Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 24, 1960, p. 8

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tree shrub planting subject of speech important point tod um plkit- tw umi cms bi tr nd kntlri wre abrud in k iklk 6niario horticultural asaoeii memories of nassau cruise ttfasamt iuuaofclli of e tvcvm crulie to nat au aboard the ss bahama star which tailj from miami will be enjoyed by mr arwi mf kenneth wit on gofqhown they are pc turoci on the un dock o the stir u t injore a i ng while n nev u they had the op portunity of viewing h the wind ng stree ts in itonc i ghti of the luney judiil old world vh in cidmg through crown attorneys letter drows ire oakvi lie reeve by air jo frgfcwa of mien da nureexie cuo william at at public tnting tj the gorg- two uoriiculturkl tuty od um evwut of march lth ui wrucuswurib pubic achcj wtwa a u or hrub u traoaplxuted tjuu a portion at ure tardening 1u root ayaum ttf left behind la th soli from which it u dug tfcu lu tnuat ie bcuncvd by apviaj car ol ui ruou that jninilu tokfd it u pupud ta tb be lotilian yurthcmottf the top growth kulwt b pruiivd wjt ut bru u into bllr babkofe wits th diminish foot s utn li th uaniputiung is to b aueteaafux c the apaakar showed bow aoh tw and shruba may b easily propagatfd by cutting and bow lb art of pruning ran b umt lo maintain th shapely forms of tra abruw and twdifaa nd tvd tato iiqtnal devtjmpojwrf alur lb dvautioa of winter i terms diua ate iler ba aiuwt-r- d nutdaroua question mm tha audience on a variety of prob lems ha aa thanked coi behalf of tha socmy by un c ctb- aon un a k yayto and un uf are not here to catll gated b ihe crown atturnr declared ilee rrd titlcy of oakville after thi rradmg nf a w letter from mr peter h uc uilliams iroan aliernr at ut vrtki county council meeting the it tit r contained iuiues tlom anil cntirismi of the mil tun court hoube ilia 4urie for a drinking fountain oldie t directory and extra toilit f4cil w itea ucre apfirmi d and int hi ded in the pslimatrs up till this point ewrthin vai peaceful but when he unt v cd to eriticue the main doors np- ninil inwanm n term unaccep- table to tht council their ire arue t mr mcwilharim stjtej thjt the cmint u ci jrl in bn ach of the iirts tiwn public liuil dinbi act and irtlinj a poor titiinpli to thi pnl i r in turh a lla hri jlii jji the law i 1 a 1 i fin i t tin i r hi p in 1 ti d out th it li i um j pi ij i ixjujik t i tin- ci unl jf i li ir j l sp jkuik th- coui y i 1 a bb i i promiiiiu n k ve till j of uui 1 ro n mi n 1 an llj ik in i flivi crown j1 o bit ii s no d l mil i i ii c n tj urn 1 u th mr mi willi mi i tliin inii ro mi nl hi ci iilinm 1 i but i il uk nil pt n to tin i i it m of xh u tt r uipui llmi r j v ar of traf il jt t n f it the t nr f the liuir uaa obit iuu- bit fll th dx r ji a hjjir 1 id like to rip the outs 1c dxn clunji 1 jii 1 a 11 hi inmalud hi m tli 1 i hi mtmtion i i contrary to th onuno uuildinc dr an 1 id i k to ti it rc tifii 1 in if dimply lo ktcp our own iktrtj clean he eon c udrd hievr tillr replied tlw c iiniiiitl r feli dure c a ute f r itctii n and we ha e aikrd the nun r to sn ith in i pari cnuiiij for a 1 lt thi d mjt ran op n o utw ard miici iijth ous jronu imoun tin lo 7 750 ill le included in the bud it ft this jear the dtvtrihutioti will be at follow alvatin arm 1110o canad lan national inttitut for the lllind ti00 lme vols kejrim enl2s0 plus additional 11500 for the hands trip to tht ld inburfh festival bl john a am balance ch navy ietnua cf anala 100 halton muiic litivj 250 halton county i ire pnwntwm ilureau 400 anadian mental health auo- ciatmn 100 vi qv bohothv darken the tlrht skin on hli forehead appeared like two small white wlnj1 whi re his hairline reced ed at hl ttmples this uae his rather cherubic face the boisb eipreion of a mi car old achoolhoy surpriiid at life y t 1 figured he must hac been at least ten jrars awa from his last scholastic struifile he pu shed a forkful of peas on his plate toward a mound of mah ed potatoes to ensure a sifi landinc in his mouth for the iiumvc clobal pellets as the train swajed in us rapid iran sit vehemently he expressed his vews of todaj rducatinpal methwls for all to hi ar within the rane of his rather ultrac ue mjle nlce 1 had been fascinated whilr watchinr him manipulate his knife and fork for this was the firt tune in m life i had eer sun an hontbt to mh amblibxtrous person ip irion yet this achiivcmenl shall 1 call it was the reason for hn toumlinu off his companion remarktd on this trait at about the asms time i noticed some- thins unusual reardtnjt hli catinc haluts when i was all he com tnenced my first teacher dia- covcred i was left handed for the rest of my school life i was in misery she insisted on changing my natural inclina tlon to use my left hand to tha awkward torture of writlnn drawinc and cuttinii up scrip with my ncht hand her first report followed me from room to room i was rated at stupid because 1 trud to r ml from rlfiht to uft and odl columns of firureft from left to rirht nobody until ll was fifticn tried to figure ojtt what was wrong with me hii story was a fascinating ttno and progressed from hli own student trouble to those ol his eight year bid son ever tine the russians ptft sputnik into orbit our educators have been trying to jtroduee mtlo geniuses in ono gincration hli turrauvo continued t my own mashed potatoes were by then stone cold and the peas on my plate ut in utile pool of coagttalod ffravy while 1 lis tened wan i eavesdropplna hardly for hi vole boomed x on in indignation he bemoaned the fruatratlon at bj yeuncaier wfaoa horn- atudent and si his son a break ll a as inevitaba aa day fillouinn niht or one geners turn folluuins another limehouse work the nu hi before hid te n unu six c p itook pain on japan why the lilth afhr cun t e n urite easil and hi was in tears trcausi he did not know ufufi to ik tin atkut japm the icifi rous father admitted th it the ti aclirr hid proluhl t ik n the subject up in c iss but hi conti nded that at eiht no ihin stir uas cap able of wrltint six jxi ts tn an subject in ton his nullum you d think this an cram mini tht m into one hl nn it cntuur aloiik uilh ihi ir tit i books and out the xpi 1 1 th m lo come like the se saiisa is all stuffed uilh knouliel i tho e u re thi last words i hi inl as he paid bis chuk and his one trilled tjck freun the lone cor ridor epintini the ehne tie from the vip coirh ilie ad it s tin ol 1 irnmnt of the jjfled chil 1 si till thi tor the more normil one who lt eli ps at a much slower pace i expect the re ison i aae been aked to acf on seal panels on tlm subject he fore home and school groups is irc iusc we had jut this mixture of schol aslic ability in our own fumll one son u ib eisy learner could rrasp almost any chal lcnje his tt ache ri exeriment t el with and went throujh grain mar secondary schools and un ivcrsity more or less in a breexe he was as intolerant of his hrothtrs slrujjijc with nidlhimatics and the correction that had to be made in his mir ror mind reading habits as were the smaller lad a teachers at times children of the same pa rents and same environment they ore as different in their ncloction of careers and the con tnbution they ar at present making in tmlaj a business worlel a they were in their choice of amusements as child dren there will always he parents who grumble at what they con sldtr a too advanced education al system and those who belit tle it and think it inadequate id like to lay a bet on tho fact tho ambidextrous gentlemans nan may nover become our am bassador to japan but that therell come a day when hoil pound a dwjc and contend that tho board of eetucation in tho new subdivision in wtlch he lives iihoultt establihh separate claasos lor ut abovv avkj4i conclude series of marathon euchres paul and dordon hube recen tly had tonsils mnosed in the ui iph hospital mr james r indlay in ln st josi ph s hospital uelph fol 1 iw mi an alulttminal opt ration last ihurwjj we hop for his pe d recoxerj flowers at i iinehouxr pres byienan church on suncu urre in mi mor of the late lit tie dauj hter of mr and mr ar thur hall uhn iiel in the til iai a f i w ji ars ako we extind sjivipalhs to the family in their suddi n 1 s tuners at the final 1 mara hi n euchre in linu house me m rial hall on saturdas est mnft wen mrs sinclair and a n stark ami seconds harrj brown and mrs s hobin and lone hinds mrs jmrs fisher and i h ilowman in a cut with moffat the commitlee sir ed lunch after winners for thi sernswere 1st mrs c sin clair iml s kirkpatnck 2nds mrs ccoru hurt and ilillie wilson thirds mi meldrum st irk ui i hoiidld iilimi r lone hand prizes went to mrs thos hamilton and a n stark sec onds to mn w stringer in a cut with mrs s matthews anel tn georke hurt in a cut with clare ltobertson and o moffat mr and mrs s itobin won high est scores for four night a play mr john porter of venezuela spent a few days recently with his sister mrs k m ilourne anil u col uourne when he was enroute to fngland for hoi idajs donna campbell daughter of mr and mrs wm campbell is recuperating at home follow lng treatment in hospital in ouelph last week about seventy enjoyed danc ing te music by karna orch estra and mcdonalds orchestra with joe mcdonald as floor ma nager when tho scout mothers held a dance friday evening in umchouse memorial hall they plan another a couple of weks later school chairman rotarian speaker atrf monday evening the ro tsry club of 4irgrtown mu fur thlr regular dinner meet lng at the north halton olf it country club there wii a goeul attendance and several it cms of buiinrii wi r dealt with one of the feature items was a report by john orel about tlm ears fjtler seal campaign it was repealed that the letters are in prewr ss nt fsonijiletion and would soon ba read tins ears local appeal comes a lit tie later than uual but it li hoppd respoma will ba as good aa possible ralph lrsel gas an up to data picture or tha coming min strcl show he reported that this ear it was scheduled for friday and uturda april 22 and 23 and april and 30 tht vftiut has changed and it will ba held in tha hiih school auditorium which gives greatly enhanced dressing room lac ill tie am much finer stage he said that this alt ma da for a greatly enhanced show and this year with hew aingers end men and a complete nesv arnpt he anticipated the best ahow in tha flv sears show hoat haj ben pmelured ur ursel said that ticket were how eot and attractive poaters adverttilog h he said there was going to be extensive newspaper advertising and a tug program was to ba produ ced again mr vrsel ended by urging all member to get be hind and gise the show an ex tra push to succeu president hud bloiop adjour ned the meeting wellington wiuon dtrlbb to the annual convention of the uoo held in hamiitorinrvccntly gv uembrra exntf of tha in uosting highlights of the eua vrhtiojj program mr coorge irwvud vu chairman of the mfccting it is expfcterd that the april public meeting will feat adens jack greer new county councillor the rviignuilji ul afttf walter cexitof aclua ll wk euvaltd retve john jy to the position n6 left the position of reeve vcant jwck lrr ttow become t rv of acton klut appeared kt ouxity count j for lb first lime this yar lo tht eapanly u f ore asaigoing ur rtr to any rouimtutjt wajrdcu barg wit suggested the striking com tniltee wboaa job it la to st up the couiiiuttees be rvcofivencd however heeve ttlley iuigg4- ted the lust eliruptinn would lie- eauwej by mr reef simply taking oser the pot vscated by ur oy ur reer and tb eouncti toncurrrd as a result a res olution was pa wd to that tj feet with a wrlcome to ur crer tnrludrd ijvmg up lo his name iepity hre 11 merry of oaksille ejuipped if e r consent the striking romnnt tee we miuiit not e them tlu fjfclrr mino millwork doorl iash cabiwetl xtaibi frames screini prompt service trrp ttimjic 11 atln st tr 79771 ttularly plbi lie item t 111 liltl titltlxc lum arrouniv as is well muntrip if in 1 1 i r ii t this small item of onl twint one elol lars ronjuns up a sad story in the una mail m 1 hr ut in in thet ho pita a count read i uk noun male child x2 x at m1 mitli s arrouniv known countie i alltirs pay a slurr pal in an age of specialization it pays to buy your trucks from a truck speci maveal motor sales ltd i your internat10nai lhuck dtetur concrete foundationa brick st block work sidewalks new homes floor garages cismmerelal industrial residential institutional bill hamilton hamilton construction every building need raid court georgetown phone triantjio 7 3480 support the georgetown and district memorial hospital w need a hospital l tliurcuy liurdt tak 1mo page i brampton jersey is canadian champion a canadian fchkmplotiahlp t- etord ha hoed made for milk productioa in the jry wd in use malor 2 year did class brampton line bixth radar brd and wad b b if bull it ioa bramptod oot hu rc bokly ba awarded a gold and bilvrr udal certificate for her senior two yar old record of 12 ou iu- ut tadlk and tod iu of fai in 304 days the milk pkductto of thia frow u 8 tirw rxbrd for the breed rpurtug tliitf jlnda pndiur hulls annul owned by ii j wtt 4 bt usrya qtt id itou bd the luiirie pruduccre with 11k30 u of billk ad ew7 lba of fab the faw ehatiiplofi u a dau gbter of the nior sjpwlwr sire hriiijru harflr the bull at the hd of the hramptotl herd the datd of tha new champion u hmptoei fifth line a vry faiouujaroduf rf aivd brod cow she u the data of ue srumt uml bir brampton binth gn ruji iww owned by tha wat erlcu artiflca breeding unit and ha ui a superior tire with a rting tj m 0u 4i3 8 111 m ish mortuments cemetery uttering yeadons memorials li kino st bast georgetown tfty9s7j night parking restrictions haasa tak nola that soorgelown byla 56 2s prohibit parking on any roadway from midnight to 700 a m for longer mian three hours hi any tiro of tha year roy haley notice to creditors in thh k1yayi l j uh tttlrta dcaasod all persons having halms ag alnst the hstate of joseph seott late of the village f ijmehous entlman who died on or atwut the 2ath day of january 100 are hrreb notified to send particulars of same to the undersigned on or before the 16th day of april htv after which date he y tale will tie distributed with re gird only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice and the undersigned will not be liable to any person of whose claim they shall not then base notice dated at georgetown this ith day of march lqbo inei crichton and glenden scott by their solicitor dale bennett l latimer georgetown ont j 31 how you may save up to 300 on your next car finance and imtttre ii through state farm tb state vatrm benat ham a the tosodera way to buy wl efts imtkov eig tap fbr azpeasivei ttnaturw euad hamurmncm pararaaje rrle thet rii iumc yoa er psyumt oor tt bemk pujx lju bejpod truhimnde 6 cm bay art have 100 a0o 300 euxi wva tno mjoy low ty vfm blp yoa at lowooi hif t uj- ztlc kxml bemk if hempla ite 1ivu py- knuue feue aunrengnd to bolt yosl no fcxiaat fte tao hiddarrrt thmtfj abel qnhfce ta66t nt tying plmxtm yd dont py 8 kigime iotetretsi rmi when yod finejsev f s fbmt uxroogli tha tttv y lu fcd yod tew tbroetb loco cx- fuj dnw inpuatwa st yutd vmp rmt lei by tsimlng to ijfujw only tbe ivnii dnvw nf isaretful driving hlfy e aat your sui vmrtu ant i bausdle douibu x k yotf at cbaaque 1w tbee trwwint yu bdl vut it txedit lit inmitmncw to bovtae tl tuipid bunm at bo eatrs xwt cu m udy iud find out bow bsticb you ksuy v eric beard 21 rexway drive trl74814 slatt farm wohtal atatoraobtw kmaail cdopaoy mad 0rtlc lofcommx omiaaks how new mi 6bease h in cartridges lakproof tsoublenteef thi cottage inn for good things to eat ah through the dayl raakratt cohee rraak eunch dinner or the iventng snack de ceme in and lt ui main ji tb 7w04 sarva yeu you jtut uip the dp off cartridge fatten k ta our gkmse guo aod youre ready to greae any tttmg ttierei no wane no meutnd no dirt cm get in eho mp gfc3e h w cartndga will ue yod tune and protea yoof valmble equipment gv yout impenu eun aaant i all ipedal inhxxloelory ortr ak tee vmf pmtel saw a uu ml oin ubiutiuea tua oew eua kr i twy leak o tmpu for th lt ron dumper triangle 74552 georgetown canada and china e canada has been a nation for not quite years in that time canadians have earned hundred way of life unequalled outside north america and not oven ap proached by countries whose histories go back thousands of years countries uc4i m china pert of canadas success eomo from her ability to produce steel canada wirh population under 18000000 produced 660 pounds of it per person last yoar china with e population of 600000000 turned out 25 pounds par person this higher productivity comes from faetorus canadian have built for example the steel company of canada limited has invested more than 300 000000 in its plant and equipment since 1940 canadian produce more mainly because canadian com panies are continually improving rhir plant and equip ment stiel company of canada limitsb s4eacetaw mulueuyu sswwnrlav vshesebns

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