Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), September 9, 1959, p. 8

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fo tne of htii and pen der streets in vancouver bc is tike third largest chinatown on the north american cwrinent here oooo chinese reside and expand their commercial talents some to greet fortunes while others earn as good a living as any average canadian citizen vancouvers chinatown is recog nised as one of the countrys out- tending tourist attractions it tu all of the atmosphere of its as iatic counterpart yet its inhabitants have conformed to canadian laws and regulations they are rated on the coast as excellent citizens i decided after i had visited this colourful district so closeto hie shores of the pacific oceanvtilati 11 one needed to enjoy the expeic ience was a strong stomach and an open mind when i first voiced my intention of visiting chinatown a member of the staff of the public relations department of the cnr railways in vancouver volunteered to be my guide i have since wondered whether he thought i looked like a push over for a session in an opi- m den or the type that might spend her bottom dollar on a pseu- do ming vase there are almost as many japanese imitations in the schinese gift shop as there are real nese wares for he piloted me withlho solicitude of a patroniz ing fatherfrom shop to shop but before i got the shopping urge i visited the office of the weekly newspaper the chinese times a round faced chinese boy volunteered some information tout not much he fondled the dime i had paia for the current is sue all printed in the hieroglyph ics of his native tongue and bea med like a cheshire cat when i congratulated his people on hav ing been influential in electing a young chinese douglas jung as a member of our federal parliament from the newspaper office we made the rounds of native market shops and those designed to lure the tourist dollar right out of any purse i think the shops that fas cinated me the most were the smelly ones where barbecued ducks saturday bridal in hornby united church express buses and geese highly glazed and- com plete with heads and feet hung over boxes of dried and salted fish heads fins and all on an adjacent table were piled manufactured wa res at ridiculous prices i later found that if i had been able hold my breath long enough to make my purchases in these shops that eater to native trades i could have saved several dollars i found to my great astonishment that there are no standard prices- in chinatown each shopkeeper has his own scale and evaluation of how much the tourist is worth mlrorowsim2 in his store i observed that men evidently do all the shopptofrfftrthe chin ese domestic tables wiere there were baskets of weird vegetables displayed openly on the street you could be sure the patriarch of one of the ling chun or foo famil ies would be carefully pawing over eyery green bean to select the cris- pest and plumpest into a very canadian shopping bag he would pop a cucumber with whiskers or a vegetable that looked as though its broccoli mother had had an af fair with a mustard plant for it was all abloom on its firm green head with gay yellow flowers trailing me with his pockets and arms loaded with my purchases my escort with a very tolerant air suggested we stop for luncheon at the worlds most famous chin ese restaurant or so its proprie tors liked to boast we sipped our weak green tea with our mouths upside down and chewed at pieces of sweet and sour spare ribs hea ped on a platter almost as large as the table at which we sat serving us was a smiley waiter whose crisp wirelike chinese hair had been permanently waved into an elvis presley duck back this is the sort of concession the young canadian born asiatics are making to our north american way of life they aspire to the rock and roll fashion exteriorly but will forever remain loyal to the customs and foods of their forefathers so will i i still pre fer my tea black and my spare ribs roasted with sage dressing on saturday september s 1bb lorn joan wrf eldest daughter of mr and mrs chff ord wrigglesworth georgetown ft r x became the bride of robert bruce marshall son of mr and mrs ja mes marshall milton r r 1 standards of coral and white gladioli and potted ferns decorated horriby united church where rev jfdtnrnhul officiated in a doubje ring ceremony given in marriage by her father the bride chose a gown of silk organza with empire waistline one banded bouffant skirt had appliques of alencon lace and sweetheart toows extended down the entire back of the full- length gown the neckhne and matching crown were embroider ed with irrideseent paillets and seed pearls her two tiered scal loped crown held her silk illusion veil andfshe carried a cascade of gardenias stephenotls and trailing ivy bridal attendants were marilyn wrigglesworth maid of honour and bridesmaids diane wriggles worth both sisters of the bride and kathleen marshall sister of the groom they were frocked alike in shrimp lace over taffeta with large bustlebows and cum- iberbunds they wore matching flowered headbands with short veils flower girl was rosalyn merry dressed similarly in shrimp taffeta the attendants all carried cascades of white jceberg mums with trailing ivy bill marshall brother of the groom was best man ushers were roy ford friend of the groom and douglas wrigglesworth cousin of the bride at the hornby sunday school room the brides mother received in coffee coloured chan- uuy lace semi haired with eilk illusion panels and beaded scoop neckline she wore a cor sa of lestra heibert roses she was as sisted by the grooms mother wear ing a moss green sheath dress sa tin sash with beige accessories and corsage of tawny gold roses organist was mrs george elliott of milton and soloist mrs harold learmont of hornby who sang o perfect love and because during the signing of the regi ster for toe wedding trip to florida the bride travelled in a brown suit with brown and beige feathered hat and beige accessor ies she wore a yellow mum corsage on their return the bride and groom will reside on the grooms farm milton rr1 guests were present from mil ton campbeuville oakvilte guelph burlington kitchener wa terloo georgetown hamilton brampton and hornby honoured guests were mrs ed dy pickett grandmother of the groom and mr and mrs fred wrigglesworth grandparents of the bride old woodbine races satukoays only august 3tn to sept ma ueave georgetown 1135 u dayfiohl tim 2 5 include admission return after lost race tickets information at corner cufsoaud restaurant tr 73051 return fare fsr georgetown fall fair oct 2 3 partial prize list domestic science prize list class is bread and buns 1 last white 1 00 so x rniit loaf l 00 so s 7 puker house rolls 78 so 4 7 bran muffins with dates 73 so bread and buns to be a daxjftm cakks 5 light trait case z lbs s 00 x os 1st and 2nd prise s3 and sz vouchers at oottons 6 date and nut loaf no icing 1 00 00 7 banana cake filling batter idas 1 00 00 8 chocolate layer cake date fluing chocolate batter kins 1 00 00 8 marble cake batter idns 1 00 00 10 light layer cake with lemon fuling snd tea 1 00 so pies baisin pie lattice top 1 00 pampkin pie t t j l 00 lemon pie l 00 printing we are at your service with printing of all kinds letterheads envelopes business cards and wedding invitations a specialty call tr 72201 for estimates and samples 11 10 is 14 apple pie no spice i 00 tarts and cookies 15 7 butter tarts 75 16 7 jam tarts 75 17 4 harcaroons made with egg white and 4 drop cakes on one plate 75 18 plate ofaasorted cookies not to exceed 4 varieties 1 00 canned goods and preserves jams and jellies to be in small containera fruit and pickles to be in pint jars entry tickets must be tied to the jars canned fruit 80 80 80 so so 50 80 40 40 40 js is farm news halton farmers prominent in exhibits at the cme j a f much of the farm activity in hal- ton during the past week has been centred around the livestock clas ses at the canadian national ex hibition halton farmers have had a rep resentation of exhibitors in the dai ry cattle beef cattle sheep swine horses and milk goat classes early results would indicate that the hal ton exhibitors will again be suc cessful ip their winnings these exhibitors are to be congratulated in presenting a sample of the quality livestock in halton the young people too were rep resented one of the competitions that receives a urge following is the dairy queen competition hal- tons entry in this event was mary lou taylor of burlington tahe annual agriculture day in connection with the cne was held on wednesday september 9th the highlight so far as the public is concerned is the livestock parade on wednesday afternoon another feature of agriculture day is the garagemans father retires from cpr on friday evening august 21st fellow cpr employees of the bruce division gathered at the home of mr and mrs william maveal er in to honour mr maveal on his retirement their son fredmavcal operates maveal motors here mr maveal spent his entire 42 years of service with the cpr on the elora branch of the bruce dvision many of them as foreman j cunningham of fergus acted as mc and read an address from mr maveals fellow workers who pres ented mrs maveal with a set or dresser lamps and mr maveal with a platform rocker following the presentation a social evening was spent reminiscing junior judging competition hal ton 4h agricultural clubs and ju nior farmer members took part in these competitions in dairy cattle beef cattle sheep swine grain fruit and vegetables and farm machinery competitions an addi tional feature of this years junior section was the farm safety com petition the safety programme was included this year as a result of the ontario farm accident sur vey currently being conducted this year by the onl depl of agricul ture in cooperation with local farm groups halton 4h homemaking club members and leaders were also represented in the cne program on wednesday and thursday sep tember 2nd and 3rd the club mem bers took part in judging and de monstrations the interclub denv instration and exhibits were ba sed on the various th homemak ing projects including foods gar dens clothing house furnishings hospitality and home defence seeks candidates for track and field team local young people who wish to receive some training in track and feld competition have their oppor tunity now bill myers 106 mclntyre cresc is interested in forming a track and field club and wants anyone who might share his interest to contact his at tr 74611 it is some years since the days when bill collier the emmerson brothers and others kept george towns name prominently in the sports pages with their track ef forts it would be nice to see a revival and with one man willing to devote his time to training all he needs is some aspiring track and field athletes ijmehouse doris mitchell home prom saskatoon mrs norman burt mr and mrs p rowan and family of montreal with the karns a couple of weeks ego- mrs r b storey of toronto for a few days and on sunday last week mrs farrell and misses lynne and maureen farrell of wet land with mr and mrs mills mrs mackenzie and mrs blair of kincardine and miss dorothy mackenzie of ottawa with mrs gmethursl miss doris mitohell is with her parents at present having comple ted courses at the university of saskatchewan saskatoon during the past year mrs leslie campbell of hanrti ton has been with her sister mrs latimer janet and george klooster of glen williams with the leferinks mr and mrs ben hurd and fam ily of parry sound with the tho mas hamiltons mrs ann sutherland and miss ann sutherland of london called on the a w bentons on monday the karns spent a few days at manitoulin island recently glen taxi fu by jam baal 3cabs3 radio equipped reliable drivers tr 72432 service every dat the cottage inn for good things to eat all through the day realrfasr coffee break do game in and let us serve you mean st s tr 79004 tv trouble phone tr 73376 with vwgo tv is a specialty not a sidclinei wigo tv appliances 32 main street north i cherries sour 75 50 to raspberries peaches 75 50 21 75 so 25 pickles and canned vegetables j2 chili sauce 75 50 a pickled beets 24- cucumber pickle 9 day 75 so as a tomatoes whole 75 so 25 cucumber relish jams and jellies 75 50 25 a strawberry jam 75 so 25 m raspberry jam o 75 50 25 29 grape jelly 75 50 25 30 red currant jelly 75 50 25 31 apple jelly miscellaneous f salad dressing boiled 1 pint 75 50 25 32 7 50 25 33 half lb maple cream candy 75 50 25 34 half lb chocolate fudge 75 50 25 35 society special best birthday cake iced and decorated light layer 5 00 3 00 2 00 this winter sweeten those bitter cold days with halton cooperative supplies milton tr 82391 erin 222 georgetown tr 72271 sunglo fuel distributed by our coop starting september 1st and following through until december 15lh there is a special being offered on every purchase of 100 gallons of sunglo fuel oil the fuel oil the needs no additives to give the cleanest burning heat possible 1 with each purchase of 100 gallons of sunglo fuel oil a numbered ticket will be given 2 each month 2 tickets will oe drawn and the holder of each ticket wih receive 100 gallons of free fuel oil 3 on december 15th alt tickets will be accumulated from each month and one lucky draw will be made for a 9 cubic feef refrigerator or an appliance of equal value if the customer chooses what a wonderful way to get a christmas presenl valued at 245001 also available is a complete furnace cleaning service at a cost of 900 you may have your furnace cleaned and serviced if you wish a budget plan for fuel just ask the driver for a budget contract which will allow you to make 10 equal payments based on your fuel account of last year and start ing in september through to junn 1960 halton cooperative supplies special 1000 voucher from silvers dept store mcclures home furnishings special 1 lb dark fruit cake uniced 1st 600 voucher from mcclures donor to get cake 2nd 150 3rd 100 georgetown herald special best loaf of homemade bread 1 years subscription best lemon pie 1 years subscription best 6qt basket apples 1 years subscription special by acton flour mlls 7 tea biscuits 1st and 2nd prizes 24 lb bag flour donor to get articles magic baking powder cake competition best frosted single layer square white cake made with magic baking powder 1st prize hamper of standard brands products with a retail value of 5q0 2nd prize hamper of standard brands products with a i retail value of 300 original can of magic baking powder must be displayed with each lot of baking entered tor competition gorman eckert j co limited special bqst chili saucet made with club house spices a handy spice rack eompletewtnf 12 tins of assorted spices as first prize and a 2nd prize ofsioo cash by society spice tin to accompany entry william neilson limited special best chocolate cak mad with jersey cocoa a two pound package at every piece dikffckent chocolates as first prize and 2nd prize 100 cash by society empty cocoa tin to be displayed with cake domestic pie cake competition conditions 1 every entry to be accompanied by a domestic shortening carton empty or canister label 2 pies to be apple with two crusts baked in medium size pie plates 3 cakes to be whke of two layers baked in medium size circular pans icing and filling is left to individual discretion in judging special emphasis should be placed on fineness of texture and lightness 4 both pastry and cakes to be made with domestic shortening prizes donated by canada packers for both pies and cakes 1st three 3 lb canisters domestic 2nd two 3 lb canisters domestic 3rd one 3 lb canister domestic note a domestic carton or canister label to accompany every entry flowers potted plants weeks beftx tit fair african violets 1 00 succulents cacti best collection not more than 4 1 00 coleus foliage 1 specimen 1 00 fuschia 1 only 1 00 geranium 1 only 1 00 begonia tuberous rooted 1 00 best plant in bloom 1 00 chrysanthemum 1 only 1 00 so 40 ro 40 60 40 60 40 m 40 60 40 60 40 cut flowers claa 24 judrad t3 par cent quality is per cnl arrangement 1 asters best 10 blooms 1 color 2 asters best bouquet any colon 3 dahlias best bouquet 4 dahlias largest and finest specimen 5 stocks best bouquet 6 gladioli best 5 spikes any variety 7 cosmos best bouquet 8 pansies with stems best bouquet ft petunias single best bouquet 10 petunias double best bouquet 11 marigolds african best bouquet 12 marigolds french best bouquet 13 salvia best bouquet 14 geranium blooms best bouquet 15 roses best 3 blooms in vase 16 rose single specimen 17 nasturtiums best bouquet 18 snapdragons best bouquet 19 zinnia 7 large in one container 20 zinniaut pompom in one container 21 dining table centre for 6 people 22 best basket of cut flowers onesided sultabfntr or lonliln not to exceed 2 varieties homemade corsage from homecrown flowers chrymanthemums best bouquet 25 phlox perennial best bouquet 26 christmas decoratto for door 27 special thanksgiving basket for a mantel 28 spgc3ai flowers seasonable best and most artistically arranged in allround basket 29 special gladioli bast owwwled basket not more than 16 spikes special moat maubar of points la nowan a cnah j re 50 75 50 25 75 so j5 75 50 xs 75 50 xs 75 50 x5 75 50 x5 75 50 xs 75 50 x5 75 50 x5 75 50 25 75 so xs 75 so 25 75 50 25 75 so 25 75 50 25 75 50 x5 75 50 25 75 50 25 75 so 25 1 00 75 so 00 1 50 1 00 1 00 75 so 1 00 75 50 1 00 50 25 i 00 50 25 x 50 i so t 00 5 00 too 1 00 100 in 100 1 ohm

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