adaquala police fcirotectiod aftd jostic adminattrauoa will only b lll i in halton wl county towu police lorca u aauhulhoav tn u inurru ith in oak villa journal ut mm trata kaewll nl lutdon 1- vocataa ux sounty arid fore uut tooum im arud fnxtf a baw juatk buildup wim ptxotfl vaosa oaitaiuilauoa jnum polk faclltlai ofleo- tblt rail aod a prt nwi branch 120 big four tor orwclalx of brandt 70 canadian legion posed for rhl picture following raoant tvertch auctioni front president dav capperauld and hi vice president godfrey gob clllar rear treasurer wallac tlvompton lecretary charles day v past proudent vurvay vic preiideril marls paid were atntnt wlrt ttfd pittura wi takn pivofo by jay t studio gwqalown arvlri end 2nd legion notes definition of love by calharlna prvucn certuro poem of lose las clark fce41 out erit june tournim bat that we instiled was three ki fo finally tuok place m ws held in the auditorium last saturday and never have m en to many people at one time gob did ureal job on rssnliink it and ale korxack aaqaifed to supply a very tast tftf lunch for them altonelh a a treat day for the branch our boys ended up in a four ay tie for who ls to rrprfsrnt ttw district in the provincial fi aula congratulation bos with a hit of luck you may find jour u provincial champ incidentally the old paper li ftartainly betting top heavy as tar at legion pictures are con aerned tills week we expect to run a couple of plcures of tie executive taken a dw weeks aao handsoutfl bunch of faijuea arm t lhe there are two mlislnk the ul president kirk garvin and mrle ipmd fctd vice president nick was a vlt late and mused it while marie re id showing that hoith taract eristic of his namely ahyness stayed away he iii we just ran t stand the limelight l public life vie managed to get some fair fjctures of the branch crib- uim on saturday and the offi hals in charfie thev will also s runnlnir in thr herald ai lasace permits and with the xjtsion hockey plcturrs lait rek and the picture of prrs- ujwit dave presenting our hot ttllskpledce two weeka ajjo we fceveina well covered at f ar then s the love of romance ohl unte me said she kxplain its meaning to me ohl how dors it feel lo tw in lot wat the qutitlun she askid of ram there are many lunds of love ni dear its the raiidist tiling in tin world ii inspirrt us to d ms of sacrifice that woul i othjrwim- be unln ard there s the lose of a mot it t r for instance for that tiny babe of hen a love that ihi ids and guide it protects it throughout all the y art thccr s the lose of a man for his country when he roes to meet the foe lie offer his all in that sacrifice greater lose can no man show there s the love of god tn rsery heart christ taught us the way tis trur christ used us so murh he d rd on the cr ss a palttrn for me and f r on f mbwf j h taylor heads county safety council j a f on monday march mils rp- rtmiitativts of farm organix t oris in lultun county appoid ltd a ten member hilton safe- county law force urged by langdon w um utuuiofl atbdj bow w fckid w had- hx- tmwrji tmrubipd luv wily um wtlercd ontario prowul injic ltru tot lrxte4igf wb twr ar acndvnu or rvthru at u dxftuult f ti- tavolvl pajluri to ttwud th olic tkry kj bfteu uftr- uixt u lo whlrb duurut b rail a bwur utuuu fcxioa ih rwl coiioty wkrd tb hurtk- ons tovxuhipa ex lrtuuy tan- pnitcud i emu forcatw this ptum katunc iwm eoun- tir at tbftir tarban kxaa ba cmm dmrlh wall tna rural tvortioa bulfar imasiairau lkruxdoo u a k ral h ttt us utrii u iuvcallt mm blamed unat- al tj th awnty u tnltij for trim w tesa vt tn irvaaonl tttt th uaotirccbu w atty brrakin had nbm arias- um yguapuni ciint la uwibla hoot raauaw that brk u and aaiefinat caa tarry aonuaca trf top w ara id jll ka toaiiaumd w la ualiod twiotv would ba feraauy fcuiuud if tud trtaar tooditurfkl to vork uadas wlta aanjd kd taiaijnfatioa aftka and kid kw tll faixa aosfaracuat u ttkuoi td law aforcaot wa txiw all a battar job a ctjncludad valuta cotya there the loe of a uuiuan lie ion s to call her hi own oh he joy he f ls when at list she ielil and consents to be hi alone f r a local resident are concern ad which hring us to a point ytme and again we are asked why ue do not ret more pic tares in the lclonar and if atir questioners will slop to think there could ik seeral an iwers numher 1 and most ini portant is lack of space que 1 lecture ran two years aro a picture of tim daley til ford presentind trophl aiir iclon hockey teams u had for a numher of years a th timber nf pictures in aloni for the mairlt n she ioiirs to le held in his arms she whihrs i lose you dirlint u hi n she knovss he s enslarl to her charmn ty counrll the mrmbere ol thai council include mac iroul acton rr4 mrs velma norns milton h h 2 mrs hoy coulter camptiall nlle it it 3 mrs rselyn oatea milton k it c uiured rower milton jack taylor hurling ton it it 2 john willmott mil ton it it 1 sandy liurhanan mortal it it 1 hrork llimi mill m it it c j a irancis munn with j ii taylor bur- lin t n as chairman and j a frjiir agricultural itepreien ativc haltun county aa lecr- tin niretink was aponsored by the 1xtinsiitn branch oi the ontario iu partment of acrttul ture to clinclude the rarra ac- ci lent surrey in hilton and to establish a tarm safety prog ram tn the county from marrh 1st 19m tn february 20 1ww the halton district women a in fttlttitra supplied accident re porters to report accidents to farm people tn halton this survey waa part oi a provincial survey the resultt of the provincial mm y show that in the first nine months there were 3 831 acci lents n ported the provincial farm safety coimril is iwinff oruanued to hell up farm safely procrama on a prnsmcial level j 11 tay lor haiti n a chairman will reprrsi nt halton county on thta council the halton county safety council will lw recommending programs in farm iafel for farm organizations in halton the results of the sursey will point up farm harards that are causing unnecessary accidents on the farm shows wood carvings to womens institute tna taffa colt a wodciim inatltuta tot at tba boi bf ura j easa with a good at teiuuaca al iembn and four gueatl la ta fcbsrce of tha prultunt airs ii puckering wai in lb chair koll call was answered by an irtut joke tfae motto it isn t what we start that counts but what we flnlih vu given by ura w ottrander ura hugh curk gave an in te resting paper on brampton indualriea slating there are fifty five at present and they pect five new onrs twfor the end of ii arch musical number given on the piano by kluabeth and alma clark wer wll given and greatly enjoyed ura rebecca susr demon at rated wood carving and then ahowed aaveral very interest tng piecea that ahe had done ura staler la a irulptnr and baa tax j kaa- ad la tna torwita wumucb jjuf a antet busifiaia pariod a fcoeial k wu ftajoyad and 8 dallclbui luncb aarrvwd by tb ktxuu urs kaja auld by ura howard ddlaoa and ura co tw fm ttbtaid tbrday mard x4tv 1mo page 8 altvvevwooo built wildwood h james kingsburgh dies jlamaa atingburgji of aaaple fen tnglbji uaeher htnortnara secondary school for 29 years diad unaafpeciadly arucrtnii toooth me lretird frool taacav tnf last yaa air kinburgb arvd tww aa witn tba 4ird battery r fiald artilry aiur graduatiajf froj univaralty id torootd u 1611- he built tna lanvf south bou bar la iqcwt wfw owoed by cnartca crawford and p it u m kimtttf bbme until 14a and wftj knoard to tetany brr th funrtal arrvtca was bald las st andrew weabylwaaai cburxb kin st j wnara for many ars b was an 1- daf and sunday scboul aupef- intandent burial was att ayr golden galaxy milk co the milvy way to health phome tr 72831 for your free sample of two qts georgetown distriq red sh cross fund blitz wba the cbfcdlsa had crcas taavaasr tails at ytat door rutuw hi li a volun teer tbrougb tna hsd croat you belp your and balp otnafs howa tet 7446 1v uj wf fj w us 1 j t ad toamvl xwata ad ka u fiutf fcka wka la tut ww mw wuntlluuly d laat 6slral 1mahts fwaa w euld um twm by twvu fl vy far kit hw 9unaaa aj wiy uufcll ha wu ta yau imaitt daalar aa aad full pr4uua r h thompson hardware oil oas hbatiho hardwabi mumbiho t 7w71 t w tki twij cmhish lxil tv gj craw thursday april 7th wharava and wkaiwsar the rtattty ariat tha cad ooa forca is of courva on ttia lob you may iomtim hav rwad of bad croat aid and its istifyiruj lo know tixhi you hav part in this tervica serve again by giving to tha red ootu if yaw w ltij wrt ajjtz mvorty hlas mall campaign treasurer dididttown dbttlof mo crow aw caasadlam raftk wf coouimna malrt st souht qabcba ovslarld sfci a 4 chrysler of canada appoints maveal motors sales limited 40 main street north georgetown trianglo 73 611 tin re s the lose of the sro ta nd hob m co phles toi- jf have r full tmil their mates have pasnd through thousand troubles with news stories but in all fairness with hundreds of bran thea its hard to tw in there ji the time second anil very important time and apun we re handed a arruhhs little pic tare poor in definition faded if blurred and it is expicted to ippear in the herald or the ic ajionary ror this problem we ean only recommend one ana v set a photosraphcr who understands what is ncelel for atwtpaper or magazine repro- tfjlictlnn to that ytiur picture is elear enough to reproduce its i simple at that the regular meeting it to light and let t sec a good turn sjut for it understand alex kcfr sjtck will have something spec ul to offer for in interesting half hour we recommend you ask chubby i tell you the harrowing tale w the cardiograph kid s heart isttaclc or if you wish variety ilk scolty for details about viubby s leap into space dues are now payable and wc understand will be appreciated the treasurer 3cabs3 radio equipped reliable drivers glen taxi operated by jim ball service every day including sundays tr 72432 kmmn man actus and man ik ir concrete cravel buhdino sand road cravel fill and top soil stone work tom haines cln willluni tr 7jj01 saaissfck 1 rery chrysler when ynu lose so tint noihinj rise matti rs you are wiltinc for mitm one de ir stke to fare ill that life 1ms to ohi r yor bcttir or worse to take when j ou long for the sound of somconr a tic ar volci when soud cive up your all for him ah thin you will know what love is tis the love that time cannot dim oubhemapepcohpt amd coucte0u6 1110 and will cot vour w bill ih two tidy worilmarship jmiangle tv iuii hlh compelmnk main stmt nq tr rvsof or ol 14t m hows your iq todays lnsukancb problems answered question is it true that the limit of fire insurance recovery on a dwelling la a maximum of 60 of the amount the dwelling ii in sured for answer no there fa no such statutory limitation contributed in th tntwaet al toud irtsuramca fay john k baftdm jamet k kvanat joum x amttncotf ttta car ofyour lua tor tba unsa ef your hfal mamniflcant new im chryalar modeb oitcr tlta ultimata in driving plaasura yt tltsy re priced much lower titan yon miaht reaaoiutbly aspect wonderful wuvlaor luzunoua saratoce blonoua new yorker chnnee youra today i plymouth solid for 001 rugd ifnlbody ooatatructlaia hew inclined economy six cur spirited v8 anjtusm fajnouatahtuanjiitat rida slmall wonder plymouth u pacesatter of tha lawtprtoe fiau this yaazt saa and try off of plymouth ffraal aolsd forco featurwl aoonf i fargo trucks you u t ixlaf tj i tnclu tin vmkgol vadrco ugfftuve tinut 42bo iu qvw lo mmlb ocw ulm you coou um rinkt tmck la da u tab uj da it uturl vu ont swmpula plckmuw to iaut cabkomanl hfculailimf ajfawaj waiiawuh mart fciatiaiam than vogl fhrd l mavmal pmtdml jun 3aiantf manager chryaur of canada la ploaaad to announce thia nawcat addition to our growing network of chryalor- plymoulhfargo doalora undor tha abu direction of frod l mavoil praaidant and ganoral maruior wo are confidant that maveal motor sales united will merit your trust friend aklp and oontinued patronnno you will find mavoal motors snloa tivhaii jvll aquippod to servo you ample apace b provided for tha dis play of chrysler and plymouth auto mobile and fargo trucks ao that you can comfortably and conveniently ex amine thee great products there is m large service department to efficiently and economically care for your car or truck regardless of make or model and the wellstocked usedcar depart ment affiant an excellent selection of goodquality reconditioned vehicles plan to visit maveal motors sales limited soon make it your head quarters for all your automotive needs chrysler corporation of canada limited chrnlr llymeuth crflo dtvwow