Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 18, 1960, p. 4

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georgetown herald a thomion niwspamm umdtd hjhicaiojj serving tti community of go9towrl gl1 wihum norvl limekoui hornby stvwrhowl ihnd aihgrov yrr cott page tliundy fbjry ibiti 1940 editorial comment two who sewed our town ru during 1w pj fr churl ject h n his prune ot m v fettumly n this matt public adivity in ria tv had total of 18 volunteer tin deparlrr vie pott ol chief ot tha mil untimely death wet tore than e bio frendt it wet bow for there tre ell too fe vot their energy 1 vnu can t an fly to fonmnt oj- srlotw a young man yl oik wtto lrvwd inpoftnl phete of fourth term at ctno war vervic or tf ieht and ljld uo i srtiitn 4v stop lxg- i eflftr heart attack to hit tarnly end lo ttv ion t l0 tuch men who de- publir tevice advo iniaurtd m dollars f kutcjlw themes i tyom was no th nn w hd fulfilhtd a lull meauie 0f pulc vwta ac a cxunil member for 15 yr tie bd tarvd at chairman pf maiy cornrmmpuri he livd to it- fntr oqi ot 8v ftvr kiliruj hl len mi qht irfo cwtl f lam en iy a i iiiae tit 0u ion vm as ii j is m h t at live dayt at lojik j 1 1 iliouijfi tie hl iivt i pat life i lut vpen h yil ta iwi ne im nui tel by e wide onle ot iqug i a tes to boti tarnll ei the mttrad mtemji lmpathy o4 beh1 o tti public they tf vd gqtowvti wit b bfftier town fo h0 cftoh hvy plrt loilh results from petition action of cr fed harmon in yifg la hiv movie ttiatt ick in town hi bn idkj tiy 1cki ijidy mrs atjai c tit wtio oontatte ihratrp thatn and wn to d hlat it s petition wit nevj irom a nun b of intftmj people en mveit gation would b inada the petition h ben brikly circulat ing for w pf few dy ni tte a tfoubl htt the theatre poplr wll ha we good retpom to ftif tetjufit metnwhile we er hopeful thai ivn- tuafly thm plan will bear fruit for t n a tad uck kw town of ten inouiand to b with out hisatre ih movie bu nfii hi had precar lout aittarite unce itia advnt ot feievn on at a let when goijtown nugtit normal ly have pec ted maor tanovationi on itv old thwatie atiendence itaftod dropping wl wheit fir deitioyed the building the bell hd rung a lew yaf later hojueer periipi tte fide ha turned a d tnrre an upiwmij m intereit a theatre chin will rrtfl nly have t gurei o go hy n otirr cenii m 1 wihi t4xte wto r actively pron o g a theatre we can hope they will gci mhiih contfovefsialcornei by im cw no lack of entertainment while agreeing thf ledc ol movi teatr laavet e large tiole in the enterta n- mflnt field for our nstidantt we cannot ur icnbe to the oftfepated italemanf hiet georgeown providea nothing to our you g people in fct aicie fron a th itr ww rttmk ihe town it well equipped with activities for ell ago qroupi to cite a tow every church hat or- fjannationt cetrtng lo vanout riigio tattes and offermq tte opportunity to meat socially wih thee woo ttiire the tame reli- giou belieft thcrr are turr iervice clubt for rnan ikkh doary nd k mmen an iod chaper wor- rn i inifitute aid toal council of vvomn tor lactic tviote who like lodge work c9n find t0 mavomc lodrjei rf ana od t f4lt and orengp loctge thrra it a hort cultural lociety carrmg to gardeners arf 1 craft for thote wno wiin to dewrlop handicraft talentt butmett l protoional worrena etub for working womrn tvfrat home i school groupt brancht ot the cancer society and red cro a revolver elub koipitfll association and mora lad- lea aux lliriei than you cart thdko a ttick r ed vf f a your youi g vn you about to attar houn tnrnn nmci ikjw about the saturday it or n i g hockc and the many otver leagut whicti ca to v tninded boyt of t dont ot nout guide cut ard brown a groupi wti ch thrive iouid town mrf with a luinmer cenip tn ttorr tie n club mulown fot tlie teen agert lawn bowling got curling htjure tkatmg toccar baseball la ro r it your child it artntically inclined c a col rctor he tan ltarl arly to pan mi e rti ti t tor georgetown fn fair it hp wants to dev lop talentt at a larpenter a ip it or an iprolterer thrre it a rhnv r tj n qfii shool and how about our new h rjh school gym where basketball and turn hi nq hsvr boin mlrotjuted as new sports to town the cttiens band atnng to young mull ciant vve have one of ontar o mo t beau nf ul park s with amp if spai o tor summor fun a well equipped arrna tor winter tport a pond at ttip golt course winch with luck is frorn over for a tew winter weekt and rural ontario on our dootslep hkei for no entertan ml far torn it get your weekly newspaper from the carrier boy linn lignite a fmfarj tin w lias alkiit fluormj i n all tfir iprru ti hral dp aritnt tit of llralth t anaiun n i okji as utjnji jruilun dm ta asitciatioi aiut othrrt are just hutinji to irt timir m1iiiiii fluiiriitr itio our dunk i fit watrr i thv want to cut tfown on the holat in the tmlh in tk haadt f our childran bltu tham ttvay arf tuppariw by many i mimbtri of tha preta includino a qod taw ol my waakly con i tmporarist in ontario tha ovirnminl la being baratod for balng backward about fluorlda atton i must ioi nt atd rin i njl nf fluuriiiilion nhuciit n i i i ruijto new culiininul hi in i thai all sstin ripur ii are io i nls einntinid irrjtm l fjiulnal dunvsillrtl ni trjk poll all i can ty it move ovar and make room for ana mere ill una up with tk crackpota aoalntt the expert any time that will help tke balance e i trifle nowaday there are too 1 many ewpartt and not eneuoh crackpot i furn jri mnpr im jivi em vwilur n ports ilia a r jikiiii 4 hi pi r ftnt wruik pi o i pic ulm pnilut clriiii r milts jlw pi r ti til utiiii nujk who ti 1 imi hn us should i have twrn fought at ir ut n over politu luiis uliiiv puis il not it power and hnrdi nf people uhn kimit j itlili- tit j almut one ihmtl d t-i- tn i bar all almut iimhiiij rli crackpot are people like christopher celumbut galileo thome edlion aflred blnttalp mahatma chandl dr albert schweltier people who are too ltubborn fanatical and narrow- 1 minded to make an honet h- fort to ot alono with the en part ip lmlirn oh jilil- alj ibt- crjik ts ii thi i j kltirntx rin it is uf h i iwi s esrn jv uii jn t iih i 1 in lied us ttu rtpi i m 1 the crai kjiuls ml u s mo is ro up ii i i i 1 haw rhildrt i uli u i list in pi arc ile j a ripi n i h il to llrair o in inn it isp t tniirli lo ask iui hi t pelt stun t it us d it rioht now the eipart pohti clan have u teelarino on the verge of total annihilation the pert tcientittt are craatmo the way and meant the eipert warrior have their finger rta dy to puth the buttons and the eipart new analyitt tell ui with on thallow breath that atomic war will wipe out hum anity with the nait that we can etcape the effect of redia tlon by building a thaltar surrj i ilrir 3s i itn pm rs tiinr 1 mur in ih i t fled imil luainn krio s hi expert we u u i ilkitu a- r fliionddhn 1 am npp it t fur n lal n in- n a hi aiim- i think it i kiri p i- 11 mi or l cause 11 1 n ep n use r im-wum- if ia h i mincd sodium fluur li in mir drnkin w tti r ii t h si pn i dm tt or lii nim il i n tu kill ill the frills in ttu h sm i cm rvmr firtt of all im agin it be caute i think its silly i don i think teeth are that important let ot crack i no on mental ii i net i the ulcer the common cotd and hemmorhoidt if thete ailment were cleaned up halt the tentlon of the world would vanish and i d be willing to talk teeth s re iti however unuilly im saving my good point for the nattt sound fair board doings hi vjm it the ram and heisy ha ii itn oser the dittnct tdm das tuahl of lut 1 ilir- va jn i avtptluiiljly cmssd at the euchre pjrt ii r i in the m let at r l n hall 1enty in is i f ar s u re in pla i i si rvune kei uud to enjoy i h nui w inner for the rn m i norman sn r mrs rn d lt and mr ii i- iirin and for the n mi 1 mr uilouh don tow in i mijdrum mark ra ti i ns ssi re si rsed h ih ii in i aid the new iren i i nil id mriivrjy than 1 al h ii- wjio stnturcd out mi h a dihl to make for h ii n j isahle rseiiinn the l f urdm laj march lt3h m u r the annua st 1at k i ii tin- t the hall mi r c k il th pi ki i ii 2 1 i nf the r miuekinic in il v i is were ho 1 rn of the andden w in ns llacon of or sm n 1 irs of thai fair t dinrtnr of dltnct tu ontario fairt to mr httin died of a henurrhace auffered iji n lo push a nriflh- ir nui nf iuihank h hu liuu of markdile unn hi road horse i town fair on more fkimon uai rciejltls pro iicinl hntinurt ninkir hruvsnir a nl joinn master of ihi ih- haa been named of the miir in dulricl ass ird un made at i ann a sell knoun uiiie of the top ih i0fcf ctunr tun a hkadunes ih rsvikwf sit ond nf all the i pt its s usual aic mi ttu unnu li uk if thej arc so con i tu d ihuut the teeth of our hillri n sh dunt thc start it th in- of the irouhli w h dun i th s raise a hue- and is i unsi th talc ot toft drinks ind nu whs dun 1 ihs d- n th il n nchod bread si h t lo r it these data that last s like ucl ketlex ttlnn fish like hli cjied niuilusl shcn lalc or la all thai stuff liruid ahont diet and tuth pist o much erperl malaikes third of all im again it be cause i dont like people doctor- i r0 my drink oh i dont mind e little ch6rlrv to 1111 th bug but the principle i wroug thla year they fluoridate our wat er thirty year from now with the wrong people in power theyll be pulling a aadative in it e every body will relax and be happy ne matter what go ing en -v- rut the bout arnupiont ic heard ajiairtbt luuriitation came from my wife f akkeil lur uhat aho thoutfht juat to uct an nut tide opinion as iuua sw wus ftwny outside first hhr iikkcd if there would be nn or tlv stuff in our milk i pointed out that cows umijlly tiw in the country and not their water from wells it renins and such like not from the iniintimpil uu ter supply then what the ute of put- tln0 that aluffln the water the ttnohed klchrneuer drink water all they drink i erange fulcehillk and pep my cate f ill f nrt in the count lo a ind friend and exhibitor vsith llic sudden death of w i iiiistmtin mr mcrrs ua an outst imtmi hn edrr and rxhib- 1 iinr nf shorthorn cattle and took in m tnsard al the conn i l and larier slioun he was n m ntlciiian fanner whotosed his lioldn anil made minv fni nls throucliout the farming ilisii it i ot ii illon here he came a h m lr a o aflrr retiring ai i pu mii ut of hush printmn ink cu llu unltr knru mr merry im1iii he is still a salesman fn ttu ininpans anl uai hap- ps to make his aciiainlance nsuti throughout the fair a mo dalion carly shipbuilders shipbiiihlink iot off to an iiru itart in new knyland world itook fncscltipedla iaa llu first ship lunll in tcntiltah tolonists in america was laun ched on the k tmrlwc river in maine in lt0 unltld it ati s hvtlltd lo wealhci bkii pxovehy ully uade even tlte bird mio dcetneiij i flew to ohio ifld betlt taut wek- rxirinat u plea t interlude iil clevelud vbil we waiud fur ute anew to b ahovellcd off the wtai of our ylaite i w intrigued to bejur the pilet capuiu aiwjiure how tuucli bliiik longer are tky ginj te be ut a ton wbjcb tiupued bior intereilin ui early ukroff than l whe tbr or bt tke know ribva wu dcae properly hu word had evo more kupct a day tidr wbd tke ppr reported that w wti one of the latl fhghu lo i out of fcbe auport that nutbt it miii to tu thy flym and yvltmtry dnt to wu uetiur i fcul evbfeai kowrvrr ulat v4 had bo ral diffuroji tad that th tca viwouut ut t blou cyiufortiiile aircraft tbe question f u cpt ance of canadian money wu mutl vividly deinonatratad dur itik ttu visit w obtervrd th following ont act plaj the tvnr lie kathah rock tail r of th terrace hilton hotel urn 830 pin ai we sat thtre sippm a cool glau of iced watrr a ira veller entered and onlrrrd a scotch oo ute ruck in a voire whlcb clearly implied urgency he drpoaltad hli book paper magaunra brlefcata and over coat oo the adjacent lur ttoula and whipped back the urotch with enviable alacrity how much h klghtyeight cant ir ia the barman the traveller to tha ditguat of th nosering barman coun tad out exactly iiht eight cent then picking up hi book papr magujnet briekaw and os ere nit prepared to go on hia hasty way while be waa collecting his many pouesiione he barman had been examining tin silser and copper on the bar and as the loaded stith article trav j eller prepared lo lease he waa arretted by a atern voice the traveller turned looked at the money recounted it pu shed it around it t eighty five cents that what it is this 1 mean u tt a a can adian quarter we can t take i that the barman gase anoth er disdainful flick lo the often djngpiec 1 the traveller looked atout to explode 1 what the hell he said it a i munr ln t it the barman juat continued looking at the hapless man i fumhled in his wallet for a dol tar hill with only two available fingrrs he flung the hill acrom the wet bar and it landed on ttie glass stashing counter he 1 hind tha barman picked it up shook off the surplus moisture i put the bill in the till and the i change in the little saucer which barmen ute to blackmail custo mers into giving tips as he was fiddling with the money his hack to the bar the irate j traveller taid in a loud voice wtiere my change lh your eiuteen cents sir said the barman slosth i taking the coins out of his tip- i ping saucer j the traveller looked at him the bar was silent now i you keep tt he said and a thousand unsaid words tremb led on his llpa he turned ah ruptly and walked out and make of this what you will the barman in thit little episode was clearly of foreign extraction fcod had an aut i which wade this obvious i h nf dont know whether the trawj iw waj american or canadian but the fact uut caaadan quarter which is worth 2a n the us should b treated m this manner in a large us ho tel may provide etuoj for thought one thin li cartgn tiis sort of nontn n not likely to promote good u canadian relations thl lpaode st11s to hate cuiisunud a lot of tuc mow oh the uj nxt wk ywfcwty jilvi vafjutg xo echoes pre nxa to rts lierelev fk ldh 11 we congratulate r arol j 0 teill on winning the a ard gnen bj the pxetdtijt of the raiuiubl ule and ari dent iniuranc lo to the field rpreentatlve ufcc- aahlete- menl is most outstanding dur ing lu tear the leorgetown community choral society hat enjojad a very tucieitful season so far under the leadership of their conductor mr capps 9 all tnterted in kkilng are requested tp meet at maria rent hill on salurda next at 2 o clock iteginnars welcome vcoret of 60 or oser out of a poajihle 100 were made by members of the nerval rlfe club last week v johnson gv c skerrett m 11 nurse m w wllinn co k hustler 01 t howlen u3 v robinson 03 k j ollop dl w robtnton 01 the uelph piaer will pre sent a rollicking thro act irish comad when irhta eei are xmtlrryf under uie auspice of hol croas roman catholic church in tha ciregorv theatre on thurtda evening march 21it admission sic relerse seat plan at robb a drug store at th grrgorj uulldog drummond strikes rack a thrilling mater story itar- nng ronald colman warner oland and iretta voting tlroadtsa hill ttariinu war nrr baxter and msri 1 t whom the coda dei r stir- ring walter connolk kubt i young and doris kenwo tlup ter 0 of kit araon provincial acquires anothir subsidiary th local provincal iaprr mill hat acquired uolhcr relative with annoyniemi nt by d w ambrldge piesldenl of abltlbl power l paper co ltd of the purchase of the en tire capital stock of pembroke shook mills ltd pemhroke from canadian canners nf hamilton pembroke shook mills ltd operates a modern corrugated box plant and a large wood shook plant the companj altn holds extensive forest limits in the pembroke forest district did you know the cit of camden maine built a monument to the dough nut hole world book encjclo- pedlo report that the staua honor capt llmwn oregon vsho invented the doughnut hnle in 1m7 million dollar project georgetown herald published by thomson newt paper limited georgetown ontario walter c blajiu managing killtor garfield l mcgllvray pmductkon superintendent office staff ail uon tlrudloy terry harloy john ollivier advertuins plant staff m clark iae hattnai u uaskervlllo myles gils on member pf the canadiiu- weekly nowtpmpr ajtaoclatton and the ontario division ot the cwna a symbol of your initiative t by tom ferguson over three hundred jean ago cmadaa firvt honplial re- ceived its first pstient the hotel dleu hospital de quebec founded bv the french order of st augustine in 11130 marked the first step in the start of a voluntars hospital svitem that was destined to spread over the length and hrradth of our dom in ion 9 the significant motivating factor behind the grostth of out hotpttals which now offer health care second to nonr urn i the initiative and independence of canadian people uho recoc- nixed a need and decided to do something about it rececnlie necessity just a thousands of people from all walks of life in count ies communitlea hive done in the past the people of she george tf town and district community have recognized the neceaalty ol having thkin own community hospital and thej have too devi ded u do something about it now this project to be successful will require the support ot every citlxen busineu firm and corporation in our community ave and evea thoee 4to have lett our coutmunltv to seek iuc ceu in more distant parts for the price us on hoapltali coma high today however we do not itand alone in this undertaking fot tha government has assured ui of support on one condition a building fund ol approximately one quarter of the total projec cost must be raised by voluntary contributions with our force united we can reach this objective and make your community hoapital a reality jjp t date the new georgetown and district memdrtal hospital uil be a modern up to tne minute onestorey 05 bad hospital wltfc 24 baialnettm labour and recovery vootos 2 ma lor operitlnj rooms xray equipment and fmerjtncy and oulpauebts depart monts it will be equipped with a modern laundry and otket ancillary facilities it is io designed that when the need ariaes it can be enlarged both vertically and horizontally to accommo date ifio beds w planned faetliuos are capable ot handling an estimate 1100 operations and lfl000 patient day per year your hoepltal is community pflojloct to be auoceeafu 11 naeds your help pledge your support now and do your j in waking the georgetown and dlemct memorial hosp 1 a uccm in eol

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