Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), July 29, 1959, p. 14

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the georgetown herald wednesday july 29tb 19ss r- linoleum mat montreal artist fritz brandtncr puts the finishing touches to months of work on an unusual map of jasper national park alta carved and painted on linoleum the ottby 80 inch map covers an area of some 2500 square mites and will be displayed at jasper park lodge tins summer so that guests at the cnr resort can orient themselves in the park fritz brandtncr specializes in the little practised but highly effective craft of linoleum murals the map was worked out fr g em inent topographical charts with the benefit of adviceftonrauthoritie3on canadian rockies by dorothy barker the queen of canada is a career woman this fact was brought home to me as i witnessed her complete composure but authori tative attitude toward her job du ring her recent tour it is hard work being subjected to an official tour of this vast dominion only a person well trained for such an ar duous task could stand up under the strain three times since the tour be gan however manly nature show through her slow studied inspection or inter ested attention at social functions during the early part of the tour quite unexpectedly eliza beth the home maker became en thralled with the sparkling new equipment in the kitchen of a mi ners home in schefferville que bec cest grande she exclaim ed in the soft excellent french ac cent which so thrilled the french- speaking peoples of canada mme antolne pichette preened at her queens complimentary remarks she undoubtedly vowed that her unborn child would be brought up to be a loyal subject of this very human monarch a young woman her contemporary another facet of elizabeths charm broke through formality as millions of pairs of eyes watched her on tv the obccasion was the formal ball in montreal as she waited patiently for red coated mounties to clear the floor for dancing seated fbeside her in the magnificent ballroom of the hotel named for her was donald gor don president of canadian nation al railways a noted wit and conversational ist mr gordon seemed to delight her majesty elizabeth the eter nal feminine bandied an animated conversation with him obviously exchanging quips her laughter was spontaneous genuine and re freshingly natural for those brief moments while she waited the of ficial aot of opening the ball by dancing with montreals mayor sarto fournier queen of the bri tish commonwealth elizabeth n was a lovely woman engaged in conversation with an attentive par tner the third incident which appeal ed to me as one which must have added pleasure to the trip for this royal person was the casual man ner in which president eisenhow- er ignoring the fact no commoner is ever seen to toudh her august person took her elbow firmly in his right hand and guided her to the spectacularly decorated plat form for the opening ceremony of the st lawrence seaway this gesture seemingly delighted her and elizabeth flashed ike her most winning smile continually under the guns of dozens of cameras her every ac tion being marked by hundreds of press people queen elizabeth has seldom dared to be herself to show her fatigue or any sign of discomfiture during this gruel ling tour she came to canada to do a job and she is doing it mag nificently j if it has been torture for me to keep my hair in curl my dresses in press and my temper cool dur ing this changeable temperamen tal royal tour weather my admira tion for a woman who never turns a hair under any circumstance but always looks cool and impec cable composed and controlled has ascended like todays mercury to an all time high she must have a secret inner source of en durance that i and others cover ing this tour have not yet devel oped i quite agree with those who feel that extended tours op- the nature now under way arc a form of torture no one should have to suffer during future visits to canada may this charming young woman who is wearing her charm for the most part under a cloak of proto col and formality be given the opportunity to unbend and be her self as she was in the brief mom ents recorded above investigate beore you buy or modernize our lorfovertxad sa ves you money earl scott heating and appliances call trianfria 74101 georgetown specializing in chcson heating systems freezers snowbird refrigerators washing machines automatic and- wringer type dryers electric ranges biltin ovens and range tops bntin refrigerators and freezers thomas a edison- air conditioners window type and portable units to attach to your pressnt furnace dehotrrtdifiers air filters hawaii e water coolers for office home or factory coou9rator window type air conditioners hrevoo r bfltin refrigerators and freezers jsbhfusch ccimrnercial refrigerator and freezer counters dairy cabinets ice cream freezers etc doortodoor refrigeration units for trucks fountain v cabinets for restaurants a garbage dumping spoils countrys natural beauty at this time or year when the country is so beautiful we all en joy getting off the highway and driving along some of the roads that are off the ibeaten path one thing that spoils it for many of us are those piles of trash which people insist on dumping at the roadside this recent editorial comment in the orangeville banner must surely represent the popular reac tion of many citizens these days as they flock into the great out doors for in this part of ontario far too many scenic spots have been transformed into eyesores by thoughtless garbagedumpers pre vention of this is an important aim of conservationists there is restrictive legislation in most townships and municipali ties in some cases lines up to 50 but education perhaps beginning at public school level will be per haps the most effective method in the long run of overcoming this lack of good citizenship when the powers that be are thoughtful enough to provide a place for this trash should we not cooperate the banner adds have we no pride in our beautiful country or are we just litterbugs the banner concludes its thoughtprovoking editorial by quoting this parody by tan pease life 1991 i came from haunts of coal and hern alas a fatal sally for through what heaps of junk i j barnyards silos etc a 1234 mix churn i is satisfactory that is 1 cubic as i go down the valley foot of cement 1 bag to 2 cubic by dirty dumps i hurry down j feet of sand to 3 cubic feet of where refuses lies in ridges j gravel to 4 gallons of water the and folks bring garbage out from i atcr sometimes has to be varied town a little depending on how wet the to heave it otf the bridges sand is mid wrecks or motor cars i flow a sood mix s not sloppy or too the ibus the truck the fliver ah men majtomo and men may operators manual useful when operating combines by w ross milne engineering extension specialist doing some uuilding remodell ing work between haying and har vest judging by the inquiries at the office this pat two or three weeks it is evident quite a fcw farmers are contemplating doing some building remodelling work as soon as they are through haying with haying fairly early this year there should be a few days for doing some of this work most remodelling or new build ing work involves some cement work perhaps if you are doing some cement work a few com ments on making quality concrete might be helpful it is just as easy to make concrete of good quality which gives excellent service as to make concrete of poor quality which often gives disappointing re sults to make good concrete you of course need the four necessary ingredients water cement fine aggregate and coarse aggregate cement cement lumps that cannot be easily pulverized when struck lightly with a shovel should not be used it should be a free flowing powder when used this means that it is necessary to store cement in a dry place wafe wa that is usedljl concrete work should be clean enough to drink course and fine aggregates it is necessary that both fine and course aggregates be used since the fine particles fill in the voids or spaces between the larger par ticles gravel should range in size from onequarter inch up to about one and a half inch for most work bothhavc one thing in common they must be clean concrete is held together by the paste like j action of the cement and water on the surfacesjjf the aggregate silt clay and loam are objection able in sand and gravel to be used in concrete as they coat the particles and prevent the cement paste from bonding to them re sulting in weak porous concrete if you are wondering about your gravel here is a simple test you can run 1 put two inches of a representa tive sample of sand or gravel in a pint fruit jar 2 add water mntil the jar is al most full cover shake vigorously and set the jmr aside until the water over the material clears 3 if more than oneeight inch of silt has settled out on top of the sample the gravel is too dirty to use unless it is washed the most important thing to remember when mixing concrete is that you obtain your strength by the ratio of the water to the cement not the cement to the gravel in other words to get strong concrete you should vary the amount of gravel to get the thick ness of mix you want rather than the amount of water for most jobs such as floors y dining hall replaces one destroyed by fire two presentation marked the official opening of a new dining hall at west end ymcas camp norval ontario on wednesday july 22 at 730 pm the building replaces one destroyed recently by fire a plaque to the memory of john morden nellson grandson of mor- den ncilsori who donated the prop erty for bhe camp in 1927 and eon of mr and mrs harley neilson was dedicated gordon shipp who completed the new dining hall in five weeks to be ready for opening of the boys camp was presented with a scroll stiff but about the consistency of porridge for best results materials should be added to the mixer ita this order part of the measured amount pf water onethird of the stone then all of the cement then all the sand and the remain der of the water and the remain ing stone the material should be mixed for two minutes curing is very important the chemical reaction between the cement and waier makes the ce ment harden so moisture is neces sary as long as the concrete is hardening which takes seven days before it is completely cured if concrete is kept damp for seven days after pouringit will be half again as strong as concrete that was allowed to dry out as soon as concrete is dry enough 60 that it will not mark it should be covered with straw the straw should be kept wet for the seven days it pays good concrete is easj to make- john magwood qc president of west end ymca norman rik sell chairman of the camp norval committee and dr h s hosking officiated at the ceremony prominent guests from george town included jack armstrong mayor of georgetown campbell sinclair esquesing deputy reeve sandy best mp stanley hall mpp george currie reeve of esques ing mr and mrs rex heslop jack harlow chief of the fire depart ment and dr r f paul toronto guests included mr and mps harley neilson mr and mrs kenneth spencer mr and mrs john girvan a j bradshaw wil son haugh douglas spry mr and mrs william hare e hbowdcn john gillies r d mcdonald and d c mcdonald notice to creditors in the estate of francis wood gentleman deceased all persons having claims ag ainst the estate of francis wood late of the town of georgetown gentleman who died on or about the 8th day of june ad 1950 are hereby notified to send parti culars of same to the undersigned on or before the 15th day of aug ust ad 1959 after which date the estate will be distributed with regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice and the undersigned will not be liable to any person of whose claim she shall not then have notice dated at georgetown this 14th day of july ad 1959 minnie gertrude wood v sole executrix of the estate of francis wood by her solic itors dale bennett latimer georgetown ontl 729 the mail bag funds go central not local red cross july 25 1959 mr editor- two weeks ago i inserted an advertisement pertaining to the swimming pool in section no 15 stated that funds were paid to the red cross association for ad vertising i should like to rectify any impression that the public may have assumed from the ar ticle these funds are paid di rect to the ontario dfvision of the red cross in toronto and not to the local branch of the red cross we deeply appreciate the assist ance of the local branch of the red cross for which no remuner ation is required trusting this letter may expel any misinterpre tation and thanking you for your valued spee yours truly ernie alcott president lions club go but i go on forever i slip i slide i gloom i glance oer pipes and rods and wires i make the golden sunbeams dance among the worn out tires i chatter over pots and pans in little sharpes and trebles 1 bubble out among the cans that quite conceal the pebbles till last polluted do i flow to the polluted river ah lucky men you come and go but i go on forever monuments designs submitted cemetery lettering corner potts and markers a good display in stock brampton monument works wm c allan prop 68 queen sl west brampton shop phones res gl 10445 gi 11613 rep tom nicol phone brampton gl 1sftb holiday garbage pickup monday august 3rd garbage usually picked up on monday will on this occasion be taken with the following thursdays regular pickup welex e t rte aaoc patient doctor all night long every night i dream about baseball psychitrist well that can easily be cured whos your favorite actress patient jayne mansfield psychiatrist then all you have to do is think about her tttiightr patient what and lose my turn at bat if youd like to make a homerun in a used car touy weve got the lineup for you all are good clean de- franklin prouse a pendable cars that have t been safety tested for your driving pleasure come down and have a look heres todays best buy 195s chevrolet station wagon 4 door new car condition priced at ftlo 2495 whkentners0n 45 ouen st georgetown summer sale of blue a c onto now at years lowest prtcas price for june and july delivery stove nut sizes 2500 per ton for todays farming you need the new features of masseyferguson machines today new farming methods new technical developments and new engineering advances bring con stant change and improvement in tractors combines and other farm machines old style machines cant give you the ease of handling and speed you want they dont have the jfebour saving features you need and thcy dont give you the moneymaking masseyfergosfonj ability to helpyou famfprofitably obsolete equipment doesnt have what is needed to meet the demands of farming today move ahead with the latest masseyferguson machines and free yourself of the handicap of trying to farm modern with out of date equipment ask your locals masseyferguson dealer for full particulars about the latest models

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