Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 10, 1960, p. 6

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btjtyavt aj m rzir- bv oowotvlv ttxtvmlkm kigjit roid gtortll ul ui buiirtd in oie eoriifcr t the tk uutlr4 iu uiy rooturlu fool drowuly trying to figure ctmiuwialauug br uivkl quuiul whether i would ever l imbjubiy she lookd at tu kui to uand rct sgtio tad iuuouiicwd j knuw wuit georgia hd po shortage of labiaitutue frum wlf coiitidcir she oxtt rd tircut td ullrtl 0r4kfvl froui the iwiilj- iuak dly iiudi u luil mlowl iud otil i l wjr u round ufory our juuriirv k end i w tf irtlr the suvard liu to ucguitf much wiur regard i ottwr mriiilrk of tin- tr1111 s intf this prtsiafious child tvw wv liglelv fcutuwd at tin snelgrove exchange aw artists impr on of lv jw jlyfov eacharvja dri at hi t nij voli cwi ton llrkxticw of hta iva lu idnvg wi rlrl lout a year fo y could katr br parents tdmim uhlru kr u b a nod rirl mj it that her grandpaurnta would huttonville victoria now have dial phones modern facilities installed sunday died t ui iu oulid uw i 1 i ill t i and i legion notes by im clark iij mviif w ltll u rr id r ii sn kim fcuru and hulloiiviur ijm k th oh lt hrld faavd n or rltpehoiir rails til nr lj rtjuiianhi wl j htro stood l rjil siindjv mor vint h lr other rraftunea wnj to lit niit llir prrirfi d nudnl the manual fat i u manual fatilit m i beta tlirr t r uiralhlp utlilr otnr l llr w tlirt rn luui umr w rtjuijurwnl in in ofx r jiumi if uinnj itu irtrih t will tajkfc whifh totj irs thn mo milull uk j w mmi i 1v teirrtjti to rrcnplrfr iuutnirn th ffwiflnru f tlir mnvrr lull vtwii1 ivmikitmlity won however lhej tlir work fur pnnilini tiupli itt fcrirv hit hi pxwrliml it viit iiiir in thi rr frmn thr lunjtia hun a yr now uid i lml hi- tunn jl t hfn y dnuy krl hhi tvitwnr irm in 10fl speyside store proprietress mrs william douglas dies tlw propnetor of sprmdr tora for 23 tin ulm isrl iir doueus had bait of frianda who mourn hrr ion thiv k urt doukiji paned way oa thurwlay octotirr 27 aftr an illnrti of m momhv sh hid hoprd to rf her firt grandchild but jvij john douctai wbj born a thi da ef bcr funeral liar husband william prad tad hrr in lftm and he aurvivrd hy hrr ion trjfurd of woodhtork irr mrs j vrlhrdran or it it 4 ml a brother jck lyank of rin un ioublaj wai a faithful mrmtxt of kmu piht run rhurch acton and thr hm ft a ii uckrniir conducted ir funeral lrrvic at thr uuinlr shoemaker lunml hmr on sunday fktolwr 2q mr doiillu- j rharlrr wislrrst and a litr mi mb r hkpdcrr otjiim i o1 ji turlph lodjr mi mlu rv jlt nil d the irnire torlhri and acted as flowrr brarerv pii rwarcri wrrr nrihtmir- t iij lav rijirrtson frank hotw rtum john monrc oldir illirs hob rrt irrdy and mcnr hillv intcrmrnt un m fairiru crm try aclon to pioneer families in this ditric4 wrrc united when f urn fyank and william doujla w re mamrd at the brute fa thrrt farm in nassaitaura on april 12 1013 her parents uer the late catherine craw fnrd and john fyonk the made their home in iuitph until they purchased thr sp y side store in 1031 mr doukla u4 a contractor and hiulili r and it w mrs dougus who greeted the man customer much of the time she movi d to acton in 1020 all road el t uw nw fumembranir faxfc on sunday aft rnrwrn li it hopd thjl the nirr iiiiniii ill in fprr tentril at th hntkaiion wr uif hut l flrrflimn nuthin stwktui nn1 in the ay of a mu mwntwnship priinrimg fbiak accident inju8i hfcdsitttlah u kuiki of u inlirr fi was trrtrd i ir k a 1 ihjuijmtp after hn g kit krd la thr rokiiid it an ilrl ptr tnjilint ifiuji an r j ulo k trurk u iiuli art ut dinjt to a jj in rp rt ur kuper w walk i k um thr lrft s lr f thr ait limird hi hjinr and mat pp tr hunter ln wtrn lnnckrd i down 1 hr rk i irui k was luusnr another vrhirlr at the tniir jr kuipi r wit carry nil a ont u 41i ulnh ji kn rkrd fr in i i lii i n i un eft witlt a uiir urlni run thr lur of his riiht film to hi urlt t onlarlrd b p licr in run 1 rttion with tlir arcidrnt wai ieortfe u itlakr of toronto in rko lllot l ilrurr pi jim itimtorrow handlrd thr invest tiation auction sale 1 of plumbing electrical stock and power tools wl lu hrld ll ih ftrnm llvtlcb ibchenp i 10 h- nrl 3 in lr n irth cf luanip on on saturday november 12 ulwn we uwrsw lv train 1 p and ubttlfd twr intellni ore h auie tt jiti did his adult yueti and never inwt hvr arhedytinalijatdlh llliir ww ue uld dial ih ua as iafr a m a ur ll r owm ll fur church trvellm 1 or al f lm k l t r a ml tu j haukhtilj tlat kid slolf i taltlrd niirlf jn thr n in i lie oppoiitr lurs and listenrd to her sure little scprno i it mi jsi k thr kmfr f stresses importance of college trained farmer uilb a jpcluuiij farm opj buon arm oktjjito 4r tiu utktinu tkait collide training for rural younf people u iuuti un pwlnt thin evr ufort at ui print tune the p riuje of rurjl ptoplf liojin to collide is fr u low ijijl of urujij coin iiiuniljri 1 llu- hi b tot of tducjtcn pit veolini formal ed utjuoi fur rurj iji pit arv liuultii nrvcts diqute jn drrrun rurjl p unit t for ma rdiiwlion on ovmuf ut sjtitl ifnii it- 1 j furuu u rtn im tli iu p rtjr i jut j i i ji jiu i il iij id lijkr v it n uirt ur t 1 f on iiiuniu si ilt v tuvt r ih ui svuu hf ui n 1 hm f iv rrl rtj r i tor of tin t uuj t duxli t u v j lu nujt i i i r stiuslwri ii i ill i tr fj i ii i avhifit rtrlutil rvri iv ron nfnt isl that tud writlrn 1 tu n the suddrn ai mi e and the st ii ihr ur to i perkrd i aiw georifu stuniird nt once during the entiir 24 hour journey she had lonjf blond r 11 hair and brr ninlhrr tiad fam enrd t in a pony tajl and told her tu leave it that way unul hrr fcjraotinythrr could romh it out fur her hut the rlavtn broke and rmii i r risi to fliiurr out li w she tootd cun s r if hr lli hrl uirl rinf ft uir p rler shr bail m mnl that ih f mtrv rj onbdrnt f prirr r ild nuke tv ut r p w- cur rd up in a hv r citub a ittlr rl s ih tit lu ar d sj ml rar writ hair t ttjeamin duia rberh i lit lr iriiiljinit a a t ii ly m air all al 1r n itt tit n ouria i kli hrr iuii tanned is nulhini so rral tr tuddrn 1 r an i rntirely v ir im n res frighten in ml adult i am um he roud have ttto ly 1 fjjnr iu hn rntuf tn rjia fitnshrd out hrr tup m irkl d at the f t of m tird whilr i tnrd to tikr a nap shr sang she 11 in nun round thr mountain i hd heard her parents call when she comes for two solid he by name o i kjid quietly hours or watrhrd for cows iv urttta h w would ou ilk m whlrh she said pro to ujji ur faio and hands in nolirilrl ram iv prounom my bjun- i d do t realue it lra l tjm hrr parents net d at the time but tins wai liter nrvtr worry about this youn allj aainjt for onr of the most travrllrr iuurnring alone for iiilrrrlinic and eihauillnf ei lir ht r aptituda for mak perirncr i rvrr had liu fnrndv and the solirtludi the sliiiiv iter biin famin a attrnt on of the ml crew ate gr tmi shr would till h wa indteh as safe as it a movt brimful and then irr ihougii ihe had been in church to htfura out why it didn t need a plug to keep the water from niim ng out tthrn shr tired words op thi wisi of tht hr man pulatrd the hu pedal on the toilet in w c 8 eitigi ed the ivutche for the rned by god or they condemn tilill pushed the air condlt themselves to b ruled by ty and open rnts of rtxil air the dit that sum the at 1 pjti porter wr to 2 t oh ul 41 lit ut niltraiu r suppf r iiunnt r ritta i ni ami ktunj to tw m hi one sniiu lll tar prven sprak o thf iumii ill tar km it smith ol hi th nf w n h itn lulu n and o her diuntanes oi n ny ll l- hoasd ihat there will tar a large num in r of peopli out on sunda ixit b je ftar a tfoiad sunn dav to hijae for a warm one it protuhlx too nnirh to esjaect tmit b t hope an av 1 tlr kid hockev serins to tw atlrartini een larger crowds and more enthusiasts this rir than ever before iet s hope that it continue- through the eion ijm stiintav wi itippv iv ami u a cold dav loutrr as luual there was a gtkul force out to ukr pan and hi lp the t haiinun mr 4rn vt miles of wire at snelgrove humdmds of miles of wire and much complicated equip- menf similar to tfies was im tailed by rh ba1 toleplvona company in preparation for the introduction of dial tervloa uu sunday rnorning ii alvan rtl p pr s bv 1 ft lonx j fcjjvai iia1 pir v hi fte iot4 ju pcir of hlj k pipe 11 ft long pije v ie p pr ttenilt i pip tin j i er fnun to i rr him r 2 twt fiml pipe wt in hr- n 3 faf pip wnru li nc aiet enr weld nc outfit w h lo lorthe vttkling nnls 54 fkt coinet tubing cupling warr tap on im elbttah mjiplis sex of vjlt nu ii ru s ms rundihl pipe m uiiil rods knd stttl odds and ends of electric wiring jv let of armoured cable new and used j electric rwitchc and receptacle i 1 hoses panel bi switch botrs i vajiottt sin- ejisctrnian a fish hine cjnall air coniprewr craftaafnan 3 ft wood lathe beaver drill press with l hp motor leaer table saw wth j hp inotrtr heaver hand aaw withj l hp m itnr jig saw victorv power emer skate iharpener small elrctnc grinder with chutk wtmklen tahje aaw hand operatetl gnmlstone water grindstone 2 hrnv tlut el i ectnc drills lone u new hea y dut tander aeveral l hp i motor uolf drill v belt pullevs vjriou siwa apnrt and imh for ple climbing elct trie vibrator comtdnalloii smith nnmi atttling machine and cjvh bos like new ft k jh of 2h nalb 2 kegs of 3 naili 2 kegs of 4 spikes 2 keg of wallbojrd nails l- s rolls of mow fen ring m ft lengths new jwo roll of mow fencing 100 ft iwigths uifsd and biamfcroua othr article term caa on day of tale herb m reinhart auctlaar talafaetana aca ctwu 414 knob cl unt 1 she was sat adjusted thr ftovi just rmht f ns covt red th butt mom lha portrr mismt said whm he arrived hi r butt that tht re the panic button if uu lot k vour rlf in tomirht just vou presv tlul button and jakr w ii come and trll ou how to open jour l or 1 hooh i was urr this child hd enough nimmiui sene to flkinr out h w to r lease the pat nt lock on the inside of the r tomette dour i thought per hips it would br a brtter idea for her to sl t p with me it mini lt s wire ntvir in trtidi d to oi rp tun people ui vtaited out shoublrr to vhouldir hattiok like a nupir shr told nie about ht r new bjtiv sister her tpothrr s second marriage her wonderful new dadd her bo fnrntll and w h shr likett one better than the othir i would doie off only to br startled into full consciousness at a turn in her conversation ll was enlightening to sa the least it morning grurua bad a hrad lock on m throjl hrr two wirj legi wound around my neck and her arms hugging the onlv pillow with possessive pn oritv she u js sprawrd over two thuds of hr hed 1 wall william ienn conciltl okavil tuudifjo sand load gravel fill fsf tof soil stone work tom haines cuit william t jjsoi rosedale floral flowers for all occasions wi0dino airanoements cortaoai a spaclally cut flowers and funeral denqnt 31 albart tr 73m3 wa wire flowart new w00djine laci bush starting marulay hav ulh 190 llavt at ll05 an standard tima tictct and information at corner cupboard restaurant mum tr- 730s1 ntiiritnitiininit3tiiqiqitiinqniqhelcii3j printing of distinction we can supply you with your printing requirements fast service reasonable prices m letterheads envelopes e statements ruled forms if it is printed posters e tickets m folders m invitations we can do itl an t rur j i h hi diil m w th i in th lrn j r g t it colli r ir it il froin sir t ana la iirni til t in ir rnm thr nttxl ur f n is r tl s u d nt a stai t nd f m i vtl iu but v i tin r u ais ail r ln h advrri sr in thr iifhai i 3cabs3 baoio touipped beliable drivers glen taxi opiiilm by jim 6n tarvlca cary day tmludlng sunday tr 72432 turn signals windshield washers heater factory undercoattno foam ruriuer seats fiat distributed by the georgetown herald i chmspr ma veal thr oaotairown hrruaua woj n loth l0 reconditioned guaranteed television wig0 young radiant you perfectly styled for november cf j i vtril rr d ivy isli i in it pace if v jora i q tjyt oi so i aid dm yc f a i 1 1 l ui fj ve t ti at r r t n t- a i a i- o btj j you j a i i taii um in f ji r f dcx pfijchbistmas sfhcial perm 550 deltex beauty lounge karen and marii opan evening en tueidy and friday phonl tor appoin1wini ib i 3j26 wait no longer a century of printing service tr 72201 22 main st free estimates j l31iia51l51imrarnrri motor sales g60ro6town good aluminum windows backed by a dependable firm seal of good housekeeping only uinttr scil alummuiit windows mid u n bjckfsd 1 ltjvcr 1 umt arc tnr the srjl raittf of tttmd iioiim kn junn a douhli guar f j m an tec to ou of mtlsfaiitum and strvicc 1 7 j anvonr can vis tht if prodmt is the j hcbt tu imiicm it but would hkevou iomc for olinu just lrow uood inttaltad 3195 winter stal aluminum window are in furl sjivlng insulation quaht construe- opening aliei up tion coniniuico and strength thr to 100 two arc rcalk built for a hoimtimc you can light douhi liital tht m ourself or ur will install hung window them for vou in cither case the price complote includ nvcr fluctuate it rrmains reason ing atorm and able and fnr without misleading satra aerrcn inieru ginimickh st pages 2fl and 2u in the over 100 arwr header catalogue up to im s31h as low as 9 a mth nothing down r1 door selection wfa inter sul offers the complete range k of aluminum doors from 432 05 up to qi the full jalousie at 4 05 the quilit j and construction la excellent in ewrj cum only the ttylei change irutallad 4295 dependable quality service ii water strrtt ts 74134 4

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