Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), August 19, 1959, p. 1

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the georgetown herald o sixteen pages authorized smoimi cims mail pxt offica dapt ottawa georgetown ont wednesday august 19th 1959 first section sisters are attendants at fallowsauve wedding st johns united church was j blue nylon flocked with white slie decorated with white and yellow wore a bandeau oolowers in her gladioli and blue mums for the hair and carried a basket of red marriage of elaine ann sauve and white sweetheart roses daughter of mr and mrs joseph a friend of the groom earl wal sauve of penetang to james lng lis fallow son of mr and mrs lisgar fallow 15 elgin street rev morgan mcrarlane officiated at the double ring ceremon on saturda august kt at twu ilffri lers was the groomsman eugene sauve brother of the brade and harod crawford friend of the groom were ushers the wedding reception was held st john s where the brides i clock kenneth harrison was the i mother received for her wearing a organist with mrs ken ewen the i pink and white gown with white soloist singing the wedding praj accessories and a white corsage er and this is our da she was assisted bv the mother of gien in marriage bv her fath the groom in a beige gown with er the bride chose a floor length white accessories and a pink cors gown of white lace over satin fa age sjtioned with an elizabethan col i for travelling on their honey- lar long hh pointed sleeves and moon the bride chose an ensemble flounces of pleated nlon over the of blue lace gown with three quar bouffant skirt she wore white sa tr coat while hat and gloves and tm shoes and carried a white bible a corsage of red sweetheart with red sweetheart roses mrs fallow i- on the surf of anita sauve was maid of h young t pharmacxand mr fallow and dianha sauve was bridesmaid of vanan associate both sisters of the bride in similar i imited the are residing gowns of white nlon with jellou their new home 7 stevens crescent flowers over white taffeta with georgetown cumberbund and streamers of vcl out of town guests were from low they carried nosegajs of penetang toronto simcoe mor blue mums the flower girl woreinsburg school news is- good news no staggered classes this term in discussion with insurance rep resentatives but time out was tak en to open the numerous tenders received in answer to a call for a caretaker for the new building the last years headache staggered classes will be absent when geor getown s five public schools open their doors this september the public school board met with the contractor of the latest addition george kennedj public school last wednesday and were sufficient impressed with the progress made bv hofmann construction and sub contractors g r muckart cu ltd and robertson electric to make the announcement most of the meeting was spent new residents astevens crescent are mr and mrs james fa low whosemarriage took place in st johns united cnurch a var lan associates employee he is the son of mr and mrs lisgar fallow of 15 elgin st she is the former elaine ann sauve daughter of mr and mrs joseph sauve penetang sl kinsmen 1000 bingo r t jackpot still unclaimed glen ladies top omagh in baseball glen williams girls ball team were successful in winning the semi final pla of fa w ith omagh who wire in first place until that time glen williams won the first game 15 10 w th glen outh cars driven b frank harris of ting them 13 to 11 with marlene markham ard jim burns r r 1 i webster hitting 4 for 5 and bcltv georgetown came in collision at stafford pitching the whole gam he intersection of guclph st and maple av e tuesila morning when the latter dmir wa temp oranv binded b the glare of the sun harris wa westbound on the highwa and burns had jus sun glare causes tuesday car crash twentv eight people returned home the better for having tested their luck at the kinsmen bingo in the arena frida night how tver the attractive si 000 jackpoj went unclaimed the monster bingo was the sec ond in i er es of bingns sponsor 1 bv the kin and beatlcs the rativc first pnze featured a share the wealth a number of specials and fifteen regular games a rash of tie games split the big monev among thirteen players hut tirkv vve athe- held the crowd below three hundred but committei chairman george mund said the club evpects a sharp rise in attendance for the third bingo what council did bubdividers jet keep ratio or 400 lot an amendment to georgetowns subdivision toy law giving a subdi vider the alternative of a cash per lot payment in lieu of main gaining a 40 per cent industrial commercial assessment ratio was passed by council monday the new legislation provides that prior to application for a building permit the subdi vltfer shall depo sit 400 for each lot for which a permit is to be issued if in az year period the 40 per cent ratio is not maintained the town can use the deposit for retiring debts incurred by capital school colls for each 1000 of new industrial or commercial as scssment attributed to the subdiv ider during this period he will re ceve a rebate of 100 if such as new town bylaw will t put ban trailer homes outlawing the use of house trail this case he is allowed to use it ers in georgetown other than for f a six month period temporary use while a person is saleoka building- jouon hyde building a petnrancirrhomi b law was pased by council at the august 17th meeting the by taw provides thta a trai ler cannot be used for more than 60 das in any ten month period and sets a penaltv of 10 to 50 for an ofence with each day the by law is contravened being a se pa rate offence exception is for a person who has a trailer on his own property while constructing a home and ted to cross the highwav a miole look a new it e when the accident happ rert joanne he mshcad neither driver was injured and j mage to the cars was estimated a s350 each b cst halt v i owe who investigates only minor damage in saturday smash 1953 monarch driven b david ronald hamilton of 7 arietta st collided with the rear end of a 1952 pontiac driven b patricia ann vrnold of r r 2 orval samirdav a when a jam up of iraf f ic occurred on guiph st opp s te the new shopping pli7a both cart were westbound in a nc of traffic when tht car ihoad f miss arnold slowed to i slop when she did the same the hi nil ion car following imimdiatclv hi 1 hind cqllided with the ri a- end of her car the arnold car came out of the accident without a scratch but the ont of the hamilton car wis da iaged to about s150 cm ron ran june investigated the second game was il for thi glen girls 88 although for a time it cirtamlv didn t look 31 if it would im even close with om ih leading 8 2 until the srventh inning with omagh pitcher onh nii2 up thre hits the team e on life when tarted a rallv in enth inn ng once around the batting dvder with the gle n gt t tng five hits and six runs to tie the ami the first three omagh ha ers were retired m th top of the eighth in the last of the t hth bttlv s afford walked an i sc red from si r mil base when rva murdock gat hi r first hit of the night omagh outhil the glen 159 in this game the third time wis i win f r omajh with their pitcher onh v in up seven hits the fouth md fin il gime 1 th mi fina s w is a different stnrv th lh len winning 109 the lm outhit omagh 119 with vir li ni w hster bitting 4 for 4 this ha row rice j ihr km ht h legion ladies have annual picnic in park members of the t anadian lg ion w hed their annual picnic in g orgetown pak on saturda auc ut imh mrs j c sttiddart wa in ehargc of arranenents and ei rrone i nj e d the tfternoon mt- children up to fe ears nt a pni so erld a- hip p in the jirls race fi and 7 cirs ki ashlt and ath kinc were winners jackie uhe won the the hnv fi group girls 78 ka th men h piuli ilube hos 78 frink k n i n- mel mid ain 9 10 iatsx m1ii11j1 jo nn kier tudith 11 tine m- 9 10 ike harle hnr kn4 fi or stoddirt cirls 11 1 i indi 1mkinn sh 1i1 wal nc p nna kh r bos 1112 ro ki r pohb harle ur 11 14 jo lith uixis bos 1 1 i4 john kniji 3 letted nee jeannet li is si h wallace john kn h hi nn kirj it- mclliuh oi 111 k r a i 1 y ortlhe a8th a fojrn hasrbnen set i for september 11th though sparse the crowd repre entid a wide area and imluetcd bingo fans from oangenlle ac ton milton brampton and streets x ill car tree tangle at cemetery corner wet painunt cai id a c 1 1 ipii b hcnnoti tiefxtone if il jiiim st re 1 1 to spin out of c mtr 1 nd hit 1 l king street 1 s wtek e at the c 1 id mountain rreetone ws making a le turn off mountainv ie w wher cir shl out of control hi lppl 1 the hakes but thr car tilinu i spui and colfided witi 1 tr 011 the south s do or king i m brewster wis rilled and t driver trtutid for minor injll i cst harlev owe sitd the ihmi ainouilleii to ihi ut s175 mrs j a evans native birmingham england i mrs john alfred evans died at her home 60 edith street on tuesday august 11th 1959 in her 71st year just a ear after her hus band mrs evans the former flor ence beatrice w agstaff was bom in edgbaston birmingham eng land on jul 26th 1889 the dau ghtcr of sarah hayes and edwin henr w agstaff she came to toronto in 1911 then to glen wil hams followed b moving to rit chic saskatchewan and to geor getown in 1917 folowmg her mar riage to mr hvans in 1916 mrs evans is urived b her mother mrs ii j bverett 1 ladv of ninetv six who lives in bolton and two daughters and a son princes mrs ii w ineson tor into marjone mrs w j fene more rcf station parent que bee and john r ii of george town fcrnest and ivnn fvans and billj fenomore are surviving randchildren te r fred w agstaff bolton mrs reg snvder r ranee- in also left riv g i roval conducted the tuneral service at the harold met lure funeral home 34 fdi h street georgetown pallbeircrs vere john muckart 1 zeravlev herbert harlow jr rrcd arm park drive to harry haylock for 1600 met some opposition but was passed unanimously when the vote was taken cr mcgilvray was worried that it would establish a top price for lots in this area cr hyde thinks 1 tis worth much more reve sargent agreed that he thinks so too but that the sale may spark interest in other land the town owns there cr harrison thought its sale would increasing adjoining properly values i read that one western town auctions off such property said mavor armstrong a herald editorial suggested that some time ago said the reeve opening of three tenders for sur facing and sidewalk replacement on george st led to deferred ac- liun when a gray harrison mot ion to accept one which was not the lowest found no support from othre councillors fit is not legal for a second motion to be made on a matter at the same meeting see trailer bck p sessment should be in excess of the ratio the town will issue a credit which can be used in future sub divisions or is transferable by the subdivitler the amendment came about dur ing recent discussions about the bob lane subdivision and while applicable to this will aso apply r to any future town housing subdi visions during a discussion- prior to pas sing of the by law amendment some councillors expressed the op dion that the clause is too restrict ive and that the time period orig inally 2 years in the motion and ater increased to the 2 3 should run from the date of picking up a permit rather than from the day a subdmder signs his agreement wth the town cr harrison said that a subdiv- ider pays all capital costs except schools which according to the auditor are 400 per house and the new bylaw will provide this money cr hyde sided with him while cr mcgilvray suggested a 3 year period should be more fair cr gunn suggested a compromise that 50 per cent of the lots have the 2 year limit and the other 50 per cent be after issuance of a dennt mayor arnulrnni said to be le gal the 400 should ao he tied up with a perm t as court rulings have not deen favourrg this this involves 32000 for mr lane and i think he would work hard to get it back said cr hjde suppose he had an indus try on the verge when the period was up could he ask for an ex tension the mavor said he imagines any future council would not be deaf to such a request after interviewing applicants for the position of assistant to the clerk a c mac mcbride 20 victora crescent was chosen pay television soon to come into toronto area ton ndre w iavasvouspe television camel dr cruickshank said the bell closer to realization in the toronto 1 men would begin their work before area last fndav aug 7th with the end of summer much of the the signing of a contract between i preparatory planning and engineer- bell telephone and famous playihg has already been done another and sis i ers canadian corp ltd f telemetering units about the j j fitzgibbons president f size of a small table radio will be famous placers and dr w h associated with each subscribers cruickshank bell telephone vice television set and wired into the president and toronto area gene ral manager signed an agreement whcrob the telephone company during the next few months will install some 84 miles of cable etobicoke to make the new tvpej william mcdonald and d commercial fne tv possible ruhton ill of georjj- j following regular telephone rou interment was in iron opd 1 me te rv special cable network linking all the units with the studio these units will take coins indicate a credit when an overpayment is made and keep a magnetic tape record of all programs viewed if a subscriber changes a pro gram beforeih is finished the tel emeter shows a credit for the un- wjs good p th ns in exec li nt re lie ford in the l p fir t two batters w kin bv b staf the 7th ill id an i the n i 10 inn in error rettv s iff ri inn n t relieve and ol the next three batters jen williams girk meet pilrr mo on thursdiv in palermo to snrt the hi t three out of five in the hil on cotintv funis 1 hi h lu miith h 1 ihiphil 1 1 time sh 11 leant 1 u 1 in kn h 1 i p 1 thniain j im nerd maude hadlev rs 1 lluuh p t ac maud ha lie v ii iv inn in mi iium kinj idni pivne i 01 1 er im in 1 hello vi provided to ad i plea ure thi pirnir basket suppoc hank lenstra and bride are living in willowdale 11 li m r nn rl hi liter of mr ifk hi lm kin ihi b it r 1 m f mr nut n vt hivi inv i douttle r t tnf i nil 1 i w hint i tn u four 111 mcrirhne t v ind mr ceremonv in s iuri h on sit in d 1 crock kev m ndueted the s nnth hirrw m rth engagements 1 mis 1 rrord nnoume thi s ttri ist the ehurch was 1 white 111 t s mum- i pink an 1 white rarnation- the i 11 t r 1 e 1 w i the new cable sstem partl 1 underground and partlv on poles d portion of the program will be able to serve 13 000 etobi coki households itcan rcalih be channel 5 inactive m toronto expanded to serve 40 000 house the onl channel of the tv sets holds in the western section or 1 to used but telemetering sub- metropolitan toronto all from writers will have a choice of three the studio tabe established at the programs through their telemeter- corner or roval york road and 8 m the operators trans bloor street west bv midwinter canada telemeter a division of 5 000 households are expected to famous plavers expect to offer he subscribing to the service current movies blacked out sports om svstem will be the first of ents and other live shows n its ivpc in the world mr fitzgib- an additional channel known as a s bons said under our plan the 1 barker will give program and s subscriber will pa onlj for the pnee information betorc the pro- programs he selects grammes ergre high school results in nt of ihur eldest diulhter lor m jim to rolitrt brine m imi ill in u mr and mrs ijm ma- h j of milti n it it 1 the m r 11 w 11 1 ik pin siplembei 1 lt0 m hornbv i nited church the hndi ht r f ilher ill itnvth of ii 1 rt veil fill en in nnrmge bv i gown of floor ii r vatin her fin from 1 cro vn o hiuquit of hile teph l rav rettv che omp 62 german inn tonp fil i ci iwfrl it 1 mpositi n 60 mi trv r3 phvsics s7 french tithors nip 8 e omposition 67 imr t3 tr or sicx 70 chemitrv h- 75 rcher 1 iteratue 0 ijtin omp 50 algfbra b0 geom 69 french ulhos 67 french omp 71 german uithors 58 gcr mm comp 7 wabe baker composition 64 i itcrature 50 algebra 74 com etrv 72 tngonnmelrv 6r phsics 6 chcmistrv to e nan vuth ore 71 german t omp 74 tom barbe- lgebra 54 french i omp 50 manlvn birth composition 64 tcaturr 50 zoologv 50 cirolvn biehn composition 84 i itcrature b2 7ruiogv 81 judv bon at h an omposition 56 literature 56 zoolog 51 hartmut born composition 59 i itcrature 50 german authors 81 german comp 95 carola conle composition 70 uterature 62 historv 72 algebri sic 50 ohemistrv 63 71 geomelrj 57 phvsics 59 them mike obrien composition 67 itr 59 french authors 74 fr literature 60 comp 84 german comp l john ottawav tngonometrv 58 joan cummins coinpositipn 77 verna picket zoology 64 literature 57 h torv 50 geom irene hafai composition 75 tr 51 rench author- 6 french literature 78 history 52 geome- 50 tr trv vi i nch pivsics 50 chemislrv 57 uthors 72 french comp oiiriv m fa t clo- i mrs t ne i v hem r f4 hrtnch tom forl t mgcbra 71 ge metrv 79 phi 63 trench a t omp rfi rodniv hvrle composition 60 vsehn 63 teimotrv 7 phvsics 16 chemislrv a nt h nthors 52 fre nch comp 50 jil kentntr oniposi k n w ijttrature 67 zoologj 67 jnhn ienz composition 63 lit erature 50 ian macaulav composition 58 i itcrature 58 helen brooks zoologv 64 john mcgowan algebra 64 ge netrv 74 tngonometrv 75 phy ron ritch e g comet n 59 jick robertson ompositii n 63 i itcrature 57 phvsiei 55 c hmis trv 60 french auth irs 51 iou- sargent composition 69 i 1 erature 50 algebra 69 geom trench etrv 64 tngonomt trv 64 phvsics 67 c hevnistrv 75 1- rem h uthors 5 r re nch c omp 52 i 17ahilh sloan composition 82 i lerature 67 z olosv 80 john erlis composition 68 i it eraftire 60 alcbra 56 comctrv 74 tnconome f 74 phv s t birnes i il ngai me n itrn la mizi ini hanekoek li ih w il of their lnuhter belh h jhn wi li son o mi intl m 1 im h hide oik c mintv 1 eix i e lan 1 the mirnagc wi i take place m siturdiv sepi nber thi twelfth in s rns s n ihe 11 11 islmton mr ill mrs im mi i nmn r l chic of corgi twn ann tinee tht i ngagemrnt ot their duuhter shi ligh isosil to wilha n i mild per jiion of montreal sin of mr rovden rerjuson of incisti nch authors 52 i- an th 3t pi iris she e itied a oft pink rosi s with 1 not mi s slvit norton len wi i in wis the maul of honour md iliniv witren hmsen of brimp i n wis the flower url bill un sin hrther of the gro m and rt mursma brther of the bride wi e iishes and i maid ross wi the groomsman petir mitrjma brothi of the bifli was ring bea imlin reception fir nineu i st w is held at tht junction i nt r at the corner of hwvs 10 md mr mitrsma receive for hi r daiifhte- in a sift pmk 2i vn with a corsage of pink roses mum and evergreens she was a- the grooms mother in a 1 sted hums rv 70 frrneh comp 55 he mariagc wm take place on 1 gown of lijht blue lace with while virg nia valuer historj 7ool siturdav september 12th it 10 hit and corsaee of soft pmk flow ogv 58 french authors 53 fre nch p in sl jta i nitel hurh i ers a seven piece orchestra pro i comp 56 german authors 57 ger akilit ontin mded music during the evening man comp 64 mrs alien brad v 3j ictorii the hnde chos a light green suit psuem watson composition 63 street announces ihe engine ment 1 f travelling on a honev moon mo literature 01 historv 80 litin 1 of her daughter ciarl in c aire itnr trip the couple plan a inp authors 75 latin comp 64 fr i to david john hart toronto son of a lo barbados this tall the authors 82 french comp 75 ger i mr and mrs j hart st cath vide is emplojed at cedarale mo man authors 71 german comp 72 a ines the marriage vil tike tr toronto and the groom a unda whitmee zoologv 68 place in st georges vnghcao 1 trans cantda airlines malt on air french comp 50 german comp church on ssturdav september 12 port the are living at 22 tul j 50 19t at two thirh o clock erdale drrt w itlowdale c

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