1mi omtostown hmalo wdiiid mb mm chfeirtered banks seek money supply increase as long as the money supply re mains fixed and the demand lor bank credit continues to grow the chartered bants of canada will have to exercise extreme care in che handling of their credit facili ties to ensure that the overall total of bank loans does not in crease go declared ulric roberge pres ident of the canadian bankers association at the associations annual meeting at montebello que bee mr roberge completing his second year in office added how ever i am sure 1 speak for all chartered banks when 1 say that every effort will be made to see thjat small borrower including the personal borrower will receive fair treatment in this period of increased demand for bank credit against a static money supply reviewing what he described as an unusual period in banking mr roberge said that for month before the turn of the year there was little demand for bank loans although the banks were in excel lent position to satisfy increased demands this was despite the fact that since last october the bank of canada has held the money- supply under tight restraint ing certain phases ot banking with those of 1950 when he became a member of the canadian bankers association it all added up to the fact that practically everybody in canada is a bank customer during the past nine years he said bank accounts have increased from slightly more than 8 million to about 12 million and total can adian dollar deposits increased from 7 billion to more than l billion in the same period the chartered banks paid out more than 1 billion in interest to savings depositors mr roberge said m roberge said that on dec 31 1958 here were 1 531 569 loans on the books of the chartered banks apart from mortgage loans under the national housing act personal loans to individuals tor non business purposes together with loans to farmers represent ed 1304 118 or 85 per cent of the total number of loans aid small borrower this suggested mr roberge is clear evidence that the chart ered banks wo not overlook the in dividual in their lending policies and clear ewdence that the small personal borrower regards a bank as his number one source of fin ancial assistance to date he added the chartered banks have approved loans exceed ing 1 117 million under the na tional housing act aiding in the construction of 109 000 new homes throughout canada more than 122300 home improvement loans amounting to 127 million had also been made by banks mr roberge said j to cope with the increasing use of bank services by more and more people in the past nine years alone the number of baojrbranch es has been increased front- 3 650 to more than4 700 he said bank staffs had been increased from 44 161 to 62409 but mr roberge concluded in all this startling growth and development one factor has re mained the same the personalised service that canadians have come to evpect of the banking system that has been maintained and ntrengthcned as millions of cana rtiaru can attest u is the diler mined polic of all banks and bankers to kcop it as our greatest tradition sugar and spice i w91xx kwomtmt 4he wtartwt uae driving down the highway last sunday night with the family ah asleep after a big day of sun swimfelng nd a huge barbecued steak i found myself cursing with a fine taut vehemence that sound ed vaguely familiar th obivct of my affection was an approaching driver who fused to dim his lights and i nearly want into the ditch in a combination of blindness and rag when i had cooled down i tried to remember where i d heard those particular phrases before in just that tone then 1 knew my dad had used them in identical tones and an identical situation about 30 j ears before except that he had gone in the ditch i guess my father and i say it with pride was the worst driv er that ever cam over hill right pile out hop th fane and dash about itk animals lot out of a cago m mothor woutd heed thankfully for tho shad of a tree and chango tho babas diaper while dad changed tha tiro with ppropriato incantations next major panic was getting the old chev onto the ferry we had to cross the ottawa river and it was a great thrill each year but watching dad trying to get that car onto the ferry was enough to mark a child for life year after year when he saw my cather drive up the ferry captain would roll his cls and run foe help he d enlist the engineer the wheelsman and every innocent by standcr warn them and arm them all with lapse chocks for throw ing before and ik lurid the wheels evontually dad would got tha old chev wedged across tha ferry concrete pouadauou brick th block work sldewalka new hornet floors garages comma rclal industrial residential institutional bill hamilton hamilton construction every building need s itofd court oaorgmown phone trianglo 73480 terra c0tta inn is only 15 minutes from georgetown come and try our 2 informal summer buffet on wednesdays 4rom 12 30 until 9 pm a glass of ice cold cider cuts from specially prepared cold meats crisp salads and hot rolls and butter regular meals served every day until the end of october harry and betty farrar tr 73731 smack in tha centre of thj road so that nobody else could gat on or ha wasnt reckless carolass or aleff tha skipper would throw up showoff h was ust an incrad his arms shvug eloquently to the ibly bad driver 1 vat of the waiting ears end catt i off dad would sit triumphantly of course he uas about 40 whin in the car ready to scare every he bought his firsf car 1 btliee body out of another years growth it as a 123 chi lit was tht when we got lo the other tide of oteadiisl man aim but evir so the river oftn hi d do sonu thing on the pur of the mom nt that s the there was onl one ilhcr ob waj he got the car plunked down stack that riall put u- through the cash took a driving letun the rincr and that was tht bi which eonststd of twice around h a fiw mill s hofon wi reach the block and droc it home he ed the lake wed go down a tore in the latc at full twin com long steep hill and rijnt back up pleltly forgot how to slop and anothi r one lonir and sleeper went right through the back of kaon sear we praed we d make it the 1959 land judging compe sored h the credit vallej and me the barn rach ear we all threw hoii t tition in peel countv as won b 1 tropolitan toronto and region inn into the halting climb and jim mchane jr inglewood his conseration authorities and the ii never forget the annual trip each ear dad would forget to score of 88 points was the liqhct ontario department of agricul to the cottage in the old chev change mt low soon on uh and et recorded in the ears since it ture was held on the farm of m still fondly known in the stall about 20 fttt from the t p donald and llauon limebctr lo family it was about 85 miles then th re was the dreadid ordial cated on the first line wct of an allday tourney in those of backing down fir another run caledon township under ldvj days my dad would be up bright and the final ifnomin or u n weather conditions and va h a mn mr an would lash all the and fetching the ltriikr with his plcndid iew of a large section heavy luggage to the bumpers roof team after three futile and fear of the credit valk the ilaj in runningboards as soon ful attempts was highh successful from mam breakfast was over had go out hantran thlmuirittian vf or section and ross lawford al standpoints walk around the old chev give nowadays when i see a movie its bond mrtfoho lu lf m charge of the technical de th w kick ellinb in about teenage hotrod drivers 1 the conjjjetition jointk spon tails of the program was hill there hed sit and honk the horn paylng hicken and taking sup- campbell of the ontario depart while my mother ran posodly aweinspiring chances i f griculture collect round the house like a demented one trip to the cot jim mckane wins land judging test bank sell bonds suddenly continued mr rob erge at the turn of the ear the demand for bank loans martcd to increase and that trend has con tinued faced with a static mone suppl the banks were forced to liquidate holdings of treasury bills and government bonds to put them selves in a cash position to satis f the demand for loans wa first he in 1955 ln al obuousk he added this process there were 39 compeltors mc id couldn t continue indefinitely the in three girls a total just tw banks suppl of government bonds i short of runner up was not limit ess and apart from 1 position ith a score of 84 p nnl that there i a limit ixond i was ncld j b n when you need tv radio appliance service you went them right away and you want thorn mad correctly john s reputation for top quality work honest prices and speedy service is your assurance of satisfaction call tr 79453 for johns mc which prudent banking dictates no roberge continued i ntil such time as those responsible for master frin who topped the junt orapel i uclph i in j i person grabbing up babies jhch 9 m th d chev with my dad ir arinrf the area was prowd mn 0 preserves and air man punks would never have morning instrucimjl t ud for all competitors i score was introduced his of things national monetary polic decide iii u rv i j q1 in the light of their appraisal or joim mcuonalo ol relevant circumstances that some i 1 1 parmnr further increase in the mone sup litciollq raltncr nave no alternative but to exercise i church mluon con ractorj mtlhod of appra in m t ip of tht blin wt ducted a funeral semce thurda work and adding up sco es of url 0 vu a nndin or arternoon at rumle shoemaker i competitors kl jn an r until w e ct aneral 41ome art in for john t th e banquet li 1 i pn lho pii1 r 1 f lcn m danb mcd maid or lut 2 cton at caledon rnired ehtrrhr in his 81st ear the long time dis entertaining him was prcnh relaxed when lad hadn l mc an tnct farmer died at st josephs ted sutter field officer of the i ut and had manamto the nerve to climb into an auto mobile again the utmost care in the handling 1 or their credit facilities m orde to avoid anj s fujlhgrin crease in the over all total of bank loans speaking of the canadian econ om general mr roberge said man indices indicated a recoer from the recession the reco er he added is resting basicall on continued strength in consumer demand and a revival of business ientorj it seemed to be limit hospital ciuelph on monda jul 27 born in camilla ontario m mcdonald farmed m t of ni- li and was actse until hi ilk illness last weekend he lcte h wife the former marion jan edit allc conservation au h urtt results of the compe itim th were announced b ssisunt ri cultural representative d mj jack on ral cars m he lircction ung ed to domestic fields he remark i fachern and four ed and was not noticeable in the trend of canada s foreign trade balance of pamcnt position con turned o give caue tor concern savings hit record high a highlight in the banking pic ture said mr roberge was that personal savings deposits in the chartered banks has hit an all time high of more than s7 1 billion accumulation of stored up purcha- mg power that is particular significant when the econoim shows cver sign of a speedup to illustrate the tremendous progress and growth of the cana dian banking system mr robergefflower bearer interment was at mc rch c fraser john and jim a 1 of rr 2 acton also surviving are five dauhl t rs mrs llarrv hitchcock marion rr2 irin mrs i steele annul rr3 rockwood mrs flmer bow les jean rr 3 rockwood mrs joe an der hooft hiecn ion ion and mrs i awrence jones pearl al o of london he is sur vived bv a brother janu s n fcoretown and a s tcr mrs tteore judc toronto j pallbearers were hugh re id k in fisher william butler john i r v charles rinnic and josh thompson s u swackhammer wa- compared toda s figures concern fvergrcen cemeterv milton minor fire during heavy thunderstorm little damage resulted erttu- da afternoon in a minor tire in j car garage owned bv jim cost an sr 55 john st y ll 1h fire started during thi ht ifshl or a heavj rain an i is hi luvtd lo have been caused when water shorti 1 wiring in the gar te r nf the fuses wc rl blown j 1 l fore the fire was di cove red the fire men doused the flame with little itort and onl a cor nt r of the garage showed an tdect from the blaze but then we d come to a detour in those days the detours weren t the simple swingouts we have now on a highway construction ob they were sheer tests of nerve and skill with wobbly wood i en bridges cliffs of crushed rock holes you could lose e hippo in and murderous bits of bog the next five mutates were titer jerrr we kids clutchtdj nh other in the back seat all nd wh u as pip r mv i mothtr rlisptd the bab close to hi r brea l ir lpped hi r he i i ind iiioiwl hi r lips rapidlv m dad j lirtd f i roc ou 1 it the hazir is j ground his tee th ind pre sse d thriiuh luttin the hiles wilh a imni jarnn ir p skidding pi n luish near the ii e of t nunir preeipici and cinfiunlin the blistetl idn ts who hi i created the rosedale floral ttowfrst for all occasions wedding work corsages a specialty cut flowers and funeral des gns i 32 albert st tr 72952 i we wire flowers jbromptongl ism wvem showing thursday friday and saturday ii aox o optn 800 pm show stahs 9 15 pn watusi luniws w mc sums mks liy flhythla aodtof vialeijii with jo morrow brian donlevy the earl grant trio and george jessel coming monday tuesday wednesday two great stories from the pages of the bible see i uiim u m see mm u w uts in rita hayworth stewart granser salj3aae charlr laught0n coming soon hercules n cinemascope color advertise in the herald it pays monster bingo georgetown arena john street friday august 14th 830 pm limp and sweeting we were el ways yterf of the fut tire that in- evitebty followed the detour we d admission 00 over 2000 in prizes 15 regular games share the wealth and other specials twentyfive cents eaerh special 1000 progressive jackpot sponsored by the kinsmen club of georgetown help kin help kiddies llr ka jutt pu hr omlxar oj t lm lor hi ovullomd wmrfnl i nd k k bdbknk wlut wuh bmmxieo mm conorotckl smarts fwmw b wultl mi mnmrj hj wvb h ff lor hi nn inm mkd mjjt umdl 8 imrcarsmarts wm gel 1 tm pwtkbw helena rubinsteins annual beauty sale 4 one get one free limited time only rh thompson hardware oil oas heating hardware t plumbing i tr 72w1 dewkissed ups i with dew kissed lipstick guaranteed not to dry lipsl free i roqular lipstick refill worth 1 151 8 so value now 1 75 new moisture makeupi with new silk tone moisture makeup creamy base free new silk tone face powder delicate silken 8jjq value nowlts color and lustra for hair i with color tone shampoo washes hair with color free i headllner hair oroom to polish kep hair in place us value now 160 mascarauatic ma6ici with mascara mafic curia colors lashes without a brush free i mascara remover 3 purpose oil worth 1 26 f s75 value nowsjo dry skint with deep cleanser with penetrel cleanses smooths free i pasteurized face cream special rich cream s75 value now 178 normal or oily skint with deep cleanser with penetrel cleanses protect free i herbal skin lotion refreshes tightens pores m value now 1t8 the heavenly complexion i with heavenly glow compact makeup gold trimmed case freet deep cleanser with penetrel cleanses protects zss value now 1tb facial hairt with nudtt face cream de pilatory with super finish free i heavensent talc for allover loveunssa tm value nowue allday body freshness i with- roll dry deodorant fragrant amthersptranl free i heavensent eau de tooetta romantic ifoung tavaln now1j davidsons pharmacy ttm f