Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 26, 1959, p. 4

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georgetown herald a thomson new1pap1rs limited puuication serving th wmmwmm of georgetown glon williams norval llm4hou hofnbir smwarttown balllnafap aihgrove terra cotta thiirsday november 26th 1959 editorial comments important public meetings the next week brings two important meetings for district residents wrrh nomin atiprts for public office scheduled in geor getown tonight and in stewarttown mon day night for esquesing voters if you haven t attended these meetings in past years it is your loss a publ c meet irig follows the hour nomination period with reports of the year s council bus ness as well as those of other public boards a christmas extra chr stmas is fast approaching and the seasonal excitement is mounting as people prepare their shopping i sts and attempt to juggle budgets to cover all the good things that santa should bring to their homes it is a happy time for most farm es who can afford at least a porjrfjii of joy for their youngsters but nccan be a sad time for those who have had tough luc and who ust haven 1 got the mo ley to spend on lux uries vctr- service clubs iake care of tbeopvipu and those n dire need usually net a help ing hand but there are many whose troub- the meeting is then thrown open to candt dates and to any member of the audience who might wish to state his views or ask questions if you are interested in learning how mun cipal affairs are conducted it is an ev ening well spent and we recommend your attendance you wjll con e away much bet ter informedabout your local governnen tal procedure les are not generally known and are only known by a few close friends you can show the real christmas spirit by giving them a hand a little gift for the children a few food del cac es a couple of dollars unobstrusively shared with such a friend and two people will be the better off you and them h s more blessed to give than to rec e ve s a truism wh ch has proved itself gam and again and you will have a hap p er christmas f you have shared your giv ing with someone who needs the gift carrier boys in town th s week the herald takes a maor step in its development as the second stage of a earner boy del very system comes into effect details of the distr cts served appear elsewhere in the paper and it is hopd that the new system will be introduced with a minimum of nconven ence to readers until october the herald had always been issued on wednesday at five o clock and readers have been accustomed to either picking up a copy at the news stands that evening or receiving it in their thursday- morning ma 1 a mounting press run as georgetown grew made this schedule more and more diff cult so t was dec ded to dispense with th s phase of operations locally and have an affil ate in oak v he take over the actual printing unfortunately it was not poss ble to have th s pr nting done ontil thursday morn ng by concdence the same week geor getown adopted house dehvery and as mad must be sorted overn ght for thursday del ivery it became imposs bte to have ma i subscr pf ons del vered until friday wh ng to have the herald c rculatmg as soon as poss ble after ssue it has been dec ded that carr er boys are the answer and papers w il now be delivered by the boys after four on thursday this means d spensing enf rely w th ma i subscript ons in town and rebate cheques are be ng is sued to people who have paid for their subscr ptions in adva ice the new system is an extens on of one wh ch has been operat ng in the eastern part of town for over a year where carr er boys have been mak ng their rounds we trust the boys w it do the r ob well and that readers will be pleased to have this extra serv ce available random jottings prime minister diefenbakerl nust have read this column lastj fceek in a statement on nov ember 20th he had courage enough to announce to the people of canada that com plete protection against nuclear stuck cannot be provided there are lew leading politic ians in the world toda who have been honest enough admit something which is vious to am intelligent person who is not trjmg to imitate anl ostrich perhaps we ma now look forward lo renewed forts on the part of our govern ment to bring about the onljj sane solution nuclear disarms ment another statement made in this column two months ago tiow find support from globe and mail the globe has just completed an intern threemonth intent gallon intol the drinking habits of this pro vince one of the earl conclul lions of this investigation wan that the public polio in the province underi to encouragt rather than restrain drinking at the risk of being repetatite i feel bound lo sav thai the antiquated out moiled paradox ical unrealistic liquor laws off this province achieve absolute lv nothing thre ijan be no doubt that our existing regulat ions are faoured b a number of ven influential people len der these regulations one nrhe mosi closet and most profitabk monopolies in the whole of canada were am other industn ready arrived a obvious conrlusn -ft- y controversial corner by ian cass most impressed with the well i loft classrooms the well equipped gjmnasium and the tasteful use of stone and glass throughout the building this is a school of which we can all be proud we who are paing the cost may be a little envi ous that children should be so well housed today b compan son with the schools of ourl lime i have no regrets over m contribution unless it lx comes obvious that we are cant ing pearls before swine this may be an unhappv meuph ir but 1 do hope our students will realise our true attitude towards teen bern when thev see the schools that are bu it for them still on the subject of high school students and i have been frequently accused of a too critical attitude here is an invitation to the classical music lovers we have recenly acquired a complete set of beethoven nine symphonies and would like to make this music available to any high school students who are inter cited if there is enough inter est in this very square music we would be happy to receive up to a diiieti students each thurndav evening for an hour or so an hour or so devoted primarily to mr b but with diversions into more modern music i suggest that those who think thin might be worth- j while should mention it to mr exists lmbert or give me a call on kntthe phone on a complete different tack a word on georgetown arena the town has demonst present enquiries into the bre nird pu support for the ping industn w ild have si complete renovation of this painfull building but nothing is likely to be achieved at the moment i recently had an opportunity that is money ts not available nspect our new high school frpm municipal taxation for irpose in fact the arena i students this school is a wan1 is so far down the list of large j derful accomplishment action at the moment is out of the question even if a de benture issue was permitted it seems to me that we should start a public fund raising drive to support this venture because this is the only way that mone wilt be made available perhaps it wouldn t be possible to raiie all the money required which is about si 00 000 but it may well be possible to raise b g enough slice of the total so that municipal funds could provide the balance i woulc like to se our new building when it is built caier for some thing more than ice hockej a plact which gave facilities for a wide nnge of activities foi the vouthful and adult ii should not be loo difficult t arrange if we are going to pro vide th s expensive building ie1 us have something which can be full utilid the ear round for danc ng basketball badmin ton able tennis bjmquets and so on as well as ice hockey one thing is sure without pub lic fund raising of some s we are gimg to wait an awfully long time for our new arena town nominations are be ing held tonight at the wng gleiworth school auditorium for members of council and other civic bodies georgetown herald published by thornton newspapers limited 22 mam st south eorgetown ontario q teamwork works two wats royal bank newsletter building a better community scale expenditures that any walter c blejin managing editor garfield l mcollvray production superintendent office staff i john olhvier advertising ailren bradlev terry harley plant staff i m clark dave hastings b baxkerville tom curran member of the canadian weekly newspapers association and the ontario division of the cwna of particular interest to georgetown was a news letter published by the royal bank of canada last month dealing with the problems of the adjusting community the letter is wel come verbal sedative for a town with growing pains and such j an excellent piece of writing and the advice it contains is well worth the reading time the letter is printed in its entirety below study and dig est it building a better community community in the sense of a better community does not mean a municipality a trading area or a district there u a richness in the word commun it that goes far beyond all these and has something to do with the flowering of human lives people in good communities are neighbours in the democra uc process thej cooperate and collaborate to solve problems and make improvements the are comprehended in st augus tines definition of human soci ety a group large or small of people united by agreement as to the things they love the dynamic quality that m kes a communitj good does not reside in the official structure but in the interests desires and purposes of the people in u if a community wishes to improve itself in canada it has freedom to trj without coercion or ex ternal control ututn lnow ledge interest and action are the lifoblood of our democratic society acollection of houses shops and factories ma be as small as a hamlet or as big as a metropolis it may not be the most beautiful in lanada or the most efficient or the most dignified bj public buildings and statues but it can aspire to be a lovable community its men and women can make il so plato was strong impressed with the social nature of man and with the need to think ab out society in its relation to mans life in his study of eth fes instead of enquiring into the characteristics of a virtuous life in an individual plato en deavoured first to determine the characteristics of a good state having found what these are he believed thai ij would be perfect easy to infer what are the characteristics of a good man it seemed to plato that there were four virtues required for the existence of an ideal state wisdom courage temperance and justice these are quail ties which will serve as a stan dard of judgment and behaviour in building a better community to have a community men must work together to have a better community they must have common principles their individual purposes need not be all the same but the basic things in which they believe must be identical they must live by the same rules the intimacy and stability of the small town or neighborhood have been severely shaken by tecjinologj and mobility we find it difficult to contrive new gadgets and yet hold fast to old institutions and forms of beha- vumr but we can be comforted by the thought that if commun ity life is somewhat imperfect the fault can be corrected by more earnest planning and do ing se of community what is the core of commun ity building it is not a mas ter plan or a detailed blue print or the acquirement of park space or the flotation of loans it is the spirit of the people i when neighbours start asking questions about the future they are developing a community feeling when the ask where are we heading what can we do to make and keep our neighbourhood a good place to live then they will find the resources lo face the future with confidence add anticipa tion most of us would admit that we are not satisfied with what is mediocre we have higher alues bui to gain what ts ex cellenl is not enough that we wish for it we need to exert ourselves to get it being dis satisfied to settle for an thing less than the best people cannot jive in isola tion so the need to plan for getting along together mach ines possessions and utilities are useful onl to the extent that the add to the comfort of living the do not substi tute for the feoling of friend ship and communion one of the txcrting things about anv neighborhood is that it consists of people who differ in background in their recognition of civic problems wid in thtir accipuncx of pro posed solutions we have a larger number of cultures rprcsntd in nada than in moat countries of the world and this merging of cul lures contributes to the rich ntss and divtrsilv ot lift the varud folkwavs languages cus toms craft skills and ideals can be shared so that the commu nit bt comes tht handiwork of alt where then an fhiimnl folkwavs thtrt is in ed of tol eranct 1 he go 1 romniunitv not buill bv khiple who think that their preftmd wij of living is the onl right wa we need skill in the process of working together wt need to take our places as members of groups our education system recreation programs and pro gressive health plans can be deprived of their goodness if we allow our communitv to be come poisoned b bigotry or snobbcr gerring start what are the causts of civic apath the include a feel ing of defeatism and discour agement failure of the authori ties to bring civic matters with in the field of interest and concern of everv representative segment of the people failure to communicate to explain to consult scepticism about the good that can be contributed b individual effort another difficult in some municipalities is the jangle of competition among elected rep resentatives social and civic agencies and voluntary associ ations their competition for the attention the energy and the support of the tfcople res ults in confusion out of which arises a feeling of what a toe use a democratic society needs an orderly process for consid ering its problems all the elec ted and voluntary groups hav ing to do with education health town planning recreation so cial service and general well being need to develop consulta tive mactuner coordination continued on page 5 m years a echoes there was a good attend ance at the concert given by the lome rifles scot th band in the gregory theatre last ftnujay evening the proceeds wereglven to the town relief committee art tats included omar diggins bland miss margaret dickie atcm hisses m williamson e tost b bessey m tost jen me mcdougall t eason l emslie w emslie on sat december 1st an election will be held to chose a halton representr ative for the ontario boys par- bament bruce kennedy of georgetown and gordon john sons olvyurluigton are the can didates st george s annual bazaar held last saturday was again very successful those in charge of the booths were tea mrs w v grant and mrs a lawson homebak ing mrs jv bulltvaot fish pond mrs coffin and mrs francis country store mrs e young and mrs j kelly fancy il woria lira wallace thompeoo hot dogs mrs maynard dau ghter of xha church mjsr f herbert y n hunters returning from the north woods report an abundance of deer and stated that both moose and bear were also to be had witb out much difficulty it is estim ated that four out crfeverj five hunters suoeeetka ing home a deer 500 damage in plaza collision five hundred dollars was the estimated damage in a two car collision at the guelph st entrance to the delrex market centre last wednesda a- a 1859 volkswagen driven by nick yahiro of sb mcgilvray cresc was westbound on guel ph and making a left turn into the plata when it collided with a 1955 chev driven by hurray ross 140 guelph st ross was leaving the plaza parking lot l and about ot make a right turn onto the highway the yahiro car suffered the brunt of the damage about 300 worth cst evan rollins 1 of the georgetown police dept i made the investigation f n whooper uqendakv ciakt cat reputed tobefoond near the ou of trede i55 8mu 1wx is ttl onlf 3ecuuoos coniferous tree fouhd 1ncknm do wot throw quius vmem ancerebbut sh thoi from the 9wn ihbiow lair business directory ralph davies acj s fa accountant and auditor 122 guelph georgetown tr 73351 office hours 9 a m 5 p m mondays to friday wallace thompson srd- division court clerk a commissioner tr 72943 t for expert eye care consult o t walkr oculist prescriptions filled hearing aid classes 12 main st 3 brampton gl 1m74 kjs g 16243 hours samopm dail friday 9 arn to 9 p m evenings b appointment maurice manderson qc i barrister solicitor i 61 mill st tr 7m44 l rox theatre bio lever hoskin chartered accountant 51 main brampton glendale 14624 44 victoria st toronto phone fcjvl 49131 s m faibish ro optometrist v mcnamara jewellers georgetowti tomvanskklerba il barristep solicitor notary 36 main s tr 74531 cdr n llharas bidg 1 i a m n ielsen dc nd 1 doctor of chiropractic 1 and naturopathy for appoint th 73612 lady attendant 164 uelph no 7 llw rom r hamilton ro optometrist eyes exam ned for appoint tr 7 3971 60 m ajn striett georgetown tf dale bennett and latimer barrlttara a solicitor lcko dale s bennett qc 1914- 36 qc 1930- 56 douglas v latimer triangle 73381 23 mill st georgetown dr j- burns milne dfcntai si rtl0n xray mill st tr 72871 1 georgetown animal clinic c w savers dvm 106 guelph street clinic open 7pm 9pm mon tu6s wed fri afternoons by appointm t dr john r kerby practice f dentistry xray triangle 73641 main st georgetown arnold rath bun life insurance st estate anal sis sun life of canada 12 gower ct georgetown tr7v hewson ord and helson barristers a solicitors 39 main st s beude knox church 120 guelph su hunter bldg no 7 hw george c hewson john d ord frederick a h l0a tr 7 2246 tr 78781 dr p w w kuryllowicz practice of dentistry tr 73641 13 main n georgetown dr w mccauuey dentist 6 main street korth tr 7464v tf frank petch licensed auctionefr prompt service po box 413 tr 72864 georgetown w h carr professional engineer a ontario land surveyor georgetown ont ru 81 pr charles dr office guelph st telephone tr- 73300 prevent chimney fires use fir chief chemical chimney cleaners to eliminate soot and scale from your stoves and pipes the smaller the flame the more soot and carbon for use in oil coal and wood fired units for sahrat halton coop iuppliis monuments pollock campbell designs on request inspect our work tn greenwood cemetery phone 2048 62 water street north g a l t robert w fletcher 1 ballhi tit alia st m oalnrm

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