Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), August 12, 1959, p. 8

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ojftg the gborgbtownjhcrald wodneaday aupm fh 19s9 lie ham jual paid for another toed f furl or iim oltuaahioned wmcul nr mc and he la feeling brake what in 4o wuh a new scientifically designed ccononiienl smarts fwnae k could tare aeoney by aavlng fnel pay for hu new furnace and enjoy biitmell be wne eee your smarts denier aw and grt fall particulate trudy scott is acton popularity queen a lamehouic girl well known locall trud scott was crowiuil miss populant queen ul alton on salurdaj august 1st to renn over the minor sports civtjioli day celebration hi id there the following mondaj trhi prettv 17 jr l hih school students vied with three other fmalkts for the title tlu final choiee beine nude b j pin el of fivt jikikls hir thru a un dann aceopipjnu d her on ttu io pulantv qui i u float during thi monday afternoon pai adi another litni house resident gloria latum r was amonj t lit final four as were marjone gouh and like mack of aelon tin girls were chosen b tht student- of acton hgh school the mail bag herald in commons library reminds travellers of home ballinafad rhthompson hardware oil gas heating hardware plumbing phone tr 7 2971 cheque artists fleece twfo downtown merchants twos main st merchants wire victim zed b a bad chequt artist ast week who pock l ltd sib at tht evpense of meciiire home furnishings and ovmetu bakon the culprit used a familiar mo dub operendi purchasine an arti i lit in the store and offering a ihehgui in iveess of thi valui so i that he would receive a bubstan i tial amount of change both tht cheques of course bounced whin the businesses attempted to cash the n farmers attention wanted number of progressiva farmers in western districts who would like to set out a commercial block of red raspberries either fur lour lota trade or fur shipping lo recommended ril deatr- rece nt ontario quobcc production figures pneet at 40boc per quart and dealer reports would indicate short supplies eer where to encourage a limited plantin of new hijh jieldin patch s a well known nuiscn is aentinj a special repieerrfatiu of iiunv earseptrnn e in o nm re ml pi duction opersonallv interview and cduca mt re t 1 farmer in raspberrv culture this h m d rcsu t in higher unit mi ids longer patch life less han 1 i ibor and when iran lated mt dollar at normal price a rilamclj hiqh ratio of p ofi is a nil because of the p esnt sh rta of food planting matrij t k iiu i n i hi m i l f ir fall planting 199 in ted t ne a re 10u mini uiiinte out nu nis eultura and marki t iu sir ict thi i a nre nppoi unil li incredsi vour in onic if cenuinil intirisid in hi n v rov n a i diline to firming write bo 400 campbc l nd out on or be foil uust 18 jiin- locati n of ou firn ou nccial will til lat r ind compli tt v anahzt the hu ne sul rcquruiun an i prcparittin up to date cultural praetiet him inaiket ind urp i shipp n m of planting estimated vie ids and profi s p r a o lite replies can not be covered 1 ansdownt park ottaw i ontario dear mr fditor this is imii sd md trip to thi parliament buildm tin fiit unc was spent walking iiiimid out side until it was afti r five and too late for ail inside tour as we drovi lowarl la 1 annul hill we were just in turn to sn the clijiiune of the uard this is being doni this vear for the first lime at 10 in the morning tin guards wear scarli t tunics and tuby hats like those at bucking hum palaei how i wish i could describe in ie tail thi beautv thai- mitts our eve is von mount the top of thi steps 1n the beautiful lotunda it is t series of ilhw archer biau t if ullv carve d like church door vvivs then is a corridor toy tht nht when the elevator gder part a up to tht towir then a vta of 2b steps lo iht second eltvitn which arrive- at tht top wht re t u dock is louutl and when one can vuw ottawa and take fmluris dist ending hv tie valor ai un wi wire onto more in ihe rotunda ind took a tour first lo thi hotist f commons when iht business of ivirnimnt is condutttd on tht i w i the cn uiors wt re lined with i iffices of ihe van us mi mbe rs of pirlianunt our uidt told us thi hrrr arr twn and cme quarter tpi ks of torndors tht ceiling of iht common is pu t ir h lintn painttd and tht aved trim is done in nld leaf t t wi mi wed t mtm nal to nursine smters who fnvt their liv t in tht war it is d nt in itil an marblt ntt wi hi nl i tin sin iti thamttr and lit f rt t nti in w wtn shown nm ik tuli ful ptintino of hri i h knu and tjuttn qui e n har ottt lim tra u ona rdw irtl ii km i i iirt and qunn marv ni w in th stnahjj if ditp rid cir pit iov i tin fl i r tiiliiu v hi villi ld t mi and iht tuaj o am- if eaih pr vnui 1 vwr h t l it qui in r uabith opt l d pir i imt til a fjtlin sttin air lh f rv la v of our land j n i wi filed dt ftn an itht i n rr 1 ir line with ji rt i l hi nun wh hnt ui in hi i i n of u t nu i v in iht pt and n i i m in li li t i vh t r m 1 1 itivtl vibriti i 7 recrr stereophonic and hi fidelity sound at its best at wigo a wonnrrier stuc iion philips electr0h0me grundkt fleetwood sparton till august 31st 10 off purchase price in free records wigo television and appliances 3itoin street north georgetown triangle 73376 mhltn colour tht n are 300 000 books in thi circular room in block liki tirracis reaching the ni in t lit v art grouped in tiers f il i i auhi in tht iinlr tf ih toiiii i a lifiu siilut ot quit n ict mia it is quitt mpisible fm nu ti letiiln willi am atturaiv iht btaulv of thi librarv 1 would likt ti have slavtd miuh lonlir imw iver m n w must si on out wa aain md a ia 1 we wen kick at the ruidn la 1 found a few inrnult- to chat with our uijt md hi informid mt tht rt was i readmji rinmi when most of th pipe is publish d in canada art kipl for six monthv 1 asked if hi lad tht toritown lit raid cumc wilh mt he aid and i wtrt oiidutted to tht realm in ii is unit it liki thi rcaduu room or an ird narv lihrarv with magazines aloi tht oulr riadjiu st ne his ant piptr- in foldt s in iht ctnlr our juidi mr i nd molmtt askid the alltnlant for i op of tlu md sure m mjh ihr i wj- riht tn hind in all tin pr mucin with jiub ica t m- tiiikst without mi mix r hi n vira- tht hi raid linn i lit invont ttll u w ar nt import ml hack li i msdiwnt park to find a cowl plat i i p tlunn out wilnt vimhlv and wt we luekv to ati himc toihe hncr t3 liiini and ui hr iht shad tin in fr ml of tht inn l hell iist ni lit hi i tditim ii l tliiindt n i to ihi ar of stock ir rails this w h vt r an i n w hi ian thi task if put i n tin a nt w fjet hunditd of ur hr thi in i li s pul in han i in in th tit in up t isk i al o him ik j m t tiki hi ml h i eafittr bt nchis t hi w la iifu u in- d v i nd ji mt p i f ri u ii if p iki ml h lib j r t ti td ill ni ht m in f iht m w h ju t m h in i bu bj ni in in j il w i rt id m s fur thi i uh h w ild i n i i at i n 1 nut f j 11 il n i n 1i i iv 1 mil iv rev james kirkwood is preacher at home church rev jas a kirkwood from mar- sden sask occupied tho pulpit at all ihrtt churches on the ballina fad charjt sunday morning he is iht sun of mr and mrs j p kirk j wood formt rlv of bnlhnafad and is it pitstnt visiting with his par i nls m c orgetown along with his wifi and son paul many old fru nils ami relatives attended the st rvni at ballinafad to welcome hmmv hick to his home congrc- kitiim md tht title of his sermon was paving the rent which was appreciated bj all present i mr and mrs a wilutts spent 8 few das last week at a cottage on iakc simcoc with their son ir don willills and his family mrs a harm ton of toronto is visiting this week with her sister mrs wilhtts mr t mack has his grandson lontrm mack of orangeville visit mi with him for a week mrs mien mcencrj spent ihe wtekend with her daughter mrs n sinclair and family miss beth mcenery is at the present tune taking a summer course at the teachers college in toronto ballinafad institute met in the t vt mng of august 5th at the home of the president mrs j mcenerj among tht items of business dis cussed were the display for the itwal fairs and plant were made for thi booth committees to meet md ltt rcadv for the fall activi ties it was the health meeting and the roll call was answered with don ls for the sick room mrs archie mcfnerv as convener called on mrs e mcenir for current events and mrs r b kirkwood had the motto which was put your talents to work for the wi act0nites injured when car wrecked three acton people escaped mi nor injuries when the car in lahich they were riding was com pltlely wrecked in a collision with a truck on no 7 highway near town on wednesday july 29th the car after bouncing ott the truck rolled 6ver a couple of times and ended up on its side in the ditch a passenger roy gatenby 51 nelson court acton was hospital ized wijh a broken nb and minor bruises to his back but returned home the same week the driver of the acton car r j bourque 45 roseford terace acton and an other pascngcr mrs r w gard ner 66 longfield road acton es caped with minor bruises and a shaking up the car was westbound on no 7 highway when it collided with he true owned by kingsway lum htr companv the aclon pionle were returning from work tn tor onto the cottage inn for good things to eat all through the day breakfast coffo brmk lunch dinner or th evening snack do come in and let us serve you min st s tr 79004 directory dr j burns milne dental si til eon xray mill street tr 7 2r71 i 1m th dr john r kerby pactict of dentistry xray tk ngle 73641 main streel georgetown a m nielsen dc nd doctor of chiropractic and naturopathy 43rd year of practice 25 pm closed thursday fc lady attendant 164 gulph at georgetown triangle 7 3612 interesting reading was grvrfn h mrs a mcfnerv on the cure and possible ds of avoiding the sprtad of tuberculosis after the suiting or the national anthem md thi institute grace refresh minis wen sirvid h the com mittet in hire assisted l the hustt ss dr k w mccauley dentist 6 ma n sret north tr 7641 tf ralph dav1es acis fa accountant and ud tor 122 gueiph st georgetown tr 7 3351 office hours 3am o 5 p m mondaj s to fridays mil in i nii is ui ihi i in b i n v i h v h in f i 1 n v i i ji hi 1 f i at an tin li rt in 1 i f h piim c for in inkmd i i i i ih li tm ii j p v iki m n 1 n i j i 1 i ii j m vi it i i th i ti i n i t a r i j hi r j h ih ih 1 i in h w ri d m ni rs i i i lha til v v itl i m ki v norval presbyterian church v i isli r the rev g l royal b a sunday aug 9th al united church hi 1 u lit ii i i 111 h k n j ii i it i hr i f jthm h k i i m i thi rs l v r in- hi m n ii much j l f tho i ht vr mux n ht ri i mt t a tin htr wh i i i iu hit r 1 v tt ilu i tl mini- ir i hi sh wid nu i p 1 1 f r likt muural fr im ihi n i m m it i mid l hi ivi ret w th tu t iiks fr n vh th p in h i hit i in of wh t fl ithll v b i ju kill ff si- venl small p a as uvmir m ri nt- v- nt l li tt r kn t ir provincial employee weds at trois rivieres a couple who wire married in june in trois rivieres que bec are making their h him in oiorgitown wht rt the groom is impioid with lroineiai 1apt r i td mr and mrs rj milot win marrii d in a douhlt rine ttrtmnv in st ihillipins h churth on junt 20th the imdi formerlj nicole ielirson i thi daughter f mrs a ietrson of liois itiv ii re i r hiiliand s arents mr and mrs r milot are also rt sidi nts ihtri im li and lro m ti mil it hirt milot atlindanls a wul took phci if 1 1 r liih i avi diltt in i ind mrs milut spirit a hont i in in ottawa hi f in t iminj lo ortlown wlun iht an living j4 john stmt hrfl s m faibuh ro optometrist mcnamara jewellers georgetown st georges church anglican august 16th trinity xii 8 00 am o celebration 9 30 am hoh eucharist ramil service church st hool 1100 n in iilv communion 7 00 p ni evening praef for expert eye care consult t- rx o t wik oculist prescriptions filled hearingaid cutmt 12 main st south brampton gl 14474 res gl 16243 hours 9am to 6 p m daily friddj 9am to 9 p m evenings b appointment w h carr professional engineer a ontario land surveyor georgetown ontario res 81 prince charles dr office gueiph st telephone tr 73300 wallace thompson 3 d cou clerk art commissioner tr 7 2963 u georgetown animal clinic c w sayers d vm 10b guelphstrect clinic open 7pm to 9 p m montues wedfr1 afternoons by appointment 1 kobtr hamilton ro optometrist eyes examined for xpuointment tr 7-3971- 60 main slnit north olorgltown ti brolhtrs of r 1m rt pi li rs were wedding firm n ci ptinii ir i al in dr p w w kurlyll0wicz practice of dentistry triangle 73641 13 main st n t orji town norval united church rev r free i b a bo sundays i0o0 am sunday schooj 11 15 fi m morning worship how s your iq todays insurance problems answered qui slum if inur equit is ihmil t tin total vilue of tht proper is it required in show the mortgage hoi di r on thi policv answtr a fire insurance pit licy doesn t require thai the mortgagee he named how ever it s a common businiss practice for the mortgagee to insist in being include 1 contributed in the interest of sound insurance by john r barber james f evans john t armstrong monuments pollock campbell dt signs on request inspect our work id greenwood cemetery phone 2048 62 water street north g a l t prevent chimney fires j use fire chief chemical chimney cleaners to eliminate soot and scale from vour stoves and pipes the smaller the flame the more soot and carbon for use in oil coal and wood fired units for sale at halton coop s u p p l i e s tom van sickler ba barrister solicitor a notary 36 main st s tr 74531 fr uilhams bldg maurice mandersonqcj barrister solicitor 1 mill st tr 7 244 j roxj theatre building frank petch licensed auctioneer prompt service p o boi 413 tr 7 2864 georgetown dale bennett and latimer barrhtort and solicitor leroy dalej q c 191us96 sybil bennett qc ub301858 douglas v latimer ba triangle 73381 mill sl georgetown t lever hoslrin chartered accountants 51 main n brampton glendale 14824 44 victoria st toronto phone em 49131 arnold rathbfn life insurance and estate analysis sun life of canada 12 gower ct georgetown tr 74792 robert w fletcher lieaniod bailiff prompt reports victor 44wj 275 allan sl n oakvllle hews0n 0rd and hels0n bwrhtora and solicitors 38 main st south bedda knoai chnica 130 gnelnh sl hunts bldg no 7 bwf geor6e chewson johndor0 fredejuocariasoh tb7jm 1 i i

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