Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), August 19, 1959, p. 15

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the oeorcstown herald wadnaaauy august lhi 19s9 herald columnist interviews halt on member sandy best georgetown august 1st 1950- with the firm belief that our rea ders are keenly interested in fed era government activities in otta wa we sent coluumnist ian cass out to the farm of alexander san dy best mp for halton county to obtain mr bests views on some of the major events of the recent ly terminated parliamentary ses sion greenock farm in this beauti ful rural setting wiht a command ng view of some of the county s richest agricultural land i had the privilege of interviewing our member of the federal govern ment although sandy best is one oftheytountry s youngest mp s he is also a man of many parts in addition to representing us in the government he is a successful far mer horticulturist his lily exhib its recently won top awards in the uk and university lecturer it became obvious during our three hour talk that mr best has lost none of his keen interest in local affairs as a result of his absence in ottawa our conversation went something like this question do you think the gov eminent s differences with new foundland will be resolved how do you think the election there will go answer the government and mr smallwood are still aomc dis tance apart particularly on the question of financial help new foundland has received something like 300000000 since confedera tion in 149 and will probably rec elve more it would he unfair for us to guarantee further grants to newfoundland beyond 1962 and not to the other maritime provin ces i think that mr smallwood may do well m the coming elec tion he is a good grandstand pla er particularly at times like this question what are your views on the prospects for world peace answer i expect the state of crisis to continue for some time this may be partly due to rapid ity of communication existing now and we may have to get used to the idea of continued crisis altho we shouldn t be too somnolent ab out it i do not think there will be any major war during the next ear or ten years but some smal ler conflicts are possible the in terchange of leading eastwest personalities nixon s visit for ex ample can only do good one of the the biggest threats to peace is rus sias exaggerated idea of their own abilities due to ignorance of the westerri powers visits of rus sian leaders to western countries will help to overcome this and at the same time assist in relieving tension question do you think we will ever resolve the unemployment problem in this connection what steps are planned to encourage more canadian industrial develop ment by canadians as opposed to foreign investment answer i expect to see a conti nued improvement in the implo ment picture although some diffi culties are anticipated for tht coming winter planning is alrea much deuil do you think the choice of the 104 fighter for the rcaf was a good one dont you think it will be a big problem for our pilots to change directly from the docile 500 mph sabre to the unforgiving 1100 mph f104 answer while i am no expert i feel that the choice of the f104 was a good one and only made after the most thorough examina tion into all available alternatives i think our pilots will adjust themselves alright to the new air craft after the necessary training period question in view of your manv interests and demands on time you must find life fairly hectic how many miles have you travelled du ring pie last year answer yes i never seem to get finished i suppose i ve covered close to 100 000 miles during the past year including two trips england question on ihe local scene georgetown is finding the going hard financially at the moment do you think the town is growing too fast do you think the 60 40 residential industrial ration should be maintained answer now i hac to be little careful here i don t british columbia reader replies liquor editorial 2540 shclbourne st v victoria bc august lllh 1969 dear editor in response to our editorial of july 22nd issue re liquor adver using and laws governing sale of alcoholic beverages in ontario i am sending you under separate co ver some reading matter which i think you will find interesting and informative as it helps to give a picture of what ethyl alcohol is do ing in othtr parti of canada the item in the little trinidad paper introduces a thought which i think we in canada might consid er have we canadians not allow ed the propaganda of the liquor inti rests re the social drinking particular to condition our thinking surelj we need to do some srr ious thinking on this problem and as some wise person has said no mans judgment is better than his information therefore let us first of all git all the facts think in bc a beginning is being dv going on for another winter i other uords don t wish to mtcr works program as for the second m mi al affairs goorm part of jour question the govern townrob a thc momont ment can only try to create the ieem tq uck of lncreascd right atmosphere to encourage do dust du tm fc mdustna ex mesne industries if we tf too on wlu come 1s most far with government supported in interesting potc in man in dustry we will be accused of soc who are bud ho mw ialsm however the government m aircraf tms venturc k is now considering some sort or loan and credit j stem whored that a member of the federal gov ma b the alcoholic research ernment should ever put himself an fducation council which co in a position where he is or ap operates with the alcohols n pears to be advising government foundation of british columbia at another level how to operate in a government department health c b calhinne tafoiit ashgrove real encouragement can be given to new canadianowned companies question what is the govern ment doing about our cmbarras sing wheat burplus is there an an swer in more dkersificd farmin with more emphasis on livestock answer agriculture is alreadv long hard wghspebd driving tiretqtte 500 allnylon tubeless tire its 91 stronger t ashgrove friends shower for august bride a er pleasant afternoon was spent on safurdaj august i5th in success and i m very impressed thc church basement al a shower with the people who are running ln honour of miw barbara tun it there might be quite an indus m who is being married thc tr here building light aircraft l 0 this month the hostesses however unlimited new housing i wilfred bir i mrs bob au x in geogetown without additional an and mrs percj leslie bad industrv would not be a good decorated and made it so home thing like with eas chairs beautiful question do ou think we need flowers and a pink and white arch vgricunure is aireao anothe political party in canada f which hung larje white bells changing in western canada 4iog answer no fir best and i dis ft a program of a car contest production there has increased b cusscd tnis at some length but the hv mrs iircv leslie duels b one third during 1958 we have onp word sums up hls answcrl siste jon bird and mrs bob question what of the accusa p arson who sang so beautifullv tion that john diefenbaker is run in walk luside you and th ning a one man government sunshint of yours smile mrs answer to some observers this thorn ifft n had evervone in gales mav appear to be true the prime laughter as she ave two vtrv minister is a ver strong indepen suitable humorous readings follow dent man in hi political life he b a piano solo b manlvn has had a ver tough time and ma ilin tht n barbara wa sjti 1 n rt vir is this xp ru nee hjs ditional tariff change to help our onk increaso1 nis ieu rmination and strength of will he has never bee n one to evi le responibilitv or run awav frt m an unple as int deci inn b c mpansnn with thc quatel protected again t ls dump f rmpr pnm miniscr st iaurent s he mav appc ir to be runnini i answer no nolenlirelv there n m n l nt are still mips we would like to take but here ajain we must act with caution we have just had one of our best jcars in exporting ted chair and with the assistance verna picket and adricnn nurse opened the many beautiful and usaful gifts carbara will be greatly missed in all our com in tin ity doings and especially every sunday wnrre she usd her lovelj voice in thc choir she thanked everyone for the gifu and lunch was served on monday evening august 17th evelyn bi d opened her home for a girls shower tor barbara at which she eceiv j some lovely gifts and a dainty lu ich closed the evening mr and mrs george elliott bn an and gloria of willowdale mr and mrs david horlon of michi gan and mr and mrs sherwood hume and sons frank ic and gor don of milton were sunday visi tors with mr and mrs frank rud dell and bob the harvest is getting done for another year the combines and threshing machines will soon be put away until another season fv en tth thc dryness we had the crops have been bountiful and we can thank the good provider once again who lo oks after our needs glen taxi operated by jim bell 3cabs3 radio equipped reliable drivers tr 72432 service every day including sundays to proceed carefullj or we might finish up with surpluses of the agricultural products more diffi cult to handle and store than the wheat the south saskatchewan dam and similar projects will be big stop towards providing the irrigation needed for mixed farm ing in western canada some ad farmers aainst us surpluses are being considered question from vour last remark do vou think our farmers are ade at your service georgetown machine shop 99 river drive old ppor mill custom general machining tr 73900 in georgetown its boughton jewellers s main street o nylon straps 0 diamond rings 0 watch bands a clocks birthstom rings as wadding bands 0 jawallcry repairs ring siting cleaning elgin i n v i c t a 1 s e e l a n d watches the platform in a gailv decin of thc con tr vt hetween them question vt hat of the future for malton do vou think the the ro companies will cot back tntr largescale production answer it is difficult to gic in opinion on such a fit xihh sit nation divcrsificition of the com panv s operation is an esscntnl f ic tor the government iv kee nl i aware of the impact on neighbour ine towns such as georgetown caused bv the malton shutdown notif f to f pfhitop as lror awa rrom rrenoek nui1vc lulkcumulo farm one strom imprr rrmai in the estate of winfield l ned we are well represented in ot wheeler papermaker deceased tawa in this constituent a- bal all persons having claims ag ancod mixture of agriculture and canjuhan lutiinalexblbmin beef to the l s for example if we were to appl indiscrimin ate tariffs the us would probablv retaliate thc present government i has shown more interest in this matter than the previous govern ment did question ithout going into too august 26h to sept exce pt sundiv 12th direct into the grounds 260 include admission ainst the estate of winfield l industrv we are fortunate tt find nan like sandv best who is return fare for i hildren rat starting august 27th lv georgetown 9 23 a m lve exhibition x0 30 p m x imm in k after ran 1st ind i erfonnanrf dav ilht tim i concrete foundations brick block work sidewalks new homes floors garages commercial industrial resident institutional change of location robert r hamilton optometrist ofhce ts now located at 60 main street north main and guelpii corner opposite cenotaph wangle 73971 wheeler late ot the village of f sa q glen wilhams papermaker lfi to f- both ir a uur 1 ded on or about the 27th day of j nou n1 bu jupe ad 1959 are hereby not tor hr ag m ueld to send particulars of same lo the undersigned on or before farm news the 15th el tv of scptenrher ad 1qv after which dilc the tstatc will be distributed with exdftls complete xegard only to the claims of v c i which the undersigned shall then jbot tot otck have notice and the undersigned a f l l will not be liable to any person and vtop cluds of whose claim she shall not then j a f have notice thc hna meellnrs for hal dated at georgetown this 10th ton rrain potato and forifie cluhs dy of august ad 1959 were held on tuwdav august una m wheeler administratrix hlh eacji or the forlv members of the estate or winfieldf u wc a final quiz covering the whoelcr by her solicitors work e member judged dale bennett and latimor classes of red clover potatoes and barlcj giving reasons on the class pertaining to their particular cluh during the next month each cluh i tjvill be preparing an exhibit for milton fur as will oirh member will have a sample from their own plot to exhibit at the fair on august i3th the 104 411 incumbers of thc halton hoktiin jersev flucrnsev swine and beef and dual purpose clubs wrote their final quiz after the tests were written the club leaders gave demonstrations on preparing and showme the different classes of livestock jim mckav and john wilmolt fitted the beef calf ieorgc pclletene and jim arnej i the dairj calf and mac alexander gave a talk on the fitting and j showing of swine the chairman of the club leaders council brought r yhihitem pivm ni rs tnvellin n reuur bu ii ir n fir at tor ti rmin il i bu e run lh grounds inel informition at corner cupboard restaurant triangl 73051 if you have a car a home a family rhax one man cam handle all of your insurance problems cs ou cm rclix as a good nnny fe iks will tell ou there s real peace- of mind in knowing ou can turn fo jour stite t irm agent for the an ewer to anv fanuly insurance prob lem it s more concmcnt too one ciu puts ou in touch with a mm ho know j our particular insurance needs remember the man to see sell all three state farm auto life and fire insurance you can count on him for dependable protec tion at rctonible rates call soon or btop in ou u be glad you did stat i farm insuranct eric beard 21 r dr v- ik 4su slate tarm mulual automobile insurance complhj state farm life insurance company stale fatm fite and casually company ikuloifui iommn ont inn georgetown ont 26 named to board of directors of orange crush limited bill hamilton hamilton construction every building need 8 raid court georgetown phone triangte 7 3480 the meeting to a close calling on miss mary lou talor who thank ed the club leaders on behalf of the 4h members fvcn though the wf meetings are finished except for the acton forage and halton tractor main tcnance club the highlight of the club year is still to come during the next month club member in halton have 104 animals to finish training and fitting for their achievement day at hilton fair september 26th mr h j carmrchael c mg mr nelson m davis mr o e pmrk mr w fc wmjjams mie aooointrnent of mr h j carrmchael cimg of st mr davis is chairman of the board of n m davis corp ltd catharmes on mr netaon m davis mr c e phpps and mr w and a director of crown tnot co as well as a number of other e williams all of toronto to the board of directors of orange companies crush lwnited the international soft drink bottling company has mr g e phipps is president of dominion securities coxpa been announced by mr j wimiam horsey chainnan of the board ijmited and a director of webb at knapp canada lamltctd oock- mr camuchaei vice4resdent of conroy manufacturing shtt fanm equipment limited and other canadian orllbajm comp lsssj drecwtf the tvrontoiximnmn bik and mr williams h pnrim jjc jzj atonlta power paper company lmted as well as veral other gnbleco cu unmbdjin sj f major canadian companies he also is a member of the dominion bankof canada and the canadian council of ttt board of the boy scouts association chanaber of coohberce

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