Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 18, 1960, p. 1

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telephone tr 7 2201 eat my t buy ar c u aad gegrgetownerajb for rne printing n mtoillihln by the umnld ta c t afa- l oeococtown omtajuo 1hucsay w iwfc imo sasgi copy mw tea cesses seek 250000 in hospital campaign subdivision report on council agenda auditor here monday walter red asseitine made presentation tro outstamowo vslerans of tha north wolt uio cimfa qn in the 3nd world war walla boo alkltin dcm o 14 byron si centra 4ndijj mllon shaw mm ot camp bordort rciv copies ot col c p stacey book flie v dory campa gn ttie h rd volume of th history of tha carwd an army maor general h a sparling cbe dsocd loll atak the presentation autographed history book recalls war battle honours xa toronto lriil reginiiint ffco how living in town lfir ko boiourd by the canadian anay at oakville wilttr red assrltlne lo rsldnt bine 10m repres ntd the canadian army in a rttony there kri in whirh ha tocwived 6a behalf of the array velum s of the official history wt lb canadian army in the tad world ww th volume u nlllud the operation in north west iurope and u part th book the victory cam paigh by colonel c p stacr cl slmey u the director of us historical section general 0 tai ouaaing tha presentation 1uw cunww if a sparling feawrf tu fly uaf whit is ia rfkvdb v ud w srgjt w alun toil by major cattra y a bpirlinc c11k mo cd ooc cantral cons tnand in reeoknlll m of dialing utthed seruee in ihe northwest rurope campaign world v ar ii ihe book wn aulographul b ol marty red as he is known lo the boy i and mm of the legions utile mil saturday morning hockey in which he la auch a diligent worker received the distinguished conduct medal in 1043 for outstanding heroism displayed during a erman at tark on the holland town of oltrrloo the town a key point in the main axis of the sdsanre of the 5lh cana lian armoured diw ion and the rrsponnhillt of the irish regiment of canada was a lucked on th night of april 16th 1m5 by appraxlu- atelv 1 000 of the enemy v hen 300 succeeded in infil lrwuri into the town and dig gin onsen ives id along verge of the narrow street bgt astel tin look a ctloa of lhr flama throwing carrier wavpl and cleared the vital sctor re suiting in an enem rrtrrat at one time the thrie car rters were un lor intense fire from three aides al p nl blank range and when the second car rier was knocked out by con ceiled baiooki from thirty yards range sgt asseltine ru bed the position and with one burst from his bren gun wiped out the crew his lea lerhip du ring the action resulted in aev enty of the enemy kilted many wounded and the remain ler so demoralized that the tachral picture was completely chanh i a commuter to goodear tiro and rubber in toronto itr i uvea at m ilyron m uith his wife jeaa and 4 children su san 10 judy 0 janice 7 and knny th flrat volume of the hook sli vaar of uar waa pre ten ted in 103 the second voluma th caudliu in italy in 1064 favour one arbitrator if police council dispute the contnvcriul kubdivl tlon report will ltac a public airing iukt lond council has inviti d town audit r ii a iever to dibcuka the n port with ih in thai runinl u uah prt part d on intructi ni of tin 11t coun cii to le a picture o sub division c ts on the town s eronomy an i a a u tide to fu til re lutwluidini in town dilcuvmun ti- n port with mr lir will kt folltwid by two muling wild iuhdivldra at lalir ij1 t on wedniiday t irer he velopmi nts will disci re ar of m ire rsiliilial land for building when firm r pre- stntatives uill talk with coun ell t industrial cmmlttce it will le irtuallv a coinmtttre f the wholi as alt rounll aiembera have br n invittd to iit in on the tnrt uiil iteprewntatlv s of moore park development have alio akked for an early interview with council about their tubdi vidua plana which have been held up by council fciling thfct more industrial land should be included at u outlay i meeting cr harrivon crktlclxed ut auditor fur referring the uuore park mj to the town engineer for report data which the auditor said had bt n obtained from lb engineer wat he suppoaed to dig up lb information for the report or pais tlie buck to a town employee wondered cr har rison aloud aa mayor hyde laid there should be discus sion of the report that evening when reeve sargent taid he would he absent from the mon day meeting following a show of handa which revealed a ma jority favoured mr levers an- paaranca then rather than call lug a special meeting cr liar riion questioned the mayors procedure in trying to arrange a 100 attendance night we can have half a dojen hand allowing but i rn not out of rdr in ibis was the may or a reaction in view of tlu beating this qurttloh lus bteri taking 1 d like all members to be present iu view of the it lr i re queit for as early a meeting as pttiul le it wav dendid to ktirk to tlw monday plan how ever the riport hotbed up afaln lo a htttr from hroldfolhrt of tlie j wire park group which claimed inaccuracies in some figures and avked that it be revised before publication cojjnril decided to take no art ion until the meeting a motion calling for thu ddrex committee meeting was later passed the meeting ac cording to this ia to clarify eikting agreements with del iex development ind to eon tder any manner in which or derly development of lands held by the company may pro ceed with due rrgird to ihe interests of the municipality as a whole what council did petition asks theatre chain to locate in georgetown a woneyaavlng featur of fcjagla arbitrator in place of thraa ahould isviy dispute ariie hatwean the town and the oliea aiaoclallon eould be rniled by a decision which sdlght eoat more money in the long run waa cr fred liar hsoni opinion a he voted against a motion b cr john d kelly at monday a council hamtlng asking for recorded vote harrison waa himself over tulad when all mrmbers iup kmmrtad tha kelly move council acted after a letter from the police association auk tujf aupport in having legia latlon amended waa rrceivrd fprcaeivtl a police force of 3 members or less can have out arburator other must havr thraa the government is be lttf aiked to lot one man rule for forwa of 10 or lew they want a dictator in stead of democracy opined cr harrison not to replied cr kelly he mil i be picked b mu tual agreement or else he is appointed by the government when cr kelly said his 3 man committee had spent an hour before makinj their re comma mlat ion cr harrison said committee finidngs arent necessarily binding as had b en proven in a nccni road budget debate u 11 vote- on mv own thtnk ing not that ofthi three wke men he said with a grin council aa lla meeting open ed stood in respectful alienee aa mayor hvdc hopke of a for mer councillor thomas i 1 vnns whose dtalh occurred lut udk prohum of his house being partl on a road allowance h rkonini bark to earlv aur- tinj probh m in town w5 brought to councils attrntlnn b clarence held other maple ive f residents are anxious to clear up similar pre tjlrrni so they can get clear title to ihdr homes he kjhi i the proprrtv comtnittt e will investilatr and it was suites tf d that the owners submit a formal petition to council laiming the town will be held responsible for mtdlcal hills for injuries suffi rt d in a fall on a tlippry lid walk a resident a letter was turned over to the insurance firm u hich hold the town a biui ness there was a hnef discussion on whether a property owmr is liable for keeping his side walks cleared of know with reeve sargent saving the build ng l law requires thi if ao it should be puhll em d for mans rf side nts are unaware of this responsibility kald cr ian cass establishes chiropractic practice here toronto beginning fridas a new chi yoiractic practice will be star ted in town h mr err w coibett dc mr corbett and his wife uar i bine have lived in gcorur town uith thlir two children alnce march i0m having moved j here from toronto whtre t he has held his clinic for three and a half years hli practice ivltl be from his raidence three evenings a week and he will maintain the toronto office also commuting to toronto for this purpose a graduate or the 1dm clasa of the canadian mtmorial chi ropracllc college in toronto mr corbittthas done much re terch into postural u eight ba lance and has interest in life potential development he it tha past treasurer of the onu rio chiropractic credit union and s a member o subud to ront his hobbles are fencing swimming and he is an avid ho cky yihta cars damaged in queen st accident 1 our hundnd and twentv five dollars was the estimated damage when a 10m cikv pickup driven by william cunnintfhum of 10 cltnpi 1 st was in collision with a parked car on quectrst last monday m lit owned by itay turner of glen williams the turner cr was parked oppnsitc 52 queen st wun thi pickup northbound on quli i st rammed the riuht front fender of the parked car uhirj wis facing south connt tod scott wlw made the inv cktigation placed the damage at 225 to cunningham and 200 to turner ice unsafbi recent abovefree ring tem peratures hiive made the tea on rivers unsafe keep children away norval man celebrates 3ibtrtyay today today february irth lt col a l noble of norval marks another or lifo a mile stones as he celebrates his ojrd birthday for 02 eaw he has lived at the urn the home hla fa ther built in lbfir hn carried on business as a miller in nor val until 1010 in fine health and with a keen memory he retains art interest in district affairs and in the organizations which he served so well in paat years his frienuswish him happy birthday now operator at cuelph station stan wright a local resident who has been operator at brampton cnft station for two years has been transferred to guelph city depot in a similar post mr and mrs wright are plan ning to continue living tit geor getown where they av been residents for saver year vtk ni councillors to sign a petition indicating their wih for a movia theatre in town cr fred harrison complimantawl a resident mrs agar guet for ksr ititcrful in f allowing a suggcblion that theatre chakii be contacted which he made at lui week a council meatinfl mrs guest p explained had been in touch with odeon the itrrt and uti t id that if a petition was recused s ined by a large number of residents thrv wo ild survey the toun with a population of 10 000 i cant see whv a theatre woul in t pa sai 1 mi r hvde the major thinks it is a treat recreational lack in ln acreelnr with the town of tilbury count il 1 n b rs d a plea to the prnvinr il govern mrnt for revision of grants to arenas and cnmmunit centres lrrenll touns whirh have class a fill fan nn nccive up to 40 000 whil other towns have a ss 000 nia mufti tranl the tilbury n oluti in asks that figures im resist i to 25 000 for arenas init 15 000 for communitv h ills agrteing with ruve sarkcnt ma or hvib sas he is opposed to the prirrriplr or rints but as the svstem i niw pnvalent mike everyone ilsr we lr to get as much as we can inerfc id budget for tw con sarvatioa authority was forecast ia a letter which namad geor- uowi a share tjfmmm of x 870 to be received from vart oui municipalities in th di tricu loat j tar the town paid the budget will ba diacuasad when alex mac la re n local reft resentative attends a future council meeting answaring a request about expropriating intustrial land made recently by cr harrison it was reported that the govern ment recommends such a meaa- sure only as a last resort however council has been told that existing industrial land can be reiuned and alloc ated to another area if loning is such that a maximum of such land is presently toned indus trial vivian terry first clan hon ours graib t singing jona heat ty milton first clau honours 87 ilarbara f vans honours grade 2 theory carol todd honours grade 4 piano peter mca mara pass fclkkkavi tooou valentin it yea member of verdun rabekah lulge wire bosiiktei at a very pleasant valentine fair satur day afternoon frhruary 13th in the lodge rooms mr peg gie wylia nohln grand the convener opaned the afternoon much optimism prevails as workers hear plans off trial launching of th bull dinj fund for gurctown and liutrict u mortal ho pital tcxik place on thursday wlim 300 people were guots at a dinnt r la knox prvshytrnan church hall tendered by mr an 1 mrs dick ijeala inviti d tueils wrt hospital d rt rt rs and campaign work r an j rrpr v- entativrs of toun ai i d strict organizations thr heard a numbers of sp4 abrt eiplain the campaign from various ani it an 1 an air of optimism wa in evidence as teaker aftir lpea ktr pointid the nied f t r a h s pital in a town of looou kiy speaker wal john gunn preii irnl cj the hospital hoard who explain d how fivi years ago the chamber of comimrce iuin sored a mertinu invitink organlxatloai reprstiuuvs u discuss possibility of a hottpttax mr gunn was president of tha chamber at uial ume lotrrett wi such ba said that a charter was applied for 10 late 1d63 he poke of an ill fated rly project when a bouse donated b ielrex developments was offrred in a raffle only to have the postal departrneat crack down on uie plan tha housa was later sold lo form tha u- clru of a bull ling fund im petus was given to tha plan when haltoit county iahtt7vo ted a vi 000 per bd grant u county hospitals frly in 10a tentative ap proval was granted by tha on tario hospital commission aa continued on page 81 esquesing air strip may be in the offing music reults for harrison pupils results of midwinter exam n ations tried in toronto in january by kenneth il har rison arct rmt pupils were announced this week in the following favourable report grade 1 singing roger sale draws- were made at twothirty welcoming the many guests the hall and banquet room and tahles were all attractively decorated in the valentine theme mrs wellington willett was in charge of the aprons and penny sale mm gordon sjvence sr convener of the bake table and delieatcsst n counter mrs richard riddall the touch and take mrs hob jepson the can dy mrs hidlcy the novelty booth and mrs f nicst simsnn the lea room where a daints salad luncheon was served the conveners werp assisted by mifntwri of the rrhckahs mrs bert mcmenemy silver creek was the lucky lad to take home the beautifully de cor a ted valentine cake and mrs ixirne shipway the fancv shopping hag there were 28 pruo winners after the penny all rc- fverything s up to date in fiqucstng township for scof fers an air strip may become a reality in the near future mr h j kovarhlk a licensed aircraft mechanic intends to buy twenty three acres from un f joyce at no 5 side road on the west sido of the third line before d unj so he wanted to find out if there are any regulations preventing him n llagari to fiervir small air craft art envisaged and pos sibly an auto repair shop council decided to leave anv dlsruktuan til next week and in the meantime find out as is possible about the smith first class honours 88 eeived attractive prues venture as their share in the credit valley conservation authority propramme fsquesing will he- expected to pay 2500 for 1dg0 a biter from h t fin itow v ildwood asking tout n ship council s entl irsemrnt of a three papc protest to the de part mon t of hikhwavs was read according to mr fin bow the department of high ways ptan to expropriate 4 ww square feet of his property since thtre was some ronfu sion about the plans of the d of h reeve sinclair felt mr finbow should comi and dis cuss it howi ver on nrfr point the department of hlkhwav s plan serins clear the old grist mill at norval u coming down an appraiser happened in to ask the clerk for information and let the hews ba known a sordid story af tnurywmi told by the simple fcspadlaat of a few addresses in a ultar the letter was from tha elly of hamilton re relief coats as all municipalities do the uucs tried lo establish a plw u residence so that lb pl fav volved can pay th u however in four years tha address chmgad eight lira one addrmi was buiwish on kingston penitentiary rka children involvtd are undar us care of tha children s aid of seven firms tendering for a 50 000 dabantur uaua r a daley co eawa out ah j the debentures will err th coat of a new ftswrmni tthwl at speytide th 9k deltentures were sold at 87 m dinner guests and hosts kmtesenyino ail mfases o district ufa gimh at a dinner thursday ware anrhusjattlc as thay heard plans outlined for tha new georgetown hospital sam penrica left ipolcs for industry slave emmersort for labour roove campbell sinclair esquaslpg for rural areas fr thomas van laeiyrector of holy cross church pronounced the benediction di llcala right and his wlfa war hosts at tha dinner photo by jay studio georgetown ross duncan new president north halton golf club at a matins oc tha nortl hilton golf and country ctua directors monday provlatlal mill manager noii duncan was named cluh prrsident for 1ww hill mrnally who his hald tha portion for the put twa terms did not stand for office he made the announcement at the annual shareholders meetinjl held monday feb 8 at the new clubhouse on maple ave directors elected were dlek ijcata tad rennlna bill canr jack malcolm oliver hunter ken nash bill itreekenrldfa jack gunning bus dlnklay lien mallhevs oraham fajr- nel kosa duncan uurt alli um hred llelson and dob rand graham karnell was clectrd vicepresident andvrad helton seeretary hint that the club may mu shier cxnamtina te aa itthbla course was evident in tha past preildenta departine remukl which urjed shareholders u give the matter some serious thoucht mr menally alsesu bested the directors spprosck the georgetown lawn bowltn association with a view to 1 corporate its facilities wtt those or the north hilton cluh he pointed out thau a snacs was available near tha clul house suitable for a bowllai breen tho total east ot the mr club house will- be in thi neighbourhood of 100 000 m aceordlne to a report by th building chairman ed blnkley mttiutfajiib houses a four shee curllns rink secretaryi office junior lounjo a pm shop main dlnlns room pri vate dining room observation lounge kitchen and bar avar andah leading off the mali dining mom will be included ll future construction other speaker were thi chairman t the green com mlttee jim union ihe chair man of uie house committee coullnuad on page 10

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