Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 15, 1959, p. 4

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i a4mtowm hnuud tttunday ochw istfc 1m page the georgetown herald a thomson ntspaprslmitd publication walter a biehn managing editor garfield l mcgilyraj production superintendent office starr fttw aileea bradley terr harley john ollmer plant sum ijassue m clark dave hastings corey b harrington bob baskerville serving the communities of georgetown glen will am nerval llmehobae hornby stewarttmm balllnafad athgrov terra cotta member of the canadian weekly newspapers association and the ontario division of the cwnjl authorized as second class mall post office kept ottawa editorial comment teachers must krtow child psychology because of trie greater scope of childrens interest in the world about them teachers more than ever before rviust accept the rising academic require merits ofl their profession this not only applies tp those in training for the prot ession cut to those already m it who must make every effort to keep pace to attain adequate profession com petence it is essential for teachers to have a good knowledge of child psycho logy a knowledge of psychology an understanding of the emotona and men tal changes during a child s life enables the teacher to encouraae the qtfted eh id and not to drscdureae the sfcns lejrnr f it is essential for a teacher to have a genuine affection for children to have a belief in the importance of the school s role and a conviction of trie- te is he s power to mould arcfbuil vsurta lacs in a recent eev s on proaram a teacher irrthe us who is now h fwr 80s met some of her former old k ho were now service chiefs an- inioc aif men in the legal profess on all pa d tribute to how this teacher had qu fef them in their youth and aave her the credit of havinq dlaceci thorn on he rocf to success no doubt su h tr bues must touch the heart of a teacher w r mcvittie inspector of public schools in guelph told a recent conven tion of teachers that theymust remem ber they had been handed a great her itage and we hoped all of them realized the important role they played in build ing young lives what is better than bemg a teach er he aked what greater expen eive is there than to see eyes shine when a chi d has the power to do something mr mcvittie urged the teachers to tike the power they possessed seriously and promised they would live a full lite if they dh it s true thil the avernqe pup i does not usually present a serious prob lei i but most pupils at one time or a 1- oher requ re some assis ance to heo thini su cessfullv n olve tr p r personal enuci cnel or vtxv 0iaj aftuzultie one imqrtan ruifct on a itemr cji perform it 6 help her pup is to d- e t fy aid uni tf proble m wn rh n iv be ciuing im con ern ano her is o preve it these from develop ng into ser ous problems wn ch require curat ve measures those whose privilege it is to h shoud be aware of the guid- aice needs of the averaqe pupil guelph mercury controversial corner by ian cass i one of the reasons why other towns are gttling industry and l wc art not jwcomet clear five i hundred lots at 1800 to s3000 per lot seems like a fair jilt of i money to me georgetown voters are to de cidc whether or not the cuuncil term of office will be extended to two j cars a plebiscite on this question will be included in the ballot papers at the el ection on dectmber 7th it can be said that the plebischc is only to obtain voters opinion and cannol make the iwo jtar termjlw of courm the res uttofthe referendum won t change the law but at the same time a rcfiruidum which fav ours a two year unn wuld verv soon be acted upon bv the 1960 council and would very soon buomejlaw the proponents of thi two year term sav that it will im prove the continuity of council ojn ration thil il will prov trie new rounullors uilh tune in ujrn tin busings and b come useful m mbirs thai it will sate thi cost of an lection eaih t tr and that the aridid sidiritv for mwnwis will bi rifliittd in improved ntanagv mc tit f tht towns affairs in some towns under certain con dituins jitse arguments might bevilul in orttown in ib lluv art not 1 don 1 think thi re is m n 2 on to i xit nit council s i of office bi vond r i or rurthe rnmr 1 don 1 think that thtn h s ik n soffit ml p ihlu- ltiii mil lor 3 two m dr4i n to w nrinl th pr i sir lildd tile i lu r is 1 o lk nl oltll uila urjr hil 1 l iklllo s in 1 ul 1 1 iwn s uik 1 th nnv or u n v 1 lilt it t i 11 ind f i of lilt six lin lors hue hi id 1 i 4ir tin tl im 1 on tin r in is f i tli pu a for i two m jr k m li n little to rnommml it thi an ninl elfdiin costs ihe town ibout s7thi s muhinc like 004 of mill on th t ix rite on the srmnrts of public edu cition ind rniiiliiiunini alone the mail bag ratepayer says he cant buy pie in the sky the october 9th 19d9 40 bairstow crcsc georgetown ttl 7 3791 borrow ini mono wh should geors r in come to i ir i can i bin ih skv an mi re mr editor the brink it is some time since i had the pleasure and indeed the pnvifege of wntnrto you time j j f enongh in fact for ou to have f acquired the regular eontribu tions from ian cass under the banner controversial corn er your edition of october 8 and more specificallv the ques tion where is delrex taking us posed b mr ta is hit another proof that mr cass has something to contribute a i interject a remark for the benefit of our contributor your question mr cass has al ready been answered we e al ready been takn but ser nuv ly may i commend mr cas for his effort and recommend to others especiallj members of council that the read and reread last neek s controver sial corner my stand in these shenam gans is and awas has been quite plain i am against treat ing the heslop company ai a apecialcase requiring publ c aid in 1954 an agreement wis signed between two parties this agreement has not been lived up to yet was toleratetl until the sale of the morp readilv nc otlable tpc of houses besan to taper off in between times the heslop companv mutilated thi intentions of the planning board of which their general manager i is a member by insertinc r4 houses in mclntn crescent to the detriment of the then r3 purchasers the company s con tentlon that rl houses should l be exempt from the s400 ad tanee part payment for sen ices and facilities to be provided i because they are self liquids lng taxwise ouch is not quite j 4he truth if the mill rate were down to the level to which it could have been maintained i had the eotmcil taken heed of their own auditors report in respect of the year 1957 1 re fer to his warning thta we had already exceeded our safe borrowing point the council managed the situ ation clumsily by reducing the mill rate and then tipsady we find ourselves up to 61 mills we should not lose sight of the advice from the ontario muni eipal board that the 4060 ratio hould be respected as good feneral yardstick but then mr cass the ontario municipal board would not be too enthusi gtte because they do not have financial ixa to grind we come then to the aoptoach af tall 1807 when good and iro- ai were made to ther agreement ta which he cqmp- to paj the dtf fer- it they admit ad what they miswerer i repeat his que lion since iq4 itht riite of the first animentl h w mim v industries have been brought to froraitnwn as compart tl with mi ton brampton guelph and sitreetsvilli and manv rtnnv nth r there ml st be a rea much has bcn put in1 on n and a fw munils m rmiis what bas and on -who- formu coivsidiration will get ou la- and now come the fall or prettj clow to the meat of it 1959 we hear the plaintive crv that we need 1163 more houses so that the companv cm bn ance a new factorv oh rm when the nffu ii sp t the to ter hape and when we have grown a little more then will be the time to consider putting council in office for two ears at a time with the present changing face of georgetown posing so many questions there is ample opportunlt for council to make mistakes our affairs need verv careful hapdling for the next few jears the continuing lack of additional industry jp the town coupled with the de pressed labor market at malton pose a p robl e h onh a strong abl council acting witqput fear or favour can hope to answer there is no room for dead wood around our council table neither can we support members who are influcpced b pressure groups jor who displaj inefficiency or indifference during the next few ears it is essential that the taxpavers are given the oppor tunitv or removing such coun cillors if thev exist before they do much damage furthermore if the damage were done soon after election and bearing in mind that time heals all things smh a council would have a much better chance for nelec lion aftt r a two vear term than after one ear footnote i he statement last week bv iilie that thev are unable to fin nice the building of a si 10 001 f ictorv unless the town re- h isi s additional building lots fur sale indicaus a verj un in ill in eiale of if fairs how on t inh an we going o attract indiiitiw unlits we tan offer hum tlh fret hold and lease- li id futon spac for the past lhraavears we have been told tint everv effort s being made i attract industrv now all of a s iiiden we find that an in dtistrv which fs readv to move here mav not do so hecause delrex is unable to finance the construction of a relativelv small faclorv 1ast vear over five hundred building lots were released to delrex with the proviso that the company would continue to make every effort to attract industrv if after the reji isp of 588 lots for resjden tul construction delrex is un ald to finance the construction of one factorv there doesn t eeni much point in releasing anv more land furthermore fiki iviry 37 seconds fire breaks out every 37 sec- onajpin some community millions of junior yin marsh als in these communities are working volunurily year round to cut down losses from fires mothproofing redying alterations all kuos fully insured while in our possession free pldtup a delivery one week service plant a office 42 forsythe street oakvillo v 44151 www wohttmmii believed tb wave toucmt thebwtle of tlcohderocts a in ws shirt sleevestfiss of sw the presbyterian church in canada knox church georgetown 99th anniversary service sunday october 18th 1959 11 am and 7 pm quest ministe rev crawford smith mccd b d m t o knox pressyterian church guelph you will be welcome in conclusion mav i suggest thit there are a number of thine vou can do about this 1 write to the municipal what kind of carrots for whet board at queen kind of donkevs- i must be se- them hat steps and ak vou to thev were tanv a while and pon lor ui helpful to how nam c are siinp spd to be if all the othir chinn is of ncwpiper te tr park and ask tou can take verv human and back fn 57 and 8 1 you can write to this sugar spice dttpvu4 by biio sm11jct at ifta wurt keh -j- business directory it that ov i- i txnuh t some of n ur letter thre are vr s r his qucs tions to be e m iricid hi i o serious in fact that j rep m suggestion to the unril n fore he s nn of tin 1v arei rnc nt and tha m r ft r the ma u r hack o tin 1 rs land it thtm det h surev it is not too much to av thi th s be htld ovtr ind bf m iv n jbljtlon issl v 11 vr canii tite cl irlv ih tr po ill i in prior to the polls jnd be judcerl accord inilv there i io much n mr thil ds he the council and ur friends to sum iwo of vour frit nds rn phone two coun ou do livtwise the cindulile who represents till- town of cfow ftown in all thit il me ins to each in i tvtrv one of lis i nt of all don t be charm d b the promise of rn utiles and n n hi track with tin nff from tht rich good luck mr liss nis ti this time last t ir 1 w ro tejider ivr cal i iliimn p calv and oilt alxdit si pti i the jjoldt n lingenntf d v cool hiuniin ninini flitil at tht ik h sp k milf lt iv vo in i ui fin s or in y st pkmht r is ulitlhlul munlli b irt li d la wm i take it ll back you can take soptembar and if th tadiat will leave the room tor a motnwnt i lltetl you exactly what you can do with it j so yoise it isnt as though i i wasnt fairly well prepared i but i didn t export my old i iwoethoart september to pxit me ovar a barrel pull the rug from under my feet lower th boom on me and tab m in the back all in on fell swoop i thou the old oir was iin io commit tither suicide or murder that first morning ifit r the mercurv had taken its sum dm 1 explained to her ira tvirvthinr was practicalh rt ntv to turn on the heat that ill i hid to do wis set the pipes t it an d and up s the man to fix tht furnace and get lit tlir tltaned up and the i il in and wed he in him ralph davies acis fa accountant and auditor 122 guelph eorrelown tr 73351 office hours 9 a m 5 p m mondavi to fndav wauace thompson 3rd divltion court clrk j cmmliinnr tr 7m43 11 for expert eye care consult o t w a l k sft xulii prescriptions fi li i hearing aid glass 12 main si s biampton 1 m474 res 1 16243 hours 9 am 6pm dailv fndav 9am to t p ni fveninss bv appointment maurice manderson oc banister 4 sol eitor 1 61 mill si tr 7j4m ruw theatre bid john a hcnlcv georgetown volunteer ambulance service will sponsor labatts driver testing unit october 16th and 17th in front of municipal building to test ambulance drivers 16th 1pm to 9 pm oct 17th 10 am lata afternoon the general public is invited to use any free periods to check their own skill ted sp m ot s mi h it h pi lit d 1 t cm it with i pip v down on september 9th it wm 90 dvgraei in our upitairs and we ii lay around otv our bdt naktd ai nwti gasping and calling for watar on sptem br 14th it wt 44 in our up- i ttairt th kidt lay moaning with cold under heap of bln- i kti oownvtairi playboy how td with chill and in our bed the old lady and i twaddled in flannctntte pyiamm clutched i each other a hot water bottl and the hop that a miracl would happen and th ht win i would b back in tb morning siptdiiixr is an it ronnoi bh tn achi rims harlot id t month th a bii phont v warm smile tha hidis a hi art of solid cold the annual meeting of the halton cream produears tn the board room farmer s bldk milton on friday oct 23 8 p m mr w j wood dis trict 3 director will address meeting all cream producers should hear mr wonti lunch provided wilfred kennedy vm ray son tommi chairman sec trea ontario cmtajhowwlbb maatkittm board oh it itnt at though i didnt ralli that fall and th cool wathr wr on th way sutv dayi at i lay on th lawn sv- ral tims my mind had drift d around to lb backyard whir my furnace plpai lay okng up th un id wn contacted th rapalr man to com nd talc on that dragon in my cl lar that mlr sparka and rrt whn approachd my ttokvr that la i had even while flchtinti the hoit wave with a rt fresh inn drink said to ntv self firmlv must set at the cellar and ijrl las4 intrs ashes nut so i can get the coal in eailv this vear dttn t win i lh coil irurk driving over the lawn whin it u all soft from those fall rains better lft that broken window in th living room fixed too things are sorng to be differ ent this yean which hotel ih onquir- d hr broath wrrhlng in th kitchen air ilk cigar unaki r w going to stay in until thnw hav two ho tel in town so i was in a quan dary not to mention a pkfcl 1 lid ivirvthinj in mv power to h t r up thit old ganit if mint sniiiv witlv sajln fuunv fces ihilosophv like uij should be a kit vou d n t hive to suffer like this all the turn lik the folks in riksii 1 ni li i on mil borrowed two ebctrir hi a tern i turned on all burnt rs and the oven in the rtilnr stove i even turned on all the light in the house it was hop1u thy just tat thr handt tucked in rhlr armpit looking ilk thr pn- guint n4 a sal pup sitting on n lc flo i wnt to work with my tail btw n my ugs and th bats of panic in my blfry it was wort at lunch hour whll i buttled around getting hot toup th kids rub- bod rhelr hands together and told about how warm it had bn in school and my 1 deaggod from mo th confess ion tbt w had a ftr on at th of fice i won t ro into al the sordid tli tills how pleaded with pi ople to put up mv pipes how 1 bckked the harassed coal mer chant to set me a couple of bans down to the house how i rmbed up a makeshift to ret the furnace rome its all tool humiliating thats why h y evr hear m tinging any peeens of prats to september aver again i wattt rou to push me gentry bot firmly tn front of a speed lever hoskin chartered accountants 51 main brampton glndale 14824 44 victoria st toronto phone em 49131 tomvansicklerba barrister solicitor notary w mk s tr 74531 y illiams bldr 1 a m nielsen dc nd doctor of chiropractic and naturopathy for appoint tr 13612 lacfy attendant 164 guelph no 7 hwv robt r hamilton ro optometrist eyes examined for appoint tr 7 3971 60 main street ff0rftr n tr dale bennett and latimer barristers a solicitors i crnv dalr qo 1914 56 s bennett q 1930561 douglas v latimer tri angle 73381 23 mill st georgetown dr j burns milne dental slrgeqn xray mill st tr 7 2871 georgetown animal clinic c w sayers dvm 10b guelph street linic open 7pm 9 p tn mon tues wed fri afternoons by appointmt dr john r kerby practice f dentistry xray trianrle 73641 main st georgetow n arnold rathbun life insurance estate analvsis sun life of canada 12 gower u gtorsetown tr 74792 hewson ord and helson barrister a solicitor it main st s ibesidt knox church 120 guelph si tllniilti bldr no 7 hwv ptjrge c hlwson iohn d ord rrkdfrich a hhsqn tr 7 224s tr 71781 dr w w kuryllowicz preettc f dwirlttry tr 7s641 13 main n georgetown frank fetch ucensfd aucnonfer prompt sen ice po box 411 tb 7 2864 georretown w h c ar r profestional engineer a ontario land surveyor teorgitowii onl rev 81 pr charles dr office guelph st telephone tr 73300 dr k w mccauley dentist 6 main street north prevent chimney fires uu fir chief ckomical chimney cleaners to eliminate soot and scale from vonr stoves arid pipes the smaller the flame the more soot and carbon for tte tn oil coal and wood fired units for sale at halton toop suipllll monuments pollock s campbell designs on request inspect our work in greenwood cemetery phone 204s b2 water street north g a lt robert w fletcher 9 a

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