Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 17, 1960, p. 7

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credit valley bottling receives coveted award tua ou visiting this planj i hava ajways found harold scbtnk u b extrtmoly tjiiajlty coiuctuu i ul that throujeb hii continual feffarlj elon thu line the result siiowi are very jutifud in ekprefctink bu congratula tions oo ib award- mr clark noted that there n considerable job wliif action end a big bon comploy iut tcuis during and founder of the plant our for job well done i ita aihb twivebuud ut swtd sterilualloa th n i nappy he said that thii bon br uul trarly 1h1 woalh cff i palm to ur met- hrdur ell to ontario oil prrwoulton 0 the fcwsrd old yhhk and we are bjeied williain vhetik lha father u wte by a j gua clarke f be with an excellent water beamed in the backajrouod ht jiwral aw manijjri of hires supply from a natural v 11 hsi r tird row the artive op- to tanade fttid 0oarw ipj vtueh uc sue jo ivjiiuet nb oration the jiunt but uu ivaulive xfrck johntorj j spmal reeaution m the man keepi bujj lulpini the boys out lli hndwuma plaque uiikvurtunbk and fillmje protest 11 started credit villey x lingular honour ha4 un i tha- plant b bow h on iu blo up6u credit valley way lo another perfect mfie abulia work alounlaiiviwl tha plant ix operated by th road u rwntly tby wre i scheuk family turold 33 who prcnted with a warble and i u produttio tuanajier accepted tfuld pliiiiw by tha charles k the prinltoa from air mir co for 12 kaontha of con clarke donald 2 and ken anient quality prfcuoa neih 23 who are ripinsible annauiirthieut of tha award fur ulei management au6 par had un uda by ldar hire i ticipated in the cwanon at did vic prriidnt of the parent t v illlim srhenk their father have a pi vcr vl honour upoji the watts of the rvdit vluy plant aloiig with other quality rxcel leare awards elrfcad wou bj thu fcufct the pnuntatlon of the aw ard u tha first urh made to a anfcdian hlrei bottler and 1 prvparmllofta for thhr fonhcom iiu testa ulchacl hi ita paaaad c ly rttdkjfp ul jlrt rtquiremenu ko oy i 0011 vvio conakun of taakln book llit book cover and atory tell in to the jaclt 1he reit of the nljthl wag devoted to it me jndiojur ihu wtfck ood sttouunx a millar a ho ld to llieir tufrru and ui2 in gleu williami ont produrtlwi perwmrtf i v in moving to tha prwnt loratuu speoc and koiad nrout in 1wt a partnar who bad i aumiikr uplue look grit joined with air srh nk ht 1043 pritle in lhu- work ta thli it vhcny invmtmk ib06 to ieft tarl tbr orsanuation beka4 p h in preientinj an additional out i bought him out for lha prii from hint anadian up- jwio in 122 wy ur fhnk look through tteu- quality reralion of chu of iluer ur but i didn i know wher 1 vort breuka lo indicate that 1 johnaoti laid on every ocaa goini wai r 4 n 5ssa silver chest bonling award thi ichcnkc kamily operator of credt valley dottl ng work mm n awards won for quality parfocton in boftl nrj charlei e h rei product laft to ngrit william scfienk and ton ken don and harold who hold a plaquo wh ch will hang on tha wall of thai plant plaque for quality perfcflon in a re ml preicnlftion at credit valley bottling work officials of the hiro company prtitntcd a p iqun for con slent qoal ty porfornnnce to company officiah left lo right ken schcnk gui clarke h rti qeneral a ei manaqer nuk nq prrontation to harold schcnk don and will vn schcnk urc to the left and jack johnson ontar o hires rcpreitn alive at ihofr ght of harold farm news ross austin named reserve sheep showman college royal by j a f citoun ro- hai wen id te tins ustm h h 3 rporic 411 aunculturil luhi and n wa srlrctrd ai itrwrir a completed projects in dairy ham pi on shrep showman the 10g0 collect itmal the college itoial is a nunia ture exhibition prmluccd h the students of the ontario ac ricultural college the ontario veterinary college and mac donald institute rnsal eventi were held during the unk of march 71h at the livestock showmanship esuitt each student n repon aihla fu preparing ant exhibit inc one of the animals at the t ottpue in the show riiifi the judfie considers only the man ner in which the animal is pro ented and tha showmanship jb- hllv of the student ross is a son of mr and mrs charlea auttin r r no j ceor- calf tor beef calf grain and trac toronto nonagenarian leaves sister here mr kitoknuui a sister of mrs clara timson of town dud on itkuv mircli 4th at toronto kjsi ii larat hospital in her whh ytar a resident of 6 anndalr dd toronto hhe was the wife of the late samuel smith and is sur ived by a dauchter irene mrs h lohnson nf toronto th funeral nervire wa held at the sherntir funeral home toronto and interment uki in st johns cemetrrv onva mary jane dokon 93 last of her family the last of a famih of r mary jane dolson uiai intrnod in hillcrrst cemeterv norvil mnnda march 7th after fun ral service in brampton she ilnd on rnla march 4th at her niece residence in malton at he ago of 03 horn on the 2nd con lot 18 chincuncouiy the dauchter of andrew douon and mary jane ljont she spent much of her early life with her and an aunt and uncle mr and mrs james clark and liter with a coimn iluch clark and mrs clark near norvat station she hntf been livinj withher niece mn j h vvardlaw for the past eight iars thre mster mr v ilium tubhs mrs hell and margaret ootsn and four brother w j lohn simurl ind i eshr prede ceased hi r h 1st qit cm tro on thir riutr to ting night lha uuop had an evening of tmt ah siezia took rhargtf of tha loop in dow li iu4utona aunc 1 cr uai a xtp oa thuriday night uirrh 3rd th troop mating took ua iorui of a map rading tirraia alart ing out ihuj karb patrol leader wai luued with tcjltd ordtri that h rcivd kl taot week i wllhi all patrols toet at pre artaiigd pomu in town at jf thay opnad their ordr aiid orocdd wilh their in kiruttlohf until thay arrived at tka cottaga lnn mitiormt wbra thatr wroutmaatr dip per krank bryant wi waiting ror lham the huffalo patrt 1 undar tha capable leadership of thalr patrol leader david ni van war tha first to complete ihelr mltaion luccesafully therefor winning lha t the following smut pfced thee tu 11 djvid niven paisid fracture terry kenne 1 kon draw jmtr mcaniara paned rule of health fj id hrester passed bu tender m an 1 u ii b invested at nrit ek niee ling hon urrw an i lttr xuc namara auo pved uinr tri bandage let in the future at our meeting it looki like a roup are going to have an impremve nuin or o instrurtori the folios ng mm have agred to hrlp uut mr i john uodridgr mr john heat tie mr i nrge uirkiun mr gear liii i in the mar fn jre r i t glen rogers w i he irm t ir tulatjnt coutmaver we are torn to hear that daltiin hat j do hai had to return jo hospl tl may od speed jour recov ery dalion tnj daaratawn tcouu at truinf i p crrem r j two boi tan howell an 1 m 1 ael wamn were hroujht up 1 the troop a new palrul uji firm 1 nicely the owl 1 atrol i vid lnderhlll was elected patrol leader cordon hron t uit elected patrol laadrr of the night hak patrol he succeeds flickie smith who owing to his many other activities finis it impoaaible in continue as patrol leadrr further plans rre also made for the weekend camp march lrlh 3rd crtalawn cuba veiling the teorgetown dairy on tuesday night marthfllh the cub had a very lnterasting time the were conducted round on a tour by ur irwin noble mr no4 apuined to tha group each step taken from lha time the milk ua delivered by the tank truck until it uai bottled as pasteurized or ho no a point of interest to the visi tort was the intricate sstem of boule washing another point that held the boss interest uas the filling and capping of the bottlea the climax to the ev ening wa when each wtitnr re eeived a sample of ire cream kim fuinn passed his firefich ting walking he plank hook m ver and story for his second atar uit 3rd oaeeoatawfi tcauta on sunday night march flth the scouts held court of honor at their coltafl aptlv referred lo as rouell majior during the evening plana were discussed for a visit lo police 1iq m tor onto within the next few weeks more about im at a later dale the patrol leaders were respon utile last monday night for the gamea which were enjoed h all pratent srnuter vic gunn aajs a good job very well done the patrol leaders have planned a steak supper at thair cottage i am quite sure this wilt be a very enjoyable evening 4th caereetawn cuba it ia anticipated in the near future a small social dance for tha group eommitta member and frianda mir harry levy u carrying on a campaign in the hope it will bring a cloaer under standing betwaan parenti and the cub movement w wish him evary lucceai inhltvidea voura gun williams scouta the new aasistanti started with the troop roily hancock firit started acouting with the glen williams scouts and is now welcomed as one of the new as sistanu the other assistant welcomed to this troop la norm cnoley of norval ion of fred cooley district taff we feel sure these joung men will h a great assat tr th troop glan william cuba at tha list regular meeting nf the pack the hoys worked on churches anglican t cartet coosamtowft lhvr in kofjy msk 36th 8 00 a m holy kimhartsr ojo amholy ttimkrlt church school 0 years and upj ii 00 lid ly kutkarit church school jfi years nuraey cire for infants 6 30 p m awaittf liifctrurtuiii th vrayirnook 10 00 a in thurbdsjs holy urharul jntercesstons avjuan church ukl auxiliary to sl eorg s int ing m lha sundajrd rftducts uuildlng 1100 a rn thurch school tall ages si aluh i gun whilaa utv j hn udthbujia i i st hi boo am holy r icharut u 15 i m h int sil 1 10 jo am matins and sung ijtany 0 00 a m virst srrv ire in the standard iroducts lluildlng delrex tk parih of harval slswarllown hornby hrv j r maxwell rr f j h it thttell asmttant it paul s church marval 8 30 am lit 1 c uminuni n 1100 am morning iracr and t hurcli hch io ho y comrninun 11 am on 1st sunday o rrh iiinttil st jahn a church slewartlown ill a ii mt rn t k prtr u jo a in ii ilv nirnunion on i fie 2n 1 it in l ol rait n n hi s huol 10 1 a in 7 30 p m i- vi nc ng on the 1st sun lay of rjrh month tr stephen a church hornby 11 01 am morn ng lltyrr an 1 hurrh sr huol 111 a m 1 ly uwnun on nn jnih the ml b n of r s u jck p m trnl n n 1 i h rrh s s n r bur tljy o rj r i n nlh presdvtcrian knox caoroatewn minister llev alex j cimcr n ho organist mrs r dgar gowland church fiehool 0 im tublio worship 11 aw llnvahouaa minister rev alex j calcvr ha hi church school 130 pm public worship 2 30 pro norval and union nev g u roal nerval 10 00 am sunday school adult bible lata 1100 am divine wonhip unlen 1 30 pm sun lav srhnol adult hib e i lav j30 pm divine worship united st arufrawa unilad sinclair ave at mnuntainview hoad dr charlea donald i 0 0 43 am sunda si hoot 1100 am morning worship and ileginners sun school st johns georgetown rev m g mcr arlane h a kenneth harrison arct rmt music director 0 4 am sunday school 1100 i m church service heginner s sundav school ms pm privrr service 7 15 p m church service nerval pastoral charge rev lloyd n rrrel 11 a ii d glan williams 10 00 am church service 1100 am sunday school nerval 10 is am sunday school 1115 am church service heme 1 00 p m sunday school 3 00pm church service hultonvllu rev j p ashwm hadd 10 00 am meadpwvale 1130 a m huttonville 130 p m churchville bnticostal holiniss zleit tabernacle 05 guetph street rev e d thornton ministex 045 am sunday school 1100 im morning worship 7 00 p m evangelistic baptirr rirwt bw4la ckuecjl rev r- l whan b a bo choir director- bouglu pock organ lu mrs w town on a 10 00 xta lhurcji sduol 11 0o au wonbip service 7 00 p m r vmng worship 8 00 put wodntvd rr meeting kvoryona wplcoms st rlut ftmur rev k a 1mkcrtod bjl minuter mting in the gorge kennedy public school weber and dunco drive 10 00 a u mlble school 1100 am morning worship midweek service v ednady 8 j iu u lnndy wlcom awaits ou grwe bipllf keliosihlp 4m loop uoji rv p hruftj phny 0 45 am lhb school tl i0 mi morning wurthlp yuo p iu r vlning service a ug prayer muuuigj u dusday evcniug at houpm cmkutian rhformatd chustch minister rev d c loa 0 sq a m church service 3 00 p rn hurrh service dutch language min0 millw0rk doors jasii cabinet uaibl fbamil tcbsemt trompt irrvff irrt titimitri ii v at ht st tr 79771 paget t th aiokmtown hlbtalo t aearcss 17h ifsjsx thjuisi flvlmo plao only three local schools chapel st par and kennedy arcr eurrently flying use timer safeiy flax a report from the traffic kwjaty otticmf tbia month aald kcrideata bad coat baxrieott wnsgleaworth and uobcroas the right to fly it tkmtm are more than 100 000 voluntary worker in us membership of the womens work committee of use cana dian red crou society how you may save up to 300 on your next car aewmc xd awr it through siouvcrm t tb suiej vmm bnjt plan wuaai rwrn vy atbuy k t intuutmt anapunaj tip for hrpeaaea n e bmdo aud lnaurnxkov jf clamlev tixast cxs leefy yott car payxnaaot poav thm lunk rlxl luu bejpexl thaiumadm of r buyac be lo0 2004300 eod vm xoevcu ooar vw bjyw dkiu lkuhariuke ww itejp you t4 uat fircbig tit le ina lol buk it aaaiii ita utvaitai pey- tnani an krrord p ivoit jod no tuirn im aid bolike knost fiiiauciiiaf pl you loni py a jaglr uitt y wluu you fuaic3 uej cr tlurougb u lunk luu in addition you uva tluroujih lowot cr- ful urivwt- nuratcw staut yurm ktwpe rl low by aiming to uur only ue evrag dnvr ij e driving halwu as your stau vauin agnt i liaiuiu duiu i giv you a clkujue for tla amount you tcd rvis include crdit lfe inauianod to cov ti unruiuj ualanna at ho extra cot call ma today auul hod out how tourh you may aave eric beard 21 rexway drive tr 74814 suie lami wuluil automobile inuusnct compiny i hiad otmcc 1ohomt0 omtajrio business directory raiph ai1s davics 1 f a am in ant and au lit r 122 due pti orieton til 7 3jm 1 office hours uondas dam 3pm to friday wallacff thompson 3rd division court clerk commissioner tr 7 3943 tf for kxfekt eye care eoniu t o t w a i k i k orulut presr ptioni ti ird hearing aid glasses 12 uatn st s brampton gl 14474 ret gl 1243 hours 0 am 6pm daily friday 0am to 0 p m fsenlngs by appointment 1 maulici 1 mandirson o c i tljrnitrr h solicitor 1 mill 11 tr rui roij theilj nldg i i lever hoskin chinrml acceunth 31 main n nramplnn i rn i n 44 victorn st toronto ihon 1jl 4 0131 s m faibish k o oitomit1ust mcnamata jlwilllts geortctown tom van skklerla brriitr sllcllr nfrttry 38 miln s tr 7j3i dr uluumi nidi dr 1 burns m11ni dinta1 slkthon xiuvy hill sl tr- 7 1871 robt r hamilton r o optometrist eye exam ned for appolnl tr 7 3071 co main si 111 ft ghougktottn 1 i dale bennett and latimer btrrlittn 1 sllellr 1 llilr s llrnnrll qc h014u 1 qc ll30ul dougia5 v latimer 1 tltun 13 mill sl i 7iaai 1 goreit6ii dr john r kerry prctlc si dnlltrv ily tluinule 7 1b41 mtln st georcrtown oeorcetown animal clinic c w slvri dvm 100 gurlph strfft clinic oprn 7 p tn 0pm mom tues wed fri aftrhamfft by apnolnlmt dr p w w kuryllowicz dvilal lurgn lit monnlilnvlfw ltd tr 74115 arnold rathrun life iniunncp at ijtal analjsis sun life of canada 12 gowcr ct georgetown yr74m hewson ord and hehon barrittfra a licit 30 mutt st s tturia knoi churtli 120 guelpb st llunter nidi no 7 ilv gkiiuf c iikwson john d 0ri fiirdhuck a iikls0n tit 7 2 th 707b1 dr k w mucauuy dentist ualn street north tr 74641 11 fiank pitch uctnsfcd aucnoneer prompt servlca ro noi 4is tr 7ba4 georstown w h c ark relaatlanal enolnir oalarl land xurvyr georgetown odl rai 81 pr chirlu dr ofdca gualpb sl talaphone tr 7309 donald j batty comaullanl hnttlnmr tr 73m4 raiidence 7q sarccnt road georcetown tf to provide emerpency aula lance in a hurrv the canadian red cross uarchnuiet relief mippliea in 1 ranee switzerland and turkey prevent chimney fires uu fir chui chtmlol chlnuty cihr to eliminate loot mid wile from your atovei and plnct tha smaller tha ttama tha mora loot mnd carbon for use in ou coal and wood fired units for sale at halton coop supplies monuments pollock cjlmmiu designs on request inspect our worv 111 greenwood cemeiery phone sms ei water slraet north galt robert w fletcher ueensad ballllf prompt report vklor 37 allan st n owvlll xhcing yo the debon aires 30 lso couple 300 you au invited lions st patricks ball arena rose room friday march 18th dress optional crownino of the shamrock queen spot k novelty dances j doo prize 1

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