Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), September 2, 1959, p. 14

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ttw oaoitorrown mmu wir sl tad 1s i sugar and spice i wimil wn mt ef to wmmi ecae living in i tourist town must be quite dijtereni from uving in a town of corresponding siie uiet tos no link with the tourist indus try 1 grew up in a smell town the wee u begtanlna nd iht pe- tonrlel s tourist town owtle taw american cers were evmenl in jty end amovst wtsi li huwam the tourist busimts ww be done about it a few people with urwa bouses end swell inco mes indudbio my mother put up tourist aoeommodetlon slns end wore not only flabberaatted but detlphted to rent huge immecul- ee bedioomi for es much as 2 but on the whole the tourist business was just a utue extra cravy and the town drowsed thro the summers the merchants lean ing in their cool doorways wait ing for 6 oclock to come so they could close up and hustle off to the ball park after gulping their what a wsfferen from the slam- name mrs harry shoriill true blue deputy grand june they are as w as first ftowers thay add colour ex- dtament a touch of the outsit their different accents nd their different they are warmly welcomed and not just for their financial con tnbuuon most of them are very nice friendly people and u is a pleasure to greet the repeaters each year on their first trip to the cot use we have a little yarn about the winter months spent and like as not especially if theyre amer icans theylurge now you be sure and come up to the cottage and see us this summer well have a cold one together tkay to coma in a trickle that quickly hs a stream then an avalanche the pace qui cken in tha small town as every one turns to in an effort to cope with them by midjuly the whole town ittrtirobbirb with this heady addition to us irfeatream you cant find a place to park shopping take throe times s long and you con scarcely cross the street because of the constant stream of cars crawling through of the madam tourist town today the tourist business is not only a little extra gravy it is the cream la the coffee the icing on the cake the cheeses with the ap ple pie and any other garnishing you care to nauseate yourself with imagining it is the difference be tween survival of the fittest and getting along nicely thank you in the business world by the eascotwetw scraam of echmhg feet it is bonama for the skilled men of the town and district the el ectricians and carpenters the painters and pl who had a dim winter wondering where the next job was coming from are now courted flattered and sought after like expensive courtesans aside frees its eceeiemk fattee- tten the tourist train has very strong impact eat the ufa of small town when the first vis itors begin to arrive 4 may end about this time the tourist town has almost lost its identity and individuality merchants and resort operators are like fisher men wno find themselves m the mhklle of a vast school of fish like farmers intent on reaping the harvest before the first touch of frost kills it as august near hs owd and the g days fall rapidly awey titer te a little sedness m the air tars h last week it was the privilege of five members of the local loyal rrtue blue association heltons pride no stt to attend the 94th annual sessions of the supreme grand lodge which were held this year in kingston where over 130 lodges were ipresenjlfrom all across the dominion txohrbc to nfld those who attended from town were mrs fred mccartney mrs harvey lusty and mr and tmrs george greig as delegates and mrs robert harris as associate supreme grand chaplain the actual sessions commenced on tuesday morning and conclu ded on thursday afternoon mon day evening the delegates assemb led to witness the white degree exemplified by the brockville de gree team and were much unpres sed by their wonderful interpre tation of this degree the same competent team acted as a guard of- honour to the supreme grand officers as they were presented to the grand lodge assembly on tuesday morning the sessions were presided over by the supreme grand mistress sister effie morn son of winnipeg manitoba and no person attending could leave unaffected by her fine and sincere christian leadership much sessions all to see over 3000 presented from the various ontario lodges to the richmond hu1 ltb and or ange orphans home reports from the other parts of the dominion were also most encouraging there are three other similar homes which are supported by the ltba a visit was enjoyed by the con- vacation when the matron of the hchmood hill home and the chair man of their board were presented and much was learned from the addresses given the doors of the notice to creditors in trie estats of ofal i ocamudc iktarrted woman home are always open to orphans or neglected children it was with much regret that the association saw sister effle morri son retire from her position as sg mistress sister sadie harrison of north bay roseto the honoured position other supreme grand officers for the coming year are g deputy mistress mrs s spencer oshawa sg secretary mrs m hoidge toronto sg trea surer miss l connor toronto sg chaplain mrs a langdon ot tawa sg director of ceremonies mrs c london moncton nb 1st lect mrs n nichols kingston 2nd lect mrs n cromwell brock ville sg 1st auditor mrs l smith toronto sg 2nd auditor mrs r harris georgetown of special interest to members in this district is the appointment of mrs harry shoriill of cmaple ave to the position of disrict de puty grand mistress for halton wellington north and brant coun ties the 1960 session of the ltba will be held in st john nb ifc re all persons having claims ag ainst the estate of opal e deam ude late of the township of tor onto in the county of peelslfar ned woman who died on or about the 28th day of may 1959 are hereby notified to send particulars or same to the undersigned on or before the 3rd day of october ad 9 after which date the estate will be distributed with regard only to the claims of which the un dersigned shall then have notice and the undersigned will not be liable to any person of whose claim he shall not then have not ice dated at georgetown this 2nd aay of september ad 1950 frank valentine deamude executor of the estate of opal e deamude by his solicitors dale bennett and latimer georgetown ont 916 men only read this tn s mm ohio u pej iip iftoi ft4uu pus- pjpum uu pues nm aunvts q up soa uaumjft puesnotfi aju x aaq well were not fussy tha tf- ies can all reedl this part i ust want to say no matter how they look at tha used cars on our lot upside down sid r lit side up theyll find a rellablo auto thay wont hv to worry their pretty heads about franklin provse todays best buy ifm meteor coach reduced for quick sale to 695 hwy no 7 opposite belrex blvtx better meats manager and it was graufyingrcr maities arthbt gill manager of better meats ltd here until the store closed recent ly jim collins was married last week in arthur mr collins who is the son of mr and mrs james collins guelph married rae christens morrison daughter of mr and mrs j j morrison arthur the ceremony took place in arthur united church the couple honeynaodned in eastern ontario before taking up residence in guelph notice to creditors in the estate of tha lit ed ward francis obrien deceased all persons having claims ag ainst the estate of edward fran cis oibrien late of the village of glen williams in the county of halton operator who died on or about the 26th day of june a j 1959 are hereby notified to send into the undersigned executrix of the said estate on or before the 21st day of september j9s9 full particulars of their claims after which dateythe estate will be dis tributed having regard only to the chums of which the executrix shall then have notice dated at georgetown ontario the i8th day of august ad 1990 irene onen executrix fcy her solicitor m e man dcrson qc 6d mill t georgetown ont 94 ing out of town with their sun- hlachansd children and their piled but when labour day arrives nd the avalanche slows to a trickle the town becomes a town again not just a shopping centre the citizens slow down stretch their backs and look around at each other within a week they have forgotten the scramble and the rush and the foolish business of marking money and full of re newed interest in their town and themselves get down to something serious like planning a hunting trip or having a party dreamily watching the miles stop fety while the train snaked its way across the prairies recently i found myself recalling with a grin my ant encounter with a roomette not so many moons ago on that occasion when i bought my sleeping acconubodatioo for an overnight jaunt to ottawa i thought roomette sounds nke the feminine need for privacy what more could any woman want than a powder room and bedroom comb ned i watched the night conductor rip off the stub of my ticket and marched toward car 3002 no 16 step right this way maam said the porter relieving me of mw train case and giving me a wel coining grin there it was a designers inspi ration my own room for th night the porter showed me the hande that released the bod then the clo set washing facilities and other conveniences and then left me with the admonition dont strain yourself lady if the bed she dont come down easy you ring for me 1 was absolutely fascinated by the fact i hadnt needed a shoe horn to bet me settled but the heavy steel door with its patent lock gace cae some masgivinc they might need a can opener to pry me out 1 soon discovered there is a rou tine that must be observed in mak ing preparations for retiring in a roomette first i locked the door then found i was trapped between the door and the bed i had let half half way up up she went again and i opened the door and again released the bed i had it all nice ty settled with the safety lock in place when i discovered ay train case was iinderneath i felt like a fool i can tell you as i peeked out of my door to see if anyone were in the aisle then crawled under the bed to retrieve the bag once more aboard the enattress i prepared to disrobe h the cubby hole where the wash basin had a home was half way under the bedfrane and the john had rllinwhaud entirely oat i crawled again into the aisle rntwionproaadn hailed by doctors for relief of asthma sinus and allergies inimhsunw ri proud i was of my muscles but where was my train case why folded up in the bed of course by this time the bed and i were on wrestling terms but it knew i bad all its little tricks figured out i took my balancing stance again with my posterior covered by the zippedup curtains pulled down the bed grabbed the train case pushed the bed up again and there i was in the middle of the nicest little powder room you ever say when i had removed my make up washed my sticky bands and put my shoes in the locker for a neat shine by the porter i flexed ray muscles again and down came the bed as cooperative as a fold ing sun cot beside me in a neat little portion of the daytime seat which the bed did not hog were my slippers and dressing gown i would be properly costumed for the morning stint of opening the door raising the bed and prepar ing to dress for a graceful exit from car 3002 roomettes of course have been whining for years now over the cnr tracks that cross this contin ent while i had been jockeying a tyepwnter chair before my vaga bonding began the railroad had been right in step with this mod era age but it has taken me a lit tie while to catch up with it now that i have the technique down pat my repeated dates with a roomette are the happy experiences they were planned to be by railroad en gineers 1 recall now how pleasant it was on that earlier trip to open my eyes and see the sun reflected in the windows of the factory dose to the tracks in perth 1 knew i had plenty of ume to lie there lazily and contemplate my sojourn in ot tawa ft wasnt so long ago that a woman had to be up at he crack of dawn when travelling if she wanted to wash her teeth before the train pulled into a station or not have to struggle like a contor tionist to get into her girdle bless ialfnt how the brain that urrented roomettes a remarkable new -purt- two hat beam dev tw electronic sdentists it i w being acclaimed by doc tors after they buy tt and at it wrk m weir own boinesfortbeirownfamt- km and for their patients m their offices and operat- blgrocns purttron dean any oom of irritating dost odors polka and smoke jfs better titan kitchen jhkstsa mrtfgwr jurttoom with ten hvtf aawj amacar fcrrfwrors ratented puritroo action floods tha air with a high cwtcenfiration of newly acclaimed swttatlvg ioinjn5ti po licies in the air now perforata aaedkai stocks through ion therapy la hospitals all aver th world sufferers report remark able relief from respiratory dstcemfort owathini sleeping even for aafkeaaliee 3n at eeoejt ie km s srtj awe nil ii em itara tje smastmeawskn davidsons pharmacy 14 oubph siheet twangle 7304 do h yourself tew yewr tv saw seal man tta e hutchs imohe it mel mop so beautifuuy cool spun sugar in the new curving lines martins beauty salon cleavehoim drive 1r 73932 insurance travel real estate walter t evans co trianofe 72512 mill street setwins your community or over 30 year terra c0tta inn es onsy 15 jwwwtgs rom gsttsttktown coma and try our 2 informal s buffs on wednesdays from 12 30 until 9 p m a glass of ka cold dder cuts from specially prepared cold meats crisp aalads and hot rolls and butter tegular meals served every day until the end of october hamcy and bitty faftta tt 73731 georgetown propane gas sales tnd service for home farm industry distributor for afagas ltd aoincourt ontario tanks stores at shvercrebc on no 7 highway m bill mcenery iflli mawllhlft tr 72032 tcowee h leaceeaaryt it thres libtrty sail of th mel todays mbmtvewaal liila harvest hurwn s for i a- l tjrtbath xae ins- nswc n trttftc fabric m chain it ik saw i swip calw wrta m praaaa v maslias ma la hack fct match tab cmhtogssi hdme furnishingsstdre 14 main st s georgetown tr 72522

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