Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 10, 1960, p. 2

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milton bowlets sponsor euchre party at hornby a uhiiv 4ud jriti4 prty arid un siirfur ard mi iuj by th uiltto bowl twt howu luv club w held fcl ua- of ante iu1i od ttiuis fcviun uft j vjwwr utlitli y nuwtuuf 5j wlb thy oiiitb urlb of tnasir duibt-t- on buiwirj ptu fctuiajiajt ur kttwnur ub at lb okwlle iuilmr luiuulou wo tbe wui tramajr hwil j uaj with lb binh bridge uor lun furtauj bwlu low wr lunl utd uio ui 9 liiii l bitfii jtrk wlllimwi ami old wi uoivio nojur 7li i iui low alhwl hall cvji braird u ivviwi salur tb hkt lrfa 4ji di wiui lwlv of bs rwrd b uivi i- ttlf r llifk luili ill jln b rtlniy prt 1 1 ir brhrohiiwj4i uait- loa u honw- tii ii a hijtlt ji lb ruu and jiimmji lo jk hlliutl td j ii r jwn slhc of toronto i i iiifiki u l uk do pint tmdiiijf a iiwiij i thr huiii hi ldi i of th bout i m uidi snd akioi uufdrn lu wrjl lunch 141 litadl ijf uil lb lt lli u an i lllim v v a a id ical are tk tu i1 u it inltr m- 1 in in th uppd hint to lit fur it lle hiyne of mi fcii 1 li that lug luitk trnk u lihu kt u iimui with u nitri b rs j 1 t v t ii uur t 1 n n li jiul liiii vivitor prhnt it ui t r 4 i- ilu in i ij 11rtl t io i j mi ii i p n uuk 14- hr 41i mrs r il lit tf lun lultx h ii sjnu r iir iiiul k tin h u s c ij i i i iitmmltt lit wnrnf itjki iuii ii iittiu t it it hurnt sj lutuu fimamcino of h r tl v f rig ftn i 000 lo i 00 a vr im n i b j 1 r 1 tftp bfal of o tjf j 11 t 1 j i j it 1 ho j ttfl pro hit w ii jj im it c o c t 1 tt join 1104 kjlv tj j ii r in jhpi ion ii v 11 ixtr 1 lft tor- u y k h 1crf 4 and v a i atn 1 j 000 or rnr- gale- finvt t on tlii r i r t 1 m irv fnp i tfe f ni on r m if c t n 1 of icwonl l0p al problen ui li r tf m rj localboy join in brigade celebration boyt of cbrlttun svrvuv bri n qd of tkt mapl avinut qp tilt church r calabraltng btt b wk november u 70 wllh tftcil group tivili i 1 jl ittr fillti lix- u fiat r of 1fir fcn mi t1 an irn li- tnii im sl irljn im la kn l i t im n u r i i ilkr i ii mr it- i 5jj rih f r 11 h mm ia ttr j th rm f i 1 t ii i m i 1 i v 1 1 7 m j n rj h at tin d lre com nunitj 1 li- jir i ii i 111 i tin v t h nun n 1 11 1 m jit fr ii iuj4i t rjlri li ir k 1 nbin 1 u w i 1 1 ut mm a 1 h 11 t 1 ii til unr mflr t thr b rr lukinj urt in thi suihijv tmiuiik nn ji tin rhunh un smuiiiht 11 it u huh tunr ciji it 1 in ml rt vt ill he n n to mitvuiiij in mrintm r n tin k up thi ir r ular 1 k m t tnt th hms ii ur li 1st 1 1k rin to lit ml thi pi n bium- nil lini4 nu i kih jt 7 in p in thr in vi cn4i r f ir ltll will b pn miii 1 al 1 u it h tin ni v 1111 m in r hip rmu i r jrh tutlall ti nn niu r f- r lh c miiiu m j iu t uti h u i 1 i4 iwjriu at th un 1 1 t ii rl tripp il tnlu 1 i roflrcm ulliii r ki n uld ar iniip dirk iai hnnilil limhli mliott kin i t mr hnbrrl olliu iv jp fm of hriitiin m r irr ln dp hjltilmii uti jticl a im l tiv i lim njilt kin 1 lt and abe ira tlxlr thi rr iv a reimmittt r uf four mi n ti mp r ir mr i im r mr inlnn mi pjm rtl mr i u nrr i b iv 12 1h m i f c ri bin n spmiil invitj s ii llti i n lh in hi hun i 1 f 0 hi r 1 k 1 ui if gr ups in the i s ai 1 j1j t 1 i n f ri n untric- iti cr lrain tlm ih 1 of tlr i hi it tin ir 411iiul i i n vi 1 e nun noiniinr 4 t thr ml an 1 1 iu1i x ml rl hh toilp npmi t irkv 1 ipp r r i nl s mis ins 1 hr ua pusil with th 1 1 r ih int n mi hi i sip ri rt it m h mr lull r m hum lnh ki wtn l mis i 1 llljh 1 it itir kir i n vl 11 i tb u h fi null piit church- t n ohn wlai nl i mi ir lh bn t uroiip ii itowanl nrlr ttir miiir ft mr 1 rw prnt s ml un in lh hinrf j wipplic b mr ithr i hi ml i ant mi ui rkrnil iihi mis s i an slt1 hum ii o mt u solicitors mother on r hoeie and school panel 1 1 1 in 1 i u t in i lhe ijx muliiik of 11 1111 vr m jukrtiinm 1 r cnfl j ii n4ple w 1 to 1- r n i c in him hi uuul 1 p juimj ir lutudo uo 1 tlufajj no 11 17ui iituu ttiuuji ul u pni and uhjiij- ii ki h- ii tv i t 1 ti i i i pniu it v i rli pin h s h 1 4 rt ci pen 1ih ihi fui pilnr niiion uf hn a cv i sul hi irt tl s ii ip of lutiruu sh ii nti irvattis i m s 11i1 mi mail w ii lar frisr in 1 lrl irji niav hr i 1 t vl ir tl 1 i fmn r ii miir an 1 s h ul 10 ii j n f s wl ln n frnip rr b 11 1 tllt nr fi n pr irns f p an i s hool cuun t i th lii l si rl tilh 111 1 i lh l 1 hili klpnrt in esqucsing township tablerite beef round dp kmo mucti kfrccnvg atov lo 11 ti omlv c wc kesaava turn hlcmt ro limit ouamtttial canadas hnlsr k0 ok tmt ulano mill iramdujo lhobt cut prime rib roast short rib roast m 00 lku sj r iiaaia bacon lean mince6 beef oni iojmd caf kaoi tablerfje wieners taiillklti pupi mf lmail iink sausage lb 69c lb 39c 49c lb 55c a hi arlr i fji vcy food canada tjo 1 10 1 ijjj pei potatoes 39 cjiijijum lucjilfal iiavouu bananas 10 t in i ii m rj name judges for dow r n s hii hril in iiiii i r imili hi h ilim im uill ili miki in n ul tin i it limn ur mr hi li iihhi ul llir history of religion at bahai fireside i iii ilnl ml murr l kr ul mi 4 l i luili bahajs believe in bahaullah iihl ll sk i u i n i in 1 1 r l il h illml t hv 1 lh tn a l llnu luh miishbdh r in the rollnwins ar h- w nu su iu h lumh r luhaululi the roimhr of h tht husu s th bihji world fuh tbii iji dour i upi n i drr lhan both h ji n anil i nth a iirw life is in tins a i stir nnfi uithin the oult of all minkind verily i ij this is thi- ij nr which mankind can u liuld the pice and hear thi- vmcf of the promised om tht jll of jtwl hiith btcn ruisid jnl th lljlht of hit countenance hii n lifted up unon til nun it he hoveth even man to hlot nut the trace of um idle uird from the tablet of his hi art ami ffaie with an open mind ipon the proofs of his miisiun the hevelution whith from time muniuuorial as acclaim med ob the purpose and prom lte of au the messenaero of cod hath nott cojne for our part we fullv rea liae the magnitude of tbeqe un tentantft and do not present them llifhtly tlahaullah webe- leve i the promised oinst the maiiliealation of god toour if yod would etijuj an tmuu i tlob to an evenluu diiuion would lkm foorti fnforhutinn 4 puau let u hear from juu special low cnr fares to the royal agricultural winter fair toronto nov 111 fr1iwivujuji4 oa way fai and oa hall for lha round trip far two er fhor ckri naw group economy torai- for latsgas group tow party farl fuv jorilta frtuu any jwi now by cnr lh coif 1 to low i ballar thon avtvlng jlitiil uill huirrukj ii r li ant shoj lci 1 1 ra un thr plai an i wurui oi lb nixrinnt in in ulun p ctun in an unn h tsmi p 1 i m hii was 5th line parmer ri at 11 is p in ln arm lil llnilnrinlh lli silnrda nuhli will har n nium i in iinrrk jli n tr a sr ilhss i hm k t i u will bt miss una diup ji hu dn i i lli us li v 1 1 1 luinni i luuiio mar i is i i n s uir i v ir ms tai ii irint l ih 0x n i r 2 u 1 lif in his 111 1 th lloiisr hostrsv john ollnia i imkxi it alt uiili pi nl nl laili h t m ii i su u s mi n iiiinniinutiiri i himiiii m s i it mill h tt wmn ih ihhlunon un iiih a f tu am f football press awards jl mail lrank 1 imp in m th lt william i lnr n i m i mist toronto tiulni mai milln 1 sn i ii all n hum mil si m tun pcrsnah h thi lb me ml school tip im w i i i hi p ilil miimi an i t v ill c insist uf im in m hi is f wjl j r of host m in s i u ir n un 1 tl s as j s for tht huulnr nf ttu- tjtuliin ini t t uinh n 1 fnui lloim ami school an i iun lup n lrml rntij to kim iiaihir rederailoti m ti he i iistmi n ihunh up fonl saskatihn mr v hi us in runuini mrs h v on s pt mini 1 i li ithil li m ulloiikh kidlhir mnrti n n i i ill un m iimi uki ink soils shflliiiini ns jmi finninl on lh mh inn uiuls walkm mi llu l n 1 pi n until h nun i l quihi mrs hiusun is die relnun m 11mi whin b j i r ol local s limtir nk iimi ioo1 halth until mi n u ks a j i in hvnl al jt pi a urtitn i ii- i lh hrl s ts nun proirni all lt nniilrs slir of the hteulim ih tun from ujhlt r ini fmis a i t nun prownct s uill app ur n ihuiu i of hurl nik ton ami it 11 stjk linifh to mitl ontario s 1mi nf it it i nm iii rrdiiailion in iiiuti and olh r hwn sum traildcbiiikhters t st pirt nti in tin amlu iu m r mis ii urn i irrni lt t ualit to disml aiis id i bnllpr oii of it it 3 of puss ami public thai u an ui n slrrpihi ii hit ml l liu t nit i rmiii i mimu u is con uith to latk aunit u hat i bl llo ium1 h in v j l ihh t as i u nik vis mr walkmuioii pi sis u it nvin of uu milinl nf ihe canadian hdiri ltoston l hun h at tht mrclure iinl lion hniiic ami srhwil ik b f ir riiiuril home i14 fdiih slrul i i he lartiitt voluntar uruanna im montlas october 3ut tion tn canada ami we are proud pallbearers were kix nephi ws of what ui are of our lul walter uvuon jajnei rishrr tefb our achievsfcments our uordon hulitir clavloi uiuon strennth our alma and u riiy hukai ii and spencer wil art tflad of th opportunity to inn while his former neichboril galrdi n riv h cblm ti no p no 1 tral vrje celery 2 33c s i r r juicy vaiirria cuoo sit oranges doz39c apple juice kin choicl 20 c int tomatoes goid mai xcki ye i salmon iga poyal gulil i ii coffee jid mai xkkiyt iavt 6c lilv 339 233 53 59 lytjij vaiii y lj o lim bartlett pears 1 37c liomorj i town 1 5 t t aylmor beans 2 27c yupt fcroirtllal j o i uo vegetable oil 65c i tn no monarch tea bisk 45c cod vtdat i ib i g christies saltines 35e r ii r fi i m tuil oi rl n or be i cheese slices i tv dinners 2 p n 59 pu 63 now on sole volume 9 golden book encyclopedia only 99c ph for thr i on uh v thr mi inlui ctr nuh raphs rsnii 1 1 im irmn t on up of th l dir mnrrtr a i winners uil lir annom 1 in januar hit i tnt nsi mo inl ami tlnrtt pi vjit- ill lie piecnti 1 lor uith lumh and j urnalisjii jn r njjlish rjriir mmtki si s as jihui s for nry an4 jtun s or col th ihiu rithall prr s u inls uums cruik hi rwi 1 sot miipi tilnn uhuh closr- l yuil mh pun urn hr rriiur ml untsil to un juiuin pan 1 pi off mti f r l hi uritui mtum ui re first nntnd and th nl iu ll 1 shiiikhnivsv mmit nls uill lr m ilr for the n ost i rial prisidinl of ihi liil rni cxcitinfi hiit tour fool lull pic tioin i iui of mis lull llulis tun puhtmii 1 during fmai i iliilirnl monti 1 pio nt sport mh in ami form r d nt of tin- nfnnlrral ainu ittts i asti rn tiaotlnll onfrr enci and inailien him ky cliibj mil lohn isli- wilde ion on i in of l- sthool nf lo ii nahsnl ini i i 1 1 of v rn ontario still to lie n lined are udn s picks tomatoes in november j thc ccorgcyowh hikald tliurldy nvmur 10th 1h0 rw 2 ni t ii i ii in i mill iii it 111 i i iii it llllll i i r a l iu irt in ki t 11 snmlir i ii iint izy pi ml in lh mullh mil im litui ml llio v r in p aw run nash and mcdowell piumbino and heatino willi safianan a walar sytlama repair t allaralhi tr 72842 r w yitmim canadian national arnold rathbun it pni ntalive sun ufa of canada 12 gowcr court georgetown trianola 74793 dedication and remembrance service at georgetowns new remembrance park sunday november 13th at 2 pm all cihiant an atbsd to ahand tha tarvlca which honouri ihou who dlad in two world wan and in tha koraan conflict ciiist sptakir iltgen h d graham cbk dso br id cd ugllbn members and all iiiluelid 111 olnlng lliu paisdu paradu forms on mill si in fr6nt ol logion hall at 130 p m all sotorons and organizations are invitadi thom datlroua of parading ihould raport lo farads marihal m raid be without a fuel worry all winter long call murt allison for weatherwise preneed delivery of rogers fuel oil phone day tridnge 73291 the nights i holidays triangle 74072 fuel oil comhamv limivab oil rurner5 funacs

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