Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), August 19, 1959, p. 17

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1mb tjimm hcralot wxln avguitltth 1tct j weeklies lead advertising media in reader acceptance far loo nroch marketing em- aiaasts to twins placed today on seeue4 captive audiences and far tea tittle on captivated mdaeaoes according to w h wit craaston head of the shoe c off canada addressing the canadian week ly newspapers association a re- sir cranston said no audi- eawc win remain captive for long saavxy hy reason of some physical liwrlmim ef tv or radio signals it sweat be captivated in terms f acnevauted viewer or reader interest and in this field canadas ha estate of george kovacs ali fcbsoms having claims acaiarst the estate ot george kawacsv late of the town of cmtuwa stationary engineer who died on or about the 15th day of jane- ajx 1959 are here by tted to send particulars of cane to the undersigned on ochre the 12th day of septem ber ajx 1958 after which date the estate wiu be distributed with nsard omty to the claims of which the vbderstgned shall then have notice and the undersigned will not be liable to any person of daim she shall not then community minded newspapers daily and weekly hold a 4arge potential lead over other advertis ing mediaj newspaper readers are held captive for advertisers basically not because of any limitation of competitive signal strength but because their horizons are coin cidental with those of the editors the reporters and the advertisers who jointly create the community journal newspaper captivation mr cranston told the convention at tended by some 400 canadian pub lishers and their wives consists essentially in the fact that their news coiqment and advertising is personally purveyed by persons their readers know and can there fore personally evaluate other mass media seldom if ever approach the degree of con sumer acceptance and influence which the good newspaper too of ten accepts as natural and there fore fails to merchandise to poten tial advertisers the community- minded newspaper introduces its readers to the new and the novel in terms of the known it thus attains a degree of captivation which is unknown to more remote and therefore more artificial media it ss ncknowledged fact that the best selling method is person to person that is face to face mr cranston continued but the cost of selling this way is for most manufacturers prohibi tive so the next best method is for a known person that is a local dealer to sponsor a product or service over his own name in a medium known and respected locallyrthis is where the local newspaper with its captivated audience can no such a good job it can be and is a key link be tween consumer marketer and manufacturer tfo illustrate his point mr cranston disclosed that dealer- localized national advertising plac ed experimentally last year in over 100 canadian daily and week ly newspapers had increased the volume or their hewetsun branded footwear by over 42 legion notes by lh clark with the convention over the legion branches now get back to normal in the host city of kit chener we have attended quite a number of conventions and with out a doubt this was lhe finest of them all the convention started on sun day with the registration and the big parade the salute was tak en by co the hon ah brooks minister ot veterans affairs and also on the stand was the hon j keilter mackay the lieutenant- governor officially opened the af fair that evening in the municipal auditorium we were amused at his sally when he saw one of our district members heading for the coke maohine and he paused his talk long enough to ask him if he were getting dry col mackayspoke ot the forma tion of the legion and the early was the official delegate and was there for the whole convention and attended all sessions of the meetings a feat we might add not carried out by too many of the members there also present for the convention was gordon martin of orangeville and his wife dele gates were present from zone b7 branches as follows oakviue mil ton brampton streetsville port credit bronte and georgetown the two in the zone with no rep resentation were erin and acton formative years and the pjft in itsnccj various old timers tion accompanied by his wife i he certainly added greatly to th we were receiving a bit of crit icism for not having any news du ring the hoiday season so those two stalwarts earl lince and john walsh have volunteered the follow ing gems of knowledge to show how seriously some peo ple take their work couple of ss employees marry howard and merle reid lost something at plastics last friday after a fruit less search of the plant they sud denly decided ah the dump and went out there to do a search finally found it too even though our local garbag eocllection truck had complicated things by dump- ing a load on top of the plastics load lince tls us that the smell was so bad when they arrived k iback they had to run them out on ptplaajc line from the second sto rest h newspapers weekly ami j occasion andpthc legion has becn- uiem tne daily ever exploit the full poten- fortunate in havingsuch a diawf 0 tnc p wou j em in tial of this merchandising partner- gms man serve them for over jonn walshs contribution was ship between national manufac- thirty five jcars i that he wants to know who is re lurer community retailer and the j tne convention itself got under sponsibe for breaking all the captivated local newspaper audi wav on monday am with a good chairs by sitting on them also who ence they will never need to fear crow present there were ap- j the charge hand who is paying the loss of their role as the na- i prox 600 voting delegates regular visits to omar the tent lions preeminent advertising j carrym 500odd proxies and ab maker these days medium he concluded dated at georgetown this 12th day of august ad 1959 gladys evelyn kovacs executrix of the estate of george kovacs by her solicitors datue bennett latimer ml georgetown ontario joanne hair stylists tr 73911 mam ft mux streets mkmwm cottofr bros store automation at alleys pin boys now history the era of the pin boy at the novation that sounded the death local bowling alleys- is history knell for the scurrying pin boy the lucky strike owned by and at the same time will make harv chappel and managed by bill available the latest convenience anderson underwent a face lifting for bowtinfe bugs is the automatic during the off months and the in- 1 pin setter iffraternal le acwbmp i last minute flash the corn roasl j four of the machines have befsr installed at the lucky strike on a rental with option to buy basis at the cost of 6500 per unit and the patrons may be able to take advantage of the new setters as but be impressed early as this saturday if owner iy a cas of having the right man chappel gives the nod the open- j the right spot as he is gener ing date was originally set for the t a manager of the belleville intel- by midsummer this year more f fi people had visited the terra cotta pfxobly be tumbling long before important motions passed inclu- record crowds enjoy terra cotta recreation area iout the same number of yrofclegates also present jharge number of people acnp wl m n probab be nel nying the legionnaires including brv many families i reports were given by all of the tal and be sure to be there i chairmen including maurice scarle popp len taylor public relations len bergeron member ship clarence wood resolutions and various others such as sports lcbo honours and awards etc one of the finest in the writers estimation was that given by len taylor who has done a topnotch job as pr man and deserves much credit anyone who saw the pr display of clippings and pictures etc in the lobby jtould not help kis is certain- recreation area than during the whole of the 1958 season the ter- 1 rific increase in attendance is re flected in the official figures re leased this week by a s mendell publicity chairman of the credit valley conservation authority the corresponding figures for 1958 j are shown in parenthesis and the number of visitors is computed on the basis of four passengers to each of the car admitted during may this year 1920 vuit- l i me house that j ded instructions to branches to resurfacing was also carried out send out monthly notices and one on all four alleys to ensure the asking the government to declare best in bowling for this seasons the red ensign our official flag customes for canada this was adopted and j 0 referred to the dominion conven- i tion in windsor next year j j to our immense satisfaction a i man well known in town was giv- i will visit former pn tnc honour of being president home in brandon for ine next tcrm harold eaton l mrs roughlcy left on friday harold was a major at newmarket for her former home at brandon i early inyrhexwar and knows man ors were admitted to terra cotta manitoba for a couple of weeks of the boys who served there in- 1 may 1938 there were 540 june mr and mrs mccausland have eluding henry srupked who was 14800 4400 july 20800 14400 returned from holidays at their on staff there ml the same lime august to date shows a similar in- cottage at severn river first vice prident is clarence i crease over last year services at lyrichouse presbj wood of paris and regional vice i weekends and holidays see the t irian church will not be hold presidents include al harris joe j b heaviest attendance and family next sunday mavernac and ian beresford the i i groups are in the majority many the scout mothers group held genial mayor of gananoque trea- come for picnics in the beautifully a successful sale of baking in surer is george loughlccn of st forested region and to tour the limehousc memorial hall on sat- catharines and ned brunton and nature trails but the excellent ba vrday henry harvey are dominion reps thing facilities are proving per- j j crichton and jacqueline along with fred 0brecht holidayed at glenwood beach roc- the hospitality offered by the 1 ently city of kitchener was wonderful robbie roughlcy is holidaying even to the point of looking after with the earl scotts near aurora j traffic infractions for the boys mr and mrs frank brown at- schneider j threw a dutch dinner tended the brownndse reunionat which was a highlight of the par riverdale michigan on a recent ty and djwi cartings and sea weekend i grams were extremely generous visitors in their respective fields all the sharon king of georgetown with three branches were wonderful to the c clarkes the guests and deserve a pat on mrs jame dodds of brampton the back cars were even provid with mr and mrsa norton cd for the delegates by a car ag- mr and mrs henautt of detroit ency and- were put to good use in with mr and mrs mills travelling back and forth to the travel notes lowest trans atlantic fares to england and scotland pay later plan available for all flights fare andj c tuesday august 29th satanfey sop 18th incl urtun m september 1sth for tares and train servtc oowmact toot local agent harps the most popular single traction a safe beach and slide are ideal for the youngsters and there are good diving spots for the ore advanced swimmers three life guards are on staff two on duty during the weekends they are tom darcie a glen williams school teacher and roger and ron kindree wcllknown district youths all of whom are qualified to red cross standards bclfountain recreation area ta ken over by the authority on june 18 drew 5500 visitors in july and h is expected that when the area is more fully developed that it will become increasingly popular springfed water makes the bel- 1 fountain pool less popular with ba there than that at terra cotta but i the cedar studded valley play ground is equally popular as a picnic area j john r barber travel advisor john r barber agency insurance travel tr 72214 mill street home furnishings store georgetown mrs dalzicl of woodbridge with different branches the john glnns 1 from town mrs l b grieve credit important river to indians says writer until some sites are rarefully ex smmed writes v b blake in the official credit vailcy conservation report it is hard to say which of the casual finds in the credit area represent permanent missis- sauga settlements certain french maps of the 18th century place a village symbol near the mouth of the river there is evidence one existed here at some time any trace of lt would by now be de stroyed by recent building but no name seems to have been attached to the village and while some maps identify the river as onoront this does not seem to be a mississauga word there is some reason to think states blake the mississauguas called the credit or some parts of it small pine river using a word that could be written as chinguacousy faimadian tjonal dont forget the herald likes news items for the social per sonal columns when you have a visitor from outoftown call tr 70201 well be happy to bear from you when you need tv radio appliance service you want them right away and you want thorn made cortwetty johns reputation for top quality work honest prices and speedy servica is your assurance of satisfaction call tr 79453 for johns ge0rget0w n propane gas for sales and service home farm industry distributor for afagas ltd aoincoubt ontamo tanks stoked at savhickgk on no 7 highway bill mcenery tr 72032 srtci uper flow fertilizer completely granularno dust new drilling precision the controlled particle six of super flow no dust or oversize granules gives you new accuracy and ease of application super flow runs evenly and freely do drill clogpngand ekip- ping this uniform distribution of fer tiliser fives you moroeven crops higher yield no dust super flow is completely dustkss e to handle sspecially on windy days always rows freely completely granular oven dried to re move excess mofeture super flow contains no dust to harden into lumps super flow superphosphate superphosphate is now avallabls in supst row precision granulated quality smooth flowing makes spreading easier more cowvenienl m your citl or national fertilizer dealer

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