncheon was served at the wedding reception which took place at the home of the brides parents guests attended from georgetown milton sudbury to ronto and downsview- following a honeymoon at huntsville mr and mrs brooks will live in toronto where he will continue his medical studies in the fall at the university of toronto what council did debate cashperlot payment in subdivision possibility of taking a cash- perlot payment from bob lane for an 83honse subdivision in the old cedarvale farm orchard was discussed monday by council the new subdivision is one of the first to come under jurisdic tion of georgetowns subdivision bylaw which calls for mainten ance of a rut n nnwtrial cavalon work for this which could save the town several thousand dollars the subdivision has been hang ing fire since the latter part of 1956 he said and has been kick ed around by various local and provincial bodies it is time he said that a decision be made either to accept a cash deal or inform mr lane that thb terms most he met reeve sargent said that indus tries and commercial establish- ments pay business taxes as well as the general rate and that cau tion must be used in deciding on any cash payment or the ratio can be thrown even more out of line unfortunately our bylaw was passed too late and several sub divisions werer built which cost the tsratio ma ud in i i ment per lot high enough to on- provijcertde sen but it fa- ljj a ndlcu oo system hen coined a will be further dis- c- mumcipautes- said cr wjl d ann there are soma towns which and commervbl assessment to 60 residential a subdlvider may build no more than 25 of bis total residential lots then must produce evidence that he is re sponsible for the 6040 ratio be fore he can proceed further reeve sargent who heads coun cils planning committee introduc ed the subject it had been dis cussed at a meeting of fats com mittee and he said the committee had no recommendation to make would be better to be 100 resti dential but it isnt possible under councu the present system i r fl ii mr hyde said he has the idea norvdl boltballers that all industrial assessment i j should be paid to the government uuhip lesque ledciers and apportioned to towns it is norval piled up six runs m the cutting the cake which was baked by her aunt mrs john farmer a recent bride mrs robert barry hunter and her husband posed for this wedding picture the cake was decorated by her cousin mrs glen britton of peterborough the bride is the former eileen oates daughter of mrs mildred oales the wedding took place in st georges anglican church photo by gordon campbell douglas maclaren weds toronto nursing graduate a graduate of st josephs hos pital nursing school toronto irene mary cullen daughter of mr and mrs elgin cullen rlch- yiew sid rd weston became the bride of douglas robertson mac laren son of mr and mrs alex maclaren 184 maple ave e geor getown on saturday june 20th at 3 pm annette street baptist church was decorated for the oc casion with white gladioli with white ribbon and green cedar on alternate pews rev james k holland officiated assisted by rev samuel henderson derick g ribbon was the organist and mrs marion harrison the soloist her selections were o perfect lavo and ill walk beside you the bride given in marriage by her father chose a gown of white silk organza floorlength with lace bodice and lace side panels garlanded with roses her finger tip veil fell from a tiara of pearls and aurora boreal is she wore white mittens and carried a bou quet of white stephanotis and red sweetheart roses centered with a white orchid barbara trathen was maid of honour patricia brinjes sylvia green and pink taffeta under white flocked nylon their head dresses were of matching flowers and feathers their gloves and shoes were white and their flowers were talisman roses bui maclaren brother of the groom was the groomsman ross norman howson ruddell and tom reed were the ushers the wedding reception was held at the dutch sisters inn lake- shore road humber bay toron to where the brides mother re ceived for her in a blue nylon linen dress and jacket with a cor sage of pink and white carnations she was assisted by the grooms mother in a printed silk gown of blue and white with a corsage of pink and white roses for travelling ottheir honey moon the bride choseta green and white print silk dress with three- quarter length coat white hat gloves and shoes mr and mrs maclaren drove to key west florida and from there flew to havana cuba they are now liv ing at 17 academy road geoge- town the one hundred and twenty guests were from such places as toronto orangeville schomberg georgetown weston montreal school costs which boost a towns first inning and then held the ivcrson and patricia dunlop wet budget and if these were assumed potent glen hitting attack in check i bridesmaids the attendants centrally it would solve a lot of to dump the league leaders last sowns were fashioned alik each problems he continued night fr3 in the spacious glen ball j in a different color blu yellow and greenwich connecticut the ontario mayors and reeves park association has been discussing the tom peavoy blanked the nor- school problem and have been vals from the second inning on making representations to the gov- but the winning runs were already eminent mayor armstrong said across the plate as the glen coun- at present it costs georgetownretc6 with only a single run in taxpayers 131 per pupil for edu- the 2nd and a pair in the 5th huge crowds are drawn to market centre opening the long talked about telrex and ladies wear store may join cation and the big advantage ofthe losers outhit their rivals 129 market centre eventually to be- them an office building now un- commercial and industrial assess- but the norval pitcher lancaster come one of the largest shopping der construction at the corner of ment is that such assessment is scattered the glen his sufficiently plazas in canada hosted a large guelph sl and mountainview rd clear for the town without adding to hold down the score percentage of the georgetown will add to the centre when com- to the school population j cameron worked the plate shopping population thursday pleted this fall tcrhans municipal taxes should for norval bob webster for the when seven of the completed thlr- j the entire layout was engineer- be on income rather than proper- gen and the game produced teen stores opened their doors n ed by delrex developments ltd watch battleships go through welland canal mr and mrs j black and fa- j miy spent two days last week in niagara falls and buffalo while on the trip they witncnrl f amefcan j ty the mayor continued for the nothing in the home run depart- the opening took on a carnival who started construction on the 1 a csn j man with the nicest home has not ment atmosphere as free gifts lucky plaza last september their uav back to sea from iaki 1 i i j michigan i a tne infinest income alliance meanwhile were taking draws ndes for the kiddles and a mr and mrs willard sanrtf n i georgetown is luckier than some it on the chin from cottons who giant search light attracted the rs towns however being in an in- broke out for 15 runs to smother public by the thousands many social and personal dustrial area which can cdunt on the coaters 15 to 4 pomeroy andjnotorists passing through town mr and mrs gordon spenee29 some industrial as he boxford wajnt the distance foafisfeid not escape the excitement and victoria st have returned from a and family visited with friends i clifford on sunday mrs lloyd mcenery anj tu children visited last week grimsby and niagara falls mrs don brown and family and mrs d mclean visited in hamil- ton over the weekend john bietby of grimsby is holi- this week iwth mr daying mrs mclean and family and a grmtqctown businessrrwond his bride mr and mrs har old coleman were married in rhodes avenue united church toronto they ore hying at21 gowercoort he is the son of mrs leonte coleman of peterborough mrs coleman is the former ethel salty prior daughter of mrs ann drake toronto said cottons telford started for alii- surrendered to the lure of the vacation trip which took them to cr prod harrison then made a in the 5th and the catchers were swarming crowds to take advan- rochester- ny to visit with mr plea for council to consider a pick dillon and dave leslie tage of the opening day bargains and mrs wallace sharpe and mr payment of 150 per lot in the leslie was forced into action some rain fell thursday but and mrs edward sharpe they lane subdivision as a settlement in the 5th when dillon suffered without visible affect on the atten- 1 also visited cousins mr and mrs for the 6040 ratio a painful throat injury going after dance which at times taxed even charles sharpe and mr and mrs a bouse which pays s275 in a wild pitch ron breen and the plazas vast parkins area bill allen in the thousand is- taxes is considered self-support- cal king boosted cottons total the new stores undergoing the lands and finished their vacation marlene bilton is holidaying this he said and the 83 planned with home runs mass inspection included the most with georgetown neighbours mr week with the smith family houses will produce total taxes of in the only game played sunmodern addition to the loblawsand mrs alex brown who have a mr alan neelon and paul from 2223 in excess of this figure day alliance rocked norval 11 to 5 groceterias chain a branch of the cottage at perth bluevale visited with friends in j he said three sides of the sub- despite three four baggers by the canadian bank ofr commerce the village for a day this week division are already serviced he norval bill richardson camer- delrex drugs delrex smoke shop engagements bobby black is spending a continued and a total of 04000 on and brush connected for the delrex barbershop debex bean- mr and mrs gordon quintott weeks holiday with relatives in in services required by the sub- losers while the coaters p ty parlour osborne interiors and r- r 2 meaford ann fergus division bylaw will also be the one circuit clout that by mike c ft s tv sales and service psubdividers responsbjlty besides george to september six other stores heavy rain today jthis he pointed out all the land cunningham and dillon were the will take part in the official open- heavy rain this afternoon was b zoned as residential so it b winning battery and bud varey tag beamish stores welsneld welcomed by gardeners who have hard to hve up to the ratio i with bid richardson in the third dept stores bata shoes erics been complaining about the dry mr lane is also willing to al- and cameron combined for the hardware kiddies korner and summer the rain started at low the town a dralaag ease- j losers t tb lindsay coft shops hare ache- noon and has continued until ment through the p and thursdays games were ralnedjduled their debut for the later five oclock press time has offered to share costs of ex- out date j engagement of their only daughter glenda marie to albert john franklin benton younger son fat mr and mrs a w franklin ben ton umehoose onl the marri age will take place ott saturday august the twentysecond in temple httt united church at twothirty pjn

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