Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 7, 1960, p. 4

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georgetown herald a thomson newspakks limited rubucatlon srvirg th communities of gofgiown gln wtflums hlorval utaehoo hornby siswartiown balljrvetd aihgrow trr coria page 4 thuruuy evening april 7rih i960 editorial comment nat grounds for sucession xt local political pot ocmttmufi kj boil nd this wjek t rwedjines bfing rtw possi biliiy j fwvtdenit ol hvs deltex petit ioning to break aay and form tfttiir own top we hop they erervoj srquif attending a rntetinrj on thursday cal led o form djlrex ratepayers assooajion rtd to discuss a isxession petition luh fiad bean signed by ovt 300 ly- er vso listened carefully to speeches and cjuet um and diuaiiii and bon what we heard live ievons or form ng a new tovn could be enumer ated fins way ratepayers claim that a with js4 000 surplus tax revenue coming from delri art it was alio ctairrvd that t s f guro u now 1 6 000 the money should be cornmg back into the tea b delrex ratepayer are be rig taxed without repres entdtton on courwil ff take no tu irnt of mun opal affairs lo ovurconm the e as arguments for any major change in the prevent town status ratepayer have e point for arguing for preferred treatment if the statistics are true about tax split up but they have no right to receive extra services any more than a childless couple can expect to be excused from school taxes ffw wry mki up of our modern poll tical struciure is bid n a sharing of cosjs first over trie dommton lcorui over live provinces end so on down lo ttw county ervd municipal ifavl wd would idqe that r no km dos every part of town i back exactly wlit it pays in taxes svould this rtvadfy pr vail an expensive home assessed at say four t nes that of another stvould expect tvor tidftwellct mow police rwoecttort garbage collection every day etc etc ward voting is dlatable iubxi too and good op n ons can be offered both ways there was a time when the town had ward voting and ratepayers endorsed a switch to general vote council at present has ordered preparation of a by law for a quuihon vote this december and it is pro bable that next year s council will endose the w ii of hie n ajqf ty vh dievui i n a u if 1 is these two po nts v h eti trouble f ire railpayers then the ord nary prdtri tes of municipal government are amp to cope with them if thr re are other reasons to seek sec esuon then the petit oners are keep ng it lo themselves aixi it should be made public be for any such petition reaches the town council where tost drifting could lead no collection problems this business strictly mail order what ratepayers can do plru e a urul frf erluua m industrie in enj ereutwi ctrttew formation of e ratepayers group can we think bo of great value to the newer residents of town if leaden examine their duties carefully end plan e program which which will bring tho grcatcit benefits for everyone establishment of recreat on areas w rn playing fields awmgs and slides could well be major effort of council approach soc al vunings to get new residents acquainted with each other would pay dividends m happier citizens advice on road problems always the plague of new subdivisions v couirj be given prior to individuals approa ching council and when justified the aiio- ciation could present audi request on b half of a group a pr mary um of any association of new ratepayers stvou d be to integrate with o ner parts of town as fast at possible for t ere i ci many of the dissatisfactions largo end small georgetown it no longer a small town in the sense that everyone can know every one by name but we ana not so large that ny newcomer should be stranger very long if he makes an konant effort to gef acquainted we have churches lodges clubs publk service group in profusion and remember when you meet a stran 0f or wbn you pats toneorte on aha ttrcet h takm two to irule u toronto nrar gaorge ton irrmi like- a suitch on the usual question however i was ake thu very queation down in the marltimea one sum mer and how had georgetown become known in the atlantic proincei through the lo mmion sed lluuv catalojfue of courr a calaloaue that m hrra ii spring from nanaimo lo finitely huher nerl nrwfounilland anl rry him j ihne li is air han tlrd with irl in btwen in fact lha sed eitrrme care ihev are cum rl houm bjata that its mailing v hnd into parkr kir list coven every post office in i u no uie t kmft arwl a white canada canl dunt go into tkt hig while contrary to popular t urf the lomiiiiin sd llime duet not grow all its on irl thnr packagea then to half pounds then to ounces and finall to gram i irotahl you didn t know that i there are seeds c tmg it in 600 to 1000 an ounce t twr eela tha nyalt don l mil with tha proletariat of count j thev are kept in a ault umlir conirolled condition ol irmprr ature and humidiu si t n 1 1 bemoan the cit of a whiff nf i ranch perfume the a t of jmrlling a ilrx bt wnia li m i not content ulh having their own lah rlnrj tin nrn hae thur uwn prmling prej nut a uike our to im suit tut tug emjkh to punt ordrr fonn ind lab thus ntisiating irh er drljvi thr bjnr of a liumm lllan exutrnce i h th pi ci is 11 r a tt i i i n ttu u jrt f li jri rnr th y pron i d to the mail ing d k llrr a lare automa ik puvta i wniut in mat tune irlu jmi rn a i our the wor t hi ie dc nati n port relit or ix vr si ihtxvia it nn ukn ni jmelitrthr jnnun kr thr fnul sen t ff the pit ildif d pjrinciu ha rt up a nun ature m rling room where a po office emplier expcrtlv ti s parcels into thrlr respective hag hanging what do we do at the herald as many readers know the hera d it pr n ed at the plant of the oakville jourftv an aboc ate company of ihe thomson or gan rat on but this does not mean that the geor getown staff has only a minor part jo play in productn of the weekly rssue it m ghl be interesting to review the process by which words are converted into type and lo explain why the printing oper ation was shifted last fall to oakville a newspaper is produced first in metal and the herald has two linotype machine which set the news copy and parti of no advertisements a ludlow machine a hand- operated machine on the same pnnciplo which hns large display typo for news head ings and ads and a stcreocasting machine for advertising illustrations a five man shop spends three days of the wek in these operations end the bal ance of the time working on printingorders for office forms advertising circulars book lets and any printing which comes our way as each page of the newspaper is put together a mat of tho metal page is produ ced on a machine with a heavy cylinder which impresses me content of the page on an asbestos like substance thursday after noon six to eight page of tho upcoming edition must be taken to oakville wednes day afternoon the balance of tho week s nawspapcr must arrive there here the oakville plant works in rev erse the mats are convorted back into metal cylinders and first thing thursday morn ng these are buckled on ro leri on a h gn speed press and in an hour tl e ent re press run is printed end folded ready for transportation back to georgetown but why print in oakv he you ask a marter of time and etonom cs prior to lasr fall the hera d was pnn ted in our shop by a different process large flat sheets of newsprint were fed into a press by hand with four pages pnrued at once later the sheets were turned over and printed on the reverse side for the next four paqes a 12 page paper means three such operation a 16 page paper four and so on and when all pages were printed tney were compiled by another hand oper- at on on a folding machine as number of pages and number of cop es popted kept increasing it became an almost impossible job to get four pages on the prestwarly enough in the week to main tain a tight production schedule contrasting wih tha hours printing ob in oakville wat 20 or more man hours at home it is a printing twitch which is bacom ing more and more common in the weekly newspaper field high speed presses ar expensive and it would not pay one busi ness to have tuch amachina to print one paper publishers in tuch towns as listowel hanover acton brampton have installed equipment and besides thair own puohea tions are contracting to print for neighbour ing towns it will be more vommon in fut ure as the days o he handled press draw to an rnd building reminiscent of a tud or mansion on llwy 7 ltu eedi or llocw expecting to be are red 1 orr upended frmn iron ha waileh on hand and fool it the world but ihnr names are hrrn another d woru happen thla la enttraly a b jp d tnte while they mded since the parcels go dir ma not go to mmk an t das ger f itremea dint mjc tell clmbalt nillher e aaad uaa and iltu woddvr ainca lorit infi frrrwer whe devotedh spend a lifetime perfecting onr tp la pruojhls the biglrt headache in the biuincwt seels come here from japan ital holland england rrm i an i nited states and nur own i countr both the vipphir an 1 mail onjer huslneas and the make no bones about tt in fact eat aa wall a lfa rada vl wtk ut yywir own order our huilnati u deilgnm te tervlce catalogue mall order while nn another a similar sign read it will greatly facilitate prompt service te customer it ou do not request an attendant thro the nurser and sreedfiomes we cannot spare a man so ectlr to the train hile the seed ii m e tun lies both urry atock and bulba aada ana their first love tad the home gardener are thrlr people words of the wise twenty five ykars ago echoes proeei ik pa bat off tha ha raid april 1hh 1935 support the uons in their drive to noli ticket i for their revue step lively two caiea o chicken pox arnd one case of mealies re- poriedllai town titk week mr sam walker presented the herald with a ticket which he discovered in an old drawer v reads irish relief social wednesday february 4th 1b00 town hall georgetown admission 25c the ticket wa printed by theilerald longs confectioner it cele- hralinu lit 5th annberary thli week i medala and ceytificatoa were won by all pujjlla entered from georgetown lri tfee hal jtou muila featival m at the gregory theatre death on the diamond star ring robert young and madge vans the country chairman tlarrln will rogers and for saking all others starring clark gable joan crawford ami rob ert montgomery words op thi wisk kvery man has a right tohli opinion tout uo man has a right to be wrong in nil fact bernard u baruch ifving all the lawns of n lure the seed home sprouted from a mail order elrctrifal hu sinrva tltuatel near the atatinn the late v f hrdle startel a mail order businrs handling lirelew rookeri in 10m gradu allv adding other electrical an pliancci at time went on in an effort to ovarcome the sea sonsl alump mr bradley dcci ded to experiment with seeds iruiead of appliances in no time at all much to everyones am atement orders were pouring in in answer to the small ad vertisementt scattered through out the newspapers in the words of the general manager ihiiret vannatfer whose rmr sounds not unlike a botanical name of a species the tail was wagging the dog tlv ltuo they ivtued a brtu i n llfulh illustrated one hundred and fifu pair ratal i a cop of which it always on duptay at the seed house mr vannat ter handles it tenderlv an 1 shows it with tiarely concealed pride mr vannatter like moat of the top staff was with mr llril ley through the tireless cok er era till now he feela lea sons learned in the dark dass of the depression have stood them in good stead ami contri buted greatly to thair present success the seed house and ita teenl aifis of ftrtlle soil sits on part of the old llradley farm where the moved after much soul searching about the gamble involved in con structing that big building the popular conception of a seed house is probably one in which pipe smoking men putter around planting and grubbing in the soli nothing could be further from tha truth thli la a mail order business special ising- in fine- seeds here parkinson law has been repeal ad or as elate te it ai humanly possible the prod uction line system is used throughout everything move from the farthest buildings into the centre or heart ef the op eration j the order office the ifn flow from mbe large bulk stores front which the other are aumutd eat down te pound the seed home mini be latu fied since the major it of growers hae been auppmnt them since 1030 withi00 dif ferent kinds of seed there sre no gimmick in this business no t n p r cent dnun and etemh to pa no credit rating check- siniph he causa there it no err lit this it strictly a cah huinr man a builnestmsn with a ftlr ful of accounts reccivahlr wi ulil turn green with em at thi- setup or mabe in this cim just his thumb u ould turn green however to make sure all par deners thumbs turn gnrn a small laboratory right on iru premises teats lh urnls fm germination and tiialit a t 1 orr and ahose guvrrnninl in 1020 the fum chemical treatment nf m ds w is jdartrd long tw fore tnosl olht r companii ttils trratmnit coul i well he compared to the unniuii i tat ion of hahics an all nipt to ensure healths growth nubi throuuh to matunt thr on complete catastro phe is the catastrophe from which we learn nothing s ilium rrm si llockihg tok part kf a debate oa caa- adiao feducatioii uat eeek and it got ua usinkiag aiot tb whole buafn im afraid we prnts doot give eaouah thought to the education ut childrtj are rtivixul and kow it fiu lhtw to nlt aocuty abd look the world in the 0 as long aa our kidj ttna home with raaaaiiia marks and their own rubber boot we r- happy to uava education tl oii adulu luajina they have tnouifb 1oumci with um motv- umtf ilu the political ty- tmii arid tha haun tysteu without taking on toucthinf as comply it the educational tys- urn and it is touiplth start a discussion about h ahd you 11 find out a jdy who u kdfrwd as a superb cook and koomak er for txapiple will ull yei flstl that tschina do4oalic uienre is sn utter wssla ol time that girl should itam it at home si hss forgottan that when tjie was married hr pirc de remtanre was tnushroom soup on toast and it toot her all morning to do the breakfast duhas snef make one bed i think domestic science is a 1 tiling uut id make some changes in the courw one thing girls should be taught is to get the top off a jar of pickles without going all feminine they give a couple of intellectual twuti at uie dilla then hand the jar to big strung huthand 1 ins ii good for his ego bad for tut blood pressure as he will invariably loae his temper sprain his wrist and wind up pounding the thing on the edge of the cupboard cursing like a 1 ossack domestic science to my mind should he a course which would not only tetch girls how to make an apron or a white sauce but how to make a happy mar riage they should he taught inter nee forebears nee pst irnce iiunce thrift and humil itv how to rui s power mower ant a itokir that monev drei no srow on trees either decid u us or coniferous w h should ihir husbands hae to spend the f rt tin srar of the mar riare poundlnj thew things into tlirm when they could icain m all in whool j mjnuat training or lhopwork is an ithrr ci ntrosenlal subject in ir miih s in ms opinion it ih mid te taught onls to those bin whose fathers has a workshop in the b lement ms da i used to turn out lovek hlrlhousea and things for me i i while i storwj bv snd egged him on with admiration of hl skill i but my ton has a father whe cant nail twa board tefettsar without making a hand sandwich of it the kid gets a d in shop- work even term and the house is f inu up with half finished v il bra ur and half laced ki v csftrs lomriiing i would definitels chuck riiht out of the tstem u religioua umirartioa it daav troya the reaped u ehtldrea far twr parents tm aa rugioaa u the bext fellow feat if i a blow te parental pride lo iut tb kida siuu ou amd find ypsi cant get through the lord prayer and kimrw fcnjy about 4 0 tb tais c6mlnaaklienta iiy prvjudue aauwt thia tur was goatirtamd last yr whn toy daughter agd 1 aje- 4 m how toy books nt the bue i could uui so help fe all i could humaur wr mal lbw uark luki and john thare was an foulest airitbew whila i grqpd auggesud jo nah vur lip eurud and 1 had u bit ahatiwac while the rld ikmta bit tnmt ceneatai to kavlakoat us a triumphaai ainodjt- one thing i would ilka to se addd t tha curriculuni la our public schools u a coarse it thlrt nd hrttrtiwrs we rpvim c1i it 5kocul lihvlou w sow thing fancy ilk that it would start by taarbing youngtar thit practically svvrylhlng they learu at hoosa b wrong at th um time thy would be taught to treat thair parents with r apart instaad tj nvruioa this as you ran se could be a dif ficult courw and would r4juir special ms to tasch it for axampla at hoiaa kidj get tha idea that a the world owu them a living and that bi the old man will supply it until the world starts to kirk through at school they would be tsught that it la a privilege m just to be alive and that thay obi the world tfeeir bt efforts ahd the old man sou 6 thing bat ter ihsn s room in a nursing home when ha cant produce an more la this court children would learn the rudiments of kindness generosity trust and tyupathy to soma eatent this would off- set the them like never gi a sucker an even break and mci guvs finufc last and don t trust nobody ind m wtvi look out for no 1 which are instilled in them by well- meaning parents girls would be taught that it takes more than a hult snd a behind to make a well roun ded woman floss would lear thst good manners are mora important in a man than good looki girls would he told that their pnmar role in life is not improving the ehersrtere of men hut hssing healthy chil dren and a good marriage hose i would get a grounding n the fundamentals ef their lifelong ri trvlng te handle wo 1 wen and children wllhottt resort to violence aafcw rvf thai w 4 t csnt find wueli wrg wltls our educations ssatern rcept that the srithmetic science and grammar are too difflru i can even do it mssr i nave discovered when help ns h homework so how can the es- rheis eipec tha psor k di do it georgetown herald publlthd by thornton nwipipart llmild tirorkttnwn on irio wllr c blhn mill nuik mum garfilld l mccilvrov ill hull 11 ml ii rinu nih lit controversial corner by ub cu thi taoov of th bouarc missili id ir mult i i ill m ill oum ippr to bo wool mil- nfrih r thr ii t irtjic uct vl tso two in im in the no tvf hr clnirvler owr th wimpon j nxt ih mrki ha proxiitct thit th itomnnt i compe lurllirr riulnui thl lanitii lk dlmo p in lrtmc rm th llo hn c nr x ixpoood i uha nir imxilr u pi u yr mr lr hjilar more thin mr dirftnholir pnyidd vvn iv llu iiiiuiui it ihrri vijf oi vfsv n it imih i rkji1 ilk iv miiti i l uulm r ii i ill hui of thu vxipoii iiul itvut jfrp- iiii inn iil pron1 i llll- 1 i m ii 111 1 hi ml l f m ii ilf 1 ion 1 111 1 1 l tut uulll asm n w 1 1 u lion ion n nl iii ol uk apt rj dill i lll no v re salnl ttie si iiftum win h eviu now s onr in whuh llu llomarc it has fai uil mmu times in seen trks m i llu i s arms tut li i faith mettry menagerie by wall dutwy nmt tht ti ehlldron bv gotw arnt you uduk vn bhould mow to m smaller puoal tor l put tn n ho i ini i in npiior sn pivijod on inl a hif bi ion dolil pr- ifir fir dvftnc 1 thirf iinifnt thu monfi in tin nil ill- to thi rvtrm tht iwlni pn to fmvr id fun is timiri rirlu comrhur iluuion tho tluiton tsi cin- t mi uunls i to put it milil il hi im orfovtust defence i irkina mepont of in tort i nfortiiniiuh ihr noniiri if ruisi uenr to ittick sorh his hi m iim1 more etfecmrly mrricvi tonmrrou it woum bo ikilllual iirapon than a in one or both of two him bj inilitari one ilibht from the minneil bomberj or bi miullei siarl nf lt deelopment pro- our llr dofenw v tho momont liam ihr nimtlo uai lnoled ii completelx in the handi ot in a hitler contrief btonicrm0o tquailrsini wlio could not the i s itmi who favoured fl hlth ennujh or flit ennlith eniuentrjuon on hi mkeller lo deal with homhort ef tho tp ruull hal in ureo supplv the tlomarc il nonoxlitont bu rationally ind oven the most optimistic would bcarcol for cut an operational bomirc in cinada in iocs than a furthor eishteen montha by thli lime on mr pearkei own admlulon manned bomhera will be ohion ete so even if we have twtk bomire iltei with a hypotheti cal coverano of mo mllei thew would be a pea on a plate aa far ai the canadian frontier la concerned and by that time they alio will be owlete the bomarc if it ever eta off the ground will only be fctftctlse talnoi bomber in other word we hae bo de a either form of kltack s now that the boner la alo r belli ground into the duiv continued b rsife vbn 4 oiiei intlircraft miile and the us llr force who wanted juppiirt for their bontirc pur ine the controvemy which rig ed over the cancellation of the airo arrow cf 105 the bomire was icaln used al a political weapon li the government im plied that the missile wouldjo some extent lake the place of the cancelled interceptor air craft the latest attempt to use this ill fated firework il- a pol itical ucapon wai in recent neuipipcr article uhlch im plied lhat the government did not unit to eincel the con- itructlijn of the quebec liunch- ins site until after a forthcom ins jc election in that area ai a subject of political battle the bomarc ha flown hlh wide and hindsome al ill- alle those la tha uunchln bey

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