Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 29, 1959, p. 1

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even the milkmans sow free university tuition sought by school group georgetown herald authorized as second claw mall post offfe dap ottawa should university education be free should the milkmans son have the same opportunity to enjoy the benefits of college as the son oc the stock broker yes is the opinion of many canadians though not too many have said it albutt bst now tt is being said more strongly by more people the latest voice iii u one the canadian home school and parent teacher federation vsblch rep resents 307000 parents across the nation the 1969 annual of the federation res olved to promote public accep tance of tho idea of free univer sity tuition for all academically qualified children of canadian residents the federation urges that anrnrsity education should be free but not that it should be universal admission to col lege must be controlled the question who should go to college and for what purpose is asked in air article by marg aret cowan in the october is- w of canadian 4home and school magazine here some of the points made the greatest untapped res ource in canada is rural youth we take great pride in the vastness of our resources and our high standard of living yet we are failing mlserablv in the development of the richest resource we have our vouth we are spending millions edu eating our children through the secondary school t level but most of those who have the de- 1 aire and ability to go to univer sity are prevented by lack of nty ai finance collegeage youth is going to university at present aft many who are going are not fitted for it many students are sent to college by their parents mer ely for social or matrimonial reasons universities should be so crowded by the able and willing that there should be no room for the unable or the un willing there should be more young people in college with brains and fewer with bucks the universities want the young people with talent and those with ambition those with analytical power and those witl staying power those who will think and those who will stui of course the identification these wanted tvpes is not al ways easy students cannot be selected b a mechanical rating of intelligence and in disregard of other factors of character and achievement brilliance in intellect is not always accomp amed bv character moral fibre or stability many average stu dents who work hard get more out of college and more out of later life than more gifted con freres manv men have achieved greatness without a university education many more will fol low but today as we watch the awesome advance of science with its potential both for mass betterment and mass destruction of mankind we realize that perhaps more than ever before the future of our countrv de pends on knowledge it depends prlmarilv on the men and wo men with those qualities of mind and character that can ontv be produced in sufficient georgetown ont thursday october 29rh 1939 single copy prica- ten cents board sidesteps cj precedent new gym not for dancing 4- haltons population 106017 greatest increase in history decision on requests held until contractor finished webongthem upi bl universities nine from last year signing the register following their recent marriage at reporl last week the fig t hornby united church are mr and mrs robert bruce mar burlington shall r r 1 milton the bride is the formqs joan wriggles worth daughter of mr and mrs clifford s wrigglesworth of r r 2 georgetown while the groom is the son of mr and mrs james marshall r r 1 milton a photo by ch nn bramptoi hilton s population as of sept others had small increases and 30th 1950 stands at a record oakvilles total wis down slight 106017 countv assessor ford ro- a ion 41839 9353 10147 5257 5602 ure is an increase of 10 484 ov georgetown er last jear and represents the oakville biggist onevtar increase in the ao far but for some reason seem to be unwilling to help them to the top teh rate of failures in first and second year university is onnecesaruy high and we can mt afford the luxury of keep ing university places for voung people who are there just for the ride students whose in tehigence and aptitude combin d show no possibility of sue cessfol completion of the and develop our place in coarse one in thirteen of our future what council did we have the raw material for great leaders and great thinkers in tomorrows complex world i bui until higher education is available to all those who have the desire and abilitv to go j through universitv without ref erence to their financial stand lng we are wasting much of our countrv s greatest resource and throwing awav potential strength that we need to hold i girl critically injured in l guelph st car accident j collision rotary club t0 milton historv of the countv he said 1 fsquesing mr rogers noted the local nassagaweva increase was a big one in com trafalgar parison to figures reported bv countv asiesors across canada 9 total largest increases in the countv total were seen in burlington traf ilgar and georgetown while all increase the new gymnatonum writ the night school conuntfc should not be looked upon in suggest those attending the community as place for m w d be highway for pari public semipublic or private mg dances was the opinion of high school principal j l lam finance and management bert as the high school board chairman ted force headed a sought a stand on a request for discussion on the dissolution of of the hall by the local i the tnschool board and form- 2 hospital auxiliarv 27 399 106 017 95523 burnt r the 114 ir trophy turned down hag pole for new park hlloe council bv arnold drh of 200 qrn i 1 r mrlcen mar murdun djiijhu r mrs k v murilon harh dme is nous an 1 in rntiu condition aftir ht n slriitk 1 wn tv a car at the inter t 1 turn of in iph street and mount i m u w hoad satunlav maht sjnrira via crosin tht high wav after retting tiff a bus at the intersection when she was hit bv an eastbound car di on north main street sponsor midgets and ffrejsj urn n strtet dumivlle two other and sj p who got off the same bus wit p m bg pflrl ntsscd the accident r mulmon near thc north pni the impact knocked the gut or mam streel 78 feel from the inlresection imi1 the accident wire dr j ii chamberlain trea iars rir b murrav memul led her at the- scene and she u iairmonl ont asrushtd to toronto general n of duke s the north halton high school district board in one of their final meetings before dissolu tion took evasive actjon mon day nightto sidestep a prece dent which the opined would have every organization in town asking for the hall the board i particularly frowned on dances there bv anv group outside the school the gvm is presentl ation of three separate boards he recommended that the board approve the dissolution proced ure outlined for the members on circulated copies the proce dure was read to the board by the secretarv and the copies re tained bv the members for fur ther stud bv georgetown volunteer am chener and edward f rnolri at the north halton golf and bnlance service unconscious of 51 charles street the mc countrj club with a fractured skull and bro- mu ctr was not damaged in stih in a sponsoring mood ken right leg the accident thp misnap however cst ron the botanans also considered happened at 910 r m and was rme who made the invest backing a much discussed un a fully equipped shop may be in operation at georgetown the georgetown rotarv club being used for keep fit classes high school bv the first of the will pick up the tab for the 3rd bv the night school and thc vear the secreurv suggested vear in a row when the local i georgetown recreation assoc j that basic machines be purch- midgtt hockcvists plunge into lation have asked for it for ased and readv for operation another season this winter the mondav nights for basketball for the end of november at the luh decided to again sponsor and badminton earliest iocal shop students lrich the voung team at their regular the board reserved decision are currcntlv travelling to ac- dinner meeting monday night on the auxthan s request until ton bv buses for classes vestigated by cst evan rol al p the damage at lor chamber of commerce how 25 classes enrolled at rmti i 25 dint u squ sq ure i i and the t hu binnr on v mil urapi ru oil punt st m mi no l wilding i nc in m inrs thialncals laiht riraft and old mr lindvav ln irsrnh s h ol u1n hav milliner mrs uk fffctive speakine mrs s ktep fit men mr mc tjrtn tvpinj mrs his n virsalional frt nch mis 1 uke hildrens lothing and dress maknil mrs mos metalcraft mr iistin oil painlink f while syntpathetlc to a re- 1 streets araest for a trophy desired by i voted remuneration for the men local sports club mayor arm- 1 plus car mileage strong warned of the danger of startinc a precedent when council decided to put thc cr fred harrison relaved the ann street bridge in safe con fz irmr4am uml ci quest to council at mondays dltion with minor repairs and vj ttvjfycl cjwll ifyfl ocffoof eeting later discuss more expensive i will see what i can do rhnges which will hsvr lo be nersonally for i know there are made dubs and individuals who are always willing to help such referring to a deli ex ntws cause said the mavor as fin paper ad which he said intuna ance chairman mcgilvrav sup- ted the town had not spent ported his stand that council j much monev on delrek maris nust be cautious in allocating cr hvrie asked that road ctnir i m public funds for sports troph j man grav prvpare a repert for m ies the next meeting cr john elliott said he i not manv people can afford fhipil stn i thought one of the service clubs to buv a page in thc paper to a rrj would cooperate and that it i get across their ideas ob- would not be difficult to obtain ved cr harrison the trophy privately we must be erv careful what we sav about the demn- notice was received from the i cratic rights of people to ad ontario municipal improvement i vertise or write lettrrs to the corporation that interest on de- newspaper said the mavor bentures purchased from mun ff such statements mislead icipalittes b this government the people 1 have the right corporation would now bear 7 seek the facts said cr hvrie fer cent interest as tip ontv reeve rav promised to have the requested report the matter of a s50 ilagpole on the table next mnndas in the new park on james st drew comment from cr fm bvde that council must watch its finances and a lot of s50 saturday is th nhtfor tpenditiires could affect the spwks robh afd vw a 5 j l the towns small frv make their cr john gunn opined that uniu shel ttere should be a master plan residents who i rcn far the park rather than piece- h hl w fm- haj meal expenditures tncx wll n a p s100 to arnold and 50 to ckel all three cars wire travelling east on main strvet north when nickel stopped to make a left turn into ewing st the follow ing car driven bv mcmullen stopped h it tin arnold car skidded on the lippon pjv nlent and hunnri the mcmnl lin ji thcrt nil iht a no injtiric ahi id cars collide saturday 250 damage when cirvint anil clav modelling miss sister thursdav ballroom dancing mr hansen wriggles worth school cars dmtn by ieorge dak son 26 windsor road and ru bell of tien williams came to iph and que n streets saturriav nihl and the nn eting eosi them s250 dukson was dnvi 1 pholstinngj mr brirffs i ibrarv bseiment woodg at the corner of c ever a decision here was reaer veri until the next meeting december 14th was the tenia tive date set for the annual din ner for the town s senior citii ens the partv thu vear will be held again in knox church hall donation department s2t to thi poppv fund first snow skitf of snuw on tuesdav heralded the fact tbat winter is fast approaching and the put em on season is with us again a few can going through town also showed snow signs from up countrv n blued a ven fine additioit of monev lo the treasurv such time as the new portions i of thc school are taken over bv if the board has their wav the board from the contractor north halton high schools will be excluded from halloween off street parking bv night vandalism this vear with the school pupila brought a tetter t large windows at he new geor- of protest from albert sjl res idents who previously approach ed council about dnvewavs be ing blocked during night school the board saw no immediate getown building especiall en ticing to tkller tvpes the local mmebers will take extra pre cautions and oost guards at stra- lenr point throughout thc bull- social personal r of r o trick n treat companv and will enjov informed that ten members mrnt as milc of the cre department will be stcrs assisting police in patrolling town of georgetown notice to water consumers in cooper wwh the town wator department rh town fir brigade will be testing hydrants and flush ing water mains in ma following streets em thursday october 29 1959 k eommencirjg at 7 00 p m all street east of maple to sargent fid gjt bligh supt of works i i i n rii and mrs i ihn wik n rrimon ton u rl w i a thinksiiv in ih 1 with htr i in tin ith ir mrs rlhiir v4lsnn uiora sim t i ill s d studi nl at iht sib 1 f ir tht blind in brjnifi rd rt mrs ililir had thi pka ure of iffirialuifi at ihc niarnam of his cousin llvin i vide i nu nn salurriiv when hi iiurncd mai taret hrhi mr ind mrs calder wire ui t at the rtcepuon fulloainl ih nwrmge thiv inid mietinn mnnv old friends and rclativis stn en and thomas huninir ici helpid thnr brother muh ael celehnte his fifth birthdav al a prlv in siindav his other guests wire roberta anil butbie iluwal brian and lvnthia iav marion ifigan and sarniv sul iivan michael is the son of mr and mr m j rilunauricc 3t henrv bl rev alex calder and mrs calder attend rl the 100th an nivcrsdn services in the book j ton pnsbvtenan chunjh last sundav when he was gucit min ister bookton was the church where mr lalder served prior lo coming to lorgetown elev en vears sro mr and mrs john russiter i the former irene young of j van nuys california have been visiting with her father mr i joseph young or 9 margaret i st for the past two weeks mr and mr chapel st school hold open house great attraction fir inter eled parents was chapel st si tmol s men house held last m nriu night principal al stun reporitd that at least 75 per cint of the parents turned out to view thc work of their children and to l d sens the r progress with teachtrv n extra attraction at the open house was a bring and buv much time was spent in dis ission of the needs to the com unity hall kitchen equipment j h on and h was decided that the in quien and mnt into a skid stitutc make a donation towards when he hit the brakes at thc equipment and to ask other soc- 1 ftuelph street corner his car i interested in catering in slid parth in to the ludph st the communitv hall for donat irarrtc and collided with a taxi i ion dnven bj bell the lab was plans were discussed in pre- makiiig a left turn onto qui en paration for catering for a when the accident occurred law wedding reception in nov si harlev lowe marie the ember also for the communil halloween partv which will be held in the stewart town hall on saturday evening oct 31sl j at 7 30 p m sharp all are ask ed to come in costume and join in the fun prises will be gi vi n and lunch served a silver collection will be taken to par solution to the problem until dine such time as the proposed school pairing lo incompleted the vounts totalling 18344 11 secretar was instructed to were paid rear end collision opposite new delrex shopping plaza a rca end collision on guelph dav attemoun street opposite the new shop- both cars were westbound on ping plaza parking lot resulted the highwav when the marsh- in s200 damage to a 1956 ment car slowed to make a left dodge coupe driven bv alex turn into the plaza parking lot ander marahment 23 hale dr the foster car collided with and 150 to a 1959 chev dnven j the rear end cst ha lowe robert franklin foster of made the investigation at about 20 trueman st brampton fri 1 5 15 pm ejjl l a flirts invprl1eat stewarttown institute donate to hall kitchen the october tnnnthh meet ing of the esquesinr 1 was for the use of the hall hi re sale held while parents toured held at thc home of the presi thc hostess was thanked for the school refreshments were i dent mrs herb reid nine the use of her home and the lat r served to the staff and members braved thv elements lunch committee mrs grant grade mothers bv mrs tom gol to attend the roll call was an and mrs hams for a delicious den mrs frank golden and swered bv donating an article munch meeting closed with the mrs shel lawt toward the auction sale which i lords prayer in unison what council did bairstow answers his critics committee to deal with stalemate another committee meeting ception to being called as he is planned ihis week h council termed liar b a ratepav to discuss the release of 1163 fr at last weeks meeting and building lots requested by del i said inferences thattelri had rex developments no industry signed up are erro- general manager harold bair stow who appeared again monday s meeting was told by reeve sargent that in view of last weeks stalemate it had rossiter motored up j been decided to have a cool through the mid states it is i ing out period and another j where we can borrow at a fair two years since she has been committee discussion before rate he might do something home and remarked about the the question appears on the constructive for i change and many change that had taken council agenda again tell us where we can get it place in that tune mr bairstow took strong ex he said he would not reveal irm s name publicly ow said he would be i to inform any council of this the firm would neous or is there a pleni i employ some 45 men initially i tude of mortgage monev avail i he said and pay- an estimated able he said for his firm has i 7 000 vearlv tax bill found that money cannot be three ratepayers john hen borrowed under 11 pep cent 1 humphrey martyn and har- xi this gentleman knows nson wood appeared again to restate objections to releasing land mr martyn and mr wood also voiced objection to mr bairstow being a member of georgetown planning board mil and mrs fftank wllson jrforo married recently m bellinefad church the bride is the former margaret eliza beth gibson daughter of mr and mrs thomas gibson and the groom is the son ofmr and mrs clayton wilson r r 3 georgetown photo by john udsay streotsvilla

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