Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 17, 1960, p. 3

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teeners furnish hospital room clui mldtowm u not only fun tvganuition boi irtdicalat itial ill young nwmbon ara coawnunity mindd with gilt of a room or lh n hoiplat sacrlary lirvd rcouacli piaienli a jispo pleiiqa from 1u club wlila oilr midlown mambari look on from tk ull michl willingliam david jora mm koilck tvoiplal lund chain thomat dllon daiwm ldl lania lam cava cihnwty tlana crmnwood jolin banham caiol hgriam pliolo by jay slixjo gaorcjaiown bagpipes dancers provide scottish evening at manor ballimarad hativm wak c ho ci a u ygachhb the skirl of tb bagplpei snd th toft swish u sho leather on the polished floor rt heard n th dining room of the minor on leap year nmhl monday ymh hvh on which occasion i vry enjoyable and thrilling ev ning of entertainment vu provided for the residenti by about tvrntv five member of tha alton stuttiih dance club the hunorarv pi evident or the club sir wed u right was pr will but jt un regretted that lb president dr it buekner wii unable to attrnd mr llilt million was the competent and vitly mmi of ceremonies and ur hob rovers wai in charge president of th lub prrvm led candy and cigarettes to the residents th great enjoment at ihe audience wi espretted in a vpeech of think bj mrs margaret korbei a delictoui lunch of woni shortbread fruit rake and coo kies donate b thr x itlur and cold drinks vs rvtd af ler which two more group dan es the dashing v hite sir geanl and the canadian hjrn dance brought the entertain ment to a dote although this club i known at thr acton scot lish dane t lub tome of it members come from i lark win and milton sedles to sa an p o j rrtirrd i trsrher i atlanta fr old orgia 1 but appmipiiete title mivrd bv mr jjck tins whrn he had tuo other tis of v inmanue baptist rrh in milton mr and mr tr hi ii rjim to conduct the church xttur on unde fit moon lirth mh mr lsi lu sell plawd the p jno for the mr h inn and mr hiell hrlprd to durham street cnndmtethr rvicr ftirhav a native of ball naiad he wb rrad t hapfer 4 of ihr irt gradual at th oac at rpittlr nf john fi local rebekahs host to ontario warden kfiltos had corgtowo jtb- kja lodges cotntnttcd to bott lbe oauric waxd umua fao mas w knjejenoll rd pity at rteatpuoa had unnc id their wkkmit uat txuy th ju- w jr suruinc4 at fc itlnnw fct th kotsm tj ktrt faul brbr 1 wiuud strt ud uur t tud butft u lu loot hall tcm becaoiou wj um onuria wkrtuoi blhtlml hmmtul visit hrnim f k taliuol j vwdud tlfr- bftkajai lodg kmnber forid u gusrd f kmmsour for iw vuil- bu trx u tky ourw th kli v b tmcssimi uv the crxuwtf tuurt twy atid jitlft cmxs n uilrodiiccd aumiim l hid j tavovrd in- lv ku iohtr l4o kt um ujua cj bii rfth lr t iltrwiwu fehiculed at ttkt unral wrvu and itiur- kant bij bi otntw9 cviuvtery kt atkeni siixvivtrfa ttwluo tw uuklr ur jwrk tir uh allkbu and mrt j u uoulur evkula ill to verdun noble grand ur wgjcy wylie who teelcumcd lbem frtor to lodjf sift from verdun and ulllonc lv caljjf star lodge wu accepted by lh onurio warden aodiuyin mrs how man wrs ivuff ciptkltl itfy gill th diitnct deputy pivudent of dutrtct zfl rida hrdfield th dulrict deputy prldnt of cnlr district audrey mccui y th diuricl deputy pm- of weu district tjuy weitfsl atid th ub4kib auiouy ckkplm violft urlutb viauloi- wer uo on ujd from lojlirjb anchiter urbwp- ton and tuonlo a4c nolicc to creditors im ym ktay u umpk let cwumm 4atj all prmaa ha viaj claiui u albm th fcut of jo4eph scott ull oj the village of georgetown propane gas por sales shj service home farm industry distributor for afagas ltd agmcouct ontjulo tawki stotuo at sjtvwcmbc om no x htohwav billmcenery tr 72032 u wa oit u tr bnlkr uj of ful fw ku bltfuita- fc w4ufwl iviftvw 4md k 1 uiu kl what u it wilt rw uhonllfually dattlvnaxi t wul uaattyt fumima k culd tv mny by living scotch bakery mill stkeey on ultlo7t 6nly our baktimgs annetlir u i nuersit ul dird rvrrnttt in an llopital in hit ttrd was a brother in law h vannatter it tvottce and the undersigned will j 7 io cuelph and wai auciaied with 4 la lubi to any per tan of uibou gtnll who f wt diad o or 6 th iih day i ww ol januwy 16oo are herby t mw notfid to wnd particular of iwrluuura um to th undrugned on or befor the 16th day of april ifroo after which date he fa tale will u dtatrtlhited with re gard only to the eta l mi of which the undrugad ahalt then have vruit bkiad choi jurv ioap for k btt donuys in iwh honly olpptd chocolate jeuy try usi 35c 3sc i hi end of the chapter hnvto drhs il a tf the pipera the aroup wailhar evening to b apent in eomposed of adult dancers ienthu enjoyable and informal age daooiri and children th program opened with tae piping in of the dancers to the music of the bagpipes th lad lee were drerd in white dre a and tartans the gentlemen la whit shirts and kilts thr children who performed special dance i were drritrd in full highland uitumn 1 h music for th dancers as group wu provided by a record player and for the sfrecial danceri by th bagpipes tha lirtt danc of th even ing a dante which srl the pace for th whole exhilarating pro gram was the irtrunella per formed by eight adults this wu followed h stirring bag pipe selection a medley of three scolluh tunev ptaed by one nf tha wning hos michael joe in th fluxt dance double fiwordi andrram cumella mil ton and prnny izatt of clark would b greatly antinps twenty fnt ladies atlrn led thr regular meeting of the tt by hat1 on uednewla after noon march i mrs s iokir and mr- s allen prrndrd the donation of articles received at the valentine party given t thr srouh block u i when the roh rail was aatvrerel wiih gifts foe ihe hobby elan wa displard for th member and much appreciation xprced rrall apitreciatrd alo wnr sevvral gifts of nlnn and hue and wool which will pro ver uirful in hobby clais projects a number of very attractive finished articles were brought to this meeting atnunc thrm a crib throw an embroidered lun cheon cloth several apionv knitted rushioni bahv bmtirn and children s socki at the con elusion of the hiimnew prncul hir h hr k i ihr lltlr a llnr sulr 1 ml4 1 mr trl vi im ill hr ilr sin jituir nxl n iiur llul ml tir liir i 1 flnu h a onr vilrl loi ji liir nrr ir thr cjn ol i hi ljulrn of rlrn nl his murr ml 11 1 rrl lor lor i lir ihil ur nnnt rilu ti im ir wr arr n rp 11 1 ml llril irail ftrcll in ir mi ihr txwk f st 1 ubr til t jnl ltrrtjlln n to pn r hi mr pintil lurirl thurpon suao a spici 1 in ml in in 1jir 4 in 1 i i thr v ii if hru tin n k fur him ii 1 1 llti jim 1 lim uill 111 i n tha rrihi ill he lnil im ul vll ib l ol thr rni urj mrnt in ik k it frinn nimii 11 to iini him trl it on 1 ml ink it hj u n t iuiior rn not mr i the agronomy department of i n to the ttnivrrsitv of eorgiatol li ge of agrirulturr for more than 25 years me was a mrmhn of the alxarj mrthdist hurch in atlanta and a steward in the r irit methmlist church la vhoa elaird they shall not then have notice falcd at georgetown this mb day of march 160 lues crichton and olrnden scott by their soliciturs dal bennett 4v lallmer crfglown ont 3 31 rhthompson hardware oil s cas hkayino i mahdwari flumbino rt 77i i iltugl youb support to the itoixtliuh ohiiiii afrniuiul huiplljl w nkid rlstpllal x come in ot mom roii youi oioei our ena rrrtit tarvaa tka uiku oa0lawh ra call inula la enjr lif wuinoi wrlkdy firiu 4 phone tr 73481 arvsther thing vo1t nlu about th irish is lhir imnunu slf satisfaction whs ts would kcus th pstision of foul tmpr by d taring proudly i floats it s th irish in m1 son won the hearts of the aud u i ii i elusion or the hunnevs pencu lence at the also did later when dncnn ihr shear tnihh and n thr lltklnd mine iloth prnh rom and andreana showed great tal cnt in sols dances also pennv s dance being the flora mac don aid dance and andrenas th ir tsh jig in the croup dance which alternated with these solo and duo numbers th walts country dance and the figbt some lire were danced by both th adults and tcenagerw as a group and strip the willow by the teenicprts only the junior pipeiund composed of four pipers and a drummer played a mrdle nf three tunes in very creditable fashion in an in terval between dances mrs nuckner a cling on behalf of her humtkind dr buckner the one the r eh t- in thi ur t hi v dun t llul h an lr itntn and he ii black cloid una trait i ming rold m new highway maps will show county boundaries several changes designed to belp th highway traveller have been introduced in the ituu ontario official road map which has just com off the prrttses th map revived even year of rfttirse to show new the storm and inclement wra ther or thursday march 1rd failed to daunt some thirtv five bandsmen of the iirne scotv rand and their gifted tradrr ijeut e g corlett when thev came to present a concert for the residents aa ts thr usual cas tn concerts by ttm fine band great vertatilitv uiv shown in the playinff of a ar led program stirring marc he luch as the standard nf st george the totem pole march and a grange were presented in a program that also included other types of music such as reveri for band overture dra matiqu and the novelty num ber the waltung cat old drinks and cookies were servrd at the conclusion of the ptog ram much appreciation was ex pressed to the bandmncn anil their bandmaster for keeping th appointment for this enjoy able program in spit of the stormy weather hewtvir it tk all kinds t mil a world end torn ol my bast friends r irsh but how would you hk your alitor t marry ont well my sliteri brother marrtd en and i 111 f you hays you nvr know whe ther its kits or kick youll b oat i ing it 11 est i moled that more than jw p r ci nt tt thr work ol the canadian hid i ros so cictv w done b volunteer wnrki rs a ervic in honour of thr world day of prayer was held in ihe dining room of the- manor on fridaj afternoon march 4lh highwavi under wnstructon tm servlcr wai conttucle hv anv thangoi in highway num mri s lmcklt mrr s a hers and some additional place u th prlnlt leaflet being names f me throughout canada on this however the newest feature occasion was used for this scr of the ifiilo map u that all county and district names and boundaries mr shown the names have been placed in a curve if make thrm standout at much a pnihle and the hnundarirs are emphasised by white shading the department of high ways places signs where ooun ty bnurutarics intersect high wavn with the county hnun- dariev shown on the map it will he pnssihle for lnveri to live them a refereifce point win n trnvrllini the nrwjiup iv available at any nf 1 enarimeuts ib district nffilcs ihrolighout the province dpartmeni of tra vel ami publicity tourist r- ctmltnn cuntres nt in writing finitn the highways depart hifiil or th department of travel mid publicity toronto vice at the manor also the theme fur this year being fjib oureri together with god iloth men and wuinen residents attrn ded mrs ijickie mrs allen mrs margaret forbes and miw clara sutton read portions of the leaflet while mr alf ba kr and ur norman barlow read portions ot scripture mrs loekle gave an inspiring sum mary of one of the little book lets written by rev morman vincent peale of new york city mrs belly r- of milton added greatly to the in tpiraliun of ihe meeting hy singiiiu a very fifie solo ihe stranger of galilee a number of familar hymns led by mrs lockle were sung with some of the persons present suggesting their favourites ah impressive itamon with travel notes new jet service to england and europe commancina in march kesorvalions now bi accepted lowest available rates toronto london return 48560 0 john r barber travel advm john r barbar abncy insurance travel tr 722 u mill si enjoy the elegance of furnishings from osborne interiors the symbol of luxury in every home sliop here at your leisure browse through our oihmjndmg stock youi clioicc liii uc finjlied in tnr home wlicie we cm iie experi lielp and advice on von deror we measure free estimates given i nit we instal no obligation armet quality paints with your choice of too dccorativi colours best quality lining full drape accessories included custom made osborne interiors wallpaper canadian and imported grassclolli murals vinyls pi li ft jumi ilk io 9000 ipiglt mil 4 window o tanglhi 6 wintlaw 3 langlht t windaw 4 langlh 10 wlntiaw is langltti 12 windaw 6 langtht 14 windaw 7 langthi 16 windaw 8 lanolhi is windaw 9 langlhi j 05 yd isis 39 s 51 95 4 9s 795 9 95 99 95 1u9c 13 95 yd s19j 4795 m95 7995 9595 10995 12495 13995 discover the exciting buys in carpeting new patterns new blends pill i h new colours dncowr the juuiiy of fine mxil ijipciln nilitiu iwiiu iubnig jiypleluit til pinf ym mh tiuly ajjoid bmavar tha tlirtllng naw datign yeo uatajanb wllh durability ef carpal from mnitida fibril from 595 it yard and up free walltowall installation for vour added convenience all decorating accessories available at open friday until9pja tts easy to shop hare use your credit to buy if you wish i a c and international charge delrex market centre tr 79091 georgetown

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